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Trent Shelton | Don't Let Others Stop You From Living Your Own Truth

Trent Shelton | Don't Let Others Stop You From Living Your Own Truth

Trent Shelton - Live Your Truth

Former professional football player Trent Shelton reminds you to never silence your voice even in the face of those who don't understand you. Why? Because greatness is often misunderstood.


You gotta realize, everybody don't even wanna get you. There's some people out there that's gonna commit their life to misunderstanding you. That's gonna commit their life to tearing you down. You have to understand that. You can't live to please people. You gotta live your truth. There's gonna people out there that don't get your vision, don't get your purpose, gonna talk abut you, gonna say you've changed, they don't get your change, they don't left some things behind. But you can't let that stop you from moving forward. You can't let that steal your passion. You have to be willing to be misunderstood. Straight up.

And it's okay. It's okay to be misunderstood. It's okay to be different. It's okay to make some changes. Because it's your life. It's your responsibility. I tell people all the time I understand that I will be misunderstood, but I will never let that stop me from living my truth. Because I gotta be true to him I am for the purpose that God put in my life. And some people won't like it. I understand that, I get it. But I'm not gonna stop that to please people's opinions. I'm not gonna silence my voice to make other people feel comfortable. Who cares if they're uncomfortable with you being you? Who cares if they judge you for you being you? Who cares if they criticize you for you being you? Be you. Be misunderstood. Because I'll tell you something, greatness, confidence, is oftentimes misunderstood. But you cannot let that holding you back. That's it, it all starts with you, man.

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