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Pregnant Woman Wakes Up From Coronavirus Coma To Discover She Had Delivered Her Baby
Woman Gives Birth Coronavirus
Uplifting News

Pregnant Woman Wakes Up From Coronavirus Coma To Discover She Had Delivered Her Baby

Angela Primachenko was part of two miracles in one. While 33-weeks pregnant, she contracted the coronavirus and had to be put on a medically-induced coma. While in the coma, she gave birth to her daughter. Not only did she survive the virus, but her newborn did too.

The coronavirus pandemic has brought a lot of spirits down--and understandingly. Many have lost a loved one to it while others are worried about protecting themselves and their families.

However, while there have been undeniable losses, stories of survival and incredible kindness have also emerged, like this 103-Year-Old woman in Wuhan who completely recovered from the virus.

Another recent striking story is that of Angela Primachenko, a 27-year old respirologist who contracted the virus while 33-weeks pregnant.

She had to be put in a medically-induced coma

Angela Primachenko told the “Today” show that  when she was 33-weeks pregnant she developed a fever and then got tested for COVID-19. The test was positive.  

Within days, her condition had deteriorated so badly that she was put on a medically-induced coma to fight for her life on a ventilator. The doctors at Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center in Vancouver, Washington, decided to induce her labor in order to protect the baby.

A shocking surprise awaited her

“Obviously nobody expected that I was going to get that sick, so absolutely I did not expect to deliver my child,” Angela admitted.

After coming out of her coma on April 6th, Angela was shocked to see that she had given birth already. After all, she was not due for a few weeks.

After all the medication and everything I just woke up and all of a sudden I didn’t have my belly anymore! It was just extremely mind-blowing.

Angela Primachenko to TODAY Show

Angela will never forget her stay at the hospital, as the staff who worked there made sure that she would leave on a positive note. As she was brought of the intensive care unit, they stood to cheer her on.

Everyone did a standing ovation and just clapped me out of the ICU, which is so amazing and such a huge thing to be able to leave the ICU and go to the floor — it's just the grace of God.

Angela Primachenko

Two miracles in one

Primachenko went home on Saturday but will not be able to hold the baby for two weeks after the birth due to fears of infection. Her newborn, Ava, will remain neonatal intensive care unit until she is safe and stable enough to join her parents.

Angela's husband David and her other 11-month old daughter Emily have both tested negative for Covid-19. He was able to hold his daughter in real life. In the meantime, Angela is getting to bond with her little girl on FaceTime and through photos.

She'll be tested two times, and if both results are negative, she will be allowed to see her daughter at the intensive care unit. In the meantime, she feels like "a miracle walking" and wants everyone to believe in hope.

Even in the hardest days and the hardest times that there's hope and you can rely on God and people and community. The amount of community and people that were praying for me is just unbelievable. I was blown away, and I'm so incredibly thankful.

Angela Primachenko

As for her daughter's name, Angela chose Ava for her baby because it means “breath of life.” The name is certainly fitting, as she's their "new little breath of life."

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