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Black Employee Is Fired After He Stands Up to His Racist Boss - Outraged Co-workers Have the Best Response
Employees Quit After Racist Boss Fired Black Man for Standing Up for Himself
Uplifting News

Black Employee Is Fired After He Stands Up to His Racist Boss - Outraged Co-workers Have the Best Response

When a Black employee was unjustly fired, his racist bosses got a rude awakening.

It's a fact that good jobs are tough to find, especially for Black men. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, they represent the biggest jobless segment at 12.2%.

You can bet oil-change worker DeWayne Wren knew this working at East End Xpress Lube in Illinois. But no amount of money was worth the hell he went through. Yet it would only get worse when he went to his boss about it.

Why a Black Employee Was Fired by a Racist Husband and Wife

man covering his face with his hands
Photo by Nicola Barts

That's because it was his boss East End Xpress owner Paul Beeler, along with his wife Marcia, who constantly abused Wren with racist insults. Per the Atlanta Black Star, Wren recalled one time when things got really personal and Beeler called him derogatory names.

When Wren confronted Beeler in his office about it, he refused to apologize, saying that it was his shop and he can do as he wants. Then, as a final insult, Wren was fired for having the gall to speak up. What's worse is that his white co-workers who also complained kept their jobs.

Little did his racist bosses know at the time, but they were about to get a double dose of karma.

How Co-workers Stepped Up for a Friend

keyboard with a yellow post it note on it
Photo by Nick Fewings

When word of Wren's firing got around, four of his co-workers quit in protest, leaving only one mechanic at the shop. All of them, like Ethan Hess, expressed outrage as their motivation.

“They fired Wren because he was Black and they did not want to own up to it,” he told the Riverfront Times.

Samuel Sargent another former employee, recalled Beeler making racist comments several times. In an angry text to Marcia Beeler, he shamed her and defended Wren.

“This is the 21st century, you and Paul should be better than to be saying racial slurs towards, around, or behind anyone even more importantly my good friend DeWayne who I know is a hard worker,” he wrote.

“I do not stand for that and will not let it happen to my friends.”

Neither Paul nor Marcia Beeler replied to any requests for comment. At this point, probably the less they say the better.

How Co-workers Proved That Friends Stick Up for Each Other

three hands from diverse backgrounds one on top of the other
Photo by Alexander Suhorucov

Among best friend quotes, one from Hellen Keller reads, "Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light." In DeWayne Wren's darkest moment, four of his friends stepped up to walk with him.

Yes, in this case, it meant leaving a job and going into the unknown. I'm sure it wasn't easy for Hess, Sargent, or the other two. Yet is their integrity worth cashing cheques from racists?

While you can't blame someone who has no motivation to stay but also no option to leave, you can surely salute those who took a stand and left.

Doing what's right isn't always doing what's easy; it's the force that pushes the sun through the clouds.

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