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acts of kindness

Jennifer Garner helps homeless man in a wheelchair wear new shoes.
Uplifting News

Jennifer Garner Spots a Homeless Man Wearing Old Shoes - the Paparazzi Records Her Next Move

You don’t often witness moments of celebrities and paparazzi working together for the greater good, but then again Jennifer Garner isn’t like most celebrities. The actor is known for her charitable work and doing what it takes to help others, but this might be one of her most inspiring stories yet.

8-Year-Old Driving With His Dad Insists on Pulling Over - His Next Move Is Being Praised by Strangers
Uplifting News

8-Year-Old Driving With His Dad Insists on Pulling Over - His Next Move Is Being Praised by Strangers

In the heart of Wisconsin, in the midst of a snowy Sunday, a heartwarming tale unfolded. A devoted father from Milwaukee, Daniel Medina took to Facebook to share his "proud dad moment", when his sons insisted on pulling the car to a stop, to aid a man in a wheelchair by shoveling snow.The Reason Why Two Boys Asked Their Dad to Stop Driving the CarIn a heartfelt interview, Medina shared how the heartwarming experience unfolded. Medina's sons aged, 6 and 8, saw a man in a wheelchair trying his best to shovel snow from out of his driveway.Medina was cruising along the snow-covered streets, distracted by the weather conditions ahead, when his two sons told their dad to stop the car, after seeing a helpless stranger in need."I didn't even see the guy because I was concentrating on driving in the snow," Medina said. "My oldest, Daniel, said, 'Pull over, let's go help him.' So I said, 'OK, let's go.' We pulled up next to him, and Daniel asked if he had any extra shovels."Now that picture, and their story, has gone viral, with many people applauding the father for good parenting, and his children for their kind act. Sometimes Our Kids Remind Us of What’s ImportantThe man, a stranger until that moment, was armed with extra shovels, a gesture of preparedness and hope, and the bond of shared humanity unfolded in that snow-covered corner. For 45 minutes, the Medina boys worked together to help their neighbour in need. There is no telling how long the snow shovelling would have taken, had it not been for the Medina family's help. “He was grateful,” he said of the man they helped. “He kept telling us thanks and kind of supervised us, made sure we dug out the bus stop in the corner, and also his car because he had a doctor’s appointment the next day.”As it turns out, the Medina's even had a personal connection to their neighbor's personal struggle. Daniel Medina revealed, his boys' mother, who lives in New Mexico, also uses a wheelchair, and believes his son's deeper understanding of the stranger's struggles, prompted Daniel to ask his father to stop the car.How a Simple Act of Kindness Made a Profound ImpactLife can get busy and even the best parents can get caught up in their own world. One of the greatest gifts our kids can give us, is the gift of being present, and keeping our hearts open.Children can see things that sometimes their parents miss. Their childlike sense of wonder can ground them in the world and make them more attune to what the present situation needs.On this day, when Daniel Medina was busy keeping his eyes locked on the road, to make sure he was getting his family safely where they needed to go, his kids were present with their environment. Because of that, the whole family were able to help a neighbor in need, changing the course of everyone's day. Medina got to see his good parenting pay off and that's a gift in and of itself!Sometimes the greatest lessons in life are learned through actions, not words. Compassion, kindness, and empathy are values that radiate from the depths of the heart, and they have the power to transform lives and uplift spirits, especially during the coldest and most challenging of times.The Medina family's story, reminds us that a single act of kindness can light up the darkest days. Let's embrace empathy, nurture it in our children, and carry it forward into our communities. In the end, it is these acts of kindness that unite us, making the world a warmer and more beautiful place for everyone, one snowflake at a time. More from Goalcast:Rude Men Told Woman Who Uses a Wheelchair She ‘Wasn’t Worth Loving’ – Then This Man Got Down on One KneeWoman Needs $5,000 to Fix Her Broken Wheelchair – But Strangers Take Her by Surprise and Raise $22,000 InsteadJennifer Lawrence Sees a Fan in a Wheelchair Crying – So She Rushes off the Red Carpet to Give Her a Hug She’ll Never Forget

Stranger Asks Struggling Crossing Guard for $1 - Then Brings Her to Her Knees With a Shocking Surprise
Uplifting News

Stranger Asks Struggling Crossing Guard for $1 - Then Brings Her to Her Knees With a Shocking Surprise

Right in the middle of her shift, a strange man approaches her with her boss trailing him. When she hears what he tells him, she's concerned. "Is this going to hurt my paycheck? Am I going to be docked?" she asked the Lieutenant. Soon enough, she and millions more were about to find out how wrong she was, for the right reasons.A Stranger Makes an OfferPhoto by Kenny EliasonAs a crossing guard in Detroit's busy downtown district, Linita Edge sees all types of people, but the one constant is her smile. "Be safe. Have a great evening. Oh, your hair is gorgeous," she says to a little girl who beams back at her.So she didn't miss a beat when a man approached her with an offer. He asked if she had $1 in exchange for a jersey. She said sure, however she was busy working. Then the stranger asked if she was a Detroit Tigers baseball fan, to which she said 'Of course!'The stranger then asked her an awkward question about what time she finished work. Yet, the pleasant Edge told him 10 or 11. However, the man pressed her, asking if there was a chance she can get off early. With a smirk, Edge replied 'Close to none.' But, she said jokingly, 'My Lieutenant is right there across the street,' suggesting he can talk to him.With that as motivation, the man turned around and walked straight to her boss. He returned moments later with a surprise offer. A Man’s Surprise Offer to a Crossing GuardPhoto by Joshua PeacockThat's when the strange man returned with her boss in tow. "We wanted to let you know that you got the thumbs up," he told her, as in she was able to leave work earlier. “Oh my god, are you serious?" replied a shocked Edge. "We’re going to the game!” the man replied, referring to a Tigers game, right by where the crossing guard was working. That's when Edge asked her boss if it would impact her pay. With that, the man gave her $500. After saying 'Are you serious?!' Edge welled up and shared the struggle behind her smile."You don't even know right now," she started. "I was just telling my son, 'Son, we're going to have to put it together,'" she said, alluding to her financial struggles. "And I tell them, we're just going to have to pray."Little did Edge know at the time, but this story was about to cross into giant glow-up territory.A TikTok Influencer Changes a Mother’s LifePhoto by Alexander ShatovSo that was not just a strange man looking for a quick date. It was none other than motivational TikToker Zachery Dereniowski (@madmotivator), who has 16.1 million followers for creating random acts of kindness. His video showcasing Edge's story and their night out went viral with 10 million views, 1.9 million likes and over 10,000 comments.With the motivation to do something more for Edge, in the caption under his post, Dereniowksi directed viewers to a GoFundMe page he set up for the radiant crosswalk guard. There he also shared some more details about Edge's struggles. He shared that she had recently lost her husband and was the sole provider for her son. "Let's all come together and show Edge and her family the power of the internet and bless this family," he wrote. "100% of the funds raised will go towards paying rent, food bills, and helping her sons with their education. Be kind and love always ❤️."How a Community Lifts a Sweet Single MotherIt seems that Dereniowksi so enjoyed his night at the ballpark with Edge that he asked her out again (Who could blame him?!). On this night, stadium announcer Chris Butzlaff got on the intercom and asked Edge and Derenioski to come to center field.There, he announced to the crowd that the campaign for Edge was a success, as the people of Detroit who had seen Dereniowski's TikTok raised these extra funds for her. Make that $50,000 extra, as they presented her with a cheque in her name. An overwhelmed Edge fell to her knees in tears, yelling out, "Oh god!" with her arms outstretched. "Who knew that a T-shirt would change my life," Edge told CBS.How a TikToker Proves That Kindness Makes Magic Dereniowksi says that he hopes that this moment inspires scores of kindness copycats worldwide. "I hope that this 'viral kindness' is contagious and creates a ripple effect in the lives of people who have watched this video," he added. There's a bit of a chicken-or-the-egg quandary here. Did this moment happen because of Edge's glow, or because of Dereniowksi tapping into the power of the internet? I'd say both.It just goes to show that when kindness combines, we can cross great places together. More from Goalcast:Homeless Man Bursts Into Tears After Finding Out Strangers Raised Over $15,000 For Him to Buy a HouseMan Donates Money and Supplies to Ugandan Orphanage — The Children’s Reaction to His Arrival Will Bring Tears to Your Eyes

Woman Away on Vacation Receives a Notification - Finds the Message a 13-Year-Old Had Left for Her on Her Doorbell Camera
Uplifting News

Woman Away on Vacation Receives a Notification - Finds the Message a 13-Year-Old Had Left for Her on Her Doorbell Camera

Sometimes we all need a boost in life, and often that boost can come from an unexpected place. A stranger, an unforeseen event, or even a neighbor can make us feel good and important in a meaningful but unexpected way.Well, that’s what happened to one person in Minnesota recently when she discovered the video her 13-year-old neighbor had left on her doorbell camera while she was away.Kids Being KidsOne day a teen named Jacksen Proell and his friends were playing Ding Dong Ditch (also known as Nicky Nicky Nine Doors) in their neighborhood. The game’s premise is simple: you ring the doorbell and then run away before someone can answer it. That summer day, though, Proell didn’t feel like pranking anyone.“I didn’t want to be a part of the ding dong ditching because there's no point,” the 13-year-old told USA Today. So, he decided to do something kind instead.When Proell rang his neighbor’s bell, he looked into the camera. “You matter, alright?” he said. “There's always going to be somebody that cares about you. You're a good person, no matter what people say.”According to the teen, he just felt as though whoever was on the other side of the door needed to hear a nice message. He had previously struggled with depression, and wanted to spread a bit of light.“I know, somewhat, how bad it can be,” he continued to the publication. “But I also know that it could be a million times worse.”A Message ReceivedHomeowner Ashley Mann wasn’t home the day Proell left the video because she was on vacation. However, she received a notification on her phone and watched the sweet message from afar. She was so touched that she shared it on TikTok, where it went viral with nearly a million likes.“I was watching the video, and it really struck me, and it was just super powerful,” Mann also told USA Today. “I wanted more people to see it. I wanted to spread a positive message. I wanted those words to get out because this is a young kid saying it. It's not an adult saying it.”That a kid was spreading this message wasn’t surprising to Proell’s mother, Carissa. When she saw the video for herself, she was touched.“He's such a sweet, amazing kid,” she shared. “It's not that I didn't expect him to leave something like that. But it was still just like, this guy right here … This is all him. He's just amazing, and I was so proud.”Turns out, the message was also a spark for a new friendship. Mann, who is new to the neighborhood, and Carissa plan to meet up soon.Taking Kindness One Step FurtherMann didn’t expect the video to go viral, but once it did, she decided to try and pay it forward. So she started a GoFundMe to gather donations for a local crisis clinic that recently opened in hopes of helping others who need a boost.“I was thinking it would be super cool if … somehow we could raise enough funds to donate it to the crisis clinic or donate it to a mental health organization because that way, we're giving back to the community a little bit more,” she said.“It's just such a positive thing that I think is kind of addicting or like the trickle effect,” Carissa added. “It's helping people want to share it more and more, and I think that that's really uplifting.”The Importance of Spreading KindnessThis story is such a feel-good tale because it reminds us that there is good in the youth out there and that even when a group of kids is getting together to cause light mischief in the neighborhood, someone can still stand up and do something good.It inspires us to also spread messages of kindness, whether that’s leaving a nice message on a stranger’s social media, telling a neighbor how much we appreciate them, or doing something unexpected for someone else in our life.At the end of the day, it’s kind acts like these that help boost people when they most need it, spreading positivity and light in a world that can sometimes get weighed down by darkness.More from Goalcast:Little Boy Sees a Hurricane Evacuee in Line at Chick Fil A – What He Does Next Is Proof of the Incredible Kindness of ChildrenKind Stranger Pays for a Young Mother’s Pancakes – She Doesn’t Realize The Impact of Her Deed

Woman Sets Up a Camera at Her Elderly Moms House - Finds Out the Truth About Her Relationship With a Sanitation Worker
Uplifting News

Woman Sets Up a Camera at Her Elderly Moms House - Finds Out the Truth About Her Relationship With a Sanitation Worker

Life's tapestry is woven with heartwarming stories that restore our faith in the inherent goodness of humanity. Among these inspiring tales lies an extraordinary connection that unfolded in Independence, Missouri, touching the hearts of thousands.Opal Zucca, an 88-year-old woman living with dementia, found an unexpected guardian angel in the form of Billy Shelby, a caring sanitation worker. Their fateful encounter began when Opal suffered a fall while struggling with her trashcan after an injury in January.How a Sanitation Worker Became Friends With an Elderly WomanPhoto by Artem MakarovAs fate would have it, Billy was there that day and came to her rescue. Since that moment, he became a steadfast source of support, proving that a little kindness can have a profound impact.A heartwarming video, shared by Opal's daughter Colette Kingston after she set up a camera at her mother's house, captured the touching scene of Billy and Opal moving arm in arm up the driveway. A simple act of assistance blossomed into a beautiful friendship that moved Colette to tears.Beyond lending a helping hand, Billy's genuine kindness extended to warm conversations that brightened Opal's day. His presence in her life was a testament to the power of human connection.Grateful for Billy's unwavering support, Opal and her family sought to show their appreciation. Kingston suggested treating him to a Chiefs or Sporting game, knowing that it's these small gestures that make a difference.How One Man Proved the Importance of Forming Meaningful ConnectionsSanitation workers like Billy often go unnoticed in their daily tasks, but his act of kindness serves as a poignant reminder that they deserve our respect and gratitude.Opal's gratitude knew no bounds as she prayed for Billy, a testament to the impact his compassion had on her life. For both Opal and Colette, Billy's kindness serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that goodness still thrives in our world.Amidst the hustle of modern life, we should pause to cherish these meaningful connections. Simple acts of kindness, like Billy's, have the power to brighten someone's day and create lasting bonds.The heartwarming story of Opal and Billy inspires us all to look beyond our daily routines and embrace the opportunity to make a positive difference in someone's life. As we navigate life's journey, may we be reminded of the profound impact our acts of kindness can have, and let compassion guide us in making the world a better place for all.More from Goalcast:82-Year-Old With Dementia Disappears Into the Freezing Cold – One Sanitation Worker Doesn’t Hesitate to Carry Her Into His TruckSanitation Worker Finds a Woman’s Lost Ring in the Trash – Their Kindness Makes Her Breakdown in TearsWoman’s Husband of 37 Years Passes Away – To Honor Him, She Decides to Take Over His Other “Job” That He Used to Do Daily

Customer Finds Out Grocery Store Worker Hasn't Taken a Hot Shower in Months - Takes Matters Into her Own Hands
Everyday Heroes

Customer Finds Out Grocery Store Worker Hasn't Taken a Hot Shower in Months - Takes Matters Into her Own Hands

In a world that often feels divided, a small act of kindness has the power to bridge the gaps and touch hearts. Stephanie Peach, a compassionate nurse and coupon enthusiast, recently made a remarkable gesture that left an indelible mark on the life of Dennis Raiten, a dedicated worker at Monroe Pick 'N Save. This heartwarming story reminds us of the profound impact we can have when we extend a helping hand to those in need.Stephanie and Dennis crossed paths during their routine encounters at the Pick 'N Save store, where Dennis works tirelessly at the self-checkout. Building a FriendshipPhoto by Tim SamuelTheir interactions were always pleasant, and it was during one conversation that Dennis mentioned his struggle with the lack of heat during the cold winter months. This simple disclosure sparked a deep empathy within Stephanie's compassionate heart.“I’m getting used to some cold showers. I can heat that pan, put it over there, and I’m all set,” Dennis said.Moved by Dennis's plight, Stephanie sprang into action. She initiated a GoFundMe campaign within the Green County community, aiming to rally support and provide assistance to her newfound friend. Stephanie's dedication and determination fueled the campaign, gradually gathering momentum. With the funds raised, she surprised Dennis with a brand-new boiler, ensuring that warmth and comfort would grace his home once again.What began as a casual encounter quickly blossomed into a profound connection between Stephanie and Dennis. Their shared experiences and genuine care for one another transcended the boundaries of mere acquaintanceship. Stephanie expressed that she now considers Dennis a true friend, someone she holds dear and even regards as family. The bond they forged amid adversity speaks volumes about the power of compassion and genuine human connection.A Touching ResponseThe gift of a new boiler not only restored warmth to Dennis's home but also provided him with the simple pleasure of a hot shower. For months, he had endured the inconvenience of cold showers, making do with inventive methods to heat water. The generosity of Stephanie's gesture brought immense relief and gratitude, warming not only Dennis's physical surroundings but also his heart.Overwhelmed by the unexpected act of kindness, Dennis found himself at a loss for words. Stephanie's selfless act left an indelible impression, reminding him that there are still people in the world who genuinely care. The transformational impact of her gift was undeniable, and Dennis couldn't help but express his heartfelt appreciation for Stephanie's unwavering support and generosity.Stephanie's hope is that this heartwarming story serves as a powerful reminder for everyone to embrace kindness and compassion. Often, we never truly know the struggles others are facing behind closed doors. By reaching out a helping hand and showing empathy, we can make a profound difference in someone's life, just as Stephanie did for Dennis.The Importance of Reaching OutWith summer fast approaching, Stephanie's kindness didn't stop at the boiler. Recognizing the changing seasons, she also provided Dennis with an air conditioning unit, ensuring his comfort during the sweltering months ahead. Additionally, Stephanie increased the GoFundMe campaign to support Dennis with much-needed bathroom renovations, further enhancing his quality of life.The story of Stephanie and Dennis is a testament to the power of compassion, friendship, and the incredible impact that one person's kindness can have on another's life. It serves as a gentle reminder that our acts of kindness, no matter how small, have the potential to ignite hope and inspire others. Let us carry the spirit of Stephanie's selflessness in our hearts and strive to make a positive difference in the lives of those around us. Together, we can create a world filled with compassion, warmth, and genuine connections.More from Goalcast:Kindhearted Barber Gifts Free Haircuts to Disabled Children on His Days OffStranger Gives Homeless Man $100 Outback Gift Card – What Happens Next Completely Changes His Life

Two 11-Year-Olds Are Caught in the Act - Lawnmower Man Gifts Them New Equipment to Start a Business
Uplifting News

Two 11-Year-Olds Are Caught in the Act - Lawnmower Man Gifts Them New Equipment to Start a Business

While other kids their age are spending their summers riding bikes and playing video games, 11-year-olds Ja’Torrian (J.T.) Taylor and Tevin (T.J.) Rice of Gadsden, Alabama, are sowing seeds of good karma instead.After witnessing an elderly neighbor trying to mow her lawn with one hand while simultaneously holding onto a walker in the other, Ja’Torrian felt compelled to do something.Without a second thought, he quickly ran over to finish the job. The first seed was planted.How Two 11-Year-Old Boys Are Spending the Summer Helping OthersJa’Torrian felt so good about helping his neighbor, that he decided to do it again, this time, teaming up with one of his best friends, Tevin.With a rickety old, used lawnmower donated by their neighbor, the pre-teens got to work, not only mowing the lawn of the elderly woman but also the lawns of others who struggle in their community as well.TJ & JT Mowing Service was officially born.According to WVTM 13, the boys mow three to four yards a week. Eventually, they started charging $10 a lawn to help cover the cost of gas and save for a new lawnmower. But that's not the only way their hard work paid off. The boys' efforts caught the attention of Rodney Smith Jr. aka the "Lawnmower Man."The Lawnmower Man: Changing the World, One Lawn at a TimeIn 2015, Smith, then a student at Alabama A&M University in Huntsville, came across an elderly man struggling to mow his lawn. He pulled over and helped him. It made such an impact that, that night, he decided to start mowing the lawns of the elderly, disabled, veterans, and single parents for free.When he topped 100 lawns, he came up with the idea to launch a nonprofit organization called Raising Men and Women Lawn Care Service, to teach kids aged 7 -17 "the importance of giving back to their community with a lawnmower."In 2017, Smith, who has a Master's in social work, embarked on a mission to travel to all 50 states, mowing the lawns of those in need for free. Since then, he has mowed over 20,000 lawns, all on his own dime. Additionally, he started the 50-Yard Challenge to encourage young people to help their community by mowing lawns for people in need. "I hope it teaches youth that it is good to give back," said Smith. "And that it teaches them good morals, how to be a good citizen, and that they can make a difference one lawn at a time."Kids can earn t-shirts for every 10-yard milestone completed. And eventually, once they've finished the challenge, the kids are gifted a brand-new lawnmower, blower, and trimmer.Kids like Ja’Torrian and Tevin.The Boys Become Honorary Members of the 50-Yard Challenge When Smith heard about Ja’Torrian and Tevin's good deeds, he dropped everything to pay them a visit. "I’m heading down to Gadsden right now," Smith said. "These are good, hard-working kids that deserve some gratitude."Not only did he meet the boys and offer them some tips, but he also made them honorary members of the 50-yard challenge club and surprised each of them with their very own lawnmower, blower, and trimmer.“Giving these boys lawn equipment is teaching them discipline,” Smith told WVTM 13. “If they tell someone they are going to mow a lawn, they need to mow the lawn.” He also shared these words of wisdom with the boys, "Remember, this is not the end; it’s just the beginning. This could be the beginning of a successful lawn service.""You start here and your potential is enormous," he added. The boys were beyond thrilled and plan to put their new equipment to good use. As of May 2023, there are 4,588 kids participating in the 50-yard challenge across the U.S. as per the Springfield Daily Citizen. If everyone completes the challenge, that will bring the total number of lawns mowed for free since 2015 to a whopping 229,400.And all it took was one to get started.If you want more information or know a kid who wants to join the challenge and be a part of making a difference - one lawn at a time - check out Smith's website here.More from Goalcast:“Serving Those in Need”: Firefighters Mow Lawn of Unexpected 95-Year-Old Struggling to Cut His Own Grass‘Have Him Die Somewhere Else!’ – Lawn Worker Saves Man Having Seizure As Residents Refuse To Help

Man Spots Shaquille ONeal at Best Buy and Goes to Talk to Him - What He Says Gets Him a New Laptop for Free
Uplifting News

Man Spots Shaquille ONeal at Best Buy and Goes to Talk to Him - What He Says Gets Him a New Laptop for Free

It’s easy to think that celebrities have it all together. So often, we see them living their best lives with lots of cash and fame, not to mention exclusive access to things many of us could only dream of.But celebrities are people too, with real feelings and emotions. Basketball superstar Shaquille O’Neal is no exception, so he was particularly grateful one day when fans approached him with compassion.A Celebrity SightingA man named Patrick Martin received the shock of a lifetime one day when he was shopping at a Best Buy store in McDonough, Georgia. As he was looking at the laptops and figuring out which one he should purchase, he saw Shaquille O’Neal in the store.While many people would probably rush the Basketball Hall of Famer and ask for a selfie and gush about their fandom, Martin knew the celebrity had suffered through a rough year.So instead, he approached the man and offered his condolences on the loss of Kobe Bryant and O’Neal’s sister, Ayesha Harrison-Jex, who had recently passed away from cancer.After the exchange, Martin and his friend returned to the laptop section and went about their business.An Unexpected Gesture As Martin was looking at the laptops, he got another surprise: Shaq had come up behind them. As it turns out, the former Lakers player was so moved by the man’s compassion that he wanted to do something nice for him.“We walked off, then Shaq comes to us and says, ‘I like y’all, so get the nicest one in here, and I’ll pay for it,’” Martin recounted in a social media post. In the end, the basketballer bought Martin a new Microsoft Surface Laptop.It’s not the first time Shaq has paid it forward with fans. Over the years, he’s helped a teen with large feet find shoes that fit him, helped a 12-year-old who was unable to leave the hospital by buying him a new house, and helped a struggling mom buy school supplies for her kids, among other kind acts.Everyone Deserves CompassionIt’s always nice to see celebrities, who seem to have so much, go out of their way to give back to their fans and the communities that have supported them. But this story is also a great reminder that everyone in life deserves compassion.Martin had zero expectations that day when he approached a global superstar and offered his condolences. He was just treating him like the human being he is. And Shaq was so touched, he wanted to do something kind back.We never really know what someone else is going through. Sometimes when someone seems to have it all together, they’re actually really hurting inside. That makes it important to treat everyone with compassion and respect and remember that we only know the things we see.Opening our minds and hearts isn’t just a great way to practice compassion and kindness, but it makes our corner of the world a nicer space.

Passenger Sees Blind Man Get off the Bus  Immediately Takes a Video When the Driver Follows Him Out for This Reason
Uplifting News

Passenger Sees Blind Man Get off the Bus Immediately Takes a Video When the Driver Follows Him Out for This Reason

So often, we go about our days without really paying attention to our surroundings or those passing us by. But sometimes, if you stop for a little breather and actually take in what's happening around you, you may realize there are many, everyday acts of kindness you can perform.This kind bus driver reminds us of that, which is one reason her story has gone viral.A Random DayInstagram/gomiamidadeBus driver Ciji Crawford was going about her business one day in Miami-Dade County, Florida, when she noticed a new passenger on her route. The man was blind and needed assistance, so she asked if she could help him.According to NBC South Florida, the man initially resisted help, but Crawford told him it was no problem.“I would want someone to do the same thing, and that’s how I was looking at it,” she told the outlet. “That was the right thing to do.”Crawford then checked with the other passengers to ensure they were okay if she walked the man across the street. When no one objected, she got out and helped the man safely cross.She had no idea anyone was really paying attention at that moment, let alone recording her act of kindness.A Surprise Viral MomentInstagram/gomiamidadeHowever, someone was recording the moment, and they later posted it on social media, where it was shared wide and far. “When my job called me and told me, ‘Hey, you went viral,’ I’m like, ‘What?’” Crawford recalled to the news outlet. “I didn’t even think about the incident because it was something that, you know, was natural to me.”In the video, Crawford and the man can be seen laughing as they cross the street.“He was saying, 'You know, you an angel.' And that’s when I said, 'You know what, if I was strong enough, I would carry you,' and that’s what the video showed of us actually laughing,” Crawford explained.As for why the video went viral, Crawford has some ideas. She says it all boils down to kindness and compassion, and to someone who just took a couple of extra minutes out of their day to help a stranger in need.“That was something that the world needed at that moment,” she said. “To show that it’s still some good people out here in this world and everybody deserves love and compassion and understanding.”Everyday Acts of KindnessActs of kindness don’t have to be large or extravagant to make a difference in someone else’s life. While grand gestures and big donations are nice and, of course, welcomed, it’s the small moments that add up to something wonderful.Holding the door open for someone else, saying good morning or actually stopping to listen to someone when you ask how they’re doing, or giving someone on the streets an extra dollar or two are all little ways to spread kindness.You can also spread kindness within your own relationships and friendships. Maybe send unexpected flowers to a friend to cheer them up. Bring a coffee in for your co-worker. Or volunteer to help someone with a move, their kids, or even their groceries.There are many ways to help others if we just stop and assess how. And, as this bus driver reminds us all, your act of kindness may inspire thousands of others to step up their kindness game too.

Bus Driver Always Gives Extra Attention to 4-Year-Old - Then One Day, She Sees the Little Girl Waving From a Broken Window
Uplifting News

Bus Driver Always Gives Extra Attention to 4-Year-Old - Then One Day, She Sees the Little Girl Waving From a Broken Window

We never really know what other people are going through, which is why it’s always a good idea to be kind to everyone. Sometimes people just need others to be gracious to them, and it can make a big difference in their lives.Well, a bus driver named Kathy Neves may not have realized how much her kindness meant to one little girl, but 30 years later and this woman's actions are something Amanda Joseph will forever remember.The Rough Childhood One Little Girl Had Gone ThroughFacebook/amanda leeAs a school bus driver in New Bedford, Massachusetts, Neves came across many children. But she knew there was more going on at home than four-year-old Joseph was letting on. So she would pick the little girl up early and give her some extra attention before grabbing the other kids.“I’ve remembered Kathy my whole life since I was like four or five,” Joseph told WHDH News. “She would come and bring me breakfast, she would brush and braid my hair in the morning, and she would often have clothes for me to wear.”RELATED: Former Teacher Adopts Student Rejected by 6 Foster Homes – Receives Support From Jamie Lee CurtisBehind the scenes, Joseph had no father, and her single mother was dealing with substance abuse problems. She and her younger siblings were often alone, but Neves had no way of knowing that. Until one day, she saw Joseph standing in a broken window, waving down at her. She knew it was time to call for some help.“She recognized that it was an unsafe situation and gave us a second chance with a new family and a new hope,” Joseph added.Child protective services got involved and placed Joseph and her two sisters into foster care. They stayed there for a few years until their mother finally agreed to adoption, but only if all three siblings were allowed to stay together. They were, and they went on to have a beautiful life with their adoptive family.How a Facebook Post Gave One Woman a Chance to Say ThanksFor the next 30 years, Joseph often thought about the kind bus driver who made such a big difference in her life. Finally, with the support of her friends and family, she posted the story on Facebook to see if she could track Neves down.“I felt like I wanted to say thank you, and I wondered often if I would ever get the chance,” Joseph explained. She added that she, too, now works with children and tries to give them the same attention Neves once gave her.“I work at a school, and oftentimes, I have students who come from troubled situations, and I try to understand them,” she continued. “And I think of Kathy and how she did that for me.”RELATED: Son Reunites With Birth Mother After 20 Years — Realizes They Worked at Same HospitalShortly after the Facebook post went up, people in the area shared their own stories about Neves and her kindness. By the next morning, Joseph had tracked her down. They agreed to meet up for breakfast, and Joseph brought her one-year-old son.“I told her thank you for helping and inspiring me to be kind to others. Even though she doesn’t think that what she did was extraordinary, it meant a lot to me,” Joseph added to Fun107, revealing the pair plans to now keep in touch.“Throughout the years, for whatever reason, some kids just stand out. You see someone who needs something, you go get it for them,” Neves added.How One Bus Driver Proved the Importance of Leading With KindnessNeves and her quick thinking certainly set up Joseph and her sisters for a better life, but what’s touching about this story is that so many others were quick to respond with their own stories of Neves’ kindness. It’s a reminder that, even though a small act may seem minuscule to you, it can have huge consequences for someone else.That’s why acts of kindness are always the best types of acts. Remember that you don’t know what someone else is going through or why they are acting in a certain way. Help where you can and extend kindness and grace, and try not to take someone else’s bad mood or the way they're acting out personally. Odds are they’re going through something, and their external actions are their way of processing what’s happening.And if you do see a situation where something seems off (such as a little girl standing at a broken window), don’t be afraid to call for help. Sometimes those who can’t advocate for themselves need someone to look out for them and help them get on a better path.Plus, if this story is any indication, it could be the thing they remember you for all these years later.