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How to Reach your Netflix and Chill Goals

How to Reach your Netflix and Chill Goals

It’s cool; you met a guy or a girl. He/She's kind of attractive. Well, not your soul mate, but still, attractive.

You talk a little, grab a coffee, chat online, and one night, you get to Netflix and Chill point. It sounds fun. "Chillin" is cool right?

But what if you want to watch Ted talks and have endless hours of deep conversations? At least on some nights. What if you want something more profound than just to Netflix and Chill?

If you feel like you need a more fulfilling relationship, and you are willing to move towards a more serious relationship, just follow these 5 tips.

Netflix and chill

How to Reach your Netflix and Chill Goals

Accept That It Won't Happen Overnight

If you’ve been hanging out for a while, and you want to see if things can get more serious, you should accept the fact that it might take some time. Shifting from a more casual relationship to a more serious one can take a few weeks or even months depending on how committed you and your partner are. Be patient, don’t rush things, if you guys are compatible, your relationship should naturally move towards the right direction.

Choose Activities That Won't Lead To Sex

Sex is fun. But you won't know how serious the relationship can be without taking sex out of the picture; at least once. So instead of grabbing a coffee or a drink and then going to your apartment, try a different activity that won't necessarily end in sex. You could go hiking one day, take a dance class or, if you are more extreme, try bungee jumping. By doing different activities than just chillin, talkin and sex, you will learn more about your partner. Also, you will start creating solid bonds between you and your partner.

Be Honest Right Off The Bat

Communicate your intentions of wanting to be serious. If your partner is willing to do so, they will be honest about it. Now you're thinking: “What if I scare him/her off?” Well, it can be an excellent opportunity to talk things through and try to figure out why your partner feels scared. It can only do you good.

Show That You Give A Damn

Yup. You have to demonstrate that you care. Don’t necessarily wait for the other person to do so. That way, you will set a clear message, and you will see how your partner will react to it. A positive reaction might put your relationship on the right tracks, and a negative one will show you that maybe you shouldn’t put more effort into it.

Exhibit Your Flaws

It might sound a little weird, but think about it, if you are hiding some flaws, it’s because you're afraid your partner won't like you because of them. Well, first, the sooner you show your real self, the sooner you’ll both understand if your relationship can grow longer term. You cannot hide who you are forever, so you might as well know right away if your partner will accept you. Second of all, you might think of something as a flaw, but who knows, your partner might find it cute, interesting or even attractive. Maybe your partner is struggling with the same things and is hiding it too. Honesty is always a positive thing in a relationship. Don’t hide your flaws, you won’t regret it!

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