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Woman and her daughter pulling a suitcase and a woman sitting next to a plane window.
Uplifting News

Plus-size Plane Passenger Refuses to Give Up Extra Seat to Toddler - Strangers "Weigh In"

Flying may be the quickest way to travel but it isn't always the most comfortable. The seats are small, legroom is almost non-existent, and there's always that one annoying passenger in front of you who seems to find extreme enjoyment in testing the limits of just how far back that reclining seat can go. Airlines are notorious for cramming in as many people as possible in the smallest spaces possible, which can be especially difficult for plus-sized passengers.

Teen and His Friends Find $50,000 Stuffed in Envelopes on the Road - What They Did Next Left One Person in Disbelief
Uplifting News

Teen and His Friends Find $50,000 Stuffed in Envelopes on the Road - What They Did Next Left One Person in Disbelief

In a plotline that could rival the heartwarming scenes of a holiday movie, three young men in Weber County, Utah, stumbled upon a modern-day treasure trove that wasn't filled with gold coins but something equally precious — envelopes brimming with cash, casually scattered in the middle of the road.What Some Teens Found on the RoadPhoto by Karolina GrabowskaPicture this: a West Haven intersection, a box in the road, and envelopes that, upon closer inspection, contained an astonishing total of $45,000 to $50,000. Rhett and his friends, almost feeling like they'd walked into a movie set, discovered this unexpected windfall. Rhett humorously recalled the moment, saying, “We didn’t know until I kicked one of them and money flew out.”Now, here's where the story could have taken a cinematic turn toward a heist-like adventure. But these young men had something extraordinary: integrity.Facing a dilemma that would test the principles of anyone, they decided to do the right thing. Rhett shared, “The first reaction was like, well, let’s get this to the right person.” He then added with a hint of regret, “Then after we’re like, dang, could have done a lot with that.”In a unanimous and swift decision, they chose honesty over a life-changing amount of money. In a world where such choices are not always guaranteed, their actions were like a breath of fresh air.The owner of the lost money, who had reported it missing, was notified of its recovery. Can you imagine the relief and gratitude he must have felt? Rhett's mom Lori Hickman certainly couldn't stop beaming about it!How a Group of Teens Proved the Importance of IntegrityWhen the owner got his money back, his reaction was a mix of disbelief and immense gratitude. He planned to meet these young men personally to express his thanks and offer a well-deserved reward.This added layer of warmth elevated an already touching story. The narrative of these three young men serves as a powerful reminder of the impact of good choices and moral courage.In a moment that could have steered them down a different path, they demonstrated an admirable level of responsibility and ethics. Their actions become an inspiration, showcasing that even when faced with considerable temptation, the right course of action is possible.Their decision to return the money, despite the myriad ways it could have benefited them, is a shining example of values that truly matter. This story reassures us that there's still a considerable amount of good in this world.These three young men embody the goodness in people. Their choice to do the right thing, despite the temptation, is not just heartening; it reinforces the belief that integrity and honesty are still cherished values in today’s world. It’s a story that doesn't just warm the heart; it solidifies the understanding that, yes, there is still a whole lot of good in this world.More from Goalcast:Woman Notices a Long Line of Hungry Customers at Whataburger – Their Interaction With Deaf Cashier Goes ViralTeen Low on Cash Finds $135,000 in a Bag at an ATM – His Next Move Is a Reminder to All Parents91-Year-Old Great-Grandmother Can Finally Retire Her Cashier Job – All Because She Took Matters Into Her Own Hands

Server Overhears Customers Making a Rude Comment About a Child With Down Syndrome - Risks His Job to Does This
Uplifting News

Server Overhears Customers Making a Rude Comment About a Child With Down Syndrome - Risks His Job to Does This

Heroes come in all forms. They can be first responders, firefighters, fictional characters, or, as was the case at one restaurant in Houston, servers just standing up for what is right.A hero is what many people are calling server Michael Garcia this year after he put his job on the line to defend a little boy with autism from some particularly rude customers.A Family Dinner OutEarlier in 2023, Kim Castillo was dining at Laurenzo’s Prime Rib in Houston with her five-year-old son, Milo. Milo has Down syndrome, and his speech is a little delayed, but at the time, he was showing off some new words and talking about his birthday, which had just passed, reported HLN.That’s when a family, who was sitting nearby, asked if they could move tables to be farther away from Castillo and her son. The servers were confused, but they obliged until they heard a man in the group make a disparaging remark.“He said, ‘Special needs children need to be special somewhere else,’” Garcia recounted to the outlet. “That's like saying, 'You can't come in because you're a different skin color.'”Garcia told the family he would not be serving them. The man responded that he would leave the restaurant, but Garcia didn’t care. “I probably shouldn't have said it, but I was like, 'Okay, good,'” he added.The Makings of a HeroThe Castillo family didn’t know about the comment at first, but they later learned what had transpired and were grateful that Garcia had stuck up for them. It meant a lot to them, as regular customers, particularly when they learned that the booted family members were also restaurant regulars.“I wouldn't have expected anyone to do that and risk their job," Castillo told the outlet.“I was impressed that somebody would step out of their own comfort level and put their job on the line as well as to stand up for somebody else,” she added to NBC News, as per Today. “I know Michael did it from his heart and from reacting to the situation. I don’t think he stopped and thought about what he was doing.”Castillo also speculated in a since-deleted post that she didn’t even realize Milo was being disruptive. She had been taking him out to eat since he was little, and felt that he was well behaved.“Was he loud?” she wrote, as per Today. “Maybe a little in the moment, but honestly, the adults at our table were three times louder than he was.... If he had been obnoxious, which like any other five-year-old he can be, I wouldn’t have thought twice about the family asking to move.”Customers Respond in KindAfter Castillo wrote about her experience online, it was picked up by several news outlets and local social media pages. Soon, people began frequenting the restaurant and seeking out Garcia in hopes of being served by the local hero.“The business has been huge,” Candace Roberts, a fellow server, told the NBC affiliate. “People are coming in to shake his hand and eat at our restaurant and loving it.”Castillo, meanwhile, hopes that this story inspires others to lead with tolerance and kindness and to stop judging others by what they see on the outside.“It’s just impressive to see the outpouring of love and support,” she added. “Maybe next time they’ll think twice before they utter those words or say something derogatory about somebody else.”Standing Up When It MattersThere are all kinds of great, positive messages to receive from this story, but perhaps the most powerful of all is the importance of speaking up for others, particularly for those who can’t always speak up for themselves.Garcia could have easily ignored that rude man and pretended as though his prejudice didn’t exist. But he addressed it head-on and showed that he wouldn’t stand for it, potentially making that man think twice the next time he feels the need to speak out against someone with special needs.Not all of us are born with the same advantages in life, but that doesn’t make one person better than another. It takes genuine bravery to speak up on someone else’s behalf, and sometimes it can be a risk. But as Garcia knows, it’s a risk worth taking.More from Goalcast:A Waitress Is Humiliated by a Rude Customer – But a Mysterious Letter Changes EverythingStranger Is Rude to a Man Stuck in Traffic for No Reason – So He Follows Him to Have an Unusual Confrontation at a StarbucksPlus Size Man and His Size 8 Wife Receive Rude Comments From Haters – Come Up With the Perfect Idea to Silence Them

Man Messages His High School Bully on Facebook After 20 Years and Confronts Him - But He Receives an Unexpected Response
Uplifting News

Man Messages His High School Bully on Facebook After 20 Years and Confronts Him - But He Receives an Unexpected Response

Trigger Warning: This article mentions suicide.*Featured image contains photo by Anna ShvetsHigh school can be a rough time for kids, with a capital R. The hallowed halls are a breeding ground for drama, self-loathing, broken hearts, and a burning desire to just fit in. For Michael Stright, high school was a battlefield. A place where he endured relentless bullying at the hands of two of his fellow classmates. It got so bad, in fact, that he attempted suicide multiple times and eventually dropped out.Years later, at the age of 42, he discovered one of his tormentors on Facebook and decided to confront his past. It didn't go as he expected.Facing the Ghost of His PastIn a recent TikTok video that has gone viral, Michael shares that in 2013 he found his childhood bully, Jeff, on Facebook through a mutual friend. Seeing his name "brought back a lot of bad memories" for Michael. He had two choices; he could continue to give Jeff power over his life or he could face his demon. He chose the latter.In an incredible act of courage, Michael wrote Jeff a message. And Jeff? Well, he responded. And finally, after years and years of harboring trauma, Michael was able to find closure, peace, and healing for that inner child who suffered so much pain.He shared screenshots of their conversation which have been viewed by over 2.9 million people in just a few days.Prepare yourself.Michael did not tread lightly. He had a lot to say and he wasn't about to sugarcoat any of it. "Certain memories stay with you for life and the horrible memories of having you teasing me day after day. Did you know that I tried to commit suicide 3 times in school cause of the sh*t you and others put me through?"Michael StrightMichael went on to explain that he wasn't looking for pity. He just wanted the chance to finally move on.A Bully Responds To Michael's surprise, the response he received was not defensive or dismissive. Instead, his former bully expressed deep remorse for the pain he had caused and thanked him for calling him out.Despite not meaning to be malicious, Jeff acknowledged that his intentions back then didn't matter — "because it hurt you and nobody deserves to feel like that." He even opened up to Michael about his own kids being bullied, wondering if it is "retribution" for the way he treated him. (After all, what goes around, comes around.) He went on to admit to contemplating suicide himself due to depression and anxiety. "I am VERY happy that you did not commit suicide because of the actions of an insensitive classmate. I was an idiot and thought I was being "cool"...I was just an asshole, and I truly hope confronting me about this does make you feel better because you deserve that," Jeff wrote. He added, "I'll never be able to apologize enough to undo the damage I did, but please know that I'll be forever grateful for you having the courage to show me what I truly was ... and I'm disgusted and ashamed of myself."Jeff's emotional apology had a profound effect on Michael, bringing him to tears. But he wasn't the only one crying...several thousands of commenters were crying right along with him.Response to the TikTok Was StaggeringTo say the video has resonated with a lot of people is an understatement. The number of people with similar experiences is heartbreaking. Commenter after commenter shared their own stories, many of them with a much darker ending."That feeling of being bullied relentlessly has never left me, I'm 42 now. I cannot or will never forgive them. They took my formative years away. 😔""I'm 43 and because of being bullied my brain will never let me believe that anyone really likes me, anyone my sister, fiance friends family it's hard.""It sticks with you for life, changes who you are, stops you achieving things because of lack of confidence. It never leaves you. Some scars can't heal.""My brother was horrifically bullied during his school years, affected his life and how he was as an adult. Sadly he took his own life at 27." The Power of Redemption and ForgivenessJeff passed away in 2017, four years after his text exchange with Michael. As for Michael? He's glad he reached out when he did.Not only did it take a lot of courage for Michael to confront his high school bully, but it took a lot of maturity, emotional integrity, and personal growth for Jeff to respond the way he did. He took ownership of his actions and did his best to make amends. And isn't that what this life is all about? That we continuously evolve and grow so that we can become the best versions of ourselves?Despite their past history of anguish and torment, the two men were able to come together in a beautiful display of the power of forgiveness and redemption. And while it may have been two decades in the making, it's also proof that it's never too late to make up for past mistakes. More from Goalcast:Racist Man Refuses to Apologize for His Daughter’s Bullying – Until the Victim’s Father Gets the Last LaughTeen Finds Out His Classmates Are Bullying His Best Friend for His Old Shoes – So He Saves Up $135 and Does ThisMom Learns Her Son Has Been Bullying His Classmate – What She Does Next Shocks the Internet

Police Officer Intends to Ticket a Parked Car - But the Surprising Note the Driver Had Left for Him Changes His Mind
Uplifting News

Police Officer Intends to Ticket a Parked Car - But the Surprising Note the Driver Had Left for Him Changes His Mind

*Featured image contains photo by Kindel MediaIn a world where alarming statistics about alcohol-related accidents flood the headlines, one story from a summer night in 2017 shines as a beacon of responsibility and compassion.Picture this: A Wisconsin resident, after enjoying a night out, realizes that they've had a few too many drinks to drive safely. Instead of making the risky choice to get behind the wheel, they decide to walk home, leaving their car in a metered parking lot overnight. A responsible decision, no doubt, but one that could have led to a costly parking ticket.However, what happened next is what makes this story so heartwarming. The Note One Police Officer Found on a Car’s WiperPhoto by Erik McleanOfficer Jim Hellrood, a parking control officer with the Wausau Police Department, approached the vehicle with the intention of writing a parking citation. As he was about to place the ticket on the windshield, he noticed something unexpected — a note carefully tucked beneath the wiper.The note, left by the responsible driver, was a plea for understanding. They had made the conscious choice not to drive under the influence, even if it meant risking a parking ticket. “Please take pity on me,” the note said, “I walked home … Safe choices. =)”The officer's response was simple but powerful: "Pity Granted, Just A Warning."This compassionate response from Officer Hellrood didn't just save the driver from a parking fine; it highlighted the importance of making safe choices, especially when alcohol is involved. Word of this heartwarming incident quickly spread, and it wasn't long before another officer was asked about similar situations. Their response revealed that this case was indeed unique, but it was a testament to the driver's commitment to safety.The Wausau Police Department appreciated the driver's decision to prioritize safety over convenience, acknowledging that it might not have been the easiest choice. In the eyes of the law, they might have deserved a citation, but the officers recognized that in the grander scheme of things, preventing a potential drunk driving incident was far more valuable.How a Driver Proved the Importance of Making Right DecisionsThis story serves as a powerful reminder that sometimes, the right decision isn't the easiest one.It's a reminder that responsibility, compassion, and empathy can prevail even in situations where rules might dictate otherwise.In a world where headlines often showcase the worst of human behavior, this simple note and the officer's compassionate response remind us that acts of kindness and responsible choices can make a significant difference.So, the next time you're faced with a tough decision — whether it's about drinking and driving or any other choice that affects safety and well-being — remember this story. Remember that making the right choice, even if it comes with a cost, can have a profound impact not only on your life but on the lives of those around you. It's a lesson in empathy and responsibility that we can all carry with us.More from Goalcast:Man Has to Go to Court but Has No One to Take Care of His 2-Year-Old Daughter – One Police Officer Has a Different IdeaPolice Officer Pulls Over Speeding Mom and Her 10-Year-Old Son – Immediately Realizes Something Wasn’t RightNeighbors Call Police on Teen for “Trespassing” – Instead of Taking Him Away, Cop Opens the Trunk of His Car

Homeless Man Returns Strangers Lost Check Instead of Keeping It - Their Conversation Was About to Change His Life
Uplifting News

Homeless Man Returns Strangers Lost Check Instead of Keeping It - Their Conversation Was About to Change His Life

On the surface, it was a simple enough question. For Yesenia Ortiz-Del Valle, it was small talk to end a crazy day that started with a knock at her door. Oh, but when she heard the reply, it was clear that her wild story was just getting warmed up. A Strange Man Knocks at Her DoorPhoto by Emmanuel CoddenPer the San Diego Union-Tribune, just moments before that knock at her door, Valle had been in full-blown panic mode. She was looking for it all over, but it was gone, vanished, and it wasn't cheap. 'It' was a $676 cashier's check for her taxes owed. She must have lost it somewhere between her tax preparer's office and the post office. At that moment, she got a visit she wouldn't forget.His name was Sergio Juarez. After almost tossing what he thought was a paper, Juarez saw the check and it had Valle's address on it. And so, guided by good, he went to return it to its rightful owner. A grateful Valle offered Juarez $40 for his troubles. After refusing at first, he said that he would use the money to fill up his gas tank. That's when Valle asked him the casual question of where he lived. A Good Samaritan’s Sad StoryPhoto by Nicolas CoolA hesitant Juarez told Valle that his family had been homeless since he and his wife had lost their jobs three years ago. He was living out of a Motel 6 with her and their kids. With the motivation to help, Valle went right to work. She first set up a GoFundMe account titled 'We Rise by Lifting Others.' In it, she wrote a moving call to action."Theres still a lot of good people in the world and Sergio is a living example. Let's help him get on his feet again! Even the smallest act of caring has the potential to turn a life around."She then shared Juarez's story to the local radio airwaves to drum up support for the family. You might say that the response broke the bank.The campaign was beyond a success, raising almost $20,000 on a goal of $5,000. That should surely help Juarez and his family get out of the motel and back on their feet. How One Man Proves That No Good Deed Goes UnpaidWith a future he and his family can now look forward to, Juarez is humbled.“We are grateful. Words are not enough from us and thank you so much San Diego, for your heart, thank you so much for everything and your prayers," he said. He added that once he's back on his feet, he intends to pay the kindness forward."That day, he was my miracle. And then I ended up being his miracle," Valle said. This is such a great tale about perspective. In moments, Valle's lost check was nothing compared to the very real crisis Sergio Juarez and his family was in. You can bet he would swap places with her faster than a motel checkout. It all started with a man who was guided by values, despite his hard times. He did right for right's sake, and the world paid him back in spades. With faith as fuel and morals as motivation, great things can happen when you least expect it. More from Goalcast:Owner Asks Homeless Man to Leave the Premises but He Keeps Coming Back – Finally, He Decides to Take a Different ApproachHomeless Dad Living in His Car With 2 Kids Is Fired From His Job – Then, Strangers Step in When They Hear His Request

Boy Defends Blind Classmate From Bullies - Instead of Applauding Him, He Is Nearly Suspended
Everyday Heroes

Boy Defends Blind Classmate From Bullies - Instead of Applauding Him, He Is Nearly Suspended

Cody Pine, a student who defended a visually impaired boy against a bully, faced potential backlash from his school for stepping in, which prompted an outpouring of support worldwide.Shocking Sight It was lunchtime at Huntington Beach High School when footage captured a visually impaired child being bullied and assaulted by another student. Fellow classmate Grant Morels gave KCAL9 saw it all unfold. "I saw like a half-circle around a group of kids and I wanted to see what was up. I see this kid like getting wailed on by another kid."- Grant Morels, Huntington Beach High School studentA Jarring SaveSuddenly, Grant's step-brother Cody swooped in and knocked the bully down with a single punch. He then hovered above him asking why he was 'jumping a blind kid.'Shortly afterwards, police arrived and arrested the bully for misdemeanour battery and released him to his parents. Meanwhile, the student who intervened was free to go, but wasn't off the hook. Despite the footage and witnesses, the school said it would still investigate Cody's actions, citing their 'zero-tolerance' policy on violence. “The school is now responding to this isolated incident by interviewing students and witnesses to determine exactly what happened," the district said in its statement.A Hero's WelcomeThe incident sparked an online petition that has gathered nearly 80,000 responses. The petition stated that "while violence is never the best option what Cody did to defend his friend and classmate was justified."Commenters flooded the site with words of support.Said one: "The hero did the right thing. Don't punish a kid for doing the right thing!!!!""Great job! Our future is in good hands because of young men such as yourself."- Jeff Smith, petitioner"The day you punish people who protect the helpless is the day you've lost humanity. Don't be STUPID!" protested another. Celebrate HeroesHuntington Beach student Maya Jensen applauded Cody's courage. "A lot of people are calling him a hero and I would as well for stepping in when no one else did and decide to just film it instead."- Maya Jensen, Huntington Beach High School studentIt's often hard to do the right thing, especially when everyone else is standing by. Courage comes with risks of harm or even job loss. However, Cody decided that the biggest risk was standing by as a helpless friend was being abused. And while violence should never be celebrated, his acting to do what's right should. More from Goalcast:Bullied Boy Loses Hope After a Priceless Gift From His Grandmother Is Stolen – But His Best Friends Feel OtherwiseBullies Target 7-Year-Old in Horrific Hate Crime – Little Did They Know 20 Bikers Would Show Up at Their SchoolMiddle School Student Sees Classmate Getting Bullied For Having Old Shoes — Uses Allowance to Buy Him New Pair

Black Girls Complaints About Racist Bullies Are Always Dismissed by Her School - Finally, She Realizes She's Had Enough
Uplifting News

Black Girls Complaints About Racist Bullies Are Always Dismissed by Her School - Finally, She Realizes She's Had Enough

Autumn Roberson-Manahan loved school. She got along well with her classmates and teachers. The straight-A student hoped to be her class’s valedictorian. Just before her senior year, though, Autumn’s family moved from Ohio to Slaton, Texas. Little did they know how much that move to a rural Texas town would change their lives.Driving into Slaton, residents and visitors are greeted by a mural showing Black workers in a cotton field, a white farmer keeping watch over them from his tractor.The slogan says,“Slaton: Your Kind Of Town.” Both of Autumn’s parents had grown up in the town of under 6,000 people. When they made the decision to move back, they had vague memories of experiencing some racism there. What they didn’t realize is that not only had things not gotten better — they had gotten worse. And the three children they had raised in Ohio weren’t about to take it sitting down.The Relentless Racism One Girl Faced at SchoolPhoto by Brett SaylesThe first time someone called Autumn a derogatory name was in class at her new school. The boy had asked her where she lived. When she told him, he said, “I run your block, n—er.” Autumn was shocked. She looked back at the boy and said calmly, “That’s offensive.” It wouldn’t be the last time she heard the racial slur. In fact, it became a daily occurrence for Autumn, as it was for the two dozen Black students at the school. Autumn continued to ask students to stop calling her that. Two weeks into the school year, she started making formal complaints to the principal. But Autumn was dismissed. While school officials claimed to come down hard on racism, Autumn didn’t see anyone being punished, and the taunts continued. When Autumn’s parents found out what was going on, they were furious. Autumn’s mother JaQuatta ordered a special pen for her daughter, one that could make audio recordings. She told her daughter to record any racial aggressions she experienced at school.“I wanted to have proof,” JaQuatta said. “When it comes to Black children, I’m sorry to say it, you have to have that.” JaQuatta also asked to speak to the principal and sent a letter to the superintendent. How One Girl Decided to Get ProofIn the first incident Autumn recorded, two boys are chanting the n-word at her. One goes so far as to say, “I’m gonna hurt you.” When Autumn’s mother heard that, she immediately took the recording to the principal: "You mean to tell me my child can’t feel safe? When all she wants to do is be excellent?”Indeed, as the harassment dragged on, Autumn’s grades started to slip. The girl became less and less her joyful, bubbly self and more and more withdrawn.For months, Autumn calmly but firmly documented every instance of racism, showing school administrators the pervasive problem and pleading with them to do something about it. Autumn remembers two boys confronting her, laughing at the fact that they couldn’t say the word n—er. Instead, the first boy chanted the first syllable of the word and the second boy finished it.She also remembers a school administrator telling her she shouldn’t let something as small as a word hurt her.Autumn continued to make complaints to teachers and administrators, but as it became increasingly clear that nothing was to be done about it, the 17-year-old bottled up her feelings.JaQuatta lamented, “They took my beautiful baby girl — who my husband and I worked so hard to mold and love and support — and they broke her. They didn’t protect her. They cast her aside like she was trash.”How a 17-Year-Old Stood Up for Herself Against Bullies And then one day, Autumn couldn’t take it anymore. When a boy called her a name on the basketball court, she grabbed him by the hood of his sweatshirt and started slapping him, screaming, “It’s not OK! It’s racist!”The smart, joyful girl with a bright future ahead of her had been chipped away at until it came to this. And the school came down hard…not on the boy who, other students confirmed, had been making repeated racist comments toward her for weeks, but on Autumn. For the girl who had no record of disciplinary action on her file, they decided she would have to serve 45 days at the district’s Disciplinary Alternative Education Program, a juvenile detention like setting where students wear orange uniforms, sit facing forward at all times and can only speak with permission.Autumn’s future had taken a dramatic turn for the worse. Desperate, the 17-year-old ran away and attempted to take her own life. Autumn’s parents were besides themselves with grief. The physician overseeing Autumn’s care recommended that she switch schools.How One Family Demanded Action From AuthoritiesAutumn’s parents went back to the school. They sat with administrators and reminded them of all the times they had asked for help with the pervasive racism at school, all the times they had asked them to intervene before it was too late. Now, it was too late for requests. They demanded action. When the school hemmed and hawed again, Autumn’s parents decided they had no other choice but to file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Education. They would be in good company. The NAACP, the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas and the Intercultural Development Research Association, a nonprofit education equity group, had filed federal complaints with the U.S. Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights concerning school districts in Lubbock County. Documented incidents include white students playing whipping sounds on their cell phones as Black students walk by, taunting Black students with the n-word on the basketball court, and the creation by a group of middle schoolers of an Instagram page called “LBMS Monkeys”, where photos of Black students are posted. How a Family Proves Racism Should Be Combatted With EducationPhoto by Polina KovalevaResearch shows that children targeted by racism, sexism, or other types of bullying are more likely to develop mental health problems and struggle in school. That was certainly the case for Autumn. She went from being slated to be the class valedictorian to not being sure she’d finish her senior year. She went from loving school to hating it, struggling to sleep and struggling to get up in the morning.“I reported situation after situation, to where, personally, I felt like we were almost begging for some type of reparation for everything going on, for some type of justice,” said Autumn. “In the process of all of that, I feel like I was losing myself.”In response, the school district reiterated that they are increasing disciplinary measures for students who use racial slurs. But, for Autumn, it’s too little too late. It’s also not enough. Autumn would like increased punitive measures to be accompanied by education.Because racism is a lack of education, perhaps the best way to combat it is to teach children the country’s history, its fight for civil rights, how far it has come and how far it still needs to go to provide all of its citizens with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All children — and many adults — need to be taught not only to not be the instigators of racism, but also to not stand for it and, like Autumn, to speak up, again and again.More from Goalcast:Racist Woman Calls Police on Black Man Driving 2 White Kids – Little Did She Know Who He Really Was in the CommunityBlack Employee Is Fired After He Stands Up to His Racist Boss – Outraged Co-workers Have the Best ResponseRacist Man Refuses to Apologize for His Daughter’s Bullying – Until the Victim’s Father Gets the Last Laugh

Three Kids Find Wallet Stuffed With $700 and Return It - Little Did They Know What Was Coming Next
Uplifting News

Three Kids Find Wallet Stuffed With $700 and Return It - Little Did They Know What Was Coming Next

What would you do if you found a wallet stuffed full of cash? Would you try and track down the owners, or would you pocket that money for yourself? Now here’s another question: If you have kids, what do you think they’d do in that situation?Most of us would probably want to do the right thing. But as parents, you never know how your children will act when they’re out in the world by themselves. Luckily, the parents of these kids must be super proud of them for how they handled themselves after finding a wallet.A Random SightingFacebook/Jamie CarltonIn 2018, three kids from Aurora, Colorado were outside enjoying a hot July day. Haylie Wenke, 13, her six-year-old brother Reagen, and their friend Ashley Dayton had gone to the local park where a splash pad offered local kids some relief from the heat.Later, when they were riding their bikes home, that’s when they spotted something underneath a car parked in a driveway.RELATED: 61-Year-Old Accidentally Leaves Her Wallet at a Walmart Parking Lot – One Teen Drives Miles Just to Return It to Her“We were there for about an hour and a half, and then we were heading back when we saw it," Haylie later told CBS News.“It was like a black wallet, and it was obvious because it was, like, under the car,” added Ashley.Doing the Right ThingThe trio chatted about it and decided the right thing to do would be to return the wallet to its owner. If they left it, someone else might find it, and they could just pocket it. So the kids picked it up, walked around to the front door, and rang the bell.“Someone else could take it, and it's not safe to leave it there in plain sight,” Haylie explained.RELATED: McDonalds Cashier Pays for Customer’s Meal Who Forgot Her Wallet – Little Did He Know She Was Going HungryWhat these kids didn’t know was that the doorbell was recording them. Owner Jamie Carlton was touched that these kids returned the wallet, so he shared the video on Facebook to try and track them down.“We found your wallet outside your car, and we just thought we would give it back to you, so I'm going to put it over here so nobody takes any money,” Haylie says in the clip.“If this doesn’t renew or at least refresh your faith in humanity, you need help,” Carlton captioned the video. “These kids are amazing; we would love to find them to reward them and thank them. Their parents should be so proud of them. Any help finding them would be great.”A Viral MomentThe Facebook video went viral, especially as people discovered there was more than $700 inside the wallet. Many praised the kids and their parents for raising them with good morals and ethics. As for the wallet, it belonged to Nigel Drake, Carlton’s son. He believes his wallet fell out of his pocket after he got off work and was carrying his things inside.“It gives you faith in humanity a little bit that there are good kids out there,” Drake told KUSA-TV. “These kids’ parents are raising them the right way.”RELATED: Mom of Four Has Her Wallet Stolen by a Thief at the Grocery Store—She Confronts the Thief by Herself and Shocks Him With Her Bold WordsNaturally, news outlets around America began picking up the story, but it also made its way across the pond.“It is very humbling the kids have gotten so much attention!” Reagen and Haylie’s mom, Kerri Eddy Wenke, told the Daily Mail. “I would like to take credit for their actions, but we really can’t. They were by themselves and chose to put the wallet in a safe place all on their own,” she continued.“As parents, I think we always hope they are doing the right thing when we are not around or when no one is watching. It makes me very proud!!”Faith in the Next GenerationAs parents, we all do our best to raise good human beings. That makes it extra rewarding when we hear stories like these, in which kids take our lessons and apply them in the real world when we’re not around. Knowing the next generation of kids is going to be all right is a heartwarming and comforting thought, which is, of course, why this story went viral.It’s also a great story to share with your own kids, as it reminds them of the importance of trying to return property to its rightful owner and doing the right thing, even when you’re tempted. Using everyday experiences like these as a springboard for conversation is always helpful. No one — and no child — is perfect. But by modeling good values, sharing your own experiences, holding kids responsible for the mistakes they do inevitably make, and fostering a strong relationship with your kid, odds are they too will try and do the right thing if they’re ever in such a situation.

42-Year-Old Finds Pouch With $10,000 on a Bench - Waits Over Three Hours for Owner to Return
Uplifting News

42-Year-Old Finds Pouch With $10,000 on a Bench - Waits Over Three Hours for Owner to Return

What would you do if you found a wallet stuffed with cash? Many of us would like to say we’d try and return it, but what if there was a lot of money inside? Would you be tempted to keep it? The man in this story definitely was, but in the end, he did the right thing.What One Man Found at the PlaygroundPexelsSean Lee was playing with his six-year-old son at the playground near his home in Singapore one day when he noticed a man lying on the bench nearby. He didn’t think twice about the guy at first; he just remembered him because he was chatting on the phone.Eventually, the man got up and left, and at some point, Lee sat down to take a breather. That’s when he realized the man had left a worn, black pouch on the bench, according to TNP.RELATED: McDonald’s Accidentally Gives a Customer $5000 With His Order – What He Does With the Money Is a Reminder for AllInside, there was a thick yellow envelope, about $60, an EZ-link card, and a work permit for a man named Cui Hua Bi, a Chinese national working in Singapore.“I did not open the envelope then, but when I saw the work permit and the cash in the wallet, I realized that this was someone's hard-earned money,” Lee told the publication. “I did not feel good keeping it.”So, Lee and his family waited for the man to return. Eventually, it was their son’s bedtime, though, so they went back up to their apartment.How a Man Kept Watch for Hours for the OwnerUpstairs, Lee had a view of the bench and continued to check to see if the man had returned to look for his pouch. He also opened the envelope and realized there was another $10,500 in there. He was tempted to keep it but knew he wanted to do the right thing.“The owner probably needed it more than I did,” he said. “I felt burdened holding on to someone else’s money.”Eventually, around 10:45 p.m., Lee heard voices coming from the park and recognized the man from earlier that day. The man had only realized his wallet was missing when he was getting ready for bed that evening.RELATED: Teen Finds $1,800 in a Safe Submerged in the River – Does Something Unexpected With the MoneyAccording to the publication, Cui had been saving and planned on sending that money back home. The cash in the envelope was roughly five weeks’ worth of savings, which he was holding while waiting out the current rates.“When I got my pouch back, I had so many things to say to Mr. Lee, but I did not know how to express my gratitude,” the man said. Later, he bought Lee grapes, apples, and oranges to show his appreciation.How One Man Proved the Importance of Doing the Right ThingIt would have been easy for Lee to pocket that money, but he knew someone else needed it more than he did. And he was right. While we don’t know the circumstances behind Cui’s life back home, the man was only spending $200 weekly and sending the rest back — probably for his family.Had he lost that money, it would have been devastating. Luckily, Lee reminded us all that there are good people in this world. So the next time you find a wallet, purse, cell phone, or anything else of value, do what you can to return the item to its owners. Give it to a store employee, look for an address, or see if their phone number happens to be their screen saver.At the end of the day, you’ll feel good about doing the right thing, plus you never know how much the item in question will mean to the person who lost it.