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Police Officer Spots Woman and Her Kids in Jail - Does Something Without Informing His Own Precinct
Police Officer Pays From His Own Pocket for Homeless Family
Uplifting News

Police Officer Spots Woman and Her Kids in Jail - Does Something Without Informing His Own Precinct

One police officer goes rogue in all the right ways.

The police officer tells them to follow him. They do, and their lives will be forever changed.

A Shocking Police Station Scene

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Photo by Francois Olwage

Police officers like Brian Russell have pretty much seen it all. At least that's what the 25 year veteran of the Butler County, Ohio force thought.

But one evening when he saw someone, it prompted him to do something they don't teach at the academy. He even made sure to be discreet about it. However, all the details are eventually made public when the other person posts them online.

When they do, it causes an uproar both on social media and the precinct.

What One Police Officer Saw in the Lobby

There they were, sprawled out in the jail lobby. When the officers see them, they do what they can. One thing is for sure: the unexpected visitors don't have much time.

When Russell catches wind of their story, he goes off script, telling them to get up and follow him to his police cruiser. They pack in as he calmly drives them to...Walmart.

Wait, what?

That's because Russell isn't driving a felon but a family. It's Tierra Gray and her two young sons, Zaire and Shawn. As per the Daily Mail, they had been sleeping in the Butler County jail lobby after Gray had been evicted after missing one rent payment.

"I never thought I'd go through that, I mean, to that point. That right there was my breaking point," recalls Gray.

They were staying with friends and family, however when that ran out, they turned up in the lobby as a last resort. Police officers provided them blankets and let them stay that night.

That's when Russell decides to dispatch his brand of social justice.

How a Kind Cop Helped a Family in Need

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Photo by Tierra Mallorca

With the motivation to take action, Russell takes the Grays to Walmart to buy the boys new shoes and clothes. Then, when unable to find them a shelter, he puts them up for 10 days at a local Comfort Inn -- all on his dime.

"The kids shouldn't be sleeping in a jail lobby. The kids shouldn't be sleeping under a bridge," Russell tells Inside Edition.

Yet, that only buys the family a few days before they face the same dire fate of being in the streets. That's when this case takes one last wild twist.

Accompanied by Officer Russell, Gray ushers her boys into a room and counts to three.

"Open your eyes - this is your new place!" she bellows. The boys excitedly explore their new home like it's Christmas Day. It's courtesy of Russell, who manages to find them a place at the eleventh hour.

Gray was so touched by Russell's kindness that she shared it all on Facebook.

"This officer, Officer Brian Russell, from Butler County Sheriff's Department, has truly blessed me and my family," she posts, with a picture of her family and the officer.

It's not long before the world catches wind.

How a Cop Proves the Importance of Generosity

The news eventually finds Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones, who admits that the gesture was news to him as well.

"This is a true act of kindness. He did not tell anyone at work what he had done but the lady took a picture with him and posted it on Facebook," he says.

As for Russell, helping a family find a happy home is motivation -- and reward enough.

"It's nice, it's a nice feeling. They're happier than what they were a week ago," he says humbly.

When police officers are often asked about their biggest success, many will point to the big arrest, taking a criminal off the street. It's nice to see an officer who took one family off the street and into a home.

Now that's sweet justice.

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