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4 Signs You've Found a Kindred Spirit, Not a Soulmate

4 Signs You've Found a Kindred Spirit, Not a Soulmate

Spirituality exists beyond words — to a dimension where language can only hint at deeper truths. Any words used to attempt to describe or explain it will always be poor translations because words often fall short when describing spiritual experiences. It's like trying to capture the ocean's vastness in a photograph. It might show its surface but there's no replacement for the direct experience of reality.RELATED: The Psychology and Spirituality Causes Of An Identity CrisisOn Defining Spiritual ConnectionsThroughout history, people have tried to capture extraordinary experiences and spiritual connections through language. Terms like soulmates, twin flames, and kindred spirits attempt to describe these non-ordinary bonds. Yet these labels are merely signposts that point to something mysterious and won't fully capture it.When defining relationships, what’s most important is your primary experience — what your intuition and instinct tell you. So trust your gut as we explore the concept of kindred spirits, and how they differ from other types of relationships.What Is a Kindred Spirit?According to Cambridge Dictionary a kindred spirit is “a person who has the same opinions, feelings, and interests as you.” Its origin is unclear, but the structure of the word makes sense — kin means family. So it’s a safe bet to assume the word originated to describe a family not connected by blood but connected in spirit. Whether this was an attempt to literally attempt to define spiritual connections or a phrase used as more of a metaphor, is unclear.Typically, a kindred spirit is someone you have some type of instant connection with, and life will usually have a way of introducing you to the context of your similarities and shared quirks. Upon mapping this spiritual terrain, some people have categorized kindred spirits in contrast to other types of fated connections, including soulmates and twin flames.Kindred Spirits, Soulmates, and Twin FlamesKeeping the use of language in mind, all of these definitions aren’t clear facts, but interpretations. To their credit, these definitions have lasted the test of time, as enough people have found them relatable to their experience. As we go through the different definitions, consider how this relates to relationships you’ve experienced. You’ll likely get an intuitive sense of what these labels are pointing to.Unlike kindred spirits, whose relationships are usually friction-free and based in similarities, soulmates are relationships that are centered around spiritual growth. They are typically karmic relationships that are “designed” to teach. Their dynamics are usually catalytic, and although some soulmate connections can be fairly conflict free, many will have moments of conflict.RELATED: How To Apply The Seven Spiritual Laws of SuccessThe metaphysical idea behind this is that the soul, before incarnating, makes certain karmic agreements in terms of what lessons must be learned throughout an individual lifetime. This worldview incorporates the spiritual dimension as an invisible guiding force that allows for these opportunities to arise. A person can have many soulmates (sometimes called a soul tribe), and they can come in the form of many dynamics, including family, friends, colleagues, or mentors.Twin flames are soulmates on steroids. Each person has only one twin flame, said to be one soul separated into two. Also with deep karmic lessons to process and heal, many soulmates' relationships are high intensity, with a level of illumination that means it’s not easy to escape limitations or unhealed wounds in the presence of their other half. Words of warning, though, that sometimes twin flame relationships can be confused for trauma bonds.The Role Kindred Spirits PlaySo what’s the purpose of a kindred spirit? Bring to mind a relationship you feel could meet this definition. What does it mean to you? What does it offer? Kindred spirits are opportunities for connection. It’s easier to form a relationship with someone you hit it off with immediately. It gives you a whole host of topics to discuss, or hobbies to enjoy together. That can lead to trust being built over a short period. But another element of kindred spirits is often overlooked.Because kindred spirits are like-minded, these dynamics are opportunities to develop deeper levels of self-compassion and self-acceptance. Why? It’s often much easier to see the finer qualities in other people and fail to see them in ourselves. We might feel unlovable or different from others, with a subtle but limiting sense of separation. Meet someone who has the same interests, and in seeing them for who they are, you end up seeing yourself.That person and the mutual deep understanding of the relationship allows you to be more authentically you. They can empower you to move deeper into the things that give you a sense of inspiration and excitement, which comes with its own sense of adventure and aliveness. It can offer an outlet where you can share openly and freely, without risk of judgment. All of which is a huge boost to self-esteem. Signs You’ve Found Your Kindred SpiritBy now, you’ll likely have a clear idea of what these types of relationships are, and what they have to offer. But how can you tell if someone is your kindred spirit? Below are the common signs that will give you a good indication.1. The Instant Connection Is Like A SmileWhat do I mean, the connection is like a smile? With a kindred spirit, the connection has a quality of playfulness and lightness to it. In Buddhism, there’s a practice known as the inner smile. It involves visualizing a smile in your heart as you go about the world, to cultivate compassion and kindness. The instant connection with a kindred spirit feels similar. You may be compelled to literally smile as you suddenly realize: that this is my type of person.In contrast, while a soulmate meeting can be light, it covers a whole host of contexts, some of them more emotionally challenging; hence the warning of trauma bonding. 2. You Meet In Circumstances That Quickly Show Your SimilaritiesThere’s no slow burn with kindred spirits. No gradual reveal. It’s apparent, often immediately, that there is a shared connection, and life has its way of showing you this. For example, it could be that you’re in a situation where you feel slightly left out, or disconnected. Maybe you feel anxious in a new social situation, or you’re at a workshop and struggling with one of the exercises. Then along comes someone who, at a glance, understands what you’re going through, because they are too.Again, to contrast this, because soulmates are karmically intertwined, it’s common to initially feel repelled or triggered by their appearance. Usually, this is because what their energy, behavior, or viewpoint is showing you is a part of yourself you’ve rejected or denied, that has to be re-integrated through the soulmate relationship.3. Harmony Will Depend on Self-Awareness and Self-AcceptanceTo a much lesser extent than twin flames, kindred spirits are still intertwined with the spiritual dimension, which in its essence is designed for individual flourishing and growth. That does mean that it will require an element of self-awareness and self-acceptance to find harmony, even if the relationship is lighthearted. This is hidden in the concept of two people being too similar.Because kindred spirits are very similar, if they represent certain traits that “clash” with your own, it’ll cause a lack of harmony. For example, if you can both be stubborn, there’s a chance that stubbornness, at some point, will create a barrier to the relationship's flourishing. If you both use humor to lighten moments, even when inappropriate, you may experience your kindred spirit making a joke when you don’t feel like it. See the pattern?When exploring what behaviors you like or dislike with your kindred spirit, you’ll reveal what qualities you wish to cultivate or avoid within yourself. Keep in mind that no person is perfect, and no relationship is free from the usual challenges. Even a kindred spirit will occasionally annoy you or make mistakes.4. They Become a Sounding BoardNo matter how the relationship dynamic plays out, though, a kindred spirit will always be someone you can deeply trust. That means that they will likely become someone you can use as a sounding board, someone to share life’s struggles with or get a gut check when in a difficult situation. That doesn’t apply to all situations, but if you tune into your intuition, you’ll get a sense of the times when your kindred spirit will be the ideal person to talk to.It’s important to have diversity within social connections. Using people with different backgrounds and perspectives as a sounding board is always worthwhile, as long as you remain discerning. But the benefit of a kindred spirit is that they will have a deep understanding of your tendencies, and will be able to relate fully to your experience.As a result, they’ll become powerful allies on the path. Not only the spiritual path. But the path of learning to be fully human.KEEP READING Twin Flame Meaning: The Signs You’ve Found Your Spiritual Mirror

The Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing 222 and Its Significance in Love and Life

The Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing 222 and Its Significance in Love and Life

Pattern detection is at the heart of human consciousness. Ancient civilizations would notice patterns in the night sky, and base their prophecies and predictions on constellations. The human brain is designed to detect patterns, to makes sense of huge inputs of data. In psychology, pattern detection is essential for overcoming limiting habits or distortions in thinking.RELATED: Is Astrology Really Useful For Self-Development?When it comes to spirituality, pattern detection takes on a different flavor. Themes seem to unfold in ways that defy belief, linked by meaning, in what famous psychoanalyst Carl Jung called synchronicity. No form of pattern detection is more common that noticing the repetition of numbers in your environment.Is it all random luck, or is there more behind it? If you keep seeing the same numbers, over and over, it’s likely there’s a message to decode. In numerology, the study of the spiritual significance of numbers, different numbers are said to contain different meanings. In this article, we’ll place our attention on the numerical pattern of 222. If you’ve seen this number appearing regularly in your life, read on to understand why.Universal Meaning and the Reality ShiftBefore diving into the meaning of 222, let’s explore a valid question: is it all a coincidence, or is there truly a deeper meaning? Answering this question requires a wide perspective on the nature of reality itself. For hundreds of years, the predominant model of science has been materialism — a conventional mode of physics (popularized by Isaac Newton) that states that physical reality is all there is. That means all experiences of your subjective reality, to love, your sense of self, to emotions, are all byproducts of a material foundation.However, the field of science is expanding, because there are many issues with this model. It’s narrow and limited and doesn’t account for a wide range of human experiences. Within the field of science, this is known as post-materialism. Theories are far-reaching as to what the foundation of reality is, if not material, with many leading thinkers believing that foundation to be consciousness itself.Noticing numerical patterns, as noted above, is a form of synchronicity. Carl Jung used this term to explain events that are linked by meaning, not cause and effect. That means two events, such as a dream and words in a book you decide to read instinctively the next day, can be linked. In other words, mind and matter aren’t separate, but interconnected, and influence each other. With this shift in reality, suddenly, numerology takes on a more powerful meaning.Numerology and the Meaning of 222“There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres.” PythagorasThose who support numerology claim that numbers contain inherent meaning, as if they have their own form of intelligence. The origin of numerology dates back to the 6th century BCE, and the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, one of the early pioneers of modern mathematics. Pythagoras was a polymath who was gifted in fields including astrology, geometry, and music, which explains why he pieced together numbers and meaning. He saw numbers not as human creations, but divine and encoded into the fabric of reality.RELATED: Crystals For Love: Understand How To Use Them, Their Meanings And ImpactsThat’s why many people see numerology as a system of guidance. Their appearance is linked to the concept of angel numbers, guardian angels, spirit guides, or the inner self. Whatever the source, seeing patterns of numbers appear in your reality — for example on the clock, on a receipt, or on a license registration of a car driving down the street — is a message to pay attention.From the beginning, the number 2 has been viewed in a number of ways. It’s linked with femininity (whilst number 3 is linked to masculinity), not as gender, but as an energetic principle. It’s also linked to duality (think yin and yang), and union (the joining of two individuals into one), with its shadow being conflict.Angel Numbers and NumerologyThere’s also a powerful meaning behind multiple digits. Three digits in a row are known as angel numbers, as they’re believed to be messages from “spiritual” dimensions. There’s a practical side to the power of triple digits, too — they simply are less likely to occur by chance. If your favorite number is 7, you’ll likely see the number throughout the day in all different locations. But how often do you see 777?Because of their rarity, these triple digits get our attention. They jolt us from whatever sense of autopilot we’re engaged in and remind us to look deeper, beyond the surface. Perhaps that’s why they’re known as angel numbers, because they have a “waking up” quality to them. Many people feel reassured when they see angel numbers. They have a tendency to appear when feeling out of alignment or going through a difficult time, as a reminder that everything will be okay. Their presence is often soothing or inspiring, appearing when you need them the most, and guiding you along the right path.In numerology, triple digits are believed to be supercharged. Whatever meaning a single digit has alone, is amplified when appearing in a set of three. Returning to the theme of 2, 222 is an indication of balance, union, conflict, and duality. But what’s the deeper spiritual meaning of seeing 222?What Does It Mean If I Keep Seeing 222?Angel numbers have multiple meanings. Sometimes they may be reassuring and remind you to have faith, a type of positive energy to support you when you’re down. At others, they act as reminders to nudge you along the right path. And, they can also act as prophecies for what’s to come. When these meanings are amplified, seeing 222 repeatedly could be a sign that your life is in need of greater balance. That may be practical, such as in your work or family life, or in how you view the world, such as overcoming dualistic thinking (black vs. white, good vs. evil).As a prophecy, because the number 2 is linked with union, some people believe seeing 222 is an indication you’re about to meet a soulmate or twin flame. In other words, it appears as an indicator of love.What’s important to keep in mind is if you keep seeing 222 is that the meaning is, ultimately, personal to you. The nature of numerology is that it operates as guidance, with some believing the appearance of triple digits to be orchestrated by your higher self. To understand the meaning of 222, trust your intuition. Allow the appearance of numbers to grab your attention, and explore the deeper meaning within yourself.How To Use 222 For Spiritual GrowthMaking the most of the appearance of angel numbers requires open-mindedness and receptivity to your reality. That involves spotting the numbers themselves, and in exploring what those numbers might mean. Try not to jump to any conclusions — if the number 222 has a message for you, it will arise naturally with some gentle inquiry. If you have to work too hard, it may not be time to work everything out. Surrendering what you don’t know is just as important as gaining knowledge.There are some exercises you can try to harness the power of 222’s positive energy, though. Because of its theme of balance, you can take an assessment of your life, and how you’re investing your time and energy. You may ask yourself:Are areas of my life in balance? Where am I putting in too much effort? What areas could benefit from extra attention?You may also have a challenge you’re currently facing that is asking you to find a balance. Remember, balance in spiritual terms isn’t a case of an exact, 50/50 match, but finding a healthy balance in a way that works for you. You may consider:What challenges am I currently facing in my life?How can I find greater balance?What are the signs of being out of balance?Balance is the Result of Understanding ExtremesIt always pays to know what the “extremes” are in any situation. For example, let’s say you’re trying to find a balance between time for yourself, and time socializing and seeing friends. One extreme would be to exist in solitude, never seeing anyone, and spending all of your time in your own company. The other would be never spending time alone, and always having other people around.Balancing this example is trial and error and means finding the perfect match between time alone and social. It’s unlikely this will be fixed, but remains an ongoing process.In terms of spiritual growth, balance is often the eternal juggling act between inner work and outer environment. In other words, knowing when to change your perspective in terms of mindset, and knowing when to change your environment. When facing a challenge like this, keep your eyes open — 222 may surface as you work through. Pay close attention to how you feel when it does. A positive feeling will act as affirmation. A negative feeling will act as a sign that there’s more work to be done.KEEP READING: The Psychology and Spirituality Causes Of An Identity Crisis

Signs Of A Karmic Relationship, And How to Use One For Spiritual Growth

Signs Of A Karmic Relationship, And How to Use One For Spiritual Growth

Human relationships are largely mysterious. You might be able to point out certain traits you like in your friends, shared values, or why you enjoy the way they make you feel. But there’s a certain “something,” an invisible glue, that allows for some relationships to blossom, and others to stagnate. Two people could have identical traits, but one could become a close friend, the other, an acquaintance you enjoy talking to, but don’t develop a deeper relationship with.RELATED: Intimacy vs. Isolation: The Most Important Balancing Act of Adult DevelopmentWhen viewed with a certain perspective on life — you could call a growth mindset or, if more spiritually inclined, that life constantly offers you opportunities to learn and grow — relationships take on a new dimension. They’re opportunities to learn and grow. And no relationship offers a greater opportunity than a karmic relationship.What is a Karmic Relationship?Karma is a Sanskrit word that originates from eastern religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism. It usually refers to the cycle of birth and death, where a person’s “karma” is dictated by the actions and decisions they make through life, or a past life. As a cultural term in the West, typically, karma is linked to cause and effect and often said lightheartedly. If something good or bad happens, it’s the result of an earlier action.When life is viewed as an opportunity for spiritual growth, or personal development, karma is the curriculum. It sets out the patterns and themes that are at the deepest core of your being. Karmic relationships, then, are relationships that “act out” these lessons, in order for each person involved to integrate, understand, and move beyond certain patterns of behavior.RELATED: Avoidant Attachment Style: How to Identify and Overcome A Fear of IntimacyKeep in mind, this is a framework or philosophy that explains common experiences in relationships. The further into spiritual or esoteric movements you go, the harder to prove with our conventional models of logic or objective observation. Proving whether or not the concept is “true” is less important than viewing relationships as opportunities for learning and personal growth.Misconceptions About Karmic RelationshipsThere are misconceptions to clear up before we continue. The first is that karmic relationships are always romantic. Not all soul mate relationships contain a sexual quality. That’s not the case. Anyone in your life who has a particular draw, someone you feel magnetized to, or experience rapid growth around, may qualify as a karmic relationship. The common idea of a passionate and turbulent romance does fit the criteria of karmic relationship, although they’re much more broad.Alan Watts’ explanation of karma rectifies common misconceptions and highlights its nuances. The eccentric philosopher explained that it is not the commonly understood Westernized version of “cause and effect,” but is much more complex. He says the “devil of omnipotence” comes from believing the ego invites karmic experiences when in truth, karma is beyond conscious control. Watts warns:“If you think, then, that everything that happens to everybody is what they really want to happen, then you can absolve yourself from any qualms about being unkind to someone, because you could say, ‘Well, the unkindness I did you is what you really wanted, wasn’t it?’”In their nature, karmic relationships are challenging and sometimes emotionally exhausting, because they reflect core wounds or powerful limitations. They can be mostly positive, or negative, depending on the dynamic. But abuse of any kind — be it physical, emotional, sexual, or spiritual — is never tolerable. It’s important to avoid the temptation of normalizing this type of behavior as a “learning opportunity,” or victims as complicit or responsible for these experiences.Signs You’re in a Karmic RelationshipThe best approach for spiritual growth is to view all relationships as teaching opportunities. As Zen Buddhist teacher Shunryu Suzuki said: “When you forget all your dualistic ideas, everything becomes your teacher, and everything can be the object of worship.” No person, or even animal, is unable to reflect and teach valuable life lessons. However, karmic relationships are particularly catalytic. Signs you’re in this type of relationship include:1. You have an instant connectionWithin the mystery of human relationships is also the mystery of why you are immediately drawn to certain people, and not others. A big sign of a karmic relationship is feeling an ineffable pull, or attraction, as if it’s intuitively clear early on that this relationship has something valuable to offer. Theories as to why this is will depend on a person’s worldview, but what’s important is noticing this instant connection.Be cautious, however, of the role of psychological projection in this type of relationship. In an intense and instant connection, whether with a potential lover, friend, mentor, or guru, there’s a very high likelihood that there is an emotional or psychological “hook” that needs to be looked at.2. You experience intense emotions or ‘triggers’If a relationship is designed to allow you to witness parts of yourself, it stands to reason that the relationship will surface deep emotions. Karmic relationships can “ignite” what feel like lost parts of the self, and for many, this experience is often conflated with falling in love. You may experience strong emotions such as awe, excitement, or even anger, resentment, or frustration. If you find someone particularly triggering, it’s likely because they’re reflecting something that is unseen in your psychological makeup.3. You experience a push-pull dynamicThere’s an intriguing dynamic in karmic relationships, where people may feel equally fascinated and repelled. One on hand they may experience a strong pull to the relationship, as their deeper intuition understands the value on offer. On the other hand, the fear of witnessing lost parts of the self, or resistance to doing challenging emotional work, may create a sense of fear. That can create a push-pull dynamic, where either or both people move close to each other and then create distance when things become too intense.4. You act in ways that “aren’t yourself”Over years of adjusting to meet the needs of caregivers, or peers, everyone suppresses parts of themselves to various degrees, consigning them to the shadow. The nature of the shadow, as highlighted by Carl Jung, is that it remains unconscious, although it surfaces in indirect ways. A big sign of a karmic relationship is acting in a way that “isn’t how you’d usually act.” This is usually a sign that suppressed parts of the shadow are surfacing, and are asking to be integrated.A word of warning, however. This process can be exploited by people who claim that certain responses are part of an integration process, in a way that justifies abusive behavior. If you find yourself becoming incredibly angry about what you perceive as harmful behavior, it could be that the behavior isn’t okay, and your anger is justified. Trust your gut.How to Use a Karmic Relationship for Spiritual GrowthKarmic relationships thrive on accountability and the willingness to explore what your life experiences are here to teach. This requires curiosity and open-mindedness because the conventional model of reality would say that what happens to us is random, and that we choose meaning. Whether you agree with the philosophy of this type of growth isn’t too important. You can still make great strides in your progress if you shift your mindset, and allow for the possibility that all relationships have something to teach.So how do you use karmic relationships for spiritual or personal growth? Below are a number of steps to make sure the lessons presented to you are identified, understood, and integrated.1. Notice common patternsThe first step in a karmic lesson is to detect patterns. That could be patterns in behavior, emotions, thoughts, or a particular dynamic. Your approach and mindset towards this makes all the difference. The human brain is exceptionally gifted at pattern detection, but it’s easy to create links between things that aren’t accurate. Finding balance with this requires an approach of openness. The pattern itself is interpreted, rather than a pre-existing belief being verified or unverified. To highlight the difference between the two, let’s say you have a belief your partner is untrustworthy. If you developed this belief based on trauma from childhood, you may enter a state of vigilance and attempt to “find clues” that prove this belief. Like a detective, however, it’s crucial to remain as objective as possible when noticing or interpreting patterns.Keep the focus on yourself. Is there a pattern that surfaces in multiple relationships? Does the dynamic playing out in your karmic relationships remind you of a relationship from childhood? These are all indications of a karmic pattern at play. Always remain conscious of your own psychological becoming entangled in any conclusions you arrive at.2. Deconstruct the mechanics of the patternOnce you’ve spotted a pattern, the next step is to increase your understanding. What are the finer attributes of this pattern? Take the example of people pleasing. You may identify a pattern of guilt in certain relationships. As you deconstruct this inner dynamic of people pleasing to avoid guilt, you may see how it all links together. When you feel you upset someone, you feel guilty, and then adjust your behavior in order to avoid the person feeling upset.Applied to a karmic relationship, you may notice that the person you’re in relationship with has certain guilt-tripping tendencies. This is a prime example of a karmic relationship, where two people come together because of compatible distortions or psychological defenses. Part of the process is to communicate, maturely and gently, if you perceive someone else’s behavior fuelling your own, as well as taking full responsibility for your role.3. Consider ways you can behave differentlyThe opportunity for growth in karmic relationships comes from the way in which you navigate the lessons it reflects to you. Again, karmic relationships tend to bring people together who can mutually benefit from unhelpful or unhealthy dynamics being exposed, seen, and understood. It’s not always the case that two people work together on tackling such issues — you may have to do it alone — but the rewards of those dynamics are huge. The most common form of this is a twin flame relationship.Continuing with the example of people pleasing, you may start to understand the impact this has on your life. Perhaps you suppress your true desires or needs. Perhaps you feel restricted or frustrated at always adjusting to appease others. At the other extreme, you may also consider what the rewards would be if you didn’t act in this way. Perhaps you would feel more fulfilled, more authentic, and live life on your terms. Perhaps you’d even benefit from more authentic relationships, based not on appeasement but mutual trust and compromise.4. Practice, practice, practiceThere’s a common misconception that the insight is the change. In truth, the insight is just the beginning of change. The real work is noticing whenever you fall into old habits, or follow the usual path of behavior, and then choose differently. The real work is noticing when feeling guilty, noticing when someone is exploiting that guilt, and instead choosing not to act from that feeling of guilt, but instead communicate truthfully about how you feel.Karmic relationships don’t come with a set timespan or obligation. Often, the lessons are learned through the relationship ending, although that doesn’t have to be the case if two people are committed to change. The “lesson” on offer never looks the same, either. Sometimes the lesson may be in setting boundaries and expressing what behavior isn’t tolerable. Sometimes the lesson may be having the courage to walk away from a dynamic that isn’t good for you.KEEP READINGA Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras and their Meanings

Third Eye Chakra: How to Open Your 3rd Eye
Spiritual Health

Third Eye Chakra: How to Open Your 3rd Eye

Imagination is often overlooked as a form of intelligence, at least when compared to rationality or logical thinking. It’s easy to confine imagination to ideas of fiction, storytelling, or daydreaming. Yet imagination is a defining quality of civilization, with the mind’s eye a key factor distinguishing humans from apes.In his brief overview of the history of humankind, Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari highlights the role in which imagination helps people work towards common goals that would otherwise be impossible. “Any large-scale human cooperation—whether a modern state, a medieval church, an ancient city, or an archaic tribe—is rooted in common myths that exist only in people’s collective imagination,” he writes.Carl Jung called the imagination “a concentrated extract of all the forces of life,” highlighting its insurmountable power in translating deep psychological processes in the form of dreams and symbols. And Einstein famously advocated imagination over knowledge, as it embraces the entire world.When it comes to understanding the imagination, the chakra system offers a useful map. Within the seven chakras — the psychic energy centers of the subtle body — the sixth chakra, called the third eye chakra, is the seat of the mind’s eye and psychic abilities.What are the seven major chakras?The seven major chakras include: Root Chakra (Muladhara) represents your central foundation.Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) is associated with sexual energy and reproductive health. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): is responsible for “gut feeling.” Heart Chakra (Anahata): is most strongly associated with unconditional love and self love. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): is associated with communication skills Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna): is the center of imagination, visualization, intuition, and creativity.Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): is associated with higher consciousness and the connection to a higher power.What is the third eye chakra?The third eye chakra, or ajna chakra in Sanskrit, is the center of imagination, visualization, intuition, and creativity. It’s located between the eyebrows and is represented as a deep indigo color. The third eye chakra symbol is the ajna, which is an OM positioned over an inverted triangle, seated within a circle between two lotus petals.The third eye chakra is of high importance in ancient traditions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, with references also found in Western traditions, including Christianity and many mystical schools. (Copyright by Siripong Kaewla-iad / Getty)The third eye chakra is said to be a portal into higher states of consciousness and a way to access different dimensions of reality. Although long-assumed metaphorical, the third eye chakra correlates to the pineal gland within the brain. Curiously, scientific exploration has discovered that the pineal gland consists of photoreceptor cells, similar to the retina, and are able to “perceive” light. Even curiousiour, the pineal gland is responsible for releasing DMT into the body’s system during a near-death experience. Rick Strassman, who has spent decades researching DMT, calls it the spirit molecule due to its consistent effect of inducing spiritual experiences. “Perhaps the life-force of a human enters the fetus at forty-nine days through the pineal,” he notes. “And it may leave the body, at death, through the pineal. This coming and going would be marked by the release of DMT by the pineal, meditating awareness of these awesome events.”The third eye chakra’s images are linked to both insight and clear perception. Activating the third eye is a process of seeing beyond the ordinary senses into deeper, more subtle dimensions of a kind of spiritual awareness beyond the physical world. Unlocking its power unleashes the mind’s full psychic and spiritual potential — although this is not something to be taken lightly. Just like something that under delivers, you don’t want an overactive third eye chakra either. Signs of a third eye chakra imbalanceThere are a number of factors that suppress the full potential of the third eye chakra. A few years ago, NASA scientists embarked on a study of creativity, to further learn about this largely mysterious quality. In expanding their research, they decided to work with children between the age of four and five. They were stunned to discover that 98 percent qualified as creative geniuses! (triloks / Getty)These percentages dropped when the same children were studied years later: only 30 percent demonstrated creative genius at the age of 10, with that number dropping again to 12 percent when the children were studied at the age of 15. It’s a sad indictment of an education system that downplays and overlooks the imagination in favor of conventional academic achievement.Factor in a mainstream worldview that is still entrenched in material science, rendering psychic abilities “impossible,” and the third eye chakra becomes painfully minimized. Consequently, blockage of the third eye chakra is common. Anodea Judith, the author of Western Body, Eastern Mind, is an expert on the chakra system. She notes that deficiencies in the third eye chakra lead to cynicism, denial, and close-mindedness.Common indicators of a blocked third eye chakra include:A lack of creativityDisconnection from your own inner guidance and intuitionDaydreaming or lost in thoughtA distorted view of reality (including cognitive distortions)A lack of focus or mental clarityOver-attachment to the imagination at the expense of the “external” worldI’m skeptical of diagnosing physical conditions with chakra blockages, which isn’t to say I don’t experience the correlation within my own subjective experience. However, some physical symptoms that could imply a blocked third eye chakra include:Sensitivity to lightMigraines or headachesInsomnia or intense dreams or nightmaresPressure between the eyesKeep in mind, this isn’t a definitive checklist but pointers to use as guidance for your own inner-work and inquiry. What’s most important is developing self-awareness to identify when potential issues arise. The beauty of the chakra system is that it offers an alternative and expansive approach to unlocking this powerful psychic center by boosting its energy flow.The benefits of aligning the third eye chakraJudith notes that when the third eye chakra is excessive, it can lead to delusions and hallucinations. Think of this as a blurring of realities — becoming too caught up in the imagination superimposes the imagination onto the day-to-day. This is a real risk when awakening the third eye chakra. The key is to strive for balance. She adds: “Just as a lake shows the perfect reflection of the mountain behind it only when the water is perfectly still, our minds perceive the reflection of the divine when we become truly still. We can pierce the veil of illusion and see the ultimate nature of reality that is behind everything. This is the true meaning of clairvoyance, or clear seeing. It is the state of realization, where we have the illumination of what is true. Realization is learning to see with real eyes.”(Getty)The third eye chakra is seeing with real eyes. Because it is a seat of higher dimensions and higher states of consciousness, balancing the third eye chakra leads to clarity, wisdom, and visionary abilities - a sixth sense in a way. Wisdom is lived understanding, or “knowing” related to the nature of existence. When opening the third eye chakra, deep, intuitive understandings tend to surface.Between imagination and realityNot only that, but the third eye chakra is the “command center,” the sweet spot between imagination and reality. It’s strongly linked with manifestation. As mystic Neville Goddard said: “An awakened imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable.” By clearing and balancing the third eye chakra, you’re more likely to be able to manifest your deeper desires.This doesn’t have to be viewed too abstract — it’s as straightforward as developing inner clarity, enhanced self-awareness, and the ability to use the imagination to dream the life you really wish to create. From that space of clarity, it’s much more likely you’ll be able to take positive steps to make this a reality.Beyond the ordinary, there’s a reason great yogis and sages meditated with a focus on the third eye chakra. The seat of the soul, or the seat of higher consciousness, is said to be a portal to enlightenment.How to balance the third eye chakraBalancing the third eye chakra is one of the trickiest challenges on the path of self-development and spiritual growth. Playing with the imagination is playing with fire, and as tempting as it is to unlock psychic “powers,” the process has to be respected. The aim is wisdom and clarity, but beware of the ego’s tendency to hijack the process by developing a heightened sense of self-importance as a result of clairvoyance or strong visualizations. Humility is the way. And remember the chakras are one interconnected, holistic system. If there’s work to be done to unblock your third eye chakra, spend the necessary time. But don’t become distracted by the flashing lights and vibrancy of potency of the third eye. Pep talk out of the way, below are practices to integrate into your inner-work process to balance the third eye chakra:Actively engage your imaginationGive yourself permission to actively play around with your imagination. (Alter_photo / Getty)Imagination separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom, it’s a cosmic form of intelligence, so why not have fun? Start by making time to play with your mind’s eye. You can even try this right now — close your eyes and visualize a glowing indigo flame between your eyebrows.Integrate visualization into your goal setting Top athletes use visualization practices for a reason — they work. Although this might be something you include instinctively, make a conscious effort to add visualization to your goals. Imagine yourself accomplishing them. Bring to life the image, brighten the colors, increase the volume of sound, intensify the smells and the sights surrounding you.Focus on the third-eye chakra during meditation During meditation, place your awareness in the space between the eyes, the seat of consciousness. Picture a bright white light as you sit, allowing the bright cosmic energy to fill your awareness. (Westend61 / Getty)To enhance the practice, recite the Aum mantra. In the words of spiritual guru Yogananda: “Through the divine eye in the forehead, ('the east'), the yogi sails his consciousness into omnipresence, hearing the word or Aum, the divine sound of 'many waters': the vibrations of light that constitute the sole reality of creation.”Start a dreamwork practiceDreams are the playground of the imagination. It’s as if in waking hours, the vital life force of the imagination is suppressed, before being unleashed as we fall asleep. This makes the dream world ripe for insights and opportunities to work with the third eye chakra. The first step is just to record your dreams and to make the conscious effort to engage with the imaginal realm. The next step is to learn the language of this world…Learn the language of the imaginationCarl Jung’s biggest contribution to the understanding of psychology was providing a framework to understand the unconscious. He identified that the unconscious, operating mostly through the imagination, communicates in symbols and meaning, not language in the way the conscious mind is used to. Although there are universal themes in the language of the imagination, everyone has their own unique texture.Learning the language of imagination is a fun process. Be playful, and see what surfaces intuitively. Dreamwork is one practice. Freehand journaling, art, or dance are others. Throw away the rulebook on what communication looks like — communication with the imagination is a whole new world, and a language worth learning.Use third eye chakra stonesCrystal healing is a type of alternative therapy that uses special crystals, or stones, to heal the body. The premise is that the stone's stable energy frequency acts as a “tuning fork” for the body's often fluctuating energy field. They’ve become quite the trend, and are worth experimenting with, or at least complementing other action steps. Despite being highly commodified, there’s no need to spend loads of money — try and find a local esoteric shop.Third eye chakra stones tend to work by stimulating the pineal gland. Popular stones for the third eye chakra include Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Sodalite, Azurite. (benedek / Getty)The practice is simple: just place the stone between your eyes during meditation and allow the stone’s energy to work its magic.Commit yourself to inner knowledgePart of balancing the third eye chakra is to allow it to do its job, operating as inward sight. Modern living demands our attention in all directions at once, in the outside world, from high-sugar treats, fearful news stories, email notifications or social media feeds. It takes courage to relinquish outward attention and take time to explore the inner world. But doing so pays off a thousand times over.Inner knowledge isn’t like conventional knowledge. Yes, there are books that offer wisdom and insights gained over the years. But true inner knowledge is like a well or spring that flows from within, containing universal truths. Be prepared to unlearn what you think you know, about the world, yourself, and the wider universe. Allow yourself to be humbled by the inner intelligence that far surpasses conventional logical thinking.In conclusionThere’s much more to reality than meets the eye — at least the eyes that look at the outside world. The ability to visualize and imagine is a quality that has been heralded for generations, its importance identified by spiritual traditions through the ages. Balancing the third eye chakra is a way to live life with more clarity, and gain experiential wisdom than conventional knowledge can’t offer.The imagination has to be respected, and working with the third eye chakra is an ongoing process. When the third eye is awakened, so too are your deepest psychic and creative powers. Try to avoid being seduced by the sights and experiences the inner world has to offer, but instead, work to integrate these qualities, in alignment with the rest of the chakra system.(Avesun Once the third eye chakra is awakened and balanced, you won’t turn your back against the world, but instead, see the world with a fresh perspective. Taking time to open the inner eye, to find clarity amongst the chaos, is one of the best things you can do for your wellbeing, and for the world.

Why Your Throat Chakra is So Important

Why Your Throat Chakra is So Important

Have you ever felt like you just can’t express yourself clearly? Like everything you say sounds cringeworthy when you replay the moment, if you can even work up the nerve to say anything at all?If you’re feeling stuck or misunderstood in the communication department, you may want to focus on aligning your throat chakra to see if you have an energy flow issue that’s keeping you from full self expression. Your throat chakra—and the other six chakras in the body—each corresponds to specific areas of your body and are thought to be energy centers. (The word chakra means “spinning wheel.”) When one of these energy centers is blocked, and stops energetically spinning, it may be responsible for negative emotions or physical symptoms. These areas might express an inner truth about what’s going on in your body. Once you balance them, you can feel re-energized when blockages turn into flow. A balanced throat chakra helps avoid conversational missteps and anxiety, turning you into a more clear communicator. If you’re curious to know if you might have a blocked throat chakra, or just need some energetic assistance, read on to learn about what symptoms you might have and what you can do to remedy the situation. What is the fifth chakra, the throat chakra? First, it’s important to really understand what the vishuddha or throat chakra—is all about. Vishuddha means, “purifying the body from harmful substances,” in Sanskrit. This chakra is unique because it lies between the corporal and spiritual realms of the body. The first four chakras—root, pelvic, navel (aka solar plexus chakra) and heart chakra—are considered physical chakras while the last two, the third eye chakra and crown chakra, are each considered to be an intuitive energy center in their own right. The throat chakra, the fifth chakra, is physically and metaphorically in between these two groups. The throat area connects your body and your mind, your physical needs with your inner knowing. It’s kind of a big deal. As the name implies, this chakra is located at the base of the throat, right at the center of the larynx but it also includes the cheeks, ears, jaw, tongue, lips, the base of the skull, lower part of the neck, the shoulders and the back. The vishuddha chakra is concerned with communication, expression and inner truth, as well as body language, or the physical manifestations of your feelings. You can bring energy to this chakra through vocal vibration, soothing food and drink and fresh air, as well as by doing certain yoga poses and stretches (which we’ll detail further, below). Why should you align your throat chakra?It’s important to bring energy back to the throat chakra. A blocked throat chakra can develop into feelings of low self-worth, anxiety or depression if you’re unable to express yourself with authenticity. When your speaking skills aren’t working properly, you might not communicate thoughts clearly, leaving others confused or unsure of where you stand. A balanced throat chakra, by contrast, allows you to speak your truth respectfully but with healthy boundaries. You have full control over your self expression, you’ll be understood by those around you and you can enjoy more authentic relationships.Being able to have clear communication is a basic human need. In order for your relationships to flourish, you need to be able to speak to those in your life honestly and openly by sharing your thoughts, feelings and needs coherently. You’ll also need to be an active listener, which is difficult to accomplish when you’re worried about how you’re coming off or unsure about what you should or shouldn’t say. As with all energy centers, clearing your throat chakra will bring peace and clarity, as well as release tension you might be holding in this area of your body. Signs of a blocked throat chakraThere are a number of clear signals that your vishuddha or throat chakra is blocked, both emotionally and physically. However, it’s important to note that if you’re feeling especially challenged emotionally or physically you should talk to your doctor instead of trying to solve the problem on your own.The following emotional and communicative signs may indicate that your vishuddha chakra needs clearing: You’re having a hard time with general communication, talking through your emotions or with self expression. You feel hesitant when you try to speak. You feel especially anxious or scared when speaking.You tend to use more negative words than usual. Your once calm thoughts are more aggressive or your inner critic is constantly putting you down. You feel a general sense of being understood by those in your life. You try to find the right words but feel challenged when you want to communicate something clearly. Here are the most common physical symptoms of a blocked throat chakra:A raspy voice or throatA chronic sore throatA stiff neckMouth sores or ulcersGum disease Thyroid issuesTemporomandibular joint (TMJ) disordersLaryngitisWays to clear a blocked throat chakraIf you’re ready to clear your vishuddha chakra, there are a number of ways to go about it. The following techniques will have you feeling aligned and more able to fully express yourself. Tend to a sore throatIf you have chronic sore throats (and your doctor has ruled out serious medical issues), try taking care of your throat with homeopathic remedies, like elderberry, marshmallow or slippery elm, as these herbs are known for their healing properties. You can sip tea with honey in the mornings to soothe your throat and calm your nervous system through self care. Try to avoid acidic drinks and anything too hot so that you can help your throat heal. Stretch your neckStretching is a great practice for your body and, when combined with mindful breathing, it can become a form of chakra yoga by helping your energy centers open up. (PhotoAlto/Frederic Cirou/Getty)Stretching around your neck and back can break down any built up stress in these areas. Say the “ham” mantraEvery chakra has its own mantra that can be used as a form of meditation. The throat chakra’s mantra is “ham.” (Pronounced with a broad “a” sound, not like the deli meat.) This sound is supposed to stimulate and align the energy in the throat, causing gentle vibration to the area. Try saying the manta out loud slowly, repeating it a few times. Inhale air, then exhale “ham” as a daily meditation. Eat nourishing foodUnhealthy food can cause balance issues and irritation to the throat chakra. To get back to alignment, feed yourself whole foods like grains, fruits, vegetables, humanely-raised meat and other nourishing foods. Avoid processed food, anything too salty or sour or any food that irritates your throat or stomach. Be mindful when you eat by trying to focus on the food itself, not your phone or the TV. Try lion’s breath breathingYou might have heard of this breathing technique before in a yoga class. Lion’s breath is balancing for the throat chakra as it’s thought to stimulate both the throat and chest area, as well as eliminate toxins. To do it, first inhale through your nose, then open your mouth wide. Then exhale by sticking out your tongue and breathing out forcefully–this is your lion’s roar. Repeat a few times as part of a meditation or yoga asana practice.Get some fresh airAir pollution is thought to influence the throat chakra, causing irritation and blockage. Taking a walk in nature can help clear the area, infusing your body with clean air. If you’re really needing centering and alignment, check to see if there are any energy vortices—or locations that are known for their earthly and spiritual energy—near you where you can breathe, hike or do an outdoor meditation. Do throat opening yoga posesCertain yoga poses can release your neck muscles and bring energy flow back into the throat chakra. While yoga in general can be healing, bringing balance to all parts of the body, three poses in particular—Plow, Shoulder Stand, and Fish—are recommended for opening the throat chakra.Repeat affirmationsWhen you’re struggling to communicate, you might need to experience some mindfulness meditation, connecting your mind with your voice. Repeating mantras as a form of meditation can help you release anxiety, negativity and stress, as well as bring about renewed confidence. Try saying affirmations like “I can communicate with ease,” or “I am comfortable speaking my truth,” when you feel stuck to release blocked energy. Use throat chakra stones Each chakra is connected with a color and the throat chakra is associated with the color blue, which is thought to bring calming energy to the throat and the surrounding areas. You can use throat chakra stones in blue colors—like aquamarine, lapis lazuli, turquoise and celestite—to help you find balance and peace.People use stones and crystals in different ways. You can place a throat chakra stone on the base of your throat while you meditate or lay in savasana at the end of a yoga practice. You can use throat chakra stones as decor around your home. Or, you can wear throat chakra stones as jewelry or place one in your pocket. However you choose to use chakra stones, it’s important to pick only the ones that truly speak to you in order to reap their healing properties. Keeping your throat chakra balancedIt’s safe to say that all of us have issues with communication now and then. Expressing yourself authentically can be difficult for a number of reasons and the stress of life can keep you from feeling your best self. Incorporating some of the healing practices above into your daily life can help you maintain a healthy throat chakra and allow you to continue to speak your truth. (Oscar Wong / Getty)Whether you sip tea in the mornings or meditate before you go to bed, tending to this all-too-important chakra will allow you to speak clearly and kindly to yourself and to others.

Heart Chakra: Everything You Need to Know About the Fourth Chakra

Heart Chakra: Everything You Need to Know About the Fourth Chakra

The power of your mind is mightier than you may realize. The heart chakra, or anahata chakra, is the circulating energy field or vortex located at heart level along your spine. One of the seven chakras, it is most strongly associated with unconditional love and self love. The heart chakra is considered the portal connected to your nerve bundles and internal organs. It’s one of the energy centers where you have the ability to manifest, feel, and radiate different types of love and compassion for yourself, others, and the environment.What does Anahata mean?While there is no English word that can truly explain what anahata means, it’s been said to roughly translate to something along the lines of unhurt, unstruck, or unbeaten. In the Vedas, the oldest scriptures or texts of the Vedic Sanskrit tradition of Hinduism, Anahata encompasses the image of unstruck sound. (Photographer, Basak Gurbuz Derman / Getty)Try sitting for a moment with the image of unstruck sound. What comes up for you? Hold this in your heart as you continue reading.The seven chakras: The chakra system explained Your seven primary chakras, composed of both lower and upper chakras, are 7 separate energy wheels along your spine working together to create your overall sense of wellbeing and holistic wellness. Chakras are an ancient concept of explaining human connection to universal or cosmic energy and whole body and mind health. Chakras have roots dating back to Hindiusm in India in 1500 and 500 BCE (before common era). Root chakra (Muladhara) located at the base of your spine is responsible for a sense of security and stability within your physical body (feeling grounded or “rooted” to the earth)Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) located below the belly button and near the spine and responsible for creative and sexual energies.Solar plexus chakra (Manipura) is located in the stomach area. The energy flow from your solar plexus chakra is responsible for your sense of self-esteem and self-determination. Heart chakra (Anahata) is, unsurprisingly, at heart-level. It is responsible for all things related to love.Throat chakra (Vishuddha) is located in the throat area and is responsible for your inner voice and communication abilities with others.Third eye chakra (Ajna) is an energy center located in the space between your eyebrows and is responsible for intuition and what we call natural instincts or sometimes “gut feeling.” Crown chakra (Sahasrara) is located at the very uppermost of your body. It’s responsible for your connection to the universe, universal cosmos, and energy fields from the spiritual realm, if you will. When one chakra, like the heart chakra, is not in balance with the others, you can feel its effects. A heart chakra blockage may be felt physically in the area (e.g., chest pains, heartburn, heart ache, heart palpitations or irregular beats). Others may feel effects on their mental health or spiritual health. The way the heart chakra acts and is experienced is different for everyone. Signs your heart chakra is blockedThe chakra system exists outside of conventional Western medicine. This means these signs are based on old knowledge and wisdom passed down along blood lines and through oral histories and traditions, rather than scientific studies or reports. What’s known about blocked heart chakras A blocked heart chakra can result in a depletion or draining of energy from that space in your chest along your spine and have different effects on your body and mind, says yoga medicine therapeutic specialist Diane Malaspina, PhD.So if you’ve been feeling sluggish, tired, burned out, or just generally spent lately, there could be a chakra imbalance behind it. The thing to keep in mind is that your chakras, as energy fields, are by definition always changing.This means a blocked chakra or an imbalance in any of the seven primary chakras can be readily changed whenever you so desire. Malaspina says your chakras can be overactive and have too much energy, or be underactive, the result of blocked energy. Overactive heart chakra signs include:Love obsessions Neediness or clinginess CodependencyJealousyMistrustHeart problems Underactive heart chakra signsIsolationSocial isolationRelationship breakdownsSadnessTirednessHeart problemsHow do I balance my chakras?Your chakras are connected to yogic traditions. Yoga itself has roots in Hinduism as well as other religions including Buddhism and Jainism. As anyone who has ever practiced any tradition or branch of yoga knows there’s a wide variety of poses to work different parts of your body and mind. You can find certain poses are made for balancing your chakra system and other yoga poses may be focused on a specific chakra. Yoga poses for balancing your heart chakra are:Half Camel Pose (Ardha Ustrasana)Wheel Pose (Chakrasana)Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)Warrior 1 Pose With Heart Opening Backbend (Virabhadrasana I)Upward Facing Dog Pose (​​Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)Reverse Plank Pose (Purvottanasana)Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)Eagle Arms Pose (Garudasana)Locust Pose or Grasshopper Pose (Salabhasana or Purna Salabhasana)There are also yoga/meditations made for balancing your heart chakra or for opening your heart chakra. For more, search heart chakra meditation on YouTube or stream on a channel like Gaia or a meditation app like Calm. Try this simple exercise for opening your heart chakra:Go into Savasana pose (Dead Corpse Pose) where you’re completely released and flat on your back with your arms and legs weightless beside you. This is the deepest and most restorative stage of any yoga practice, and releases a soothing energy. Find your breath. Don’t worry about controlling it, just focus on breathing in and out naturally. Do a mental scan of your chest area. What do you feel? What sensations are coming up?Take as long as you need in this pose, sending love and light to your heart area. Remember to keep breathing.In this pose, it’s helpful to let yourself picture your heart chakra. You can visualize it as a beaming green coming from the heart center and extending toward others (manifesting love for others) or as a swirling green energy sending love to your whole body (manifesting unconditional self love).Focusing on opening your heart chakra and manifesting unconditional and self love will allow the energy shift you’re seeking and let you live life in a more complete way. When you begin to come back to reality or awakeness, you may very well feel those balancing effects in an expansive and expanding aura or radius of loving compassion.You will find that balancing your heart chakra on a frequent basis and listening to when your inner voice or crown chakra signals you to practice yoga and heart chakra meditation will help you manifest a more loving relationship not only with yourself, but also restore balance with others, and the ever changing energy forces all around you. After these balancing sessions, be sure to get plenty of rest and hydrate to facilitate healing. Crystals for healing your heart chakra Crystal healing is an alternative medicine practice with its modern roots based on traditional concepts from Asian cultures. Some examples include the:Chinese concept of life-energy (chi or qi), and theHindu or Buddhist concept of chakras.From these traditional knowledge reserves we see how crystal energies can be harnessed to provide perceived healing power potential.In this way, crystals compliment our natural ability to change. Crystals that can help in healing the heart chakra and balancing your life force are used in ritual healing to open the heart or clear energy blockages in the fourth chakra area. These stones or gems are said to have the properties necessary to spark heart chakra balancing. (© Santiago Urquijo / Getty)Examples include:Rose quartz: the stone of unconditional love. Color: light pink. Rose quartz is one of the most popular stones and is said to restore trust and harmony in loving relationships.Emerald: the stone of successful love. Color: Vibrant and translucent green. It’s said to bring loyalty to whoever wears it. Rhodonite: the stone of self-love and attracting love from others. Color: Rose-pink with “roads” of brownish red, red, gray and yellow. The particular qualities of this stone said to help the person see where they need to improve in their relationships without being overly critical or harsh (while showing self compassion). Rhodochrosite: the stone of a compassionate heart. Color: Rose-red color and can have streaks of white. It’s said to help support and heal the heart from life’s trials and tribulations. Green Aventurine: the stone of nurturing love plus balancing loving heart energy for others. Color: Light to medium jade green shade. It’s said to be a comforting stone that can help the wearer break free from what’s been holding them back.Amazonite: the stone for the warrior lover (those who love hard but may need help releasing old wounds or trust issues. Color: blue-greens with some darker tones. It’s said to balance the mascluine and feminine energies that live within all of us and enhance loving communication.Malachite: the stone for connecting your heart and throat chakra so you can love openly and communicate love clearly (without blockages, worry, or fear) Color: Various shades of green. It’s said to connect the person with the healing love of nature and is particularly useful for those struggling with heartache from feeling disconnected to nature, homeland, or a certain landscape.Do heart chakra crystals need to be heart-shaped?Your crystals don’t have to be shaped like a heart. You can choose crystals in whatever form (raw, tumbled, shaped) that you feel most attracted toward and connected to. This is why choosing crystals in-person is the best because you can feel which crystals are meant to be yours. If you’re shopping online, look for ethical sourcing and don’t hesitate to ask a lot of questions and think outside the box! Trust your crown chakra’s intuition. When it comes to balancing your chakras, there is no one better to choose your crystal than you! This means if you see a crystal that’s not on the above list but it speaks to your heart, or you feel a certain unspeakable connection to the crystal, you can use it to help balance your heart chakra.Simple ways to use crystals to balance your heart chakraPlace the crystal of choice over your heart during a heart chakra meditation Put the crystal under your bed at the heart level while you sleep Hold the crystal, close your eyes, and visualize the kind of love you want to manifest Wear your heart chakra stone around your neck on a long chain that rests over the heart areaAdd the crystals or stones to your bath waterCarry the stones in a pouch in your pocket, car, purse, backpack, etc. and grab them when you feel necessary. Sit with the crystal in your hand and meditate on the kind of love you are trying to manifest or desire.Last word on heart chakra or AnahataWhether or not you believe in the healing powers of chakras, yoga, and meditation, doesn’t change the fact that you were born with the innate power and potential to create change. You are the living manifestation of what constant change represents. If you feel like your heart needs opening, expanding, or just some self love and self care, you’re 100% correct. Ask your inner voice what they need in order to heal on a spiritual level. Use the methods that have been passed down by previous generations to harness the power of your mind’s guidance of your heart’s power. If you are experiencing physical or mental health symptoms associated with your heart, seek medical support from a trained professional. Crystals are not meant to be substitutes for medical care, but compliments to our holistic wellness routines.

Chakras | A Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras and their Meanings
Emotional Health

Chakras | A Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras and their Meanings

If you’ve ever attended a yoga or meditation class, you’re likely to have heard of the concept of the seven chakras. You might be advised to cleanse or heal certain chakras, or be taught chants or breathing techniques to balance or unblock specific energy centers. However, despite their inclusion in a number of Western activities, the chakras are far from a modern trend. Their origin stretches back thousands of years to ancient scriptures describing the make-up of the human body and spirit. Like all metaphysical practices, scientific attempts to “prove” the existence of the chakras has been difficult, especially as research is in its early stages.There is however growing evidence from the research of meditation that indicates that the Central Nervous System (CNS) maps directly over the chakra system, and that there exists some link to mind-body integration. More recently, scientists have discovered the significance of the vagus nerve on wellbeing. This nerve, known as “The Wanderer,” connects brain and body. And, guess what? It is stimulated by deep breathing, which then calms down the body’s CNS.For the purpose of growth, the seven main chakras can be used as a tool and a roadmap, helping millions of people across thousands of years in their quest for self-development. In this article, we’ll provide an overview of the 7 key chakras, their meaning, and some basic exercises to begin consciously working with them.The origin of the chakras and subtle bodyThe word chakra comes from the Sanskrit C̣akra, meaning “wheel” or “disc,” and the early concept of the chakras originates from Indian philosophy. They’re said to be spinning discs of psychic energy belonging to the “subtle body” (sukshma sarira). This is distinct from the physical body (sthula sarira) and consists of non-material elements, such as mind, emotions, and spirit. The Three BodiesThe subtle body is described in the Vedas, which are ancient Indian scriptures written over 5,000 years ago. It’s connected to Taoist, Yogic, Tantric, Hindu and Buddhist traditions. In Hindu philosophy, an individual consists of three bodies:Causal body (karana sharira): This is the most subtle form of the body, said to transfer the essence of a person’s spirit from one life to another. The causal body is the karmic template that records memory imprints (samskaras) and the closest spiritual connection to the true Self.Subtle body (sukshma sharira): In Vedic texts, the mind, ego, and intellect are part of the subtle body, which we experience subjectively as thoughts, feelings, or emotions. The subtle body is said to emanate from the causal body and is responsible for the functioning of the physical body.The gross physical body (karya sharira): This is the body we’re all used to; it’s the body you can see and touch. Within this three-body doctrine, the gross body is the vehicle of consciousness and the causal and subtle body. It consists of the five elements: Ether, Air, Water, Fire, and Earth.Everything is energyIt’s worth considering that we mere mortals are part of the universe, and not separate from it. Astrophysicists believe that all the matter in the universe was created at the moment of the Big Bang, a brief 13 billion years ago. That includes our bodies and all of the material world around us. In addition, discoveries of quantum physics have displayed that, at a fundamental level, everything is energy.(ALFRED PASIEKA/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Getty)From this perspective, the concept of a subtle body makes a lot of sense when compared to the direction science is moving towards about the overall nature of reality. When you consider the fact that the Vedas were a source of inspiration for the discovery of quantum physics, some are hopeful that science will eventually arrive at a more complete understanding of the nature of what makes us human. Understanding the chakras through the hierarchy of needsIf I’ve lost you with talk of quantum physics, energy, and the Big Bang, another lens to understand the chakras is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Psychologist and expert on the chakra system Anodea Judith compares the chakra system to Maslow’s pyramid in her book, Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self:The root chakra links to physiological needsThe sacral chakra links to safety needsThe solar plexus chakra links to belonging needsThe heart chakra links to self-esteemThe throat chakra links to self-actualizationThe third eye chakra and crown chakra link to self-transcendenceOne way of looking at the chakra system is a point of reference to understand what area of life needs to be explored. There are said to be associated physical or emotional symptoms when specific chakras aren’t in harmony, which gives insight into what the unconscious is attempting to teach.Chakras as energetic markersPersonally, I see the chakras as energetic “markers” that link to different themes in my life. These themes are essential practices that surface in a multitude of ways. For example, a blockage of the throat chakra might mean not expressing your needs or speaking up for what you feel is right. That blockage, more than anything, can act as a symbol of an area that needs to be addressed.You can see how this relates to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Without expressing needs or finding your voice, is it possible to self-actualize, and live the life you want? If you have a blocked heart chakra, and you’re unable to receive love from others or feel valued or “seen,” will you have the self-esteem to nourish a sense of belonging? And can you experience genuine transcendence without a deep spiritual connection through the third eye and crown chakra?What are the 7 chakras?Most chakra systems are refined to a series of key chakras that run from the base of the spine to the top of the head and the upper chakras, with each chakra having its own meaning. Below are the key 7 chakras, from top to bottom:1. Crown chakra (Sahasrara chakra)Location in the body: top of the headColour: white or violetMeaning: awareness and intelligenceThis chakra at the crown of the head has the strongest spiritual connection, linked to life’s purpose and self-realization. Not only is it linked with the brain and the nervous system, but it’s also associated with the pituitary gland. As this is the seat of the true Self (or Higher Self or Atman), activation of the crown chakra transcends ego and previous limiting beliefs.2. Third eye chakra (Ajna chakra)Location in the body: between the eyebrowsColour: indigoMeaning: imagination, intuition, visualizationThe third eye chakra is responsible for connecting to intelligences other than the intellect, hence its association with the imagination and intuition. It’s also the point of perception and consciousness (many meditation techniques focus attention on the spot between the eyebrows) and connects to cosmic intelligence.3. Throat chakra (Vishuddha chakra)Location in the body: the throatColour: blueMeaning: communicationThe third chakra on the list, the throat chakra, is all about communication. (urbazon/Getty)It’s the link between mind, body, emotions, and speech. How well are you able to express your needs or speak your truth? It also acts as a gateway between the human and the divine, located between the ethereal higher chakras, and the grounded, earthly chakras below. Because it has a role to play in expression, the throat chakra is also vital for creativity.4. Heart chakra (Anahata chakra)Location in the body: center of the chest, slightly above the heartColour: greenMeaning: love, compassionAs touched upon earlier, the fourth chakra in our list plays a crucial role in relationships and belonging. It’s the center of forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love, as well as a seat of wisdom for spiritual truths beyond the mind’s comprehension. When the chakra is open, it’s easier to feel connected to the world and those around you.5. Solar plexus chakra (Manipura chakra)Location in the body: upper abdomenColour: yellowMeaning: self-esteem, confidenceLinked to the element of fire, the fifth chakra on the list, the solar plexus chakra, is the body’s energy generator. Because it’s linked to confidence, this chakra relates to purpose and personal identity, along with regulating digestion and metabolism. Issues with this chakra lead to a sense of powerlessness or stagnation, while activation leads to empowerment and autonomy.6. Sacral chakra (Svadhishthana chakra)(gorodenkoff/Getty)Location in the body: below the belly button and above the pubic boneColour: orangeMeaning: pleasure, sexuality, creativityWhen the sacral chakra, the sixth chakra in our list, is in alignment, life flows, and harmony is experienced. This chakra is linked to sensuality, sexuality, and creativity. It is said that this chakra is blocked by guilt and fear, especially the fear of death. This chakra is linked to unconscious emotions (particularly self-worth) and desires (particularly sexual desires).7. Root chakra (Muladhara chakra)Location in the body: base of the spine/tailbone.Colour: redMeaning: grounding, stabilityThis chakra is most responsible for a feeling of groundedness and security. Muladhara translates directly to root, which nicely symbolizes the power of this chakra to root us into the Earth. It offers a counterbalance to the transcendent, higher chakras, and creates a strong sense of security and physical well being within the body.Higher chakras and lower chakrasThe 7 chakras are typically divided into higher and lower chakras. This isn’t a hierarchy, but a metaphor, placing the earthly as “lower” and divine as “higher.” The higher chakras are linked to the transcendent and spiritual — they include the crown chakra and the third eye chakra. The lower chakras are the root chakra, sacral chakra, and solar plexus chakra. They relate to personal identity and your relationship to the physical world. The heart chakra acts as a bridge between the earthly and the divine, whilst the throat chakra allows us to express the heart’s desire.The most important of the major chakras are said to be the root chakra (Muladhara) and the crown chakra (Sahasrara). Kundalini is the term given to potent cosmic energy, which is symbolized by a coiled serpent sitting at the base of the spine. In Yogic teachings, self-realization and self-illumination occurs when the kundalini energy moves from the root chakra and raises all the way through the spine, into the crown chakra.The importance of the chakrasAside from a map of psychic energy centers, what purpose do the chakras serve? The beauty of the chakra system is that it points to fundamental issues that arise when specific chakras are blocked or out of alignment. It’s believed that, for the energy body to operate at its optimum level, the system has to be open and fully functioning for energy to flow easily.The opposite is true, too. When chakras are blocked, they can lead to anything from a physical issue to an emotional imbalance. Harmony of the chakras doesn’t only lead to better health and happiness — it’s responsible for self-realization, and the fulfillment of your full spiritual potential (an outlook that shares similar traits to self-actualization). As Anodea Judith writes:“All life is rhythmic. From the rise and fall of the sun to the rise and fall of our breath, from the beating of our heart to the infinite vibrations of atomic particles within our cells, we are a mass of vibrations that miraculously resonate together as a single system. In fact, our ability to function as a unified whole depends upon the coherent resonance of the many subtle vibrations within us.”Creating harmony with the chakras is another way of describing wholeness, or what Joseph Campbell would say: “The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.” Returning briefly to the nature of reality, could it be that when harmony is found within, we harmonize with the universe itself?Perhaps the chakra system is an ancient way of intuitively understanding the need to balance your energy center, and to beat in tune with Nature.Exercises to open the 7 chakrasThe practices of yoga and meditation are, when applied correctly, designed to work with the system of chakras. However, there are many exercises that allow you to open the specific chakras that you might be having trouble with. Because each has its own purpose and meaning, as described above, the exercises differ.Below are sample exercises for each of the 7 chakras (or chakracises, as some people call them) to give you a flavor of what types of exercises to explore:Opening the Crown ChakraBecause of its nature as the most spiritually connected chakra, meditation is one of the most powerful ways to open this primary chakra. By closing the eyes and tuning into the inner-self, this chakra can open naturally. However, you can also try visualizing a spinning violet vortex above the head, and imagine it expanding in size.Opening the Third Eye Chakra Again, meditation is a great practice to open the third eye chakra, particularly visualization due to its link to the imagination. When in meditation, move your eyes to focus on the spot between the eyebrows (you can also tap this area to bring attention to it), and imagine a purple light “charging” your pineal gland.Opening the Throat Chakra(tapui / Getty)Because this chakra is linked to communication, the best exercises to open the throat chakra include using the voice. This can be a combination of chanting, singing, or even screaming (maybe find a secluded spot for this to avoid funny looks from passers-by).Opening the Heart ChakraThe most powerful exercises for the heart chakra tap into compassion and the energy flows of unconditional love. Look no further than the Buddhist practice of loving-kindness (metta Bhavana) which includes both affirmations towards the self and others (may you be happy, may you be well, may you be at peace) and visualizations of a bright light spreading from the heart, out into the cosmos.Opening the Solar Plexus ChakraDue to its link to energy and fire, exercise is a great way of opening the solar plexus chakra. Get the body moving in a way that feels good for you — from yoga poses to cardio to weight training.Opening the Sacral Chakra(Tracey Kusiewicz/Foodie Photography/Getty)The flowing energy of this chakra makes it primed to be activated by being around water, whether it’s going for a swim or taking a luxurious hot bath. Because of its link with pleasure, honoring the sacral chakra can involve eating luxurious food, massage, or enjoying physical intimacy with a partner.Opening the Root ChakraBy far the best exercise for the root chakra is to connect directly and intimately with the earth. Walk in nature barefoot. Hug a tree (for real — try it). (Guido Mieth / Getty)Go into nature and breathe deeply to experience true personal power and connection with the universe around you.Remember, the chakras are all about balance. Although I don’t overly focus on targeting the chakras directly, I do find that when I’m the most aligned and balanced, it’s because I’m integrating the higher transcendent chakras with grounding and integration. I’m naturally a “head in the clouds” person; I love meditation and floating into the transcendent. But, that means I have to make sure I focus on grounding and stability, along with feeling secure in my physical body.I recommend you allow for the information in this guide to sink in. You may find that certain aspects feel intuitively true or right for you. Consider your overall balance. Anyone can experience open or closed energy centers, but you might have a tendency to close your heart more frequently or be disconnected from the spiritual aspects of life.Last wordsHowever you delve into this ancient knowledge and spiritual energy, know that it’s just a map that can highlight certain truths about the nature of the self. My hope is, in having read this guide, you will have gained a greater understanding of the qualities of the subjective experience that are overlooked in the conventional Western view. (pepmiba / Getty)At the very least, the next time you hear someone mention the chakras, you’ll be able to smile and nod along with what they’re saying.

150 Meaningful Spiritual Quotes About Love, Life and Healing

150 Meaningful Spiritual Quotes About Love, Life and Healing

Spirituality is a verywide concept, but it generally involves searching for the meaning of life andtrying to connect with something bigger than ourselves.We are in a constantquest for success and happiness and we often neglect our spiritual side.Spirituality is a universal human experience and it’s at the core of who youreally are -- that’s why it’s so important to develop a stronger connection toeverything inside and outside of you.For some people a spiritualexperience can be described as sacred or transcendent. Some chose to pray and findcomfort in a personal relationship with a higher power, while others look formeaning in their connection with nature or art.Whatever practicesyou may choose to achieve its full potential, spirituality should always resultin positive emotions, such as inner peace, contentment, gratitude, andacceptance. Remember that you become what you speak about and feel more often.Sometimes we just need to slow down and reconnect, so let the followingspiritual quotes guide your way to joy and lightheartedness.Here are 150 spiritual quotes about love, life, healing, growth, strength and happinessSpiritual quotes about loveStep out of the circle of time and into the circle of love. RUMI (more Rumi quotes)This fire that we call Loving is too strong for human minds. But just right for human souls. ABERJHANIThe spiritual meaning of love is measured by what it can do. Love is meant to heal. Love is meant to renew. Love is meant to bring us closer to God. MARCUS AURELIUSFor some people, the point of no return begins at the very moment their souls become aware of each others existence. JOYBELL C.One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.PAULO COELHO (The Alchemist quotes)What is planted in each person's soul will sprout. RUMITo see the universal and all pervading Spirit of Truth face to face, one must be able to love the meanest of all creation as oneself. MAHATMA GANDHIYour giving and searching for ways to give is love in action. This is the evidence of Spirit at work. MARSHALL VIAN SUMMERSDon't ever think you are nothing. Somewhere along the line, there is going to be someone who thinks you are everything. M.H.S. POURRIf you want the moon, do not hide at night. If you want a rose, do not run from the thorns. If you want love, do not hide from yourself. RUMISpiritual love is a position of standing with one hand extended into the universe and one hand extended into the world, letting ourselves be a conduit for passing energy. CHRISTINA BALDWINThe spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love. MARIANNE WILLIAMSONDivine love glorifies heart & shines soul it makes one pure from body, mind, and soul. MAMTA RAJSHREELove is the most satisfying way to control the mind. Bhakti makes us single-minded when it awakens our innate spirit of love. RADHANATH SWAMIYou can never love another person unless you are equally involved in the beautiful but difficult spiritual work of learning to love yourself. JOHN O'DONOHUELove is the bridge between you and everything. RUMIThe human soul is on its journey from the law to love, from discipline to liberation, from the moral plane to the spiritual. RABINDRANATH TAGOREEach of us are angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another. LUCIANO DE CESCENZOSpiritual love, derived from love intelligence, is nonconditional, nonpersonal benevolence. It is the love of being loving, with no strings attached, just for the sake of being what God wants us to be. THOMAS HORAI ignored your aura but it grabbed me by the hand, like the moon pulled the tide, and the tide pulled the sand. TALIB KWELISome people come and go and are forgotten. But there are other people who share a part in our destinies. They come, they go, but they are never forgotten. They come, they go, but even after they go they're still here. They never really went anywhere. JOYBELL C.The real meaning of detached love is to let others exist without forcing our will upon them. That is spiritual love. HAROLD KLEMPHe loved constantly, instantly, spontaneously, without thought or words. That's what he taught me. Love is not something you think about, it is a state in which you dwell. That was his gift. CHRISTOPHER MOOREThe path to love is our spiritual destiny. DEEPAK CHOPRA (more Deepak Chopra quotes)Never lose hope, my heart, miracles dwell in the invisible. RUMISpiritual love is without limits or boundaries. Worldly love is superficial and fluctuating. MATA AMRITANANDAMAYILove is the spiritual essence of what we do. Technique is the manifestation of the preparation and investment as a result of the love. WYNTON MARSALISWhen I look inside and see that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I look outside and see that I am everything, that is love. And between these two, my life turns. SRI NISARGADATTA MAHARAJYou and your love in my life are the grace of God, I could never deserve. MAMTA RAJSHREELove stretches your heart and makes you big inside. BADRUL HISHAMIn love lies the seed of our growth. The more we love, the closer we are to the spiritual experience. PAULO COELHOWhen there is someone that really loves you there will always be hope, so love everybody. DR. JAMES J. KRIEGER D.D.Love holds the cells of bodies as a unity. MURSHID SAMUEL LEWISFrom love, the complete panorama of life. It's absence leads to death, to war, to fratricide. MURSHID SAMUEL LEWISLove for oneself does not mean the self-centered love of the ego. It means to love life. SRI MATA AMRITANANDAMAYI DEVII profess the religion of love, Love is my religion and my faith. RUMIWe take birth in love, lead this life in love and at last get merged in love. SRI MATA AMRITANANDAMAYI DEVILove is the religion and the Universe is the book. MIRABAI STARRThe truth is there is no end for love. Only through love can life spring forth and flower. SRI MATA AMRITANANDAMAYI DEVISpiritual quotes about lifeWhat each of us believes in is up to us, but life is impossible without believing in something. KENTETSU TAKAMORIDon’t let a day go by without asking who you are…each time you let a new ingredient to enter your awareness. DEEPAK CHOPRARealize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the now the primary focus of your life. ECKHART TOLLE (more Eckhart Tolle quotes)It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting. Paulo ColehoPAULO COLEHOThe spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it. HENRI J.M. NOUWENSometimes I think there are only two instructions we need to follow to develop and deepen our spiritual life: slow down and let go. ORIAH MOUNTAIN DREAMERI've learned through the years that it's not where you live, it's the people who surround you that make you feel at home. J.B. MCGEELife isn’t as serious as the mind makes it out to be. ECKHART TOLLELife is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving. ALBERT EINSTEINLet go over a cliff, die completely, and then come back to life -- after that you cannot be deceived. ZEN PROVERB (more Zen quotes and proverbs)We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. PIERRE TEILHARD DE CHARDINAs a bee gathering nectar does not harm or disturb the color and fragrance of the flower; so do the wise move through the world. BUDDHAYou are never alone or helpless. The force that guides the stars, guides you too. SHRII SHRII ANANDAMURTIMaturity is the ability to think, speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity. The measure of your maturity is how spiritual you become during the midst of your frustrations. SAMUEL ULLMANLife opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them. JIM CARREY (more Jim Carrey quotes)I realized then that even though I was a tiny speck in an infinite cosmos, a blip on the timeline of eternity, I was not without purpose. R.J. ANDERSONDo not look for a sanctuary in anyone except yourself. BUDDHALet what comes come. Let what goes go. Find out what remains. RAMANA MAHARSHINo individual can ultimately fail. The Divinity which descends into humanity is bound to regain its original state. N. SRI RAMThe real spiritual progress of the aspirant is measured by the extent to which he achieves inner tranquility. SWAMI SIVANANDANothing ever exists entirely alone. Everything is in relation to everything else. BUDDHAWithin each of us is a light, awake, encoded in the fibers of our existence. Divine ecstasy is the totality of this marvelous creation experienced in the hearts of humanity. TONY SAMARASpiritual quotes about healingHealing happens when we see things differently. The question is: do you want suffering or peace? It's that simple. DONNA GODDARDBe a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone's soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd. RUMIThe soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind. CAROLINE MYSSVHealing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life. AKSHAY DUBEYHealing is an art. It takes time, it takes practice. It takes love. MAZA DOHTANatural forces within us are the true healers of disease.HIPPOCRATESSelf–forgiveness is essential to self–healing. RUTH CARTER STAPLETONLove one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy.SAI BABASpiritual healing occurs as we begin to consciously reconnect with our essential being – the wise, loving, powerful, creative entity that we are at our core. SHAKTI GAWAINOne of the most healing things you can do is recognize where in your life you are your own poison. STEVE MARABOLITo heal is to touch with love that which we previously touched with fear.STEPHEN LEVINENothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded. BUDDHAYour sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again. JOSEPH CAMPBELLWhen you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you. STEPHEN RICHARDSWithin you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself. HERMANN HESSEFor every spirit who is learning: you heal yourself. THAIIA SENQUETTAYour pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. KAHLIL GIBRANHealing the world begins with healing yourself. ANTHON ST. MAARTENAuthentic spiritual ideas have the power to heal. Healing is the building block of both individual and collective spiritual evolution. DONNA GODDARDWhen the healer thinks he is healing, his power is as small as a drop; when he thinks God is healing, and when owing to this thought his own self is forgotten and he is only conscious of the Self of God, then his power becomes as large as the ocean. HAZRAT INAYAT KHANHealing is active involvement in your process, ongoing. S. KELLEY HARRELLQuiet the mind and the soul will speak. MA JAYA SATI BHAGAVATISpiritual quotes about GodHe who is filled with love is filled with God himself. SAINT AUGUSTINEWhenever your foundation is laid in God, there will be nothing that can shake it, no matter how strong the storm is. ANGELO M. SWINSONA sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, and must empty ourselves. Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in his love than in your weakness. MOTHER TERESAToo often we fail to appreciate that (the) apprehension of God is not only the test of our worship, but also the test of our spiritual growth. SINCLAIR B. FERGUSONTo love another person is to see the face of God. VICTOR HUGOBeing with God is an intense experience of love, calling and purpose. The more you focus on this, the more it melts aware the icy cold of separation, like the sun melting the ice off of the mountain. MARSHALL VIAN SUMMERSWhen I release my weaknesses and blind spots to God, He uses them to help me grow up spiritually. CRYSTAL MCDOWELLThe priceless gift of life is love, with the help from God above. Love can change the human race, make this World a better place. For love dissolves all hate and fear, it makes our vision bright and clear, So we can see and rise above our pettiness on the wings of love. NATALIA LOVEI looked in temples, churches, and mosques. But I found the divine within my heart. RUMITo have you and your love is the blessings of almighty God, I never forget. MAMTA RAJSHREEGod is love, from love the world became. MURSHID SAMUEL LEWISWine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy. BENJAMIN FRANKLINThis is no mystery to the awakened heart; Peace on earth to men of universal will, Who rise above their selfish limitations And see the world as God would have them see. MURSHID SAMUEL LEWISThere are three expressions of love that awaken us from within: love for oneself, love for God, and love for the entire creation. SRI MATA AMRITANANDAMAYI DEVISpiritual quotes about growthNothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know. PEMA CHODRUNYou have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul. SWAMI VIVEKANANDAThe soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond and must be polished, or the luster of it will never appear. DANIEL DEFOEThe mind is like a fertile garden in which anything that is planted, flowers or weeds, will grow. BRUCE LEEIf a man does not exercise his arm he develops no biceps muscle; and if a man does not exercise his soul, he acquires no muscle in his soul, no strength of character, no vigor of moral fiber, nor beauty of Spiritual growth. HENRY DRUMMONDComplacency is a deadly foe of all spiritual growth. Acute desire must be present or there will be no manifestation of Christ to His people. A. W. TOZERIt is not the number of books you read, nor the variety of sermons you hear, nor the amount of religious conversation in which you mix, but it is the frequency and earnestness with which you meditate on these things till the truth in them becomes your own and part of your being, that ensures your growth. FREDERICK WILLIAM ROBERTSONA misleading perception or false belief is increasingly being perpetuated that the unconscious or the intuitive is all that really matters in any spiritual endeavor, and that the conscious, rational, logical, analytical mind is the mortal enemy of spiritual awareness and soul growth. ANTHON ST. MAARTENSpiritual growth depends on two things: first a willingness to live according to the Word of God; second, a willingness to take whatever consequences emerge as a result. SINCLAIR B. FERGUSONThe path of spiritual growth is a path of lifelong learning. M. SCOTT PECKThe hardest thing to ever do is to reveal the naked soul to the world. However, in doing so brings healing, growth, strength, and powerful inspiration! H.E. OLSENGive yourself permission to see and feel the extraordinary events in your own life. In internalizing them, you also will find your perspective about life and its meaning will change, resulting in growth and expansion of your soul. SUSAN BARBARA APOLLONThe circumstances and events that we see as setbacks are oftentimes the very things that launch us into periods of intense spiritual growth. Once we begin to understand this, and accept it as a spiritual fact of life, adversity becomes easier to bear. CHARLES STANLEYAn intentional spiritual dietary plan is as essential to your spiritual growth as a deliberate dietary plan is fundamental to your physical well-being. PATRICIA ENNISSpiritual quotes about strengthYou have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. MARCUS AURELIUSI am building a house where the floor is made up of strength. Where the walls are crafted of ambition. Where the roof is a masterpiece of forgiveness. I am building myself. NOOR UNNAHARCourage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don’t have the strength. THEODORE ROOSEVELTIf you were born with the weakness to fall. You were born with the strength to rise. RUPI KAURBring into play the almighty power within you, so that on the stage of life you can fulfill your high destined role. PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDAIf you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. MARTIN LUTHER KING JRAt the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.FRIDA KAHLOStrength doesn’t come from what you do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.RIKKI ROGERSYou really are good enough, pretty enough, and strong enough. AL CARRAWAYAnyone can give up, it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength. UNKNOWNNever be ashamed about being broken, because strength is nothing but pain that’s been repaired. TRENT SHELTONDo not let your mind whisper fear into your heart. It will try. It will try. ALISON MALEELife has got all those twists and turns. You’ve got to hold on tight and off you go. NICOLE KIDMANI’ve never met a strong person with an easy past. ATTICUSSome women fear the fire some women simply become it. R.H. SINMay the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary.XAN OKUWe’re stronger in the places that we’ve been broken. ERNEST HEMINGWAYSpiritual quotes about happinessHappiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. DENIS WAITLEYWhen you realize there is no lacking, the whole world belongs to you. LAU TZUHappiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. MAHATMA GANDHITake care of your inner, spiritual beauty. That will reflect in your face. DOLORES DEL RIOMy focus is to forget the pain of life. Forget the pain, mock the pain, reduce it. And laugh. JIM CARREYIf you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.DALAI LAMAWhatever makes you feel the sun from the inside out chase that. GEMMA TROYWhen I feel like dancing, I dance. I don’t care if anyone else is dancing or if everyone else is laughing at me. I dance. RACHEL DANSONA whole new kind of spiritual happiness dawns in us as we realize that dark clouds do not ruin sunny skies... they merely pass through them to help us remember our love of the light.GUY FINLEYHappiness comes from spiritual wealth, not material wealth... Happiness comes from giving, not getting. If we try hard to bring happiness to others, we cannot stop it from coming to us also. To get joy, we must give it, and to keep joy, we must scatter it. JOHN TEMPLETONThe resistance to the unpleasant situation is the root of suffering. RAM DASSSometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.NHAT HANHWhen we understand clearly that inner peace is the real source of happiness, and how, through spiritual practice, we can experience progressively deeper levels of inner peace, we will develop tremendous enthusiasm to practice. GESHE KELSANG GYATSOHappiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside. RAMANA MAHARSHIWhen one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us. HELEN KELLERThousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle. Happiness never decreases by being shared. BUDDHAThere is no way to happiness -- happiness is the way. NHAT HANHHappiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence. ARISTOTLEYou will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.ALBERT CAMUSIf you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects.ALBERT EINSTEINBe so happy that when others look at you, they become happy too. HARBHAJAN SINGH YOGIHappiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting some on yourself.RALPH WALDO EMERSON