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Single Moms Driveway Is Stolen in Broad Daylight - Then a Stranger Makes an Offer She Cant Refuse
Everyday Heroes

Single Moms Driveway Is Stolen in Broad Daylight - Then a Stranger Makes an Offer She Cant Refuse

When Amanda Brochu received a ring doorbell notification on her phone, the last thing she expected to see was her driveway being "stolen" in broad daylight.The victim of a bizarre property scam, the single mom not only found herself suddenly driveway-less BUT ALSO on the hook for thousands of dollars to replace it. That is until a stranger stepped in and paved the way to renewing her faith (and ours!) in humanity. The Strange Case of the Stolen DrivewayAccording to Amanda, it all started about a week after she put her house up for sale in Orange County, Florida. Unsolicited contractors began calling her and showing up at her house, asking to measure her driveway so they could quote her the cost of replacing it.Confused, she told them she wasn't interested. But they just kept coming. By the fifth contractor, Amanda was really starting to question what was going on. When she confronted one of them she discovered that a man named "Andre" was posing as her landlord (which was impossible as Amanda owns the home) and had requested an estimate for a new driveway via text.When the now-suspicious contractor, Luiz, asked Andre for proof of ownership and payment up front, he was ghosted.However, Andre wasn't the only one who disappeared. A week later, Amanda's entire driveway did too. "While I was preparing to head out of town for my birthday and Christmas with my kids, I received a ring doorbell notification that someone was outside of my house, ripping up my driveway before my eyes," Amanda wrote on her GoFundMe page. "By the time, the cops got there the company that was tearing up my driveway had already completed the job and left my driveway with only dirt."And Amanda was left with a hefty estimate to replace it to the tune of $10,000. Already under contract on another house, it was money she didn't have. How One Stranger Restored a Single Mom’s Faith in HumanityWith the help of her real estate agent, Rocki Sanchez, Amanda created a GoFundMe campaign to try to raise money to pay for a new driveway. "The cost to replace the driveway is astronomical and I’m seeking some sort of help so I don’t lose the opportunity to purchase my forever home that my kids have already fell in love with. Thank you to anyone that can help and anything helps!" Amanda wrote.The bizarre case of the missing driveway quickly went viral, making headlines nationwide. Because...weird.And while 375 people donated more than $13,500, it was one man, retired U.S. military veteran, Mikol Rowland, who truly saved the day.Now the owner of his own concrete company, MM Concrete Specialty, Mikol was shocked when he found out what happened. He offered to replace Amanda's driveway for free. "Somebody was in need of something that we could offer," Mikol said. "We could bring some good into the world with it, so there was no question about it."In the end he estimated that the work cost his company approximately $4,000. But for Amanda? It was worth so much more.As for that stolen driveway? It turns out its not so bizarre after all. Rocki Sanchez posted about the missing driveway in a Facebook group for realtors and found out that Amanda isn't the only victim of the property scam.“I had multiple people come forward saying that they’ve seen things like this happen — whether it be driveways, roofs, painting, even outside the exterior. So it happens more often than we actually see it,” Rocki told WFTV.Single Mom Pays It ForwardAmanda was so grateful for Mikol's help that she decided to pay it forward. She disabled the GoFundMe campaign and donated the proceeds to The Russell Home — an Orlando-area nonprofit that provides housing and care for infants, children, and adults with severe disabilities.Mikol couldn't be more thrilled. "I would do it all over again. Ten times, if I could help the kids," he said. "It's just a win-win-win for everybody, and it feels good to hear a good story out in the news."What started out as a horrible act against someone turned into a heartwarming act of service and became the foundation for even more goodness. Just by helping one person with the skills and means that he could offer, Mikol ended up having a much greater impact than he could have imagined and made a difference not only in Amanda's life but the lives of so many others in his community as well. More from Goalcast: Man Finds Out a Thief Has Broken Into and Stolen From His Restaurant – His Unexpected Reaction Goes Viral Woman Finds Out Her Car Is Repeatedly Being Stolen – So She Leaves the Thieves This ‘Snarky’ Note in the Glovebox Bullied Boy Loses Hope After a Priceless Gift From His Grandmother Is Stolen – But His Best Friends Feel Otherwise

Car Dealership Employee Is Approached by a Customer - Is Surprised by What He Finds in the Trunk
Uplifting News

Car Dealership Employee Is Approached by a Customer - Is Surprised by What He Finds in the Trunk

Cassidy Shear went through the unimaginable, but the kindness of friends, family, and strangers kept him afloat.Shear's wife, McKenzie, had just given birth to the couple's fifth child, a beautiful son named Ridge. The young mother was suffering from numerous health issues, including a blood disorder. Just one day after baby Ridge was born, a blood clot ended up taking her life before she even had the chance to hold her newborn.Suddenly a widower with five children to care for, Shear quickly returned to work to provide for his family, secure insurance benefits, and ensure he’s able to hold on to the family home they had recently purchased. Everybody Stepped UpWhile Shear works full-time at a car dealership, his mom and McKenzie's mom take turns caring for baby Ridge.“He has not complained once about all of the responsibility that has been put on his shoulders,” Staci Christensen, McKenzie’s mother, said to FOX 13.He has me. He has Dixie. He has all of Kenzie’s friends. Everybody’s just stepped up to the plate and willing to help Cassidy in any way that we can.Staci Christensen to FOX 13Special SurpriseOne day, a “customer” pulled up to the dealership during Shear’s shift and said there was something wrong with his truck. The so-called customer -- actually a member of the Fox 13 Dream Team -- popped open the trunk to reveal a stash of diapers, formula, and other baby supplies.Shear's family and friends gathered around and there was one last gift in store for the dad.Pregnant and overcome with emotion, Krystellina Brown, another member of the Dream Team, presented the father with a red box.“Enjoy our gift of mortgage payments for the rest of 2019 -- compliments of the dream team,” the emotional father read from a note inside the box.I don't know what to say. Thank you so much.Cassidy Shear to FOX 13Support Through GriefPeople who have had to say goodbye to their loved ones often suffer secondary losses when friends or family members drift away instead of supporting them in their grief. From providing babysitting to baby wipes, the people in Shear's life provide an example of how to support someone through the grieving process.More from Goalcast:Firefighter Tragically Kills Pastor’s Pregnant Wife – Instead of Getting Revenge, the Widower Befriends HimLonely and Widowed 82-Year-Old Goes Over to New Neighbor’s House – Little Did They Both Know What Was Coming NextWidow Remarries Years Later – Asks Her Previous Husband’s Dad Onto the Dance Floor for This Reason

Employee Refuses to Help Tired Blind Woman  Pleading for Assistance - Then a Cop Escorts Her Outside After Uttering Four Words
Uplifting News

Employee Refuses to Help Tired Blind Woman Pleading for Assistance - Then a Cop Escorts Her Outside After Uttering Four Words

In the bustling heart of Newark Penn Station, where commuters rush to catch their trains, a remarkable story of compassion unfolded.Amidst the sea of hurried travelers, a blind woman found herself in a moment of need. She approached an agency employee, hopeful for assistance. But her hope was met with a disappointing response, a curt and unfeeling, "That's not my job." It was a harsh rejection, one that could have left her stranded and disheartened, but fate had other plans.How One Police Officer Reacted to a Woman’s RequestPhoto by Naro KIn this moment of vulnerability, NJ Transit police officer Sean Gallagher emerged as a guardian angel. He didn't just walk past, indifferent to her plight. Instead, he approached the woman and asked those four simple yet powerful words, "How can I help?"The officer's kindness didn't end with his question. It was evident that the woman was not just visually impaired but also in distress, feeling faint and in need of sustenance. Sean Gallagher, in a heartbeat, made a decision that would touch not just one life but serve as a reminder of the goodness that resides in humanity.With a gentle offer of his arm, he became her guide, leading her through the chaotic terminal. The officer's actions weren't just a mere physical support; they were a profound symbol of empathy and human connection. As they navigated through the station, he engaged her in conversation, turning what could have been a humiliating experience into a heartwarming journey of companionship.Their destination was Dunkin Donuts, where the officer ensured she received the sustenance she needed – food and coffee. It was a simple act of kindness, but its impact was immeasurable. How One Police Officer Proved the Importance of EmpathyThe woman's gratitude overflowed as she expressed her appreciation to Officer Gallagher. His actions had transformed her day from one filled with disappointment to a shining example of the compassion that can thrive even in the most fast-paced and disconnected of environments.The NJ Transit Police rightly pointed out that even the smallest gesture can create a positive ripple, brightening someone's day and leaving an indelible mark of kindness. Officer Gallagher's actions serve as a reminder that empathy, compassion, and the readiness to help those in need can make our society a better place. In a world where time often seems scarce, and self-absorption prevails, this story of an officer's selfless act resonates deeply.It is a reminder that when we open our hearts to the struggles of others, even in the midst of our own daily challenges, we create a world where kindness and empathy prevail over indifference and apathy. In Officer Sean Gallagher's actions, we find a powerful message – that in the whirlwind of life, there's always time for compassion.More from Goalcast:Exhausted Police Officers Look Forward to Resting After a Challenging Overnight Shift – But Life Had Other Plans for ThemLonely 87-Year-Old Woman Calls for Help While Cooking Dinner – Police Officers Respond in the Best WayNeighbors Call Police on Boys for Playing “Too Loudly” – Shaquille O’Neal Finds Out and Shows Up to Do This

Photographer Who Used to Roll Her Eyes at Homeless People Now Takes Their Pictures and Changes Their Life
Uplifting News

Photographer Who Used to Roll Her Eyes at Homeless People Now Takes Their Pictures and Changes Their Life

“Why do they do that? Why don't they just go to a shelter?" she said, rolling her eyes. That’s the reaction photographer Virginia Becker had every time she’d see a blue tarp on the side of the road, signaling 'homeless people ahead.' And living in California, the bluest of blue tarp states, she was rolling her eyes often. So when she came across one homeless woman who wasn't very photogenic, fireworks were about to go off.A Homeless Woman With a Tough StoryPhoto by PixabayWith how her life was going, the last thing Sophia Ortiz wanted was her picture taken. "I didn't want to look in the mirror to put on makeup," she told CBS News. "I really didn't feel like I mattered anymore." Losing her home when her mother died, Ortiz was forced back into an abusive relationship to keep a roof over her head. With time, she slept on the street and took shelter in transit stations.It was during that time that her paths crossed with a camera-toting Becker. Only this time instead of turning her cheek, Becker opened her arms to Ortiz.That's because Becker was a new woman with a new mission. She'd joined the Downtown Streets Team, a nonprofit that provides homeless people with resources to get them off the streets. It was through volunteering that she saw the homeless through a whole different lens. While lending a hand, she'd take pictures to humanize them.She didn't know it at the time, but when Becker snapped Ortiz's picture, she was capturing history. A Photographer’s Life-Changing PicturePhoto by Ahmed ツWhen Becker not only stopped but offered to take Ortiz's picture, it was a life-changing success. "That's what happens with pictures. I didn't see, I didn't have self-worth until I started getting these pictures," she said. And now?"I see pride, when I see that picture I see pride."With renewed motivation, Ortiz landed a job and an apartment within months of connecting with Becker and the Downtown Streets Team. By doing so, she is one of their fastest graduates to this day.Once hidden, she now readily smiles for the camera. How a Photographer Reminds Us That Each Life Is a Unique PicturePhoto by Kyle GlennNow looking back on her life's negatives, Ortiz sees only blessings now."The worst time in my life ended up being the best time of my life because I got my self-worth through me," she said. Meanwhile, Becker said that her experiences have forever changed her point of view. "I wonder how many people can be really honest with themselves and say, 'I see everybody exactly the same," Becker said. "I couldn't have said that before, but I can now."She’s since taken over 5,000 pictures of the homeless through her Blue Tarp Project. Her work has been featured at the MLK Library in San Jose. Who knows how many more life she'll change? It's really easy to get tunnel vision in life, in fact, it's built into our brains. Per TIME, a study showed that our brains make judgments about people before we even know what they look like. Sometimes, like Becker, you have to stop and adjust your focus to really appreciate the human in front of you. More from Goalcast:Homeless Woman Begs For Scraps In Restaurant — Customer Gives Her Leftovers Then Does Even MoreMom and Her 2 Kids Are Trapped in an Apartment Fire – One Local Homeless Man Tells Them All to Drop Out of the Window

Mom Sleeps on Airport Bathroom Floor With Her Kids - Stranger Hears Her Cries and Makes an Instant Decision
Uplifting News

Mom Sleeps on Airport Bathroom Floor With Her Kids - Stranger Hears Her Cries and Makes an Instant Decision

Missing a flight is never a great experience. So Cyn Symoné was understandably upset when she missed her first plane to Los Angeles and had to rebook a seat on another. But as it turns out, that little delay put her in exactly the right place at the right time.An Unexpected DiscoveryBy the time Symoné landed at LAX last April and made her way to baggage claim, she decided to check her makeup in the bathroom. There, she revealed afterwards in a Facebook post, she “heard a woman crying so hard.” Unsure what to do she left, but then she came back about four times.“I was thinking should I say something like ‘it’s gonna be okay,' but I was nervous and she was speaking Spanish so I didn’t know if she’d even understand me,” Symoné wrote. “I left and came back to the bathroom like 4 times while I was waiting for my bags to come down (full flight) and I heard her say, ‘But the bus doesn’t come until tomorrow.’”How many people came into the bathroom [and] heard her crying for hours?Cyn SymonéThat was all it took for Symoné to reach out and ask if the woman had any money or a way to get some. When the woman said no, the weary traveller decided to help and asked if she could pay for a hotel room. “She stopped crying and opened the stall door AND I SEEN THE SLEEPING KIDS!!!” Symoné added.Stopping to Help Others in NeedAs soon as Symoné saw the kids, she was so glad that she had stopped and asked the woman if she was okay. “I felt so happy to help her,” she said.Symoné then took photos of the mother and her kids to send to her ride and to explain why she wanted to help the family out. Later, she rode with the woman and her kids to a Marriott, where she got them a room.“I wanted to share this because I kept thinking like HOW MANY PEOPLE CAME INTO THE BATHROOM [AND] HEARD HER CRYING FOR HOURS,” Symoné continued in her post, which has since gone viral. “[They] didn’t know there were kids and kept going... I’m glad I said something because she was super sweet and appreciative, and she had babies with her.”Spreading the WordSymoné left the woman at the hotel, but she also got her number and sent a follow-up message via text saying that if she or her family needed anything at all to please call her.“Thank you so much. As much as I was praying to God to figure it out and you showed up, I’m so thankful,” the woman wrote back in a shared screenshot. “May the lord bless you times 2 good night.”Symoné revealed the reason she shared photos of the family alongside her post was to encourage others to help those in their own time of need.When I woke the next morning, I thought to myself, if people only knew the extent of the crying woman in the stall, would they have stopped? Unfortunately for most, seeing is believing. I hope everyone takes something from this.Cyn SymonéLending a Helping HandSymoné’s initial reaction was to leave the woman alone because she didn’t want to intrude on what she originally believed was a private moment. Many people in that situation would probably feel the same way and do the same thing. However, Symoné didn’t want to just leave the woman without knowing for sure that things were okay, which is why she repeatedly returned to the bathroom.It’s a reminder to follow your gut, but it’s also a reminder that many people don’t know how to ask for help in their time of need. Extending a hand and being there, even if they don’t take you up on it, could make a world of difference in that person’s life.This story also makes us remember that sometimes life throws you an unexpected curveball, like a missed flight. But at the end of the day many things really do happen for a reason, so why not sit back and enjoy the ride?More from Goalcast:78-Year-Old Doctor Proposes to High School Crush After 60 Years Apart in an Airport – Proving the Power of True LoveDoctor’s Luggage and Equipment Were Seized at the Airport — So He Performs Surgeries in Flip Flops

Flight Attendant Finds Passengers Hungry Baby Crying - Gives the Child Something Only She Could in That Moment
Uplifting News

Flight Attendant Finds Passengers Hungry Baby Crying - Gives the Child Something Only She Could in That Moment

When Patrisha Organo boarded the Philippines Airlines flight, she had a strong feeling it would be one she remembered. Organo, a flight attendant, had the opportunity to qualify as a Cabin Crew Evaluator and get a promotion that morning. Though the flight did turn out to be a special one, it was not because of a promotion.The flight was an early one, and not far into the journey, Organo heard a baby crying.“Everything went smoothly until, after takeoff, I heard an infant’s cry, a cry that will make you want to do anything to help,” said Organo. “I approached the mother and asked if everything’s okay.”In Full FlightThe noise elicited some stares from fellow exhausted passengers. The cry was coming from a six-month-old girl, the daughter of one of the travelers.“I tried to tell her to feed her hungry child. Teary-eyed, she told me that she ran out of formula milk. Passengers started looking and staring at the tiny, fragile crying infant.”Organo knew what the child needed, but the plane did not carry any formula milk. There was only one way to feed the infant, so Organo stepped up."I felt a pinch in my heart. I thought to myself, there’s only one thing I could offer and that’s my own milk. And so I offered," she said.A Mother’s LoveOrgano had her own nine-month-old daughter, meaning she was still able to breastfeed. Sheryl Villafor, the flight’s line administrator, led Organo and the baby’s mother to the plane’s galley so Organo could begin feeding the baby.“I saw the relief in her mother’s eyes,” said Organo. “I continued to feed the baby until she fell asleep. I escorted her back to her seat and just before I left, the mother sincerely thanked me.”I was right, the flight’s gonna be special, so special not only because I got qualified as an Evaluator but I got to help.Patrisha Organo Stepping Up to the PlateA picture snapped of Organo as she breastfed the baby went viral after Organo posted it on Facebook.When seeing a child in need, Organo gave the only thing she could -- her own breastmilk. By giving, she also received, in this case, the gratitude of a stranger and the gift of aiding a baby in need. We can always help someone who needs it, even if all we have to give is a piece of ourselves.More from Goalcast:Flight Attendant Notices a Passenger Having a Panic Attack – Her Next Move Is Captured by a Fellow PassengerAirline Refuses to Let Man Board Flight With His Newborn – Then an Elderly Woman Takes Them Both AwayAngry Passengers Throw Insults at Flight Crew – One Attendant Finally Decides He Has Had Enough

Mom Struggles to Take Care of Her Fussy Baby at Courthouse - Then One Retired Officer Steps Up With the Perfect Response
Uplifting News

Mom Struggles to Take Care of Her Fussy Baby at Courthouse - Then One Retired Officer Steps Up With the Perfect Response

*Featured image contains photo by Tima MiroshnichenkoPeople always say it takes a village to raise a child, and they’re right.From partners to grandparents, to babysitters and friends who are able to lend a helping hand, mothers always count on those around them to offer some help in times of need.However, when a young mother travels solo with her baby in tow, whether to run errands or to get somewhere she absolutely needs to be, she finds herself without her village.The Difficult Situation One Struggling Mother Was Stuck InPhoto by Kristina PaukshtiteYoung mothers can’t usually count on the kindness of strangers, who often avert their gaze from any struggle or roll their eyes if they hear any crying -- as if babies know the “polite” thing to do would be to stay quiet.Mothers try, of course, to keep everything calm and quiet. They leave the house hoping that their young baby will fall asleep and stay asleep so that mom can check things off her to-do list. They hope that they’ll make it home again before the baby gets hungry, or over-tired, and starts wailing.This is what happened to a mother who was trying to get her fingerprints taken at the courthouse in order to get a job she badly needed. Officer Michelle Johnson, who had recently retired from the police force and was working as a bailiff, was on shift when she spotted the young mother struggling. How One Bailiff Proved the Importance of Lending a Helping Hand Her baby was fussy and restless, preventing the woman from completing the task she was at the courthouse to do. Michelle understood immediately what the woman was going through, she knew how much effort it must have taken her just to get out the door that morning. So, Michelle immediately jumped into action.Michelle took the baby so the mother could have free hands to complete her task. Not only that, but Michelle went to get warm water so that they could warm up the baby's bottle. The hungry baby calmed down and seemed relaxed in the officer’s arms. Michelle’s simple act of kindness was caught on a security camera and shared by the police department online.The simplicity of the action goes to show us how even the smallest act of kindness can have ripple effects. Because Michelle helped her, the woman was able to get a job and provide for her growing family.There is no better gift than that!