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These 6 Emotional Speeches Will Remind You What a Beautiful Person You Are

These 6 Emotional Speeches Will Remind You What a Beautiful Person You Are

We live in an age where self-care has become a priority. Whether its waking up early for that yoga class or hitting the gym after a day at the office, we value our bodies and what we put in them. Unlike generations before us, we make it a point to treat ourselves. However, like all imbalances, focusing on one need - in this case, the physical - shifts attention away from your emotional needs. Self-love can be defined as loving yourself emotionally irrespective of what you have; it’s knowing your worth and valuing yourself for it. RELATED: The Most Powerful Speech On How To Achieve Anything You WantMany people struggle to maintain this type of well-being throughout their week. Unlike self-care, self-love is a more conscious exercise that requires daily practice to be effective. It is easy to conflate the two practices and mistake loving yourself by the acts of self-care you engage in. Yet, doing so is a disservice - as you are only treating yourself at a symptom-level, a physical-level. Self-love is treating yourself at the source. So mine deep, and love deeper.Lisa Nichols: These 3 Sentences Will Change Your LifeLisa Nichols delivers a powerful speech on her experience with abuse and depression and what they taught her. She then reveals advice on how to overcome even your most troubling times. Words of Wisdom: It ain’t ever too late to press RESET and fall madly in love with the life that you’ve been given. Ed Sheeran: Being Weird Is a Beautiful ThingMusician Ed Sheeran Shares why he was bullied as a child to encourage all outacasts to stop hiding and start embracing what makes them unique.Words of Wisdom: If you tried being the cool kid from class, you’d end up being very boring.Ashley Graham: You Are Your Own Kind of Woman, Love YourselfModel Ashley Graham reveals that acceptance of her imperfections was the driving force behind her successful modeling career. Her powerful speech will inspire you to love yourself just the way you are. Words of Wisdom: Be your favorite kind of woman. Don’t let anyone else take that job.Octavia Spencer: Embrace the MessOscar-winning actress Octavia Spencer never had it easy. Here, she talks about pursuing her dream to act in an industry she knew would not accept her.Words of Wisdom: Remember your Kipling. If you could meet with triumph and disaster, but treat those two imposters just the same. Treat them just the same.Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Dare to TakeNigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie shares how she coped with her father’s kidnapping and the impact it had on how she lives her life today. Her story will inspire you to start living your authentic self today.Words of Wisdom: Please do not twist yourself into shapes to please. Don’t do it. If someone likes that version of you, that version of you that is false and holds back. Then they actually like a twisted shape, and not you.P!nk: You’re Beautiful Words of Wisdom: We don’t change. We take the gravel and the shell and we make a pearl, and we help other people to change so they can see other types of beauty. If you liked how these videos made you feel, be sure to subscribe to all things inspirational at Goalcast's Youtube channel. KEEP READING:Watch 10 of the Most Inspiring Oscars Speeches of All Time

Hero of the Week: Jay-Z Disrupts His Concert to Empower a 9-Year-Old Fan
Everyday Heroes

Hero of the Week: Jay-Z Disrupts His Concert to Empower a 9-Year-Old Fan

Jay-Z stopped his concert in Cleveland, Ohio last week, when he spotted a 9-year-old fan in the audience. The spontaneous conversation encouraging the young girl to believe in herself sparked overwhelming support by the crowd. “At this very moment, America is way more sexist than they are racist,” he said. “But you, young lady, you got the potential to be the next president of the United States. You believe that.” You can catch the viral moment here: Many consider Jay-Z’s new album 4:44 to be a response to Beyoncé’s Lemonade. The album, released earlier this year, appears to be one of his most personal and emotional yet. Many of the singles carry introspective themes on hip-hop culture, black culture, and his relationship with Beyoncé. The single "4:44" is an open-apology to Beyoncé and his children. Jay-Z also reveals family secrets in his single “Smile,” about his mother being attracted to women. In the last few years, Jay-Z has been very vocal about the inequality women face, re-examining how his own career has contributed to that narrative. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Jay-Z shares some sobering words about the lyrics in his 1999 single, “Big Pimpin”. “It was like, I can’t believe I said that. And kept saying it. What kind of animal would say this sort of thing? Reading it is really harsh.” Now, however, it's clear that this father of three is doing his best to spread the only thing that matters, and that is, “love will always trump hate”. For more Jay-Z truth bombs, watch his speech on believing in yourself. You can also check out his book, Decoded, here.

How Grateful Are Thee? Let Us Count the Ways

How Grateful Are Thee? Let Us Count the Ways

Every time tragedy strikes, we are reminded of how lucky we are to be alive. Whether it's Hurricane Maria that hit a few months ago or a missing submarine off the coast of Argentina, we all seem programmed to count our blessings in the aftermath.Perhaps this is our way of coping with that uncomfortable, overwhelming feeling of uncertainty; the ‘What if it Were Me?’ phenomenon. Retreating into our comfortable corners, we scroll through the reasons why we are lucky to be alive and then once our frenzy subsides, we look to giving and helping others in an effort to be useful.But what if we were able to engage in the same thought process before tragedy struck? Without being prompted to whenever something unexpected hits.Recently, I joined a workplace that made it a tradition to sit around the table and share moments of gratitude with one another. I found this exercise quite challenging at first. It took me a while to come up with something to share. I had to wade through the mental clutter of instances I was upset by before settling on something I was thankful for.However, as more Monday morning meetings came and left, I became faster at identifying the one thing I was grateful for that week. I realized that this new mindset of being grateful bled into other aspects of my life, affecting how I perceived challenges, engaged with coworkers and experienced life.It wasn’t so much a painful process as it was an unfamiliar one; a mental exercise I wasn’t accustomed to practicing in my daily life.So, for those of you looking to learn a new skill – why not try engaging in grateful speech? It only takes a few minutes out of your day and, with time, the results are invaluable.Now, keeping with the tradition of “certain events” and “special occasions” triggering grateful speech, let us give thanks this Thanksgiving season.Or, in the style of one of my favorite poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning ...How grateful are thee? Let us count the ways:1. Muniba Mazari: Live Every Moment"Real happiness lies in gratitude, so be grateful, be alive, and live every moment.”2. Sheryl Sandberg: Find Your Gratitude“But for the first time, I’m grateful for each breath in and out. I’m grateful for the gift of life itself. I used to go to bed every night worrying about all the things I did wrong that day, and trust me, the list was wrong. Now I go to bed trying to focus on that day’s moments of joy.”3. Mark Mero: Love“My whole life was about being rich and famous. I had to be a millionaire. I had to win the race. I had to win the race at the expense of my marriage, my family, my friends. For what? To be all alone in the world? I learned what is truly important, and that is how precious this gift of life is and our families and how quickly it can be taken away.”4. Tim Minchin: Live to Learn“Remember, it’s all luck. You are lucky to be here. You are incalculably lucky to be born. Understanding that you can’t truly take credit for your successes, nor truly blame others for their failures, will humble you and make you more compassionate.”5. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Dare to Take“That experience has made me rethink many things, what truly matters and what doesn’t, what I value and what I don’t. Think about what really matters to you. Think about what you want to really matter to you.”For more inspiring videos, check out our Thanksgiving Playlist here.

Gerard Adams: The Millennial Mentor on a Mission
Success Stories

Gerard Adams: The Millennial Mentor on a Mission

Gerard Adams a.k.a. The Millennial Mentor is one of today’s brightest leaders. Born into a working-class family, young Adams was always a hustler. While both his parents worked seven day weeks, Adams kept busy selling t-shirts at his high school. At the age of 24, Adams became a multi-millionaire when his marketing agency went on to make $10 million in revenue. Ever since then, he has been hooked on helping small businesses achieve beyond their wildest dreams. An angel investor, with stakes in over 9 companies from fashion to technology, Adams is on a mission to empower young entrepreneurs on their road to success. Mentorship In 2015, he founded Fownders, a start-up incubator that teaches young entrepreneurs about emotional intelligence, social skills, and leadership. The program follows a live-work-play model wherein members are advised to incorporate meditation, volunteering, and sports into their daily life. Adams believes this philosophy of work-life balance is vital to achieving success. The Fownders project is also very dear to Adams' heart. It is his way of giving back to the community of Newark, New Jersey, his father's hometown. In an interview, Adams shared how he hoped this initiative would teach others that you can achieve anything when you apply the same work ethic and drive you have in the streets to a business. Huffpost for Gen Y Adams is best known for co-founding Elite Daily with two of his interns. Starting out, they envisioned being similar to the Huffington Post for a younger generation. Little did they know that the once seedling of an idea in Adams' apartment would become the number one news platform among Generation Y. With topics ranging from dating advice to entertainment to business/entrepreneurship, the platform catered to everyone. Jumping at the opportunity to expand their readership, The Daily Mail finally bought Elite Daily for $50 million in 2015. So what does one do after a multi-million dollar buyout? Relax? Finally take that permanent vacation to paradise? Not Adams, he had something else up his sleeve. From Founders to Leaders Fans of Leaders Create Leaders will be excited to hear that season three has arrived! The series, hosted by Adams, follows young entrepreneurs all over the world who have given up their 9 to 5 job for a shot at living their dream. The successful vlog series got Adams named one of Magic Johnson’s 32 Under 32 most inspiring leaders. Despite all his success, Adams makes it a point to stay grounded and aware of what matters most in life. Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure – Tony Robbins Meeting Tony Robbins left a profound impact on how Adams approaches his life and work. Tony's words made him realize that material wealth is not half as satisfying if you don't find the work fulfilling. Adams is now a big believer that fulfilling your purpose is the ultimate form of success. It is with this mindset that he mentors young entrepreneurs looking to make it big today. If you want to learn more about Gerard Adams, sign up to become his mentee or follow him on Instagram.

Let Mr. Old Spice Teach You a Thing or Two
Success Stories

Let Mr. Old Spice Teach You a Thing or Two

Mr. Old Spice, Terry Crews, is a man of many gifts. An NFL player turned beloved Hollywood actor, Terry continues to grace the screen with lovable characters such as Which Chicks’ Latrell Spencer and Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s Sergeant Terry Jeffords. But Terry’s success has not always come easy. Born in Flint, Michigan to an alcoholic father, Terry was determined to make a better life for himself and escape his abusive household. His big break came when he received an arts scholarship which was later followed by a full-ride athletic scholarship to Western Michigan University. However, after retiring from the NFL in 1997, Terry felt stuck and at a loss. “You’re larger than life, and then all of a sudden, they don’t know your name. They don’t know your number. They don’t know who you are.” His unemployed status propelled him into a deep depression. And to cope, he turned to food. His late-night binging led him to gain 30 pounds. After losing control over his body, Terry vowed that he would never get to that place again, and started following a strict dietary and exercise regimen. In 2014, Terry shocked fans with a secret he had been harboring for a long time. In his autobiography, Manhood: How to Be a Better Man or Just Live with One, he reveals his struggle with pornography addiction and the strain it put on his marriage and career. Fearing he might lose his wife, Terry sought help by enrolling in a rehabilitation program. He now publicly shares his experience with addiction in hopes of de-stigmatizing and encouraging those affected to seek help. Last year, Terry co-launched a design house, Amen&Amen, with fashion designer Nana Boetang. His foray into designing furniture was initially met with resistance by those around him, but he continued to persist, having made a habit out of pursuing his creative passions. Whether it’s painting, sketching, or acting – Terry continues to surprise us with his drive and ambition to prove the haters wrong. Here are some of our favorite teaching moments with Terry Crews: Ignore the Doubters "Man, don’t ever let anybody talk you out of something like that again." Battle Your Mindset "We don't battle people. You battle mindsets that attempt to put people down." Be Happy and Dissatisfied "My habit was taking me somewhere I didn't want to go!" Never Stop Exploring "You start to say, ‘Oh. Maybe I can go this way. Maybe I can go that way.’ But if you stay in one spot, you’re never going to get anything."

Grant Cardone: The Man Behind 'The 10X Rule'
Success Stories

Grant Cardone: The Man Behind 'The 10X Rule'

Grant Cardone is a world-renowned sales expert, best-selling author, motivational speaker, and television personality.He is the founder of multi-million dollar companies: Cardone Enterprises, Cardone Real Estate Holdings, and the Cardone Group. A prolific writer, Grant has written 7 books including New York Time’s Bestseller: “If You’re Not First, You’re Last” and Axiom Award Winner “Sell or be Sold: How to Get Your Way in Business and in Life”.In his most popular book, “The 10X Rule”, Cardone reveals what he considers to be the sole ingredient to achieving success. Rejecting chance, luck, or any genetic predisposition, he concludes that success comes down to how you approach a challenge and the actionable mindset you adopt. So how do you apply the ‘10X’ rule to everyday life? ‘To 10X something’ refers to maximizing every second of your day. Cardone believes that his mindset of ‘scheduling every moment’ grew out of a need to busy himself from relapsing on drugs. If you normally meet with one client a day, Cardone would argue that by rearranging your schedule so you meet 10 clients on that same day, accelerates business, helping you get where you want. By setting goals that are slightly out of reach (yet, not impossible), you set up a foundation to overachieve.Recently named this year’s #1 marketer to watch by Forbes Magazine, Cardone Training Technologies has been disrupting how Fortune 500 companies like Google, Toyota, and Wells Fargo, sell, strategize and provide customer support.It comes as no surprise that Cardone’s success is due to a fearless dedication to his mantra:Success is your duty, obligation, responsibility.He approaches all aspects of his life with this sense of purpose, urging his followers and clients to do the same. Whether you’re a Fortune 500 company, small business, or hustling entrepreneur, this sense of commitment is what Cardone believes is vital for success.Cardone and his team offer online sales training and management courses at Cardone University, a comprehensive online program that covers everything from ‘mastering the cold call’ to ‘handling objections’ that make or break a sale. The program also partners with famous faces, most notably Shark Tank investor, Daymond John, to share insights on branding and raising capital for your business.Aside from his sales training programs, Cardone has also expanded his portfolio to real-estate. In the last two decades, Cardone Acquisitions has participated in over $425 million real estate transactions and holds over $350 million in multifamily properties in the United States.An energetic and fearless speaker, Cardone’s dynamic style has captivated businesses and success-minded individuals all over the world. He frequently appears on Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, and contributes his expertise to and Huffington Post.Whether hosting his reality competition show, ‘Whatever It Takes’, or discussing sales and entrepreneurship on CardoneZone, Grant Cardone continues to encourage people to prioritize success as their duty, obligation, and responsibility.

Hero of the Week: Lin-Manuel Miranda Shows Us What Real Activism Is

Hero of the Week: Lin-Manuel Miranda Shows Us What Real Activism Is

Nearly two months following the Category 5 hurricane, over 60% of Puerto Rico’s population is still without electricity. That means over 2 million men, women, and children are in the dark. With more than 472,000 homes in need of restoration, the $5 billion aid relief granted by Congress is dwindling fast.Recently, Puerto Rico Governor, Ricardo Rosselló, has urged for a $94 billion aid relief package to target critical infrastructure and long-term recovery on the island.In the wake of Hurricane Maria that hit the island mid-September, many celebrities and lawmakers have come forward pledging their support and sharing prayers with those affected by the devastation.One of those voices that continues to tirelessly remind Congress and the American public of Puerto Rico’s humanitarian crisis, is Puerto Rican-native and Hamilton-creator Lin-Manuel Miranda.In early October, Miranda released a charity single titled “Almost like Praying” to raise proceeds for disaster relief. The song was a mash-up of Miranda’s favorite song, West Side Story’s ‘Maria’.Writing the song was easy, but putting it together was another feat entirely.Miranda flew back and forth between LA, New York and Miami to record vocals with fellow Puerto Ricans, Jennifer Lopez, Luis Fonsi (Despacito), and other prominent Latin singers excited to help out.In the song, the vocal-elite ensemble makes reference to all seventy-eight towns in Puerto Rico and share fond memories of what makes the island so special to them. The song went on to raise $3 million even before its release! You can listen to it below:As if that wasn’t enough, Miranda has now turned his attention to working with emergency relief directly.Earlier this month, Miranda announced plans for a $2.5 million aid relief package through his partnership with New York-based Hispanic Federation; an organization founded by his father, Luis A. Miranda.So far, seven local groups have received funds from the partnership and more groups are expected to see aid shortly. Twenty-five grants will be issued by the organization in the range of $50,000 to $100,000. This money will be used to set up temporary housing and deliver food and water to affected areas.Thankfully, Miranda isn't the only celebrity working towards effective change.Other celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Stephen Colbert, and Pitt Bull have taken it into their own hands to provide support for the victims of Hurricane Maria, following President Trump’s threat to pull relief from the island.“The road to recovery in Puerto Rico is not a simple one nor is it one that relies solely on aid from the American government on the mainland… together, we will cultivate, fund and execute practical and actionable solutions to kick-start and continue the island’s road to recovery for years to come.” – Lin Manuel MirandaIf you would like to take action and help Puerto Rico rebuild, you can donate to the Hispanic Federation here.

These 11 Women Made Faith Their Friend After Hearing Vera Jones’ Story
Spiritual Health

These 11 Women Made Faith Their Friend After Hearing Vera Jones’ Story

As a single-mother to a son with special needs, Vera is no stranger to hardship. In her speech at INBOUND 2016, Vera recounts when her son, Andrew, began losing his sight. As his sight kept deteriorating, Vera struggled to console her son, and more importantly herself. Yet, little did she know that managing her son’s illness would re-connect her with something she lost long ago, her faith. Yet, little did she know that managing her son’s illness would re-connect her with something she lost long ago, her faith. A gifted speaker, Vera makes the case that losing your vision is far worse than losing your sight. Here, she defines sight as the sensory perception of seeing and vision as “faith in your future”. It is clear that Vera's attempt to befriend her faith is what has made her the success she is today. One lesson we can all take away from her story is this: make faith your friend, as, without faith in yourself, you are lost. And here are 11 women who, like Vera Jones, decided to make faith their friend: Full comment: "My son has 4 different things going on in his brain. I don't usually post on fb about it, but she is right in all of it. I have had 10 years of dealing with things that are inoperable in my child's brain. All I can do do is push him forward and keep the faith. This woman is great speaker. Living thru things like this is the hardest thing any parent could ever do. My baby was 9 months old when we where told he might not be able to walk talk or do much of anything. My words were he might not? Might being key word. I basically told the surgeon well it looks like I have my work cut out for me. After a few months of working with him. (Lots of it) he started walking at 14.5 months old. The look on his surgeons face was amazing. He just said well if u can do this he will be okay. His father and I have pushed him all his life (he's 10 now) he has been on honor roll most of his school career so far. He's a great basketball player, and a wonderful young gentleman. No matter what life through you keep faith" Full comment: "I’m so glad that I came across this because I really needed to hear this. Been down and trying to get my life together and figure out what I want to do with myself. I’m going through a divorce right now so my life before was turned upside down. Been so many times I just want to give up but I always find someway to keep going. After hearing her and her passion in her voice of what her and her son endured and faced but beat makes me want to fight even more for myself. No more hanging out with worry and doubt ! I will stay focused and move forward and I know things will get better .This divorce will not define me:)" Full comment: "This is very encouraging. Thank you, Vera. My 4 year old daughter has been battling a craniopharyngioma as well and went totally blind last month as a result. I feel and know your emotion and passion in this very well. Thank you for the encouragement!!" Full comment: "I have recently been diagnosed with a lifelong physical condition and I've been struggling mentally so much. I'm not deaf or blind. But I will admit that I've become deaf and blind to anything other than what is going on in my own head. I haven't been able to see the purpose of my own life so I kept thinking it was a waste to keep living. I needed to hear her words tonight. Thank you for reminding me that no matter how hard it is, you can still live on" Full comment: "As a single mom to a little boy who is on the autism spectrum I understand so many of the feelings that come with a child's diagnosis. Faith everything to me. I'm so glad I watched this." Full comment: "Thank you, I have glaucoma and my worse fear is to lose my sight. You have given me the will to go on and see a brighter future. I was diagnose at the age of 50 . My sight is going slowly but now I feel I am able to live a normal life when I lose my sight. Thank you again." Full comment: "I am a great grandmother to a handsome young man who graduated May 22nd of this year. He had made plans to go to air conditioning school or mechanic school. On July 9th he woke up with a terrible headache to where he was loosing his balance. We rushed him hospital to find out he had a brain tumor. He had surgery everything find but he too became blind. Dr said that he should not have been blind. Still trying to figure it out. He is a positive young man and is learning how to do things on his own. Thank you so much for story it makes me understand more to stand on faith and not vision. God is the answer He is always on time." Full comment: "That was everything for me that I just needed to hear thank you so much for making me welcome my friend Faith back in my life and I doubt and worry walk out the door and never come back" Full comment: "I was diagnosed with Stage 5 renal failure and my kidneys are functioning at a GFR of 13. I was just discharged from the hospital on Wednesday...4th hospitalization this year. At times, I want to become discouraged and feel sorry for myself, but I can't! I have an 11 year old that depends on me ‪🙂. This video was very encouraging and uplifting!" Full comment: "My 6yr old stepson has congenital glaucoma and I was recently diagnosed with premature macular degeneration... I'm always afraid of what the future may hold for us... I needed this" Full comment: "A strong Mother makes a difference In a child. We hurt, we worry, we cry and then repeat. But, most of all we keep going forward. It is so difficult raising a disabled child. Hats off to all who have this job. You can and do make a difference."

This Tennessee Park Leaves the Colorblind Speechless
Uplifting News

This Tennessee Park Leaves the Colorblind Speechless

Do you recall the first time you licked a lollipop? The taste as it danced from the tip of your tongue to the back of your throat? The pebbly sweetness racing up to your brain - all to be received like a sugary soup.Sometimes our sensations are simple – and easily put into words – like, last month’s Halloween licorice tasted sour… and slightly stale.But then there are those moments where an experience completely overwhelms you, and the language you assumed to have a good command over, fails you miserably.In these moments, when the language part of your brain completely shuts down, leaving you cold and abandoned to process an experience in its entirety – no inner monologue, no judging the moment - but just living it; in this moment, you are truly in the present.And this feeling was what The Tennessee Department of Tourist Development set out to recreate earlier this month. Their objective? To offer people with colorblindness the chance to experience the feeling of fall.Colorblindness comes in many forms, the most common being red-green colorblindness. This affects 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women. Contrary to popular belief, most sufferers are not blind to color but merely perceive it poorly; so poorly in fact, that they have trouble differentiating one color from another (especially between red, green and blue).Each year, the Smokey Mountains attract millions of travelers looking to take in one of the most popular fall foliage landscapes in the world. The best time to catch a glimpse of the leaves in all their glory is between mid-October and early November.Viewfinders with special color-enhancing technology were set up to allow travelers suffering from protanopia and protanomaly the chance to perceive Tennessee’s scenic viewpoints peppered with hearty reds, maple yellow and golden brown.You won't believe what happened next...a whole lot of “oohing” and “aahing” and tears. Who knew seeing red could actually be a good thing? Watch it below!