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Paul Walker's Advice To Vin Diesel Before His Death

Paul Walker's Advice To Vin Diesel Before His Death

Paul Walker's Advice To Vin Diesel Before His Death


"Yeah, I grew up in New York City being a bouncer, and you would lose people while you were working. But, this was unlike anything we could have imagined. One of the things Paul did, at the end of the day, he comes into my trailer and he says, "What's up? "I know you too well. "What's going on?" And I didn't want to tell anyone in California. I didn't want anyone to know that I was about to have a baby, but I told him. I said, "I'm going to tell you something "that nobody knows. "Her water broke and I'm about to have a baby "and I have to go to the hospital now." And I can remember just like yesterday, he said, he said that to me. He said, "A lot of tough guys will tell you "to wait in the hallway. "Don't go in the delivery room." And he said, "But Vin, go into that delivery room. "Be present and cut that umbilical cord "and it will be the best day of your life." And so, I did that and it was the best day of my life." - Vin Diesel

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