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Quick-Thinking Woman Realizes Something Is Wrong After She Observes 2 Young Girls With Their “Father”
quick thinking woman saves 2 young girls from potential kidnapper
Uplifting News

Quick-Thinking Woman Realizes Something Is Wrong After She Observes 2 Young Girls With Their “Father”

A would-be kidnappers plans were foiled thanks to a few good samaritans.

*Featured image contains photo by Teona Swift

A Florida churchgoer was going about her usual business when she discovered two young children in grave danger and thought fast to save their lives. 

How a Quick-Thinking Woman Saved 2 Young Children

stained glass windows in a church
Photo by Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash

An anonymous woman in Hillsborough County, Florida, was standing outside of her church one day when something life-changing happened. She saw two young girls riding bikes with an intimidating, burly man following close behind them. 

The woman noticed something wasn't quite right in the dynamic between the kids and the man who was posing as their father. He struck one of the children on the head, and held the other one in a headlock while whispering in their ear. The churchgoer picked up on bad energy and made eye contact with the children, who jumped at the opportunity to get help. One of the children mouthed to the woman, “Please help me, this is not my dad.”

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The alleged kidnapper, later identified as David Daniels, sprung into action and tried to sweet talk the strangers in the church out of alerting the authorities. He told the anonymous woman, "We just moved here, we just want to see how we can help do whatever you're doing." However, when the woman tried to further engage Daniels in conversation and asked where they had moved from, he was unable to give her a straight answer. Nevertheless, she tried to distract him by inviting him into the church so that she would be able to contact the authorities and rescue the children.

How a Woman Proved the Importance of Trusting Instincts

Earlier that day, Daniels had approached the two children near local restaurant Cherry’s Bar and Grill. Posing as a good samaritan, he offered to walk them home -- that is when things took a dark turn. Daniels continued to follow the children even when they felt unsafe, and the three eventually ended up at the church where authorities were called.

"Thankfully these children stuck together and rode their bikes to a nearby church and asked an adult for help. Members of this church really stepped up to protect children that were not theirs. They saw that something was wrong and they saved these children," Jessica Lang of the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said.

Daniels was able to escape the church, but was later apprehended and booked on multiple charges, including child abuse and false imprisonment. Local police were thrilled that the anonymous woman was able to think quickly, recognize a dangerous situation, and make the call that would rescue two innocent souls.


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