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7 Things You Need to "Spring Clean," Besides Your Home
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7 Things You Need to "Spring Clean," Besides Your Home

Spring cleaning is about more than Marie Kondo-ing our closets, or scrubbing our houses top to bottom. It’s also about removing chaos and excess from our lives.

That may include any bad habits that have built up during winter – whether not getting enough sleep, skipping the gym, or losing track of our diet. It’s more than just getting more sleep and eating healthy, too. It's really about being emotionally healthy as well, and that’s a little more complicated.

Here’s some steps from experts on how to spring clean our life -- and be a new you for summer.

1. Your relationships

We have a tendency to go into hibernation mode in the winter when it comes to our relationships. It’s dark, it’s cold, and we just don’t have the energy to really pick ourselves up from those relationships that drain us.

“Now’s the time to invest the necessary effort into cleaning out those relationships that just aren’t doing it for you. That means re-evaluating any toxic relationships in your life and figuring out how to prioritize time for those you care about,” says Adina Mahalli (MSW), a certified mental health expert and family care professional with Maple Holistics.

2. Your expectations for the year

It’s been a while since you made those New Year's Resolutions. Take a time out to re-evaluate how they’re going and what areas you still need to improve in order to reach your goals.

“Progress is only progress when you’re able to keep track of it and keep moving. Maybe those goals need a little more attention or some tweaks,” says Mahalli. Take the time to figure out how you’re going to feel the most fulfilled by the end of the year.

3. Your nesting habit

Now that the weather is clearing up a little and the days are longer, take the time to get outside more!

“Whether that’s taking your exercise outside, or just walking instead of driving, make a conscious effort to physically come out of those winter hibernation months and embrace the changes in nature,” says Mahalli.


4. Your social media and emails

“Take the time to go through your social media or emails and unsubscribe from anything that’s no longer serving you,” says Mahalli.

You know those emails that you immediately delete or just allow to clutter up your inbox? Or those accounts on social media that you just scroll right past? Get rid of them.

5. Your self-confidence

It's so easy for us to look outside ourselves for things to be grateful for.  

“Every day, upon waking and before sleeping, write 3 things they acknowledge themselves for, no matter how big or small (some days washing the dishes may be a huge win and it gets to be acknowledged). It's just as important to honor what you are as it is to be thankful for what you have. Eventually, this practice trains your brain to more easily call to mind your strengths,” says life coach Magalie René. In this way, your confidence and self-love get stronger and become second nature.

6. Your environment

Let your environment be a reflection of the you you're becoming or trying to be. “Set an intention for exactly how you want to feel in your spaces (sexy, adventurous, peaceful).  Take inventory of anything that doesn't fit the bill and slowly begin to assimilate them out of your home, car, office,” says Magalie René.

Your space should reflect you in a very personal way. This may mean adding a meditation space, a sound system in your bathroom for soothing sounds, plants, aromatherapy, candles, crystals, art, photos of the places/people/things you love, an altar, or a pet. The right environment will be different for different people.

7. Your inner circle

One of the main ways we find our confidence and strength is through the people around us.

“Determine the encouragers (the supporters who consistently lift you up), the challengers (the ones who tell you the loving truth you don't want but definitely need to hear), and the inspirers (the people you look up to who make you want to reach your next level) in your life,” says Magalie René.

All of your relationships (especially with those in your inner circle) should fall into one or more of those categories. This is not the time to hinder your own process with energy vampires.

Don't be afraid to let go of people who don't have your best interests at heart, with love and well wishes. Alternatively, for those difficult relationships you choose not to abandon entirely, set firm boundaries and be conscious of the amount of time spent.

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