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act of kindness

Family of 6 sitting on their porch and a man with a beard.
Uplifting News

Contractor Refuses To Charge​ For Repairs - After He Discovers This About the Family

Mark Bowman, aka The Man With Tools, is in the contracting business. But he's also in the business of doing good. So when he found out that the family who wanted to hire him to do some much-needed repairs on their home was in the battle of their lives, he strapped on his tool belt and got to of charge.

Elderly woman looking shocked and a stranger speaking to a 75-year-old woman with glasses.
Uplifting News

Homeless 75-Year-Old Gives Her Food To a Stranger - So, He Completely Changes Her Life

For the past nine years, 75-year-old Linda Witt-King has been living on the streets of Costa Mesa, California. But that all changed with one chance encounter...and now, thanks to her simple act of kindness and the power of social media, she has a place she can finally call HOME.

Family dining at a restaurant and a handwritten note with money.
Uplifting News

Mom Dining With 2 Kids Notices Stranger Sitting Nearby - Then, He Leaves Her a Note

There's no job on earth quite as humbling as being a parent. One second you're patting yourself on the back and thinking, "I've got this," the next, your 4-year-old has suddenly turned into a Kracken in the middle of aisle 4, rage screaming, "I don't like you!!" because you refuse to buy a box of Cocoa Puffs.It's a roller coaster, to say the least, and sometimes? You just really need someone to say, "Hey! You're doing a great job."Oftentimes, however, instead of encouragement, parents are met with judgment and shame from strangers. So, when one mom received a note from a random stranger in a cafe she had no idea what to expect.

Police officer looking at a parked car, a person placing a note on a car and a man wearing a baseball hat.
Uplifting News

Man Notices Stranger's Car Was About to Get a Ticket - His Response Goes Insanely Viral

Anyone who owns a car knows that feeling of dread when you discover a slip of paper tucked under your windshield wiper. Getting a parking ticket is an annoyance at best. At worst? It's an unexpected expense you can't afford.But lucky for one New York driver, when a police officer was seconds away from ticketing his car, a stranger had his back. And his impromptu act of kindness just took social media by storm.

Police bodycam footage of a man opening a door and blowing out candles on a cupcake.
Uplifting News

Man Spending His Birthday All Alone Calls 911 - He Didn't Think Cops Would Show Up

Most of us know that if you’re ever in an emergency situation, you can call 911 for immediate help. Well for one man, having no one there to help him celebrate his birthday was an emergency. So he called the help line just to hear some well wishes. What he didn't expect was for two police officers to show up.

Starbucks barista crying in her car and a woman holding a baby.
Uplifting News

Grieving Starbucks Barista Serves a Stranger - Minutes Later, She Returns With a Note

Courtney Crawford, 32, likes to serve up more than just coffee to her early-morning customers at Starbucks.A self-professed "morning person," the part-time Starbucks barista (who starts her day at the ungodly hour of 4 a.m.) goes out of her way to try to brighten people's days. So, when a woman walked in who appeared to be struggling, Courtney kicked her pep into high gear. It worked. As far as Courtney was concerned, she didn't do anything special. But to the woman? It meant everything.

Man in a checked shirt and security camera footage of a boy speaking to an older man.
Uplifting News

Boy Gives His Only Dollar to a Homeless Man - Is Shocked to Learn His True Identity

Friendships can spark in the least likely places. But when one nine-year-old boy tried to do a good deed on a Good Friday, it was the start of a friendship no one saw coming.

woman and man shopping with their daughter and a person writing on a notepad with money placed on the table
Uplifting News

Surprised Mom Finds Random Note at Kmart - Then, Strangers Find the Mystery Author

It's another afternoon in the outback for Australian native Katherine. She's at the Queensland Kmart department store shopping for candles.That's when her 12-year-old daughter shows her something she's found on one of the shelves. Well, two things.

Womans Childhood Classmate Used to Pack Her Lunch - Years Later, Does Something Incredible to Honor Her
Uplifting News

Womans Childhood Classmate Used to Pack Her Lunch - Years Later, Does Something Incredible to Honor Her

*Featured image contains photo by olia danilevich and Oleksandr PAnyone who has ever experienced food insecurity knows that it never really leaves you. Those hunger pangs, even when they're long gone, linger, a phantom reminder of darker days.When Haley was in third grade, she knew those pangs well. Her family was struggling and there was never enough to eat. One of her classmates noticed and would pack an extra lunch for her. Her name was Gracie May.Although the two classmates lost touch after fourth grade, Haley never forgot her. Years later, Haley had a daughter...she named her "Gracelyn Marie" in honor of that little girl.How a Young Girl Made a Lasting ImpressionIn a TikTok video that is shattering hearts everywhere, Haley (@bby_hxxii) shares an emotional 7-second clip she simply captions "Angels are real."Set to the haunting lyrics, "I think of you all the time," from Alex Olsen's song, Someday I'll Get It, the video zooms in on Haley as she blows a kiss.“To that sweet girl in 3rd grade that would bring in an extra lunch box with food just for me, thank you so much. I named my daughter after you," Haley writes in the text overlay.Welp. It may be simple but boy, does it pack a punch. One commenter summed it up in 8 words:"'I named my daughter after you' I'm sobbing."The video has struck a nerve. In just a few days it's gone viral with over 2.8 million views, 630,000 likes, and more than 4800 comments.Its message has resonated with people all over the globe, a poignant reminder of the profound impact of kindness.Reaction to the Viral TikTokThousands of people took to the comment section, touched by Gracie's actions and the way Haley chose to honor her."Love how you honored her," wrote one commenter."Her mama was looking out for you," said another. "I hope she sees this. kindness always comes back," said a third.But in addition to all of the love, it also started a tsunami of goodness. People began sharing their own stories, hundreds of them. And if these doesn't restore your faith in humanity, nothing will.Here are just a few:"I had the same bday as one of my classmates and every year her mom did a big party in the classroom for her and my name would always be on the cake too." — Britney"When I was in 7th grade, a popular girl (never talked to her) heard that my mom couldn't afford Christmas for me that year. Her & her mom went Christmas shopping for me and brought me gifts to school. I will never forget that. I think of it often and hope she's well." — Ambria"My son noticed a quiet kid in his class w holes in his shoes/clothes. He came to school the next day w clothes he didn’t want. - the boy wears his new outfits daily & my son says he tells jokes now." — Alli"I remember a teacher that would call me to class before going home to give me 4 cans of raviolis for me and my 3 siblings. I never told her but she knew." — neener-neen"The boy that danced with me at the primary school dance when no else would ~ who passed away a few years later from cancer. Always in my heart." — Clarel892"My mom named me after the first friend she made when she moved to America." — L"I used to hate my smile until one girl told me she loved my side dimples. every time I smile I think of her to this day because she made me appreciate it instead of hating it." — Ana NjeriOne Small Act of Kindness Can Change Someone’s WorldAfter grade four, Haley moved from Texas to Arizona. It's been 13 years since she's seen Gracie but not a day goes by that she doesn't think about her. THAT is the power of kindness.To Gracie, it was probably just lunch. To Haley, it was the world. And she never forgot it. And now, neither will her daughter."To live rent free in someone's head for an act of kindness is something we should all strive for."More from Goalcast:Child Realizes Hungry Classmates Don’t Have Lunch – So He Makes an Unexpected Request to His Mom“Homeless” Man Insists on Paying for an Expensive Lunch at Restaurant – So the Server Tells Him a LieMom Has Perfect Response to Teacher Who Called Her Son’s Lunches ‘Disgusting’ – Then She Receives a Shocking Email

Exhausted Man Falls Asleep While Getting a Haircut - Barbers Reaction Goes Viral
Uplifting News

Exhausted Man Falls Asleep While Getting a Haircut - Barbers Reaction Goes Viral

Life is hectic and it isn't often that we get a chance to just put up our feet, sit back, and relax.So, it's not uncommon for people to doze off for a moment or two in the barber chair. What is uncommon is for that doze to last THREE HOURS.After his client fell asleep in his chair, a sympathetic hairstylist waited patiently for him to wake up. Three hours and 38 missed calls later, he finally did. Exhausted Worker Falls Asleep in Barber’s ChairIt was around 3 o'clock in the afternoon when Billy walked into Barber Industries, a barbershop in a shopping mall in Newcastle, Australia. Fresh off his shift at work, he was still wearing his hi-vis shirt and work boots.A regular at the shop, Billy often pops in for a haircut and a beard trim. He wasn't long in the chair before he started to nod off. "He sat down then mid-conversation he just started to fall asleep," barber Jordan Magasiva told Yahoo News. While an exhausted Billy took the chance to catch up on some much-needed ZZZZZs, Jordan took the opportunity to catch him in "action."TikTok of Sleeping Client Goes ViralIn a hilarious video posted to TikTok, Jordan captures Billy, his head thrown back and his mouth wide open, as time stamps flash across the scene. As time marches on, various customers come and go. Everyone that is, except Billy.Jordan captions the clip: "My boy Billy slept during his haircut but we know he’s no joker when it comes to hard yakka (work) hence why we let him sleep because we know how hectic work/life gets." And by "sleep" he means borderline comatose. The guy literally does not move for almost three hours.At the 3:45 mark, the stylists seem to have resigned themselves to the fact that Billy is in it for the long haul. Someone covers his eyes with a towel. At 4:32, Jordan jokingly checks to see if Billy's still breathing (he is). Finally, three hours after succumbing to his fatigue, and with the mall already closed, Billy wakes up from his beauty rest smiling and no doubt feeling pretty good. (That is until he checks his phone and discovers he has 38 missed calls. Oops.) At 5:45 pm he waves a sheepish goodbye and presumably heads home.Reaction to the Viral VideoApparently, Jordan isn't the only one amused by Billy's power nap. The video has garnered a staggering 14 million views since he posted it a week ago. And while the footage is hilarious, Jordan wants people to know that he has the utmost respect for his client and he posted the video as a tribute to all the hardworking men and women hustling to make ends meet. "Shoutout to all the hardworking men & women doing what they have to do to make ends meet, we must support each other on this journey, dont forget to rest and reset as we only get to enjoy this ride once, cheers guys," Jordan wrote in the caption. His simple act of kindness hasn't gone unnoticed. Over 9700 people took to the comments to praise Jordan and his staff for letting a sleeping Billy lie. "Better he falls asleep in the chair then behind the wheel at a light. Cool to allow him to get some much needed rest before leaving," wrote one."This poor guy, reminds of my dad. Hard worker, falls asleep when gets to relax. Thank you for letting him rest," commented another."I know that feeling trying to get a cut after leaving the job site. Damn near impossible to keep your eyes open," said a third."Probably a shift worker! These day naps are much needed, legend for letting him get it in,” another wrote. The Importance of RestWhat makes this video so relatable is that we've all been there. For most of us, life is crazy and busy and sometimes, bone-numbingly exhausting. Between work, family, household responsibilities, and paying bills, there's little time for rest.So when you can take a moment to just sit and breathe, it's a welcome respite from running the never-ending rat race.The fact that Jordan and his staff could honor that time for Billy and put compassion and understanding above productivity, is admirable.It's also a good reminder that the next time you see someone sneaking in a bit of shut-eye, let them rest. Chances are, they need it.More from Goalcast:Kindhearted Barber Gifts Free Haircuts to Disabled Children on His Days OffWoman Breaks Down After Making a Difficult Decision to Shave Her Head – Her Barber’s Powerful Response Goes ViralBoy With Autism Was Too Overwhelmed to Get a Haircut – So the Barber Came Up With a Genius Solution