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Young Boy Who Was Given Only a Year to Live After Being Diagnosed With Cancer as a Child Just Miraculously Celebrated His 30th Birthday

Young Boy Who Was Given Only a Year to Live After Being Diagnosed With Cancer as a Child Just Miraculously Celebrated His 30th Birthday

What type of self-thought and power would it take you to overcome being told you're going to die as a 13-year-old?

In a world filled with uncertainty and fleeting moments, one man's journey is a testament to the extraordinary resilience of the human spirit.

Diagnosed with cancer as a young boy, he was given a heartbreaking prognosis of just one year to live.

The odds were stacked against him, and his future seemed uncertain, at best. But as the years passed, the unnamed man defied every expectation, every grim statistic, and every limitation placed upon him.

At just age 12, one boy from Nashville was told he would likely not survive past his next birthday.

Pre-teen adolescence is typically characterized by blissful ignorance, but for this kid — now a father of two — it was the opposite.

How One Young Boy Beat a "Very Rare Brain Tumor"

Then just a boy, he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer with poor survival rates.

During a Reddit AMA thread, the man admits he was diagnosed with pilomyxoid astrocytoma — a "very rare brain tumor" in 2005.

He claims that doctors said, even with brain surgery and treatment, he'd only live for another year.

"After brain surgery, I went through radiation treatment which killed the remaining tumor tissue, but resulted in me being left with mild short-term memory loss," he admits. "I was 12 at the time of diagnosis and I am now 30."


However, the 30-year-old has now shared his incredible story of survival over the past 18 years - going on to get married, have children and even get a job working in the Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville-- the same place he received his shocking diagnosis.

Using the alias SilentWalrus92, he recalls how he first fell ill suffering severe vomiting, which doctors initially dismissed as a stomach bug.

When his condition continued to deteriorate, his parents took him to the emergency department where a scan revealed he actually had a brain tumor.

The man recalled undergoing surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible before being treated with radiation therapy.

The hospital sent my tumor off to be studied and they continued giving me regular MRI scans every year up until just now. I finished my final MRI checkup this year."


Despite the bleak odds of his diagnosis, this man never gave up hope.

While few can relate to the harrowing reality of being told you have a year to live, we can all draw inspiration from his resilience. He possessed a remarkable power of thought -- at just 12 years old no less.

Other Reddit users added insights in the comments praising his disposition and overall determination.

Thanks to the internet, and the community it enables, this man was also able to share his unfiltered story anonymously and interact directly with others. Many were able to share their own stories of diagnoses, or conditions they also overcame.

This unnamed hero displayed powerful resolve in a situation that is difficult to imagine.

Let his story be an inspiration to always keep a positive attitude, and to appreciate every moment. Stories like this really put things into perspective and shed much-needed light on the power of the human spirit.

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