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This Genius Brain Hack Billionaires Like Warren Buffett Use Will Prepare You for Anything

This Genius Brain Hack Billionaires Like Warren Buffett Use Will Prepare You for Anything

Inversion, a technique made popular by Warren Buffett’s business partner Charlie Munger in an interview, has become a hot topic. Sometimes, it seems like anything Buffett says becomes a talking point. I can’t say I blame anyone for that. I don’t take the advice of many people but the morally sound, kind-hearted, and brilliant Buffett is one of them. So what exactly is “inversion”? This was the original quote from Munger: It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent The idea, as Atomic Habits author James Clear explained in a recent podcast interview with the Mad Fientist, is to flip your outlook to the opposite of that which you want to occur. "The way that inversion works is you take what you want to achieve, and you imagine the opposite...Think through what the scenario would be like to try to fortify your mental outlook so that you could be able to handle when life throws something your way, and then also, and most importantly, to be able to prepare for that. So what can I do to prevent that from happening?" says Clear. What exactly makes this principle so powerful that billionaires like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger have credited it as playing a role in their massive success? Let’s look at some examples to get an idea of how inversion shifts the way you think to set you up for success. Examples of inversion in action (how and why it works) The question to ask when applying inversion to a particular goal is this: “what stupid mistakes must I avoid if I want to achieve my goal?” Take an investing goal for example. If your goal was to save $100,000 by the time you’re thirty-five, the opposite would be not saving $100,000 by that time. Or, more accurately, it would probably be “not getting close to my goal” whatever you deem that to be (you probably won’t be mad about $90,000). Using inversion, you’d ask yourself what stupid mistakes you’d need to avoid to hit that savings goal. First, you’d probably want to avoid overspending on your regular, weekly expenses as those will add up to a lot over the long-run: groceries, eating out, recreational spending, and the like. In addition, you’d also want to look out for the big purchases that can cause larger missteps such as purchasing a second car or even a car at all (make no assumptions). The point is to go through your goal and identify potential pitfalls so you can put structures in place that keep those missteps from occurring. Or, at the very least, allow you to recover from them. If your goal is to lose forty pounds, make a list of your “weaknesses”– foods you find hard to resist– and keep them as far away from you as possible during the week (though a cheat day each week can actually help you lose weight). Make a list of excuses you commonly give yourself as to why you can’t or don’t want to workout and think up a counter-argument in advance. You could also establish a few measures to make it as easy and effortless as possible to wake up in the morning if you’re working out in the A.M. Less a way of crafting goals and more a game plan for achieving them, Clear suggests practicing inversion “on a consistent basis just to try to see what is the other side, what would be the dumb decision that we don't want to make a mistake on, and how can we prepare and prevent that currently."

Warren Buffet: Tomorrow's Another Day
Goalcast Originals

Warren Buffet: Tomorrow's Another Day

Warren Buffet - Go On Warren Buffett reminds us that mistakes and missed opportunities are inevitable, but the important part is to keep moving forward, because tomorrow's another day. Transcript: "You're going to make mistakes in life. I mean there's no question about it. You don't want to make them on the big decisions, you know, who you marry and things like that. So there's no way I'm going to make a lot of business and investment decisions without making some mistakes. I may try to minimize them. I don't dwell on them at all. I don't look back. "The biggest mistakes are the ones that actually don't show up. They're the mistakes of omission rather than commission. We've never lost that much money on any one investment. But it's the things that I knew enough to do that I didn't do. You know those don't show up. There's no place where it shows missed opportunities, but I've missed some big ones. "The triumphs in life are partly triumphs because you know that everything isn't going to be a triumph. And I would never get too hung up on mistakes. I know a lot of people that really agonize over them. And it just isn't worth it. I mean tomorrow's another day, and you live it forward and just go on to the next thing."

What If You Could Buy 10% Of Someone You Know? - Warren Buffett

What If You Could Buy 10% Of Someone You Know? - Warren Buffett

Warren Buffet - Be That Person If you had the right to buy 10% of someone you know for the rest of his or her life. Who would you pick? Transcript: "Think for a moment that I granted you the right to buy 10% of one of your classmates for the rest of his other lifetime. You can't pick one with a rich father. That doesn't count. You've got to pick somebody who is going to do it on their own merit, and I gave you an hour to think about it. Which one are you going to pick among your classmates as for the one you want to own 10% of for the of a lifetime? Are you going to give them an IQ test, pick the one with the highest IQ? I doubt it. Are you going to pick the one with the best grades? I doubt it. You're not even going to pick the most energetic one necessarily or the one who displays the most initiative, but if you're going to start looking for qualitative factors in addition to ... Because everybody's got enough brains here and enough energy. I would say if you thought about it for an hour, decided who you're going to place that bet on, you'd probably pick the one who you responded the best to, the one that was going to have the leadership qualities, the one that's going to be able to get other people to carry out their interest. That would be the person who's generous, honest, gave credit to other people for their own ideas, all kinds of qualities like that. It's not the ability to throw a football 60 yards. It's not the ability to run the 100 yard dash and 9.3. It's not being the best looking person in the class. They're all qualities that if you really want to have the ones on the left hand side, you can have them. They are qualities of behavior, temperament, character that are achievable. They're not forbidden to anybody in this group. I would suggest that if you write those qualities down and think about them a little while and make them habitual, you will be the one that you want to buy 10% of when you get all through. The beauty of it is you already own 100%. You're stuck with it, so you might as well be that person." - Warren Buffett