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Man and woman hugging and a man and woman with three kids
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Husband's Controversial Video On His Wife Wanting Alone Time Goes Viral

Being a parent is a wonderful crazy ride. But it's also physically, emotionally, and mentally draining. It's a continuous cycle of putting someone else's needs ahead of your own, and sometimes?You just really need a break. In a candid post that has gone viral on both TikTok and Instagram (racking up a staggering 31 million views combined), one husband explains why he prioritizes giving his wife alone time every single week, and honestly, we should all be taking notes.

Man Snaps a Photo of His Wife While Shes Napping - This Brings Him Proposals From Strangers Looking for Love
Uplifting News

Man Snaps a Photo of His Wife While Shes Napping - This Brings Him Proposals From Strangers Looking for Love

Bobby Wesson is one husband who is setting an example for other couples, when it comes to the importance of celebrating your partner — when they least expect it!He Snapped a Photo While She Was SleepingOne Alabama couple is going viral for all the right reasons! When Bobby Wesson saw his wife Rayena cuddling their sleeping newborn he couldn't help but snap a picture of the sweet moment.But that isn't all he did."This is my wife taking a nap. In an hour she will wake up, put on her scrubs and get ready for work."Bobby Wesson, FacebookWesson was completely overcome with love for his family and gratitude for his wife, so he decided to do something about it.His Simple Post on Facebook Went ViralIn that very moment, watching his wife sleeping soundly with their little one, Wesson felt inspired to write a sweet tribute on Facebook celebrating his wife for all she does...and the moment went viral.The post racked up over 900,000 likes and snagged over 200,000 shares.Viewers from around the globe could not get enough of how beautiful one husband's words were, when it came to honoring his wife for all that she does.Read Bobby Wesson's Letter:"This is my wife taking a nap. In an hour she will wake up, put on her scrubs and get ready for work.The tools and items she needs to perform her job will be gathered and checked meticulously - her hair and makeup will be done quickly. She will complain that she looks awful. I will disagree, emphatically, and get her a cup of coffee.She will sit on the couch with her legs crossed under her and try to drink it while happily playing with the toddler that's crawling all over her.She will occasionally stare off blankly as we talk; silently steeling herself for the coming shift. She thinks I don't notice.She will kiss the baby, she will kiss me and she will leave to go take care of people that are having the worst day of their entire lives. Car wrecks, gunshot wounds, explosions, burns and breaks - professionals, poor, pastors, addicts and prostitutes - mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and families - it doesn't matter who you are or what happened to you.She will take care of you.She will come home 14 hours later and remove shoes that have walked through blood, bile, tears, and fire from her aching feet and leave them outside.Sometimes she will not want to talk about it. Sometimes she can't wait to talk about it.Sometimes she will laugh until she cries and sometimes she will just cry -- but regardless of those sometimes she will be on time for her next shift.My wife is a nurse. My wife is a hero."The “Care” Never Stops — His Wife Is Trauma NurseBobby Wesson/FacebookRayena Wesson works around the clock — literally. When she's not nursing her little one? She's nursing a revolving door of trauma patients at the hospital she works at in Alabama.Yes, Rayena Wesson is a trauma nurse — and one of the many first responders who risked their own health to attend to others during the Covid-19 pandemic.It's pretty clear why her husband had so many beautiful words to share about his wife, and maybe it's a reminder that maybe more men should take a page out of Wesson's book?He Received Hundreds of Messages Asking Him OutBobby Wesson/FacebookIronically, Wesson's post celebrating his wife attracted the attention of hundreds of single women looking for those qualities in a man.Naturally, he wasn't interested because of the aforementioned quality of being a devoted husband.The couple — who've been married since 2013 — didn't miss out on the opportunity to post a hilarious mass-reply to all the single ladies out there looking for love.Wesson, opens up the video telling fans if you've messaged him or are thinking of messaging him — don't!He continues to say he would never "betray" his wife before looking off camera and whispering "is that good?"He then pans to reveal his wife jokingly holding him "hostage" at knife point.A few thirsty women aside though, Wesson shared his wife was overwhelmed with the response the couple received after their post went viral.Sharing Their Story Inspired Others to Share Their OwnThe Wesson's weren't looking for any special attention when Bobby Wesson shared his post. "Those of you that know my wife know that she flinches at the word 'hero,'" Wesson shared in the aftermath of their viral moment.However, the Wessons received more than congratulatory pats on the back; they received so many messages from strangers sharing their similar stories."Rayena and I have been humbled by all of the stories that nurses, medical professionals, patients and people from all over the world have shared with us."He continued, "She doesn't miss an opportunity to downplay her role and tell people that she is a small part of a very large team - but she is a large part of my very small team and I'm proud of her."Be a “Large Part” of Your Own “Small Team”The Wesson's viral moment is a reminder of how meaningful it is, when a husband acknowledges his wife for the "little things"...because they add up.We may not all be trauma nurses fighting on the front lines — but we don't have to be. Even in our own family units we all have the power to make big change. Whether it's covering when a babysitter drops out last minute or just doing an extra load of dishes when nobody's looking — it all adds up!More from Goalcast:

Man Explains Why He Refuses to Help His Wife and 4 Kids Around the House - And Strangers Are Praising Him for It

Man Explains Why He Refuses to Help His Wife and 4 Kids Around the House - And Strangers Are Praising Him for It

It's no secret that when it comes to domestic duties such as childcare, cooking, and cleaning, women tend to take on the lion's share of the work, even when both partners are working full-time.To be fair, a lot of husbands do shoulder their fair share of the housework, however, let's face it, many do not. The domestic gender gap is REAL.So, when a husband took to TikTok to sound off on NOT HELPING his wife with chores and their four young children, people weren't exactly blown away by surprise. But what was unexpected was his reason why. And suddenly? This guy's gone from zero to hero in the eyes of 7 million people and counting. Why a Husband Doesn’t “Help” His Wife Around the HouseTexas UPS driver, J.R. Minton, grew up in a "traditional" household. His mom did typical "motherly" things while his dad brought home the bacon and left the domestic duties alone. But Minton's determined to do things differently. The father of four young kids ages one to seven, took to TikTok to share his message on partnership.His video, which has been viewed by millions, starts off with him contentiously stating, "I don't help my wife cook. I don't help her clean, do laundry, take care of the kids — none of that."Uh-huh. Or, as one commenter expressed, "I was ready to fight 😅👏🏾." (You and about 7 million other women, give or take.)But hold on a minute, Minton's not done. And another commenter's decision to hold her breath and "trust the algorithm" pays off. Because this is where he jumps the tracks and takes a hard left."Because I do what I am supposed to do as a father and a husband. I cook. I clean. I do the laundry. I take care of the kids. I can't help my wife do those things because they are my job too."J.R. Minton"Change the way you speak. Change the way you think and grow the f--- up and be a man," he adds. Mic drop.Husband’s TikTok Take On Sharing Responsibilities Goes Viral and People Are Loving ItResponse to Minton's video was swift, racking up 1.4 million likes and nearly 16,000 comments. People came out in droves, praising him for his perspective.On the flip side, however, it seems that many households still follow conventional gender norms and attitudes, with a number of men viewing doing basic duties as "helping" their partners. "Had to tell my husband stop saying, '…for your mother,' to the kids. Empty the dishwasher FOR ME? No. Those are everybody’s dishes." wrote one."My ex used to say 'I did the dishes for you.' FOR ME! Thanks and bu-bye," wrote another.Others revealed that when it comes to domestic labor, they're on their own. "My husband sometimes doesn’t even flush the toilet.""Not me seeing this while crying in the bathroom cause I'm just so damn exhausted."In a follow-up TikTok, Minton thanks his fans but warns that he's not some "unicorn." He's a husband and dad, just doing what his wife does every single day. A fact he had driven home during a recent trip to Target.“I was wearing the baby and I had two kids in the cart, and this lady comes up to Brittany and she’s like, ‘Oh my God. Is this your husband!? Look at him. You should take a picture of him,’” Minton told Today. “I get so much credit for doing nothing. How low is the bar?"Trust me, it's low. Society has a tendency to perceive moms and dads VERY differently. Fathers tend to get a lot more credit for showing up as parents in ways that moms are expected to do all the time. Marriage Is a PartnershipAs far as we have come in balancing the scales, the reality is that we still have a long way to go in shifting attitudes and achieving true equality where domestic labor is concerned. And science proves it. According to a recent study from the Bureau of Labor Statistics American Time Use Survey, women spend 37% more time doing domestic tasks than men. And if the woman happens to be bringing home the majority of the bacon? They're actually taking on an even greater share of the housework as per a study from the University of Bath.Obviously, as Minton proves, this isn't the case for every family. There are plenty of husbands and fathers who view their marriages in a similar light — as a partnership. Minton just hopes that his message hits home with the ones he thinks need to hear it. "When you're in a partnership with your spouse, it's not help," Minton said. "Everything is a shared responsibility in the house when it comes to taking care of each other's needs, the children's needs, especially the needs of the home."At the end of the day, every family needs to decide what works best for them. And when it comes to the division of domestic labor? It should be what is equitable and fair for both partners. More from Goalcast:Woman Learns Her Exhausted Co-worker Bikes Three Hours to Work – So She and Her Husband Come Up With a PlanWoman Has a Dream About the Same Baby for Months – Fights to Adopt Her Husband’s Dead Ex-wife’s SonStrangers Accuse Kenyan Woman of Marrying Her Husband for Money – The Couple Hits Back With the Perfect Response

Woman Finds Husbands Secret Instagram Account - What She Discovered Shocked Her for the Right Reasons
Uplifting News

Woman Finds Husbands Secret Instagram Account - What She Discovered Shocked Her for the Right Reasons

Rachael Sullivan was shocked to discover an Instagram account with her husband's name on it. She was surprised even more when it turned out to be filled with recipes he made for her.A Secret Food AccountPhoto by Kerde SeverinSullivan was on Instagram's "people you may know" section when she noticed an account with her husband's name on it. "It said 'Tom Sullivan @MealsSheEats,' and I was like, 'Who is this 'she'?'" Rachael told Today.When Rachael clicked on the photos, it became clear that she was the "she" referred to in the account. Each post featured photos of food her husband of four years made for her to help regular her hormones as she tries to get pregnant."I went to the doctor for a checkup and my hormone levels came back all whacked out and I had cysts near my ovaries," Rachael said. "That's when I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. They recommend you do a gluten-free and dairy-free diet, and Tom just went full force into it."She Shared Her Discovery on TikTokRachael went on to post a video to TikTok, sharing her discovery of Tom's secret account."Last week, I found out my husband had a secret Instagram account," the post begins. "See I have this condition that could effect my fertility. So for the last year my husband's been helping me regulate my hormones through food so I wouldn't have to go on birth control 'cause I'm just trying to have little giants like him you know?"Tom's InspirationTom loves being a home cook and was inspired by the book WomanCode by Alisa Vitti. The book shares recipes ideas for women to eat during each part of their menstrual cycle to regulate their hormones and Tom would add his own flare to the recipes when he made it for Rachael."An Instagram page just seemed like an easy place to organize [these recipes]," he told Today. "It was for when Rachael would say, 'Hey, what was that meal you made here,' or when friends would ask what Rachael posted on her Instagram and ask for the recipe.""Tom knows more about menstrual cycles than most women do. And, I'm six months regulated right now, which is super exciting."- Rachael Two People Make a BabyAs a result of Rachael's viral TikTok post, Tom's Instagram account has skyrocketed from 69 followers to over 24,000. Meanwhile, the phrase "Last week, I found out my husband had a secret Instagram account" has also gone viral."I literally love this man so much," Rachael says at the end of her TikTok. "And there's nothing I want more in life than to just have his babies."Making a baby is a two-person job, but for so long the business of baby-making was strictly for women to deal with. Not any longer.Men may not be able to give birth, but there are ways they can give of themselves to help their partners along in the fertility and pregnancy process. Wondering how to do that? Just take a look at the sentiment behind @MealsSheEats for inspiration.More from Goalcast:Woman Finds Out Her Lover Is 53 Years Old Pretending to Be a Young Model – Then, She Finds Love With the Real Man in the PhotosWoman Diagnosed With Rare Genetic Disorder Wonders if She’ll Ever Find Love – Then One Man Steps in With the Answer

Meet Salma Hayek's Husband, François-Henri Pinault – 6 Interesting Facts About Their Relationship

Meet Salma Hayek's Husband, François-Henri Pinault – 6 Interesting Facts About Their Relationship

Salma Hayek may be best known for her film and acting skills, but she should be known for her relationship goals with her husband François-Henri Pinault.For nearly 30 years, the stunning Salma Hayek has been an always-game presence in a variety of Hollywood films. Be they guns-a-blazing thrillers (Desperado, Fair Game), comedies (Grown Ups, Fools Rush In, Like a Boss), dramas (Ask the Dust, House of Gucci), arthouse pictures (Timecode, Americano), action comedies (Wild Wild West, Bandidas, After the Sunset), horror excursions (From Dusk Till Dawn, Tale of Tales) or even the inevitable Marvel Comics Universe entry (Eternals), Salma has proven to be a talent who can hop, skip and jump her way around all manner of genre offerings.RELATED: Shakira Reveals The Truth Behind Her Shocking Split From Gerard PiqueAnd from the career beginnings appearing in telenovelas in her native Mexico to her subsequent conquest of Hollywood and the international movie marketplace, the lady has clearly demonstrated that she likes to work. A lot!Salma has also grown into a significant force behind the camera, having spearheaded and produced the hit TV series Ugly Betty and the animated adventure Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet, among other projects. Most remarkably, she spent more than 10 years developing and then producing the biographical drama Frida, the award-winning examination of the life of artist Frida Kahlo, in which she also starred and garnered an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress.But while she lives her life in the spotlight of the media, Salma Hayek's husband François-Henri Pinault prefers to work behind the cameras.Salma & François-Henri Have Been Together 16 Years Axelle/Bauer-Griffin / Getty ImagesWe’re always interested in checking in on the magnificent Ms. Hayek to see what she’s up to. And we have to say that her latest sexy star turn in the third film of the Magic Mike franchise, Magic Mike’s Last Dance, was everything we hoped for and more.RELATED: Who Is Ariana Grande Married To? Meet Her Husband, Dalton GomezSo busy is the prolific Salma Hayek that we weren’t surprised when she revealed she was caught completely by surprise when she met and fell in love with the man who would become her future husband, French businessman François-Henri Pinault."I found a man better than any man I could ever in my life imagine existed,” announced Salma in a 2011 interview with Latina Magazine. “He found me, actually. I wasn’t even looking!"So who exactly is the man that exceeded Salma Hayek's husband dreams?Fashion Mogul François-Henri Pinault Leads Luxury Group Kering Marc Piasecki / Getty ImagesThe son of French billionaire François Pinault, François-Henri Pinault is the CEO and chairman of the luxury fashion group Kering, home to brands such as Gucci, Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen, Bottega Veneta, Brioni and other high-end couture lines that Salma has undoubtedly slipped into over the years. Pinault’s father François was CEO of Kering before he turned over the company to his son. (During his tenure, the company was known as PPR for “Pinault-Printemps-Redoute.”) Currently, the senior François is considered to be one of the worlds’ richest men, placing at #30 on the Bloomberg Billionaire Index. RELATED: Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward’s 50-Year Marriage Was Based on Four Words – Two You Wouldn’t SuspectNot that the son is doing shabbily or has all that much to worry about at this point, beginning with the fact that he’s married to one of the world’s most beautiful movie stars! François-Henri is also the president of the holding company Groupe Artémis, the Pinault family investment company, which owns the luxury auction house Christie's, French winery Château Latour, Stade Rennais Football Club, and Paris's Théâtre Marigny, amongst other holdings. The Pinault family’s interests also extended to media, in which they own the French weekly political and news magazine Le Point, a part of the French newspaper Le Mode, and the French television network TF-1.How Did Salma Hayek Meet François-Henri Pinault? According to Forbes, the Pinault family is worth $34.8 billion.At 60, billionaire François-Henri Pianault is considered to be one of the world’s leading businessmen and fashion magnates, but he has also developed a prominent reputation as a philanthropist.In 2009, Pinault launched the Kering Foundation, which aims to combat violence against women in Europe and Asia. A leader in supporting survivor-centered services, the foundation has also implemented programs to break the cycle of violence with future generations. According to Vanity Fair, the foundation has benefited more than 140,000 women by 2016. That same year, Kering received the Gender Equality European & International Standard label, which is given to companies who take a proactive approach to gender equality.@salmahayek/InstagramCloser to home, after a devastating 2019 fire caused extensive damage to Paris’s Notre Dame Cathedral, Pinault pledged €100 million (the equivalent of about $113 million) to the reconstruction of what is considered to be one of France’s great historical buildings.A gorgeous palace was actually the backdrop of Pinault’s first encounter with Ms. Salma Hayek.Hayek and Pinault met in spring 2006 at a gala being held at the Palazzo Grassi in Venice—a grand marble palace owned by Pinault's family. For years, Hayek wouldn’t offer more info about their meeting beyond that vague detail, announcing in an interview with Town & Country that, "It's such a romantic, amazing story, but it is mine. I don't want to vulgarize it by making it into a story to make myself interesting.”Their Daughter Valentina Paloma was Born in 2007@salmahayek/InstagramBut it didn’t take Salma too long to gush of how sparks began to fly when they first met and that it all began with a “silly” conversation."It was so silly. We started talking about football. We're both crazy about soccer," Hayek recounted in an interview with the Associated Press. "And then we started talking about science. We love space and physics, and he was so smart and charming and funny.”"Nobody had talked to me about those things the first time I met them. It's not normally the typical conversation, she adds. "I realized, this person—so different from me—is my perfect match."RELATED: Catherine Zeta-Jones’ Has It All – But After 22-Years of Marriage She’s in “Thankful Mode’ For One Simple ReasonFrançois-Henri was married once before in the mid-Nineties and had a son and a daughter with his former wife, along with later sharing another son with his former girlfriend, supermodel Linda Evangelista. For her part, Salma had never been married before.“I wish I knew [when I was younger] that I was going to fall crazy in love with the perfect man,” she says. “I was so worried, and I dated some people I shouldn't have dated.”Salma and François-Henri welcomed daughter Valentina Paloma in September 2007, a year-and-a-half after their first meeting. Around the same time they revealed they were expecting a child, the two formally announced their engagement.François-Henri and Salma Were Married in 2009@salmahayek/InstagramSalma Hayek and François-Henri Pinault made it official in the City of Love itself, Paris, France, on Valentine’s Day, 2009, in a private ceremony at the 6th Arrondissement City Hall.But as Hayek and Pinault were not ones to let a genuine reason for a celebration slip away, they had a grander ceremony a couple of months later at Venice’s renowned opera house, the Teatro La Fenice.RELATED: Jennifer Lopez Reveals What She’s Learned After Three Failed Marriages – And How She’s Protecting Her FourthThe guest list at the pair’s second wedding, which found the bride wearing a $434,000 Balenciaga wedding dress, included the former president of France Jacques Chirac and actors Penelope Cruz, Woody Harrelson, Ashley Judd, Charlize Theron and one of Hayek’s former boyfriends, Edward Norton. The night before the wedding, the couple also hosted a masquerade ball (it is Venice, after all!) at the famed Punta Della Dogana art museum.The inflation-adjusted price for the 2009 wedding weekend? $4.8 million!Then, in 2018, Pinault surprised Hayek with a third ceremony. This time around, they renewed their vows on the lush tropical island of Bora Bora.In 2018, They Renewed Their Vows in Bora Bora@salmahayek/InstagramInterestingly, Salma seriously considered stepping away from work after Valentina was born, but was encouraged by her husband to continue pursuing her career."I said, 'I don't think I want to work anymore,'" she recalled in an interview with Allure. "And it was François who said, 'Oh, no, you're going back to work.'”RELATED: Kristen Bell’s Secret to a Healthy Ten-Year Marriage Is One Simple Phrase – And It Is Eye-OpeningAfter some back-and-forth—the kind that married couples usually engage in—Salma recounts that her husband said, “Well, you have to. We're not putting up with some lazy girl in the house. That's not who I married... I don't want to be deprived of your work. I want to watch it, too. And the world has not seen the best of you yet. So you cannot stop until some of that is put out!”“And he was right,” Salma admitted.Years later and after several decades of professional success, satisfaction and fame, Salma considers her marriage to Pinault to be her "biggest accomplishment.""Home is where my husband is. Everything outside of the family nucleus is an adventure that you’re living together."

Husband Cleans Grimy Tub - Wife Explains Exactly Why It's The Most Romantic Gesture

Husband Cleans Grimy Tub - Wife Explains Exactly Why It's The Most Romantic Gesture

One husband who went to incredible lengths to help his sick wife heal shows the true challenges and rewards of a loving relationship.Pain pointsWe know that women can have unique pains and challenges. One woman shared hers online, recounting her battle with endometriosis.According to the Mayo clinic, it's a condition defined by abnormal uterine tissue growth that "can cause pain — sometimes severe — especially during menstrual periods” and “fertility problems also may develop."Or, as the woman put it "I ended up crying in bed around 3 AM because it felt like I was getting stabbed in the stomach."Heroic hubbyThat's when the woman says her husband swooped in to save the day. After texting to see what she needed, he brought her heating pads for the pain.Despite his "physically demanding job' as a commercial electrician," he was just getting started. "He immediately made me a snack with cheese and crackers and then went to town cleaning our tub. I mean cleaning. He scrubbed every jet, took off the filter, and made it sparkle and shine. ""He filled the tub with muscle relieving bath goodness he'd just bought, set the jets running, and brought me my favorite wine and chocolate after I settled in (along with "just shout out any time you want more wine.")"- Woman posting online While she was soaking, her husband was working doubles for his darling. "As I sit here soaking, he's now cleaning the kitchen and said he'd prepare dinner after. He got lotion for a massage, a hot pad for my stomach, and said we can watch trashy TV or play Breath of the Wild tonight while I relax in my pyjamas."Overwhelmed by love, the woman says "I have never, in my life, felt more cherished or protected," and signing off with " I love you, Ry."The precious post gathered over 23,000 upvotes along with over 1,200 comments from awestruck readers.Predictably, many applauded her husband. Still others commended the woman for knowing how to pick 'em. Another commenter felt that thoughtful acts like her husband's should be encouraged more. Love is in the workThe woman says that the entire experience is what this little thing called love is all about.People say marriage is where the romance ends or that relationships become stagnant, but it really is the best thing in the world to be married to your closest friend--particularly when they make sure to show you that you matter. We all get swayed by portrayals of love as sweet, sublime with feel-good filters 24/7. However, like many situations in life, the beauty is also in the struggle, as challenges can often reveal just how lucky you are and bring you closer. More uplifting stories:Woman Lost 70 lbs And Turned Her Life Around After A Sudden Wake-up CallWoman Told by Ex ‘No One Wants To End Up With Someone Fat’ Gets The Last LaughTwins Lose Over 250 Lbs Together By Supporting One AnotherWoman Who Didn’t Want To Be a “Fat Bride” Loses 135 Lbs – Shares Her 10 Tips

Heroic Husband Hurls Himself At Rabid Bobcat That Attacked His Wife
Uplifting News

Heroic Husband Hurls Himself At Rabid Bobcat That Attacked His Wife

A North Caroline woman escaped with her life thanks to her husband after a bobcat with rabies attacked to her.An unprovoked attackIt was just a regular day in the North Carolina suburb where Happy and Kristi Wade live. Happy was taking a coffee and brownies into the car while his wife got in the passenger side with their cat, Caroline Faith.But then Kristi heard a loud growl and felt a bite on her hand. It was a bobcat — a very angry one — and it wouldn't let go.“As I came out of our garage, I heard a growl behind or beside one of our cars and I knew it was a cat because I know what a cat sounds like,” Kristi said in a video interview with local TV station WECT. “But it sounded like a very angry cat, so in the video I back up to see if I can see what it is and when I do the face of this bobcat came around the corner of the car.”Husband to the rescueAs can be seen in security camera footage, Kristi tried to run, but the bobcat held on tight.Instead of running the other way, Happy sprung into action. He grabbed the bobcat, and as it bit his knuckles he took across the lawn and hurled it as far as he could. “I just remember seeing this face and it was trying to bite her right there in the side of the neck,” Happy told WECT. “And so I shoved my arm in and that’s how I ended up with it like this [above his head].”“I thought: ‘I’ll throw it this way,’” Happy added. “Two options: one, it’ll see an escape route and it’ll take off or it’ll stop just a moment where I can get a good shot at it.”Happy, who has an open carry permit, reached for his gun, but the bobcat ran under the car. Moments later, it charged and Happy shot the bobcat.“I’m not happy that this happened, we don’t take any pleasure that I shot the cat” Happy told WECT. “In my head, I knew it had already attacked two people. If it had attacked somebody else and I didn’t do something, morally it would have bothered me for a long time."“It was hurting my wife and I didn’t want it to,” he added.Healthy bobcats wouldn't do this As the Wades went to the emergency room to receive medical attention and get a rabies shot, the North Carolina State Laboratory of Public Health confirmed that the animal was in fact rabid.Ted Stankowich, a behavioral ecologist who specializes in mammals at California State University, Long Beach, told The New York Times that this type of behavior would be extremely rare for bobcats without rabies.“Any rabid animal is going to be far more aggressive around humans,” he said. “But a normal bobcat would typically not come into a neighborhood like that, into suburbia, let alone attack a person like that.”Happy daysKristi says she's extremely thankful her husband was there to save the day. “He saved my life,” she told The Times. “If he had not been there, I do not know where I’d be, or in what shape I’d have been in. I do not know how I would have fended it off myself.”But she's not surprised her husband would do something this heroic. “That’s just the kind of person he is,” she said. “We’ve been married for 30 years. I met him when I was 15, and there was never a doubt in my life how much he loves me and how much he would do for me.”Bravery is rareThere are plenty of partners out there who would have simply run the other way when they saw a bobcat attacking their wife — but not this guy. Good for him for doing the right thing. It's probably not something that'll soon be forgotten in that household.More uplifting news:Walmart Employee Gets Fired For Saving Woman From Assault, Customers Have Best ResponseMan Finally Meets Mystery Neighbor He’s Been Playing Piano Duets With For WeeksAnti-Timeout Mom Reveals Game-Changing Parenting Tip In Viral Tik Tok PostHow A Kidnapping Survivor Who Escaped From A Car Trunk Is Saving Lives

Woman Finds Husband's Secret IG Account, Feels Shocked For All The Right Reasons
Uplifting News

Woman Finds Husband's Secret IG Account, Feels Shocked For All The Right Reasons

Rachael Sullivan was shocked to discover an Instagram account with her husband's name on it. She was surprised even more when it turned out to be filled with recipes he made for her.A secret accountSullivan was on Instagram's "people you may know" section when she noticed an account with her husband's name on it. "It said 'Tom Sullivan @MealsSheEats,' and I was like, 'Who is this 'she'?'" Rachael told Today.When Rachael clicked on the photos, it became clear that she was the "she" referred to in the account. Each post featured photos of food her husband of four years made for her to help regular her hormones as she tries to get pregnant."I went to the doctor for a checkup and my hormone levels came back all whacked out and I had cysts near my ovaries," Rachael said. "That's when I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. They recommend you do a gluten- and dairy-free diet, and Tom just went full force into it."She shared her discovery on TikTokRachael went on to post a video to TikTok, sharing her discovery of Tom's secret account."Last week, I found out my husband had a secret Instagram account," the post begins. "See I have this condition that could effect my fertility. So for the last year my husband's been helping me regulate my hormones through food so I wouldn't have to go on birth control 'cause I'm just trying to have little giants like him you know?"Tom's inspirationTom loves being a home cook and was inspired by the book "WomanCode" by Alisa Vitti. The book shares recipes ideas for women to eat during each part of their menstrual cycle to regulate their hormones and Tom would add his own flare to the recipes when he made it for Rachael."An Instagram page just seemed like an easy place to organize [these recipes]," he told Today. "It was for when Rachael would say, 'Hey, what was that meal you made here,' or when friends would ask what Rachael posted on her Instagram and ask for the recipe.""Tom knows more about menstrual cycles than most women do. And, I'm six months regulated right now, which is super exciting."- Rachael Gone viralAs a result of Rachael's viral TikTok post, Tom's Instagram account has skyrocketed from 69 followers to over 24,000. Meanwhile, the phrase "Last week, I found out my husband had a secret Instagram account" has also gone viral."I literally love this man so much," Rachael says at the end of her TikTok. "And there's nothing I want more in life than to just have his babies."Two people make a babyMaking a baby is a two-person job, but for so long the business of baby-making was strictly for women to deal with. Not any longer.Men may not be able to give birth, but there are ways they can give of themselves to help their partners along in the fertility and pregnancy process. Wondering how to do that? Just take a look at the sentiment behind @MealsSheEats for inspiration.More uplifting stories:They Were Torn Apart By Distance – 70 Years Later, They Reconnect And Get MarriedWidowed Dad Raises 8 Kids Following 15 Rules Late Wife Left For HimDomestic Abuse Survivor Marries The First Responder Who Saved Her LifeHow Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed Went From Friendship To Love