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Elderly woman selling baking goods outside and an elderly woman with glasses.
Uplifting News

Grandma Forced to Sell Homemade Goods To Get By - Then, a Stranger Walks Up to Her

Every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday without fail, Inez Hudson can be found stationed outside Super Choice Foods supermarket in Lakeland, Florida.The 73-year-old woman sells homemade pies and cakes to support herself as her fixed income isn't enough to cover her living expenses.She has her good days and bad days. That is, until now. Because thanks to the kindness of a stranger and the power of social media she just became a viral sensation. And now? Her baked goods are selling like hotcakes.

Little boy choosing between a bouquet of flowers and a Batman toy and a father hugging his son.

Stranger Finds Poor Child Selling Gum - Tests Him With 2 Choices

The young boy is weaving through people, leading the man behind the camera a couple of short blocks away. "Hey buddy, are we there yet?" asks the man impatiently."Yes, it's here," replies the boy.What the boy reveals is so shocking, his father soon gets involved and the lives of all three are forever changed.

An elderly couple, a man on the football field and a signed jersey (inset)

Dying Woman Has One Last Wish - And Her "Young Boyfriend" Fulfills It

It’s always hard to lose a loved one, but sometimes the kindness of others and the power of community can really help to make a grieving person feel less alone. That was definitely the case for this family when the kindness of strangers helped them make their mom’s final wish come true.

Stranger Approaches Woman in a Store - Hands Her Something That Completely Shocks Her
Uplifting News

Stranger Approaches Woman in a Store - Hands Her Something That Completely Shocks Her

Hard times can fall on anyone, no matter how hard they work or how much they’ve sacrificed. We never know when an injury, illness, or unexpected expense can suddenly change our lives. That’s why, no matter what kind of situation we find ourselves in, we should always try and help others.One woman reminded the world of this recently when she went out of her way to help a stranger despite being in a tough situation herself. Not only did the woman warm hearts around the world, but she inspired them to give back, too.A Routine Shopping TripA woman named Dina was at a department store one day grabbing a few items when a stranger approached her. He apologized for interrupting her but explained that he was starting a job at a restaurant in a few days and he needed to purchase a specific pair of shoes. But, he had no money and needed help paying for them.Dina asked the man how much the shoes were and said she had a couple of extra dollars on her. She then reached into her wallet, pulled out the few bills she had, and handed them over.The man introduced himself as Jimmy and asked Dina what she did. “I was in nursing for 31 years,” she said, adding her favorite part of the job was when her patients were able to be discharged and finally go home to their loved ones.The Ultimate SurpriseJust as Dina was about to continue her shopping trip, Jimmy handed her the shoes.“What if I told you these shoes were for you?” he asked, handing them over. At first, Dina looked confused, but then Jimmy revealed the big surprise: There was $500 stuffed inside.“Are you serious?” she responded, a look of awe on her face.“Yes, because you were being awesome to a stranger. I don’t need your help, I just wanted to bless you today,” he explained. “You’re a sweetheart. Is this going to help?”Dina explained that her car needed repairs, and her husband had hurt his back. They weren’t sure how they were going to fix it, so the money was a huge blessing.“I carpooled with one of our neighbors,” Dina said. “It’s hard being 60 and being on a fixed income.”Inspiring a CommunityDina didn’t realize the Jimmy she was speaking with was social media celebrity Jimmy Darts, who is known for making a positive impact in communities and spreading joy through random acts of kindness. He was so touched by Dina that he decided to start a GoFundMe for her.As her story spread, more people responded to the kind lady who was willing to give a stranger a few extra dollars even though she didn’t have much herself. Before long, Jimmy had raised more than $21,000 for her.He later surprised her with the news and captured her reaction in the video.“Are you serious? Are you serious?” she said. “Oh, you don’t know… I might be able to get a new jacket. Who are these people?” she added, fighting back tears.We’re All in This TogetherDina’s story reminds us that no matter where we are in life, it’s always important to help each other out. We never really know what someone else is going through, so helping when we can and leading with kindness is always a good idea. Sometimes, there’s someone who needs our help more.So donate a few extra bucks to a charity the next time you’re prompted at a checkout. Or bring over a little treat to a neighbor or friend. If someone looks like they’re having a rough day at a coffee line, maybe grab their tab. Or, if someone you know is struggling, ask yourself what you can do to help.At the end of the day we all go through hard things, but it’s the small acts that can make a big difference in our lives. Remembering that we’re all in this together and that everyone deserves kindness will only result in a happier place for everyone.More from Goalcast:Poor Student With “Nothing to Give” Surprises Teacher With an Unforgettable Christmas GiftSingle Mom Gives Stranger $7 for Christmas – Then, He Leads Her to the Parking Lot Where His “Special Friend” Was WaitingHomeless Man Tells Stranger It’s His Daughter’s Birthday – Instead of Walking Away, He Helps Plan a Surprise Party

Woman Asks People to Hire Her Lazy Son - Then One Neighbor Sends Her a Letter About Him
Uplifting News

Woman Asks People to Hire Her Lazy Son - Then One Neighbor Sends Her a Letter About Him

The past few years have been rough for a lot of people as we all figured out how to hang out safely and not spread germs. For teens and older folks, these years have been particularly hard since they’ve impacted socialization needs and friendships. So when one mom put a call out for her “lazy” teen son to get work back in 2020, it sparked a big response from the community. It also reminded people just how much we really need one another. A “Lazy” Son for Hire Sharon Collins wanted her teenage son Thomas to get off the couch. For months, he had been coping with the pandemic by playing video games and watching TV whenever he had some downtime. But Collins wanted him to use that time more wisely, so she put out a call on social media. “I made up this big story about how lazy he was, and people just started calling me,” she told a CBS News outlet in Boston. “He was eating me out of the snack cabinet, being lazy on the couch, and playing video games, so I said, what the heck, I'll try to get him something.” She used the hashtag #campaigngetthomasoffthecouch and said he would be great at physical labor, like yard work. People immediately responded, and Thomas began raking lawns, stacking firewood, and helping tend to gardens. Along the way, something unexpected happened. Unexpected Company Before long, Thomas began to notice a trend with the people who hired him to do their tasks. Sure, he was helping out. But more than that, they really enjoyed his company. “A lot of them seem like they're enjoying more talking to me, me eating with them, than me actually doing the work. They just want the interaction,” Thomas said. “A lot of them make me lunch and tell me a lot of stories. It makes me really happy; like I'm helping people out.” One woman was so happy to have Thomas around that she wrote his mom a letter. “She wrote what a fantastic young man he is and that he reminds her of her grandson, and she can't see her family, and it's much harder these days to even see anyone,” Collins recounted. “She said, in not so many words, that she liked his company and she wished she could pay him every week so he could come and talk to her.” Finding a New Purpose These jobs were also beneficial for Thomas. He found a sense of purpose, got out of the house, did something physical, and got paid for it. It was an all-around win that helped him to develop his true potential. "He's gone out, and he's proven to me that he's kind and empathetic, and you don't always see that in a teenage boy that's 16 years old,” Collins wrapped. “I am proud of him because I don't think I taught him that, but somehow, he knows how to do it. I can't take any credit for this. He just came the way he is, and he's certainly not an angel, please God, but he's shown his true colors, and I hope he'll always be his true colors.” The Importance of Social Interaction This story continues to resonate long after 2020 because, as people, we’re social creatures, and we need interaction in our lives. These days more of us work from home than ever, and it’s important that we schedule real face time (and not the app) into our lives. According to the CDC, social connection can do more than lift our spirits. It can help prevent serious illnesses, improve mental health, and help to recover from stress or anxiety. If you’ve been feeling low or it’s been hard to get out of the house, find something to give you purpose. Grab a neighbor and go for a walk. Volunteer for a local sports team or retirement center. Or find a workspace outside the home that you can frequent a couple of times a week just to get out there. You’ll be glad you did. More from Goalcast: Caring Teenager Sends 16,000 Valentine’s Day Cards to Lonely Strangers and Neighbors Teen Learns His Grandmother Has Only 6 Months to Live – Plots With His Sister to Make Her Last Moments Unforgettable 17-Year-Old Creates Website For Teens to Help Deliver Groceries to Elderly—Now, It’s a World-Wide Organization

Man Crosses Paths With Fellow Uber Eats Delivery Driver - Their Conversation Reveals Something Shocking
Uplifting News

Man Crosses Paths With Fellow Uber Eats Delivery Driver - Their Conversation Reveals Something Shocking

Instagram account @bikingDC is putting a new twist on what it means to be an influencer. Instead of showing off flashy cars, expensive watches, or lavish vacations — account admin aka UberEats delivery driver, Joshua Cavallero has a different mission — and it's beautiful.During a routine pickup, Cavallero was shocked when he crossed paths with a fellow UberEats cyclist "grinding" on a broken foot.So he decided to help make his day — and his rent cheque!Who Is @bikingDC?With over 1M followers it's safe to say @bikingDC has an impressive reach, but not for the reason you think.The 26-year-old is, by all standards, just a regular guy. So how does he get so many people invested in his day-to-day life? His hook is simple really.It all started during the summer of 2022. With the help of his GoPro, @bikingDC has recorded over 400 videos sharing what his day looks like as a delivery cyclist in Washington, DC.His adventures around the city have made him somewhat of a local celebrity and have even spurred a series of copycats. But the main purpose of this account is to demonstrate and expose what it's really like in the customer service industry. Needless to say the days can be emotionally and physically demanding, but for one fellow cyclist, the seemingly "simple" job took a whole new toll on his body.He Was Going About His Business — Then It Turned PersonalDuring a routine pickup, Cavallero crossed paths with a fellow UberEats cyclist, Kevin Ross, 44. He struck up a conversation and it didn't take long for Cavallero to notice something was really wrong with this picture. "This guy is the definition of never giving up… I couldn’t believe that he was doing this."@bikingDCNot only was Kevin Ross riding a bike with backwards wheels but he had entered the restaurant propped up by a metal walker — and the reason is heartbreaking. A Car Crash Put Him in the Hospital for 2 WeeksRoss had a broken foot from injuries he had sustained weeks prior in a car accident. He spent two weeks in the hospital and accrued medical debt bills he couldn't come close to paying. To make matters worse his rent was overdue.It was an impossible situation with seemingly no solution.Time had already run out, so Ross did the only thing he could do. He turned on his UberEats deliveries, got on his bike with a broken foot, and pedalled to the next pickup. The very same day he met Cavallero he had planned to ask his neighbor for a loan to avoid eviction. But fate stepped in and what happened next was even better."I love how humble this guy was. He was talking about doing this like it was no big deal too."@bikingDCWatch the Viral Video Below: His Followers Raised Over $2,500The interaction was brief, but Cavallero was quick to make sure he grabbed Ross's CashApp username. Cavallero said he wanted to send him a "tip," but what he did instead was much more meaningful.Cavallero shared video on Instagram and TikTok with his followers and the exchange racked up millions of views. In his caption he gently nudged his audience in the direction of kindness.@bikingdc/ InstagramThe comments came pouring in...and so did the cash. The next time Ross checked his CashApp he couldn't believe his eyes. In a matter of minutes he had received over $2,500 — there must have been a mistake; but he was wrong, in the best way!Ross said he didn’t know at first where that money had come from. He didn’t know that Cavallero ran @bikingDC and posted his CashApp information along with the video of them meeting. When Ross finally saw Cavallero’s post, he read through hundreds of comments.“We Gave Our Money to the Right Guy”“Most of the comments were people showing me love,” Ross said. “I really, really appreciate the kindness of people. Not just the money. I went through all the comments and almost all of them are positive.”Once Ross found Cavallero's social media page, the UberEats cyclists were able to connect at a restaurant once again — but this time they weren't ordering to-go. Ross and Cavallero met up at a local Nando's. They caught up and as a gesture of good faith Ross insisted on paying for the meal. After much protesting, Cavallero let him.“I felt like I had to do something for him,” Ross told me. “He really helped me out and changed my life because I was struggling.”The Giving Kept Going!Cavallero posted the heartwarming follow-up video to his page, wrapping up this chapter with a sweet bow. He noted while his bike was still damaged, Ross planned to save up to repair the front rack. Within in hours a generous follower (@justalivingcaitlin) had donated one to Ross herself.Blessing Others Like We Want to Be Blessed“I used to want to be that guy who would get caught in a giveback video, where someone would walk up to me and be like, ‘Here’s $1,000 dollars!’” Cavallero shared with the Washington Post. Cavallero said he posted that video of Ross because he respected him. He also could relate to him. He himself started delivering for UberEats after he lost his job and needed to pay his bills.“I was so broke. I wanted someone to bless me. But it’s amazing to be able to be the person blessing people. Now, I’m the guy who can put someone’s CashApp out there with a sincere story and use my platform to get them back on their feet.”Cavallero's story is a great reminder that while we may not have the power to handout infinite cash to all those in need, we do have the power to bless others the way we want to be blessed, in ways both big and small.More from Goalcast:

Retired Man Learns About Hungry Kids in a Report - Immediately Goes to School and Asks for the Principal
Uplifting News

Retired Man Learns About Hungry Kids in a Report - Immediately Goes to School and Asks for the Principal

More than 13 million children faced hunger in 2022, and according to the USDA, one in every five children doesn’t know where they will get their next meal. It’s a big problem that can be easy to ignore when it doesn’t directly impact us. But when one retired man heard just how close to home the problem was, he decided to do something about it.A Disturbing DiscoveryAn 84-year-old man named Don Douglas raised his children and his grandchildren in Mesquite, Nevada. There, he and his wife of 50 years saw those kids go to the same elementary school, Florence Elementary. However, after Douglas’ grandkids grew up and his wife passed away, he found a new connection to the school.It all started one day when he read a report that said nearly all of the 580 children at the school couldn’t afford to eat lunch. Some ate for free, while others were able to string together the $0.40 per meal. Many kids couldn’t even afford that small amount of money, though.“It kinda upset me a little. Or maybe a lot,” Douglas told an ABC News outlet.Douglas is legally blind and read the report with the help of a projector — the same device he uses to read his daily newspaper. After he was done, he went straight to the school and asked to see the principal.Putting Retirement Money to Good UseAccording to the principal, Ladonna Gulley, Douglas was quite concerned that the kids weren’t getting enough to eat.“He went into his billfold, pulled out $100, and said, ‘I’m giving you this money, and this is to make sure that every single student in your building has the opportunity to eat,’” she recalled, adding that Douglas has been donating monthly ever since.Douglas’ donations don't come from impressive life savings or wealth. In fact, the man doesn’t have much and uses his retirement money to help those kids. He himself lives off social security for the most part. He says it’s worth it if it means kids can have a nourishing meal.When people began recognizing Douglas for his donations, he didn’t want the extra attention. But then he reconsidered, knowing that it might inspire others to donate to the school or to hungry kids in their own communities. It worked, and people did donate. Eventually, the city honored Douglas with his own day.“It’s not about me, it’s about our kids,” Douglas told Star Local Media. “I haven’t given up anything, and I’m not asking anyone to give up anything, but if you want to help, you have the opportunity.”Paying It ForwardA man named Steve Harris, who works for a company called Seeboost, heard about Douglas’ generosity and he too wanted to help by gifting Douglas a device to help him see more clearly. The first thing Douglas wanted to see was the kids, of course.Florence Elementary was happy to have him, and the staff arranged a visit in which Douglas got to sit down and read to the kids.“You’re a beautiful bunch of kids,” he said. “When I think about the future, I’m not worried because I know you kids are gonna have a great future for all of us. And I thank you for letting me read to you.”Every Action MattersDouglas and his actions are a great example of the idea that when it comes to helping others, there is no such thing as a small act of kindness. Although the amount of money Douglas had to give was small, it was a big give for him, and it made a great difference in the lives of those children.His kindness inspires all of us to do what we can to ensure that people within our own communities are also comfortable and taken care of. That can mean grabbing a few extra cans to donate to the food bank the next time you’re grocery shopping. It can mean volunteering your time at a shelter or donating old clothes. Or it could mean donating a small sum, based on what you’re able to afford.Whatever act of kindness this story may inspire you to take, remember that small things can make a big difference in someone else’s life. Just the act of caring enough to do what you can to help others in need is a monumental thing on its own. More from Goalcast:Teacher Cries at Work When She Realizes Her Student Is Going to Bed Hungry – Then Jennifer Lopez Gets InvolvedWoman Notices a Long Line of Hungry Customers at Whataburger – Their Interaction With Deaf Cashier Goes ViralCustomer Reports Hungry Homeless Man at Hardee’s to the Police – One Officer’s Response Is Caught on Video

Stranger Leaves Bewildering Note on University Students Broken Car in Dead of Winter
Uplifting News

Stranger Leaves Bewildering Note on University Students Broken Car in Dead of Winter

In the heart of Edmonton, Alberta a not-so-simple act became breaking news! In one cold Canadian city a chilling incident unfolded — literally. One stranger's uninvited note, on a cold night quickly became a hot topic after going viral on Reddit.The Shocking NoteIt all started when university student, Derek Murray returned to his car after a long day, on a chilly night. He saw a note tucked under his wiper blades and groaned anticipating it was a bad omen.The good news was it wasn't a parking ticket...the bad news? It was a note from a complete stranger and it looked long — never a good sign. Murray braced himself for an angry pedestrian complaining about his parking or other hateful words. He had no idea what he was going to read was much more complicated.The Unsolicited Note Began With, “I Noticed You Left Your Lights On…”Reddit/fuzzn0yRead the Full Message Below:"I noticed you left your lights on. The battery will probably not have enough charge to start your vehicle. I left a blue extension cord on the fence and a battery charger beside the fence in the cardboard box. If you know how to hook it up, use it to start your car. It is simple: Hook the red clip to the positive terminal of your battery and the black clip to the negative terminal. Do not touch the black and red clips together while the charger is still plugged in. The charger is already set on 12 volts and start mode. You might have to wait a few minutes to let the battery charge. Good luck."Sharing Your ResourcesWhen one Good Samaritan noticed that a fellow Edmontonian had left their car lights on, rather than passing by, indifferent to the situation, this anonymous do-gooder took the time to craft a handwritten note and leave it on the car.Not only that, he also left him a pair of free jumper cables and a car battery too!The instructions continued with clear steps, showcasing the altruistic nature of this helpful stranger: "Hook the red clip to the positive terminal of your battery and the black clip to the negative terminal. Do not touch the black and red clips together while the charger is still plugged in. The charger is already set on 12 volts and start mode. You might have to wait a few minutes to let the battery charge."The stranger's note, which has since become the talk of the town after being shared on Reddit, outlined a thoughtful solution to a potentially expensive and time consuming problem! Sometimes a miracle looks like a blue extension cord and a battery charger left neatly beside a fence.Good Samaritan’s Gesture Sparked Wave of Goodwill in the City — LiterallyCBCThe photo of the note spread rapidly across the internet, gaining over 1,500 comments and gaining the praise of many. Derek Murray, the fortunate recipient of this unexpected assistance, expressed his astonishment at the stranger's kindness."The first thing I thought of when I read it was this is one of those things that you see online that goes viral -- this doesn’t happen to me. This doesn’t happen to anyone I know," shared Murray, a university student in Edmonton.As the realization of the stranger's generosity sank in, Murray couldn't help but appreciate the selflessness displayed. "Then it just kind of struck me how awesome this guy was. He took so much time out of his day for a complete stranger who he may not have even liked me parking in front of his house to begin with, so that made me even appreciate it all even more."Going the Extra Mile Makes All the DifferenceNow, in a bid to continue the spirit of goodwill, Murray is on a quest to find and thank the anonymous helper. He plans to gift the good samaritan a bottle of wine as a token of appreciation.Even if he can't track him down, his viral story has already paid it forward!When we lead with compassion we can create a chain reaction of positivity. When we have the opportunity to go the extra mile for a neighbour in need — we should! Even though it may take a little time out of your day it has the power to change someone else's.One man's anonymous good deed reminds us of the impact unexpected gestures have — and you should always have a car battery lying around if you live in a cold Canadian city!

Man Finds Out His Mom Secretly Disappears Every Christmas Eve - After She Passes Away, a Letter Revealing the Mystery Arrives
Uplifting News

Man Finds Out His Mom Secretly Disappears Every Christmas Eve - After She Passes Away, a Letter Revealing the Mystery Arrives

The holiday season is such a magical time. However, in the weeks ramping up to Christmas, it's no secret that things can get a little crazy — especially if you work in retail. Even though we swear every year we're going to get all our shopping done before December hits, most of us find ourselves scrambling at the last minute to tie it all together. God bless Homesense!But all the craziness is worth it when the special day arrives and we get to put the wrapping paper down and spend quality time with our loved ones. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day traditions look different in every household, but for this one family? Christmas Eve came with the strangest tradition of all. Every year, on Christmas Eve, their mother would vanish without explanation.Years later after her passing, her son discovered just what she'd been hiding.She Would Vanish For Hours On End on Christmas EveSue Dorroh / YouTubeSue Dorroh was the best mother, according to her son John Dorroh, 68. She was loving, considerate, and most of all, prepared. The kind of mother whose handbag doubled as a survival kit. Snacks, tissues, water; a flare gun to signal for help if stranded on a desert island!In fact, Sue was the kind of prepared most of us could only dream of being. While most holiday preppers tend to spring for Black Friday deals in order to get all their shopping done, Sue had a whole different strategy. This one mother knew her kids so well she would get their Christmas gifts in August!Which is why her son was suspicious when every year his organized and reliable mother would rush out the door on Christmas Eve. Without fail, Sue would would disappear in a flurry for several longs hours — without so much as an explanation.By the time she got back, amidst the holiday commotion her absence got swept under the rug. Until next year. One Christmas Eve, when his mother had disappeared as she always did, a young John even ventured to ask his father where it was she always went."I don't know. Probably shopping," John's father offered up dismissively. But John knew his mother better than that. When John protested, pointing out his mother always got her Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving (like, way before) his father would casually shut down the conversation. "Maybe she forgot a few things," he'd say, before finding busy work to do. Leaving John scratching his head, until eventually he'd forget about the whole thing...that is, until the next year came around.ReminisceReminisce/ Vintage Holiday PhotoEventually John grew up and as life got busier and time moved faster, John's mother tragically passed away. That first Christmas Eve without her John would have traded anything to see her rushing out that door, because even though her whereabouts may have forever remained a mystery...his mother always came back. This year was different.After Sue passed away she left her family heartbroken and without much Christmas cheer. The holidays weren't the same without her. Then, an unexpected letter showed up at the front door. It's contents explained it all.A Mystery Letter Arrived on Christmas Eve — And It Wasn’t From SantaHandwritten by Maria / FacebookIt was from a former co-worker of Sue's. After decades of wondering just where his mother took off to, his questions would finally be answered. John discovered the secret his mother had been keeping...a special relationship with a whole other family.“Dear Johnny, I just wanted you to know how much my family and I appreciate what your mother has done for us for all of these years. Every year on Christmas Eve day your mom comes to my house dressed like Mrs. Claus and gives my kids a Christmas that we can’t afford to give them. She has given them shoes, shirts, jeans, toys, and candy. I know your heart is heavy and that you are missing Miss Sue. We do, too. We loved her and just wanted you to know what she has done for us. Love, Robert and Nellie and the kids.”Despite his mother's painful passing, this heartwarming letter reminded John that her spirit was more alive than ever.Sue and her former co-worker became friends during shifts at their factory job, manufacturing toilet lids in an assembly line. Robert, had very little money to spare during the holiday season and without having enough money for toys, this hardworking father didn't know how to make Christmas special for his kids. That's when Sue stepped in with her bright idea — and thus a magical holiday tradition was born. Every Christmas Eve Sue would dress up as Mrs. Claus and bring Robert and his family all kinds of gifts, toys, and clothing to spread the holiday cheer. It was a small sacrifice she made every year but in leaving her family for a few hours — Sue was able to make a powerful impact in another family's life. Even after her passing, they never forgot her generosity. Not only with both family's carry those special memories forever but John took extra care to share Sue's story and honor her memory in a special edition of Chicken Soup For The Soul.Do Good Deeds With Intention, Not for AttentionFlorida Memory / FlickrIn a world where social media often amplifies our need for validation, it's tempting to post everything we do. Sue's story is a gentle reminder that the impact of our actions extends far beyond the likes and shares. Sure, secrets aren't always as fun as praise. However, Sue's Christmas Eve tradition teaches us a profound lesson. Sometimes, performing acts of kindness quietly, without seeking acknowledgment or applause, becomes the most meaningful way to make a difference.Sue's intentional and anonymous generosity reminds us that the true spirit of giving lies in the joy it brings to others, not in the spotlight it places on the giver. As we navigate the holidays and beyond, may we strive to do good deeds with genuine intention, not for attention. We ma even discover the profound satisfaction that comes from making a difference in someone's life, even if it remains a secret. After all, sharing kindness selflessly makes its magic most potent, leaving a lasting impact that's more memorable than any applause or recognition.Good deeds speak louder when done from the heart.

Elderly Shoeshiner Saves Over $200,000 in Tips After Working for 30 Years - Then Does Something Unexpected With the Money
Uplifting News

Elderly Shoeshiner Saves Over $200,000 in Tips After Working for 30 Years - Then Does Something Unexpected With the Money

Despite their best efforts, hospitals aren't exactly the most cheery of places. I mean, who doesn't love the stunning selection of "Get Well" mylar balloons at the Gift Shop (right beside the bed pans)! But once we realize, that the nurse is never coming back with the second Jell-O cup we asked's easy to feel restless and in need of some TLC.One hospital worker spent 3 decades devoting his life to helping the sick children in need — just not in the way you'd think!Read on to learn about the extraordinary man who, for 30 years, practiced a unique form of medicine — the kind that mends souls.Every Penny Counts — $202,000 Journey of KindnessAndrew Russell | Tribune-Review / UPMC Children's Hospital of PittsburghFor over 30 years, Albert Lexie, 76, worked his magic at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's Children's Hospital — only he didn't have quite the job you think he would!Albert wasn't a fancy doctor or a hardworking nurse. In fact, if you weren't looking hard enough, you may just pass Albert by. In the hustle and bustle of the hospital, Albert quietly worked away...shining strangers's shoes.But don't underestimate the power of quiet giving.With only his humble shoeshine box, Albert was able to save lives — and in the most unexpected way.It really is true when they say, every penny counts! One $3 shoeshine at a time, Albert accumulated a whopping $202,000 fortune — just in tips! But here's the kicker; he didn't keep a cent! Instead, he directed every hard-earned tip to the Children's Hospital’s Free Care Fund, ensuring that uninsured and under-insured kids in Pittsburgh received the medical care they needed. Wow. Talk about an everyday hero.The Shoeshine Shuttle — He’d Take 3 Buses Just to Get To WorkBill Wade/ Pittsburgh Post-Gazette via APPicture this: every Tuesday and Thursday, Albert boarded not one, not two, but three buses to reach the hospital. Even though the journey was almost as laborious as the job, Albert had a nurturing spirit that just couldn't be stopped, no matter how many buses it took!It all started back in high school, when Albert was just 15-years-old. Like many boys his age back then, Albert had taking a shining (pun intended) to the wood shop classes offered in school.For one assignment, Albert dared to make a handcrafted shoe shine box...and the rest is history. Over the years Albert would build up a simple but purposeful business, but he wasn't in it for cash and prizes.Decades later, when he set up shop at Children's Hospital, Albert was intent to keep his costs down — like way down. Despite decades of experience, he only charged a modest $3 for per shine. Service With a SmileWhile his customers would get a toe-tapping touch up that would make their loafers look brand new, Albert would just enjoy chatting with strangers or sitting in comfortable silence. Most of the time, being at a hospital means "bad news" may be just around the corner. Even though he may not have been saving lives, Albert is proof that a kind personality goes a long way.You don't have to be the funniest person in the room or even the most just have to live life with a soft and open heart. It can make a difference in ways you can't even imagine — at least it did for Albert.Despite his annual income hovering around $10,000, this humble shoeshiner earned $220,000 in tips! Talk about good customer service.Even though he had little of his own, his commitment to giving knew no bounds. Every tip he earned went straight to the sick kids who he spent 3 decades watching over from his humble shoe shine station. “I Want to See the Kids Get Well” — From Shoeshiner to SuperheroABC NewsAlbert's story isn't just about shoeshines; it's about a man on a mission.Even after 30 years of dedication, he wasn't seeking fame or fortune. He was chasing a simple goal: "I want to see the kids get well." His selfless actions spoke louder than words, turning him into a living legend at the hospital.While Albert shied away from the spotlight, his kindness didn't go unnoticed. The 76-year-old's accolades were far-reaching. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame for Caring Americans and was honored at the Major League Baseball All-Star Game in 2010.Sure, these accolades weren't his endgame (so to speak); they were by products of a life dedicated to making a difference. And even though he may not have needed the press? It doesn't mean the press didn't need him.With an endless loop of heart breaking news, uplifting stories like Albert's are a reminder the world isn't such bad place — and we can be part of the good.VIDEO: More on Albert Lexie's Story BelowA Letter of Legacy: Albert’s Impact Lives OnEven though Albert Lexie passed away in Oct. 2018, his legacy remains vibrant. His story is a living testament to the power of small acts of kindness.The Children's Hospital president perfectly encapsulates Albert's impact: "He is the perfect example of how small incremental acts of kindness can impact millions of people." Albert's story is a reminder that every step, no matter how small, can leave a lasting imprint.Daily commitment does make a difference...just not over night. Embrace simplicity, find joy in the everyday, and little by little even the smallest gestures can create waves of change.Find your $3 shoe shine and make the world a brighter place!