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Oprah Winfrey On Empowering Yourself

Oprah Winfrey On Empowering Yourself

Oprah Winfrey - Make The Decision

Famous TV show host Oprah Winfrey talks about the importance of empowering yourself into making important decisions in your life.


"Every life is enhanced by the sharing and the giving and the opening up of heart space. Your life gets better when you can find a way to share it with someone else. What we've done, you can do. The real empowerment comes when every person leaves this room and makes a decision. True decision is how will you use yourself. How will you use everything that you have been given to serve that which is greater than yourself? How will you use that to become truly, authentically empowered? Your legacy is every life that you touch. As you leave here today, the decision is whose lives will that be? How will you use yourself in such a way that your impact and your legacy will live beyond the doing."

- Oprah Winfrey

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