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These 11 Women Made Faith Their Friend After Hearing Vera Jones’ Story
Spiritual Health

These 11 Women Made Faith Their Friend After Hearing Vera Jones’ Story

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As a single-mother to a son with special needs, Vera is no stranger to hardship. In her speech at INBOUND 2016, Vera recounts when her son, Andrew, began losing his sight. As his sight kept deteriorating, Vera struggled to console her son, and more importantly herself. Yet, little did she know that managing her son’s illness would re-connect her with something she lost long ago, her faith.

Yet, little did she know that managing her son’s illness would re-connect her with something she lost long ago, her faith.

A gifted speaker, Vera makes the case that losing your vision is far worse than losing your sight. Here, she defines sight as the sensory perception of seeing and vision as “faith in your future”. It is clear that Vera's attempt to befriend her faith is what has made her the success she is today.

One lesson we can all take away from her story is this: make faith your friend, as, without faith in yourself, you are lost.

And here are 11 women who, like Vera Jones, decided to make faith their friend:

Full comment: "My son has 4 different things going on in his brain. I don't usually post on fb about it, but she is right in all of it. I have had 10 years of dealing with things that are inoperable in my child's brain. All I can do do is push him forward and keep the faith. This woman is great speaker. Living thru things like this is the hardest thing any parent could ever do. My baby was 9 months old when we where told he might not be able to walk talk or do much of anything. My words were he might not? Might being key word. I basically told the surgeon well it looks like I have my work cut out for me. After a few months of working with him. (Lots of it) he started walking at 14.5 months old. The look on his surgeons face was amazing. He just said well if u can do this he will be okay. His father and I have pushed him all his life (he's 10 now) he has been on honor roll most of his school career so far. He's a great basketball player, and a wonderful young gentleman. No matter what life through you keep faith"

Full comment: "I’m so glad that I came across this because I really needed to hear this. Been down and trying to get my life together and figure out what I want to do with myself. I’m going through a divorce right now so my life before was turned upside down. Been so many times I just want to give up but I always find someway to keep going. After hearing her and her passion in her voice of what her and her son endured and faced but beat makes me want to fight even more for myself. No more hanging out with worry and doubt ! I will stay focused and move forward and I know things will get better .This divorce will not define me:)"

Full comment: "This is very encouraging. Thank you, Vera. My 4 year old daughter has been battling a craniopharyngioma as well and went totally blind last month as a result. I feel and know your emotion and passion in this very well. Thank you for the encouragement!!"

Full comment: "I have recently been diagnosed with a lifelong physical condition and I've been struggling mentally so much. I'm not deaf or blind. But I will admit that I've become deaf and blind to anything other than what is going on in my own head. I haven't been able to see the purpose of my own life so I kept thinking it was a waste to keep living. I needed to hear her words tonight. Thank you for reminding me that no matter how hard it is, you can still live on"

Full comment: "As a single mom to a little boy who is on the autism spectrum I understand so many of the feelings that come with a child's diagnosis. Faith everything to me. I'm so glad I watched this."

Full comment: "Thank you, I have glaucoma and my worse fear is to lose my sight. You have given me the will to go on and see a brighter future. I was diagnose at the age of 50 . My sight is going slowly but now I feel I am able to live a normal life when I lose my sight. Thank you again."

Full comment: "I am a great grandmother to a handsome young man who graduated May 22nd of this year. He had made plans to go to air conditioning school or mechanic school. On July 9th he woke up with a terrible headache to where he was loosing his balance. We rushed him hospital to find out he had a brain tumor. He had surgery everything find but he too became blind. Dr said that he should not have been blind. Still trying to figure it out. He is a positive young man and is learning how to do things on his own. Thank you so much for story it makes me understand more to stand on faith and not vision. God is the answer He is always on time."

Full comment: "That was everything for me that I just needed to hear thank you so much for making me welcome my friend Faith back in my life and I doubt and worry walk out the door and never come back"

Full comment: "I was diagnosed with Stage 5 renal failure and my kidneys are functioning at a GFR of 13. I was just discharged from the hospital on Wednesday...4th hospitalization this year. At times, I want to become discouraged and feel sorry for myself, but I can't! I have an 11 year old that depends on me ‪🙂. This video was very encouraging and uplifting!"

Full comment: "My 6yr old stepson has congenital glaucoma and I was recently diagnosed with premature macular degeneration... I'm always afraid of what the future may hold for us... I needed this"

Full comment: "A strong Mother makes a difference

In a child. We hurt, we worry, we cry and then repeat. But, most of all we keep going forward. It is so difficult raising a disabled child. Hats off to all who have this job. You can and do make a difference."

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