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Teen walking in school hallway and a teen crying in a classroom
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Kid Gets Bullied At School - So Students Devise a Plan That Leaves Him in Tears

High school is a tough time for many kids as they figure out who they are while dealing with changing social dynamics, bodies, emotions, and more. Adding to those pressures with something like bullying can be devastating. Fortunately, after one kid experienced bullying at his former school, his classmates rallied around him in a beautiful way.

10-Year-Old Collects Money for a Vacation - Then the Truth About What He Actually Did With It Comes Out
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10-Year-Old Collects Money for a Vacation - Then the Truth About What He Actually Did With It Comes Out

When Vaughn Preston first met his favourite gas station attendant Tony Antonio, Vaughn was feeling sick and Tony was able to make him laugh in minutes. Ever since then, Vaughn would look out for Tony whenever his family visited that Caltex Gas Station near their home in Gillitts, South Africa.“Tony always takes the time to talk to Vaughn about the various bikes we haul to Giba and back and listens so obligingly to him as he chatters away,” Vaughn’s mother Mandy wrote on Facebook.The friendship continued for two months before Tony asked Vaughn and his family to look out for a reasonably priced bicycle for Tony to purchase for himself. Vaughn promised to find him one.Help Was on Its WayNot only did Vaughn plan to find Tony a bike, but he also planned to buy it for him. He went around the house collecting silver money for an alleged "holiday."“One night he came to me and asked if I really wanted a holiday and upon asking why he said he would rather put his savings towards helping Tony get his bike,” wrote Mandy. “And so today, we cracked open the piggy bank and took all the silvers to Game where he bought his friend a bicycle.”After purchasing the present, Vaughn drove it over to the gas station to show it to his friend. Shocked and smiling, Tony accepted the gift.Our children make us proud on so many occasions but today my heart and his is so full of the joy at the kind man’s face as he, rather stunned accepted his gift from this 10-year-old boy.MandySharing the KindnessVaughn and Tony posed for a photo together, which Mandy posted onto her Facebook along with the story behind it. The post was liked by 10,000 people, though Vaughn wasn’t one of them since he was too young to have a Facebook account.“It will be years until your mom allows you on Facebook but when you do see this post, know that today of all your days on this planet so far my heart is the fullest and most proud of you it’s ever been,” wrote Mandy. Keep being kind, and generous, with your time and money and remember bringing joy to others can bring just as much joy to yourself.MandyThough Vaughn didn’t see the post, Game, the store where Vaughn bought the bike, did. Game wanted a piece of the kindness and decided to give Tony and Vaughn vouchers the same value as the new bike.“Above all things I regard kindness of heart, and over the years I’ve tried to live like that and teach my child to do the same,” wrote Mandy.Like Riding a BikeVaughn didn’t allow his young age to get in the way of helping a friend. He used his selflessness and piggy bank coins to make the world a better place. His act of kindness is an inspiration to all. Tony made Vaughn laugh when he felt sick, and Vaughn passed that smile right back to Tony with a bicycle.More from Goalcast:Woman Learns Her Exhausted Co-worker Bikes Three Hours to Work – So She and Her Husband Come Up With a PlanStrangers Notice Uber Eats Delivery Driver With a Little Boy on His Bike – The Reason Why Has Everyone Praising HimWoman Buys 3-Year-Old a New Bike After She Finds Out His Was Stolen – Only Later Does Everyone Find Out Her Real Story

Single Mom of 6 Has Struggled With Homelessness - So High School Students Plot Together and Come Up With a Plan
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Single Mom of 6 Has Struggled With Homelessness - So High School Students Plot Together and Come Up With a Plan

Single parenthood is not easy. Having to play both parental roles while tending to the needs of their jobs and other life obligations has its obstacles. Single parents deserve any bit of help they can get.So when it became known that a single mom of six children in Charlottesville, Virginia, needed a mode of transportation for herself and her kids, a group of high school students and an organization with hearts of gold gave her the life-changing gift of a car.How High School Students Helped a Single MomMichelle Mendez is gifted a car by Louisa County High School students.Michelle Mendez, the mom of six, had financial upheaval.Before she received assistance from the nonprofit The Journey Home, Mendez was homeless and had stayed in and out of hotels across the area before getting help from the group.The Journey Home is a nonprofit that helps people recover from the struggles of homelessness with faith-based solutions.After getting help from the organization, the nonprofit Giving Hands also stepped in to offer assistance. Giving Hands was created by single dad Eddie Brown and his wife Ginny and focuses on providing help to single mothers who are facing periods of crisis, including car repair needs."The component that I look at is just the hope. And just seeing that in her eyes as she received that car and just the excitement and what it means for her boys too," Brown told NBC29 News.Giving Words also upped their support to a new level. They obtained a $10,200 grant from Rappahannock Electric Cooperative, a local company, and worked with the high schoolers to get Mendez a vehicle.Students Worked on the Car for Some TimeReportedly, the students had been working on the car for the course of the year so that the car would be ready for both Mendez and her children.Mendez revealed that it's "been hard as a single mom" when you have a family to support, but she is grateful for the community's efforts."I really appreciate everything everybody's done to make this happen," she said.It's natural to believe that a school project that took a year to finish would become a memorable experience for students. And one for a great purpose will leave a significant impression on those who benefit from the act.Mendez received the car in a ceremony that included the high school students who worked on getting the car in the best condition for her. Brown and a representative from Rappahannock Electric Cooperative, among others, were in attendance.Mendez’s Message for the High Schoolers Who Helped Maker Her Life BetterMendez has a short but impactful message of "hope" for the charismatic high schoolers as they've done a remarkable deed."[I hope they are] grateful that it gets to go to somebody who's really going to appreciate it and use it," she said.More from Goalcast:Ex-convict Stops for Breakfast at Denny’s – And Asks for a Waitress Who’s a Single Mom for This ReasonSingle Mom Cleans Four Bedroom Home Then Told She Gets to Keep It – Later She Finds Out It Was A “Prank”Judge Learns Single Mom Was Kicked Out of Her House at 13 Years Old – Then, He Reads a Letter in Front of the Court That Stuns Her

Airport Security Forces Crying Man to Throw Away a Package - Its Contents Take 2 Strangers by Surprise
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Airport Security Forces Crying Man to Throw Away a Package - Its Contents Take 2 Strangers by Surprise

*Featured image contains photo by Beyzanur K.Of all of the five love languages, gift giving is the most misunderstood. While some gifts are certainly given with only materialism in mind, many are priceless items filled with sentimental value, and they cannot be replaced. One such gift was given in the case of a Florida couple, who without the help of two strangers would have had to part from a gift that was dear to their hearts. Incident at the AirportMichael Moore was at the St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport when he was stopped by TSA and was forced to throw away the package he had been carrying. Devastated, he threw it into the garbage, even shedding a few tears. Luckily, Amarri Hernandez and her boyfriend witnessed the incident and decided to grab the package and try to reunite it with the man. Once they actually opened the package to see what was inside, their resolve hardened.Amarri saw that inside the package was a snow globe with photos of an elderly couple and a young girl. The gift was engraved with, “We love you Katie, Nana and Papa 1/25/16.” Amarri realized that the gift must hold significant meaning for the couple, who she now knew as Nana and Papa, and posted to Facebook asking her network to share her story and help connect her with the couple. Like many of us, she was motivated to do the right thing. Fortunately, her pleas worked and she was able to find the couple in the snow globe -- Bill and Linda Modry! The company that made the custom gift was able to track down the contact information of the people who had ordered the item.Symbol of LoveOnce Amarri returned the snow globe to Linda and Bill, she learned just how special it really was. As it turned out, the person mentioned in the snow globe, Katie, had been adopted on January 25, and the couple wanted to give her the gift on that same day to remind her that they would always love her. They had given the gift to their son -- Michael, who had been visiting them -- to give to Katie.She’s just amazing, people are basically really good, and she’s just exceptional.Linda Modry about Amarii HernandezIt is easy to see items as just items, but sometimes things have a deeper meaning than what meets the eye. Amarri thought she was simply returning a gift to a couple, but really she was returning a powerful reminder of the lasting love of family -- and that is priceless!More from Goalcast:Mom Sleeps on Airport Bathroom Floor With Her Kids – Stranger Hears Her Cries and Makes an Instant Decision78-Year-Old Doctor Proposes to High School Crush After 60 Years Apart in an Airport – Proving the Power of True LoveBeauty Queen Was Left at an Airport When She Was a Baby – 40 Years Later, She Learns Her Mom Never Meant to Abandon Her

Dwayne Johnson Learns Struggling UFC Fighter Sleeps in the Gym - Then, Tells Him a Lie That Brings Him to His Knees
Uplifting News

Dwayne Johnson Learns Struggling UFC Fighter Sleeps in the Gym - Then, Tells Him a Lie That Brings Him to His Knees

Up-and-coming UFC fighter Themba Gorimbo was in Zimbabwe when he heard the news that Dwayne Johnson wanted to interview him. He was so excited. Little did he know that the interview was just a guise for the gift that Johnson really wanted to give him.Gorimbo is a young, talented fighter. After he lost his first fight in Africa, he knew he had to come to Miami to train. He begged and pleaded with the powers that be until he was granted a place to call “home”: a couch in the corner of a gym where he could crash at night after a long day of training.Far from his home and family, Gorimbo is nonetheless determined to achieve his dreams. A piece of paper, titled “My Reason” is taped to the wall across from the couch where he sleeps at night. It reads, in part, “I fight for my kids’ smiles; I fight for hope and change; I fight for those who believe in me; I fight for my village.”Always Thinking of OthersPhoto by Anna ShvetsGorimbo was fighting for his village the day he received a text that Dwayne Johnson wanted to meet him. “I did not sleep that night, if I have to be honest,” said Gorimbo with a huge grin.He was in his village in Zimbabwe and had just finished drilling the borehole that would provide his community with clean water. He had scrimped and saved every penny he had earned in Miami to make the lives of his friends and family back home just a little bit better. After winning his second fight, he even sold his equipment to make that happen. With just $7 left in his account, he posted his story on social media. Despite the insecurity of it all, he was ready to keep going, ready to go back to Miami and keep working hard so that he could one day bring his family over and achieve his dreams.Dwayne Johnson saw Gorimbo’s story and it hit home. He, too, had once been a young fighter with just $7 left in his back account. He reached out to Gorimbo via Twitter: “Got your back, brother. I’ll help. You got this. I’ll be in touch.”Encouragement Just When He Needed It MostThe upcoming interview with Dwayne Johnson made the goodbyes in Zimbabwe a little more bearable. Back at the gym, he sat down for an initial interview as Johnson snuck in a side door, walking up behind Gorimbo and surprising him in mid sentence. The young fighter jumped up and gave Johnson a big hug. He was emotional just meeting Johnson in person.Gorimbo didn’t know what to expect, but with Johnson there right in front of him, he must have felt a heady mixture of excitement and relief. The two swapped stories, and Gorimbo showed Johnson the corner of the gym where he slept at night. He told Johnson about his dream to be a UFC champion and how he was working hard every single day.Johnson eventually told Gorimbo that he had a flight to catch — but before he did, he wanted to introduce Gorimbo to a friend who lived in Miami, a friend with connections who could help him navigate the fighting world of Miami. Thankful for any help he could get, Gorimbo followed Johnson to a large, beautiful house on the water.UFC Fighter Is in for a Big SurpriseOf course, there was no friend. But Gorimbo didn’t know this yet. He followed Johnson through the immaculate house as Johnson convincingly called out for his “friend.” Finally, Johnson pulled out his cell phone and told Gorimbo to check out the framed photos on the desk.As Johnson pretended to make a phone call, Gorimbo’s mouth fell open in surprise: these were photos of him and his family! He turned to Johnson for an explanation. Johnson grinned and handed Gorimbo a set of keys. “Welcome home,” he said.The gift brought Gorimbo to his knees. Johnson told the young UFC fighter that now he didn’t have to worry about anything except winning fights and getting his family over to Miami.“It’s crazy what can happen when you are able to tell your story, who you can touch, who you can inspire,” gushed Gorimbo. He says that Johnson’s help has inspired him even more to become a champion.“I will work hard, trust me,” Gorimbo reassured Johnson. “I will become a champion. Trust me. You can shake my hand on it. I will become a champion.”How Dwayne Johnson Inspired a Man With His GenerosityJohnson counts it as “a privilege and a pleasure to finally meet” Gorimbo. He himself is inspired by the young UFC fighter, his work ethic and how he gives everything he has to others.“Now there’s no more couch sleeping,” he told Gorimbo. “This is your house. Now you can bring your kids here. Bring your family.” Johnson even filled the closet with workout gear and the kitchen with food.Gorimbo was so touched by Johnson’s generosity that he made a gesture of his own. He told the celebrity that all the money he had been saving to buy a house, he was now going to use it to drill another well in his village: “I’m going to build it because we need another one.”“I really appreciate you,” Gorimbo added. Johnson nodded, and on the back porch of Gorimbo’s new house, he gave a toast.“Cheers to always taking care of people.”More from Goalcast:15-Year-Old Dwayne Johnson Saved His Mom From Taking Her Own Life – And It’s A Moment He Will Never Forget12-Year-Old Reaches Hotel to Have Lunch – Is Shocked to Find Out Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Has Taken on a “New Job”Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson Turns Down People’s Choice Award – What He Does Next Is Unexpected

Man Is Forced to Sell His Car to Pay For Wifes Treatment  Is in Disbelief When He Finds Out What His Family Has Planned for Him

Man Is Forced to Sell His Car to Pay For Wifes Treatment Is in Disbelief When He Finds Out What His Family Has Planned for Him

Having nice things can make you feel good, but at the end of the day, what truly matters is that we have people we love and care about in our lives. Still, when someone is asked to sacrifice something in order to be with their loved ones in good health, it can be hard. That was the situation one man was put in two decades ago when his wife was diagnosed with cancer.A Hard GoodbyeYouTube/ABC NewsYears ago, Wesley Ryan learned his wife, Laura, had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The medical bills were piling up, and he knew in order to continue making ends meet, he would have to sell his beloved car: a 1993 Ford Mustang GT.Wesley loved that car and even nicknamed it Christine, based on the 1958 Plymouth Fury from Stephen King’s book, Christine. However, Laura meant more to him, and Wesley wanted her to continue getting the care she needed. So he handed over the keys.“I know how much it broke him in half seeing that car drive away from him,” his son, Jake, wrote on Facebook back in 2018, as per Today. “A day I’ll never forget.”Kids Work to Make It RightJake and his sister, Jeni, knew they wanted to help their dad reunite with the car he’d loved so much when they were younger. So they started an online search and surprisingly, they were able to track down the old car online. It had been 17 years, but the VIN matched.The siblings had saved up enough money over the years, knowing they would one day get their dad back his car. So when they found it, they, along with Jeni’s boyfriend Julian Valdez, put their money together and purchased it.They surprised their dad in the parking lot of a Kohl’s near where they lived in San Antonio, Texas. Laura, cancer-free for 13 years at the time, joined them for the big reveal.“Coming home surprising my pops was a feeling and moment I’ll never forget,” Jake wrote. “To see his face and emotion made it all worth it.”A Priceless ReactionWesley was moved to tears and couldn’t find the words as he approached his beloved vehicle. Jake posted a video online with a rendition of Zac Brown’s “My Old Man” playing in the background.“A day I’ll never forget. Well ... She’s back home, pops, and here to stay this time. Looking forward to building this car with you this time instead of being in a booster seat looking out the window,” the son wrote.The video was so touching that Ford even found out about it. And, when the car company learned that “Christine” had experienced some wear and tear over the years, it decided to step in. It gave the car a new engine, transmission, paint job, interior, and even a few extra modern features. Then, Ford had the family come out to Michigan, where Wesley was presented with the finished product.“It's still her, but she's got a new heart,” Wesley told NBC4 San Antonio. “I don't know, I'm at a loss for words. It's beautiful.”Remembering What Matters MostThis story is so beautiful because it shows the sacrifice one man made for his family and how his family stepped up to repay him in the sweetest way possible. The day Wesley said farewell to his car, he had made peace with the fact that he would probably never see it again. So long as he had his family, he was good.It’s a nice reminder that at the end of the day, material things are great and all, but they aren’t what truly matter. Family — even a chosen family — is what will bring you joy, comfort, and memories as the years carry on.Still, this story is also a sweet reminder that sometimes it’s nice to do something for someone when they least expect it. Wesley and Laura obviously raised their children to be thoughtful and generous, and in the end, they wanted to show their dad how much his sacrifice meant to them.While we can’t always lavish the people we love and care about with expensive gifts, we can tell them and show them how much they mean to us. Pick up the phone, send that text, or write a card to let them know you’re thinking about them.After all, no one ever regrets showing up for those who matter to us while we still can.More from Goalcast:Boy Has to Take Care of Little Sister After Mom Abandons Them – Years Later, Kelly Clarkson Has a Big Surprise in StoreWoman’s Dad Passed Away in an Accident – 13 Years Later, She Discovers a Surprising List Written by Him at Her HouseRecently Widowed Woman Struggles to Provide for Her Young Son – Then, a Stranger Gifts Her a Brand New Car

13-Year-Old Sells Her Prized Possession to Make Ends Meet - Years Later, a Surprise Shows Up at Her Daughters Wedding
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13-Year-Old Sells Her Prized Possession to Make Ends Meet - Years Later, a Surprise Shows Up at Her Daughters Wedding

Losing both of your parents during a horrific natural disaster is heartbreaking. Having to sell your parents’ prized possession after their death to keep food on the table? Unimaginably painful.This was the reality for Tracie Aurandt, who was born Tracie Selder. She lost her parents suddenly when she was only 13 years old -- they perished in a flood that also claimed the lives of 76 others. Why One Woman Had to Sell Her Parents’ BelongingsPhoto by Julia VolkOnly a few of their parents’ belongings survived the devastating flood. One was their prized possession -- a shiny black and green 1931 Model-A Ford pickup truck. In 1977 when the Selders died, the truck was already an amazing vintage vehicle. Without working parents to support them or put food on the table, the Selder siblings knew that they would have to sell the truck to make ends meet. Even though it represented so many happy memories with their parents, it was what they had to do. "That truck represented home to me. It was a piece of my life — a piece of all our lives — that I never thought I'd ever see again." Tracie’s daughter Marla and her now-husband are both car fanatics, so when they were planning their wedding, they told Marla’s parents that they wanted a vintage car at the wedding. Tracie was hit with a bolt of inspiration. The vintage truck she sold so many years ago would be 91 years old now, but she had no doubt that the car collector who had purchased it had kept it in mint condition. She asked her siblings to help her track it down and was stunned when her older brother admitted that he knew exactly who had the car and where it was. When Tracie tracked down the truck’s owner and asked him if she could borrow the vintage vehicle for her daughter’s special day, the owner was delighted to participate -- he even drove it there himself!How a Pickup Truck Brought Back Fond Memories As soon as Tracie laid eyes on the truck, she burst into tears. Memories of happier times as a family came rushing back, and the spirit of her long-lost parents filled her heart.So, after Marla and her husband exchanged their vows, Tracie pulled her daughter aside and told her that she had a surprise. At first, Marla thought her mother had brought her 150-pound Newfoundland retriever. Then, she saw the truck. She had never met her grandparents, but she had always heard about the black and green truck, and how much it meant to them. She knew how much the Selder siblings had sacrificed when they had had to sell it. Seeing it there, as her ride on her wedding day, made her break down. "I didn't get to have the presence of my grandparents in my life growing up, but I certainly did on my wedding day. It was magical."Despite everything Tracie and her siblings had to give up after their parents died, they made sure the memory of their parents lived on in them. As the family continues to grow, they hold their ancestors dear in their heart. Sometimes, they even catch a glimpse of their spirit in the rearview mirror -- of a shiny green and black pickup truck.More from Goalcast:Bride Bows Head During Wedding Ceremony – The Voice She Hears Next Leaves Everyone in TearsDaughter Stages a Fake Wedding So Her Dying Dad Can Have The “First Dance”

Students Learn Their Teacher Walks 5 Miles to School Each Day - So They Come Up With This Incredible Gift
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Students Learn Their Teacher Walks 5 Miles to School Each Day - So They Come Up With This Incredible Gift

Kids spend a lot of time at school. So it’s unsurprising that so many of us have fond memories of those good, kind teachers who went above and beyond their job descriptions to ensure we had a good experience during those formative years. Sometimes, like in the case of this story, some of those teachers even did so despite hard things going on at home.An Exemplary TeacherFacebookAt the Immaculate Heart of Mary School in Laguna, Philippines, a science teacher named Cesar Punzalan is a class favorite. Every year the 50-year-old teacher watches his students grow as he teaches them scientific concepts, never missing a day of work.One day, his students learned why he is so dedicated. One of his kids at home was sick, and all of the money he made from the job went directly to his family. RELATED: Teacher Finds Out Her Student Is Forced to Live in a Tent for Months – When She Learns Why, She Jumps Into ActionFurthermore, in order to get to work every day, Mr. Punzalan had to walk five miles each way. It was no wonder he had ratty, torn shoes that he continued to wear.His Grade 12 students noticed the footwear, of course. But once they realized why he didn’t invest in new shoes, they decided to take action and pool their resources for new ones.A Big SurpriseOne day when Mr. Punzalan entered his classroom, he noticed a red-and-brown shoebox tied up with a ribbon on his desk. In a video taken by one of the students that was then posted by a parent on Facebook, the teacher became visibly emotional when he realized what his students had done for him.“You didn’t have to do this. Why did you spend your money? In my profession as a teacher, we don’t expect anything in return,” Mr. Punzalan told the class in the video.“You have helped us a lot since we were in Grade 9. That’s just our way of helping you a little bit. That’s nothing compared to what you have done for us and taught us,” one student replied.A Meaningful GiftIn an interview with Coconuts Manila, a student named Mary Ann Claire Garcia revealed the kids just wanted to help the teacher because he left an impression on them.“We gave him those shoes because we noticed he would always wear this pair that had holes and was falling apart,” Garcia said, as per Yahoo. “So our class president Lei Francis Marasigan thought we should all chip in and buy him a new pair.”RELATED: Teacher Thinks His Students Are Looking “Scruffy” at Their Graduation – Gives Them All Free Haircuts in SchoolShe revealed the students believe that Mr. Punzalan doesn’t receive a high salary, and they think he’s just really careful with how he spends his money so that he can provide for his family.“He didn’t really want to accept the shoes,” she continued. “He said he was not asking for anything in return [for working as a teacher]. He just wanted to share his knowledge. He cried a lot after I turned off the camera.”Small Acts Make a Big DifferenceSince the video was posted, it’s gone viral worldwide, and for good reason: there’s something really touching about watching a good person get a leg up. But the fact that teens were responsible for executing such a kind act makes it even better.It’s a good reminder that kind acts can come from anyone and anywhere — no matter how old or young you are. They also don’t have to be grand, expensive gestures to be meaningful. Just look at how much one pair of shoes moved this teacher.If you notice someone is having a hard time or is going above and beyond to do something good for the community, why not recognize them with a small gift, a card, or even just a big thank you? Not only will they appreciate being seen, but you’ll feel good knowing you helped to make someone’s day.