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Oh, Keanu! John Wick Star Calls 80-Year-Old Grandma When He Learns She Has a Crush On Him

Oh, Keanu! John Wick Star Calls 80-Year-Old Grandma When He Learns She Has a Crush On Him

Learning that he reminded the housebound octogenarian fan of her husband, Keanu took the opportunity to jump on the phone and speak with her for few minutes.

Keanu Reeves is simply one of the nicest guys in Hollywood, if there were a international poll on who is the world’s most beloved actor, Keanu would top the list. And, yes, we won’t deny that Keanu Reeves appears to be a very down-to-earth and caring person who never misses an opportunity to perform a good deed or just behave like an all-around charmer.

But a recent story made public by a Reddit contributor serves as a prime example the 58-year-old Keanu’s sterling style. It concerns the contributor’s uncle, who once bumped into the movie-making superstar while at a restaurant in Los Angeles several years back on the heels of the release of one of Reeves’ Matrix productions.

Keanu is Thought of as "One of Hollywood's Nicest"

As the story relates, though Reeves was accompanied by someone as he dined, the contributor’s uncle approached him at his table just to tell him how his mother was a huge fan and that his films gave her great comfort over the years. The elderly woman had suffered from a stroke in her early 70s and had become mostly housebound for the previous decade. Watching movies had grown into one of the Reddit contributor’s grandmother’s main hobbies.  

“[Movies] became almost like friends to her because she rarely got to see any of her own,” the writer noted in his description of his grandma.

“I don’t usually do this, but I just wanted you to know that my 80-year-old mother loves you and has seen all of your movies. You remind her of my dad,” the man told Keanu after politely interrupting his meal.

Keanu’s response was to ask the man if he had a cell phone on him and after confirming that he did, Keanu followed up by saying, “Give her a call, I want to talk to her.”

The man did just that and Keanu got on the phone and spoke to the woman for several minutes. And according to the story on Reddit, “it absolutely made her year.”

Keanu Jumped on the Phone With an Elderly Fan

“She was so isolated and his genuine kindness to her and interest in her showed what a truly amazing man he is,” the Reddit writer related.

Needless to say, the comment section beneath the Reddit post was flooded with lovely acknowledgements as hundreds of posters exclaimed how the story had made their day, just as Keanu did for one octogenarian fan via a brief phone chat.

“Just when you think we’ve reached peak Keanu, he ascends even higher;” “That made my day—thank you;” and “Oh my God, that is so sweet I actually got a little teary” read a handful of the comments on the story, all of which smack of that same Keanu-embracing feeling.

Yep, it’s yet another story of Keanu Reeves’ renowned kindness! We’ve been hearing about his positive and good-natured approach to life for years (not to mention all the philanthropic work he has done and monies he has donated to various charities), but we’re always happy to get the scoop on his latest effort.

Keanu's Image is That of "The Internet's Boyfriend"

A Walk in the Clouds/IMDB

And as for his ongoing image as one of the internet’s most beloved “boyfriends,” Keanu appears to be perfectly fine with it.

“I really appreciate the goodwill,” Reeves told PEOPLE at the New York City premiere of his latest film, John Wick: Chapter 4.

“I don’t know. I mean, I’m just an actor, I’m just a guy. I’m just trying to do the best I can. Hopefully people like what I do, you know?” he added when then asked how he stays humble and grounded despite everything the fame and fortune of that come with being in the spotlight.

That’s so Keanu!

And it’s not just the internet that points out and praises Keanu’s warmth and benevolence, as his John Wick co-star Laurence Fishburne confirmed that same night.

“He’s kinder, yeah. He’s much kinder than people say he is,” agrees Fishburne. “He’s a very gentle, highly intelligent man—really thoughtful and gifted and incredibly patient. Yeah, he has a lot of grace, Keanu.”

Keanu Appreciates The "Goodwill" of His Fans

And so, the tales of Keanu Reeves being one of the Hollywood’s nicest guys continue. Whether he’s helping a film crew move heavy equipment up a huge flight of steps on the set of a John Wick movie; or taking a pay cut on one of the Matrix entries to ensure that the crew could be paid more. There is even the story of when a flight was grounded and then hiring a van for his fellow passengers to get to their destination All the stories have one aspect in common: Keanu Reeves being the kind of fundamentally good person we all wish we could be.

The delightful story of “Keanu Reeves & The Grandma Fan” reminds us that it is often the smallest acts of kindness that can make the biggest impression. And that Reeves sensed this upon being approached by the man in the restaurant makes this story even sweeter. He identified how simple and lovely it would be to offer a few minutes of happiness to a single person who was going through a tough stage of her life.

It’s wonderful to hear about a celebrity using his popularity on such a kind and personal gesture. And it’s the kind of act that makes Keanu Reeves so special!

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