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Jet Li: Stay Balanced, and Do Your Best
Jet Li: Stay Balanced and Do Your Best
Goalcast Originals

Jet Li: Stay Balanced, and Do Your Best

Jet Li - Do Your Best

Actor and martial artist Jet Li talks about the importance of balance in everything, and says we need to work hard and do our best at what we love.


"The biggest enemy is ourself. We need to fight. When learning special professional martial arts, everybody get a lot injuries in the past. You need to fight with them, everyday, you know, you need to work, continue, to show your strength, and do your best.

"You need a balance. Everything too fast is no good, but too slow is also not good, you need a balance. So, that's why I like martial arts, it always tells you how to control your body, your mind, your heart, to balance. Balance can keep the world peace.

"I always tell myself forget the past, what I did in the past, I'm a new guy today, every day new things happen. I need to learn English, I need to learn things, learn the American style, I become older, older, older. But you still need to study, study, study. You just become happier to do what you really want to do, not for the name or money. You need to do something you really want to do. I don't know the future, but if I really want to do, I start, then I do my best.

"The real meaning of fearless today, from Jet Li's head is: Do your best at everything, every day in everyday training, work, everything, it's good enough."

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