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Elderly kroger cashier and an elderly cashier holding a bouquet of flowers standing next to a man.
Uplifting News

Elderly Kroger Cashier Is Forced to Sleep on the Floor - So Strangers Raise $85,000

As the cost of living continues to skyrocket, more and more people are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet, never mind retire. Affordable housing is woefully lacking and homelessness has reached epidemic proportions.For years, Sonja has been working as a cashier at Kroger, the largest supermarket operator in the U.S. But despite her job, she is homeless and currently sleeping on the floor in a shelter.However, thanks to the goodness of strangers (with a not-so-little boost from philanthropist and entrepreneur Charlie Rocket) that's all about to change.

Customer Walks Into Business and Demands a $1000 Hamburger - The Owner Refuses and Does This Instead
Uplifting News

Customer Walks Into Business and Demands a $1000 Hamburger - The Owner Refuses and Does This Instead

It goes without saying that after the COVID-19 pandemic everyone was hit hard. But some of the people who were hit the hardest were small business owners.In the early pandemic, over 700,000 independent American businesses shut down. Even though the figures are heartbreaking...there's one small business owner out there who's giving us hope!In the small town of Windsor, Ontario, Taystee Grill made it through the pandemic.But instead of hoarding their resources, the team at Taystee Grill are inviting others who are not-so-fortunate to join them on the other side — one hamburger at a time.With the help of one crazy customer, Taystee Grill put their money where their mouths were — literally.What's even better? They caught the whole thing on camera.A Stranger Demanded a “$1000 Hamburger”@mdmotivator/TikTokIt was business as usual at Taystee Grill, when a strange customer came in making an even stranger request."Can I have a $1,000 Hamburger?" Zachery DereniowskiWith hamburgers priced at under $10, the female employee manning the burger counter didn't understand this customer's question."Don't worry about it," she insisted, declining this customer's crazy offer. But he didn't seem satisfied.She didn't know what else to say to keep this customer happy. So she simply suggested the gentleman check out their (reasonably priced) menu. But this was one customer who wouldn't let up!The customer continued asking for $1,000 hamburger. When he could see he wasn't getting anywhere with her, he switched up his strategy. Instead, he asked if the owner of the restaurant was around. Not sure how else to deal with this customer, the Taystee Grill employee called in her boss, Haissam Chouman — and you won't believe what happened next.So, see for yourself because the entire bizarre exchange was caught on camera!Watch Taystee Grill's Video:He Made Them an Offer They Couldn’t RefuseYes. As it turns out, the "strange customer" was none other than Zachery Dereniowski, otherwise known as @mdmotivator. For those who aren't familiar with his "body of work," Dereniowski is an internet celebrity who made his fame off of giving others his fortune! His instagram bio simply reads: "kindness is cool" — and he's not wrong.He Was a Man With a PlanWhen he walked into Taystee Grill, Dereniowski wanted to hit two birds with one stone. He wanted to give an independent restaurant a little unforeseen boost of $1000 in under 10 minutes — and he wanted to take those burgers to feed the homeless.But Taystee Grill owner, Haissam Chouman refused. He wouldn't accept the $1,000. What he did instead, was so much better.Together, They Went to Feed the HomelessIn a twist, @mdmotivator didn't see coming — his money was no good at Taystee Grill. Chouman was so inspired by his act of goodwill, he agreed to make 100 hamburgers for free. Not only that, but Chouman decided he would take the rest of the day off, to help Dereniowski feed the streets."There is a lot of people who need help. We feed people — me and you." Haissam Chouman, Owner of Tasytee GrillIn a beautiful act of conjoined kindness, Chouman and Dereniowski hit the streets together, to hand out burgers to those in need of a hot bite to eat.The video went viral and the comment section blew up. "This is Taystee Grill in Windsor. SUPPORT THEM ❤️" is just one comment (written by @r.a.n.n.a.e) that racked up 84K likes!Haissam Chouman's local community couldn't have been more proud of their neighbor and they wanted the world to know it!His Message to the World Is a Message for Us All@mdmotivator/TikTokWhile they prepared the food, Dereniowski asked Chouman one important question. He asked him if he had a "message for the world."And Chouman's answer didn't disappoint."Just live together. No war. Nothing. Everybody love each other. Live together. Love is the best."Haissam Chouman, Owner of Taystee GrillSure, it may sound like a simple philosophy, but it's obviously effective. His soft-hearted words aren't just words, they are a way of life. And he's practicing what he preaches! It's a gentle reminder that we should all do the same.More from Goalcast:

Diner Owner Finds Out Homeless People Are Begging His Customers for Money - The Way He Handled It Goes Viral
Uplifting News

Diner Owner Finds Out Homeless People Are Begging His Customers for Money - The Way He Handled It Goes Viral

Restaurant owner Collin Doran is putting a lifelong lesson to work, everyday. In fact, he's putting the "break" in breakfast; or at least, he's helping his lower-income customers catch one (so to speak).Doran is the proud owner of Homemade Diner in Berkeley, California. When it comes to feeding his customers? He's serving eggs and bacon with an unexpected side of kindness. When he was growing up, the entrepreneur never forgot one simple lesson he learned from his grandfather — the importance of helping those in need.“When I was 12, we were settings things up for Thanksgiving dinner and he told me, ‘Remember — you should never look down on anyone.'"Well, twelve years and thousands of free breakfasts later, it's safe to say, Collin Doran has definitely made his grandfather proud. In every free breakfast, his legacy lives on.A “Problem” He Couldn’t IgnoreKarl Mondon/ Bay Area News GroupIt all started in 2011 when Collin Doran, 53, noticed the presence of homeless individuals outside his beloved diner, begging for spare change to buy food from people passing by.Rather than turning them away or asking that they "leave his customers alone," he decided to do something so much better.In a heartwarming act, he came up with a simple (but not easy) solution. He decided he would commit to giving a free two-egg breakfast with all the fixings to those in need — no questions asked.All were welcomed into the Homemade Diner with open arms. No one was asked to share their story or prove why they were truly in need. No vetting process was necessary. Doran chose to follow blind faith and lead with love.Over a decade later, his trust had paid off in spades.“Instead of ushering people away, I told them, ‘If you’re hungry, let us know and we’ll feed you,’” said Doran. “Right away, people started taking me up on it.”Twelve Years Later, the Pandemic Hit HardCharlotte DoranIt's safe to say, Homemade Diner's mission was alive and well but like so many other small businesses, the pandemic threatened to ruin all they had worked towards.Doran shared that over the course of two years during the pandemic, he drained $200,000 out of his savings account. All to make sure his devoted employees could stay employed during lockdown!It was clear when hard times hit, his generosity wasn't just an act for when times were good — for richer or poorer, it was truly who he was.When He Stepped Up His Community Stepped InWith his incredible initiative over the years, Doran didn't just give back to the community, he also helped it grow. After years of giving his support and hundreds and thousands of dollars, the community he help served for all those years — literally — had his back.“My customers raised more than $30,000 for the restaurant through a GoFundMe I started last fall when we were struggling financially,” Doran shared with the Washington Post.His Customers Chipped In — And It Changed EverythingCharlotte DoranFor years, Doran had been keeping his free meal service alive and well on his own, but when the pandemic hit, it changed everyone's hearts for the good.Customers old and new decided they wanted to do their part.Some customers donated upwards of $5 per meal to help fund “Everybody Eats” at Homemade Diner. One customer even made monthly donations of $100.Everyone has value. We are all worth more than the change in our pocket. “It became clear to me that the reason customers wanted to help was because they’d seen how we’d fed people in the community over the years,” Doran noted. “People didn’t want to lose that. It made sense to continue to provide them with a way to chip in.” Collin Doran, Owner of Homemade DinerEvery penny counts and long after the pandemic, Homemade Diner is accepting donations big and small (or none at all)!Since January, for every $5 donated by a customer, Doran has posted a “free meal” ticket on a bulletin board in his diner to be used by anyone who is hungry. The donations cover the costs of “eggs any way,” served with potatoes, toast, and coffee. “But on days when we run out of tickets, we keep serving free meals anyway,” Doran noted when it comes to bending the rules. “Nobody should go hungry. This is the right thing to do.”Taking It One Step Further — He Offered One Homeless Customer a JobKPixThough Collin Doran has certainly touched many lives, there's one customer in particular who is forever grateful for the small-time restauranteur's kindness.Daniel Amokye was a former unhoused person who benefitted from Homemade Diner's free breakfast program.Amokye heard about the amazing program from a friend and thought it was too good to be true. When he went to check it out for himself, he couldn't believe his was exactly as his friend promised.The diner treated Amokye to his first hot meal in a long time and he returned several times that week to grab another hot meal — he was never turned away.In fact, the exact opposite thing happened next. Instead of telling Amokye he had "come too many times," they offered him to come back as many times as he wanted — only this time he'd be behind the counter instead of in front of it.Doran didn't hesitate to offer Amokye a position to work as a dishwasher at the diner — and Amokye couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity.“Now I’m here pretty much every day — grateful for the chance to work,” Amokye shared. “Collin and his cafe have touched many lives, but especially mine.”Kindness Really Is Contagious!Even if you aren't sure if the love you're pouring out into the world is really making a difference — it always is.Doran's story shows us what one simple act can do. One free meal turned into another and another, until thousands of people were not just fed but truly received. There is no greater gift we can give another human than to recognize their innate goodness and welcome them. Relationships come in all different forms where some last a life time, but even the most fleeting moments of kindness can change the course of someone's day.The choices we make today define our tomorrow. We are our habits. When we choose kindness, it becomes part of who we are.More from Goalcast:

Homeless Family of 5 Lives in a Broken-Down Bus - Then a Stranger Makes an Offer That Sounds Like a Cruel Joke to Them
Everyday Heroes

Homeless Family of 5 Lives in a Broken-Down Bus - Then a Stranger Makes an Offer That Sounds Like a Cruel Joke to Them

Back in 1897, an 8-year-old girl wrote a letter to the New York Sun asking "Is there a Santa Claus?" Her name was Virginia. The response, by lead editorial writer Francis P. Church, became the most republished editorial in the history of U.S. journalism. "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus," Church famously wrote. "He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias."Fast forward 125 years and In a cool twist of fate, it seems that a woman named Virginia and Santa Claus? Are one and the same. A Mom Meets a Struggling Homeless FamilyVirginia Finch and her daughters were delivering Thanksgiving meals to the homeless in Greeley, Colorado when they met a struggling family living in a broken-down converted school bus behind a gas station.Eric and Olivia, along with their 3 small children, ages 5, 14 months, and 1 month, had been traveling across the U.S. when they became stranded in Greeley, Colorado.Broke and homeless and with the snow and cold weather setting in, the family's situation was dire and getting worse. Virginia knew she had to do something. “There’s no way I’m going to leave a baby with no crib for a bed on Christmas,” she thought to herself. Then she got an idea. A wonderful, amazing, remarkable idea.A Home for the HolidaysThe Finches had recently renovated a second house and were planning to either sell it or rent it out. Instead, they offered it to the desperate family, rent and utility-free."We drove back down and asked them if they wanted to move into our other house," Virginia told Denver 7 News.“I just didn’t think it was real,” a shocked Olivia said. “I thought it was like a cruel joke, almost, ’cause who does that? Nobody does that.”But somebody did do it. Not only did Virginia and her family provide Eric and Olivia with a free, furnished house but they also spent a week gathering donations of food, clothing, and toys to give to the family. "It's helped restore my faith in humanity and hopefulness." Olivia via Denver 7 News(Ours too.) Not only did Virginia potentially save the family's lives but she saved their holiday too. The gift was nothing short of a Christmas miracle for the family. "We didn't think we were going to have a Christmas, at all. We would have been lucky if we'd had enough food or if we got jobs at that point," Olivia said. Virginia might not actually BE Santa Claus, but there's no doubt that she is an angel. While we can't all afford to gift someone a house, we can make an effort to help someone who is struggling. Even small gestures of kindness can add up to big differences in someone's world. As Olivia put it, "People just need somebody to care."And hope? Well, that may be the greatest gift of them all. More from Goalcast:Cop Receives Calls From Citizens About A Homeless Family Begging On Street – Has A Surprising ReactionHomeless Teen’s Dream Of Finding “Forever Family” Seemed Out of Reach – Then a News Story About Him Went LiveAfter Sleeping on Garage Floor, Homeless Boy Sobs When He Learns His Family Finally Has a House

Couple Notices Homeless Man in Wheelchair Struggling to Get Up a Hill - They Didnt Know Their Next Move Would Change His Life
Uplifting News

Couple Notices Homeless Man in Wheelchair Struggling to Get Up a Hill - They Didnt Know Their Next Move Would Change His Life

*Featured image contains photo by SHVETS productionIn the biting cold of a South Dakota winter, Amy Hartsoch and her husband Erik, a couple from North Dakota, found themselves face to face with a man in a wheelchair struggling up an icy hill. His single leg and the treacherous conditions made the ascent nearly impossible.Amy, moved by compassion, couldn't turn away. They halted their journey to help Wayne, the man in need, pushing his wheelchair up the slippery slope. Little did they know, this act of kindness would transform not only Wayne's life but theirs as well.How Strangers Stepped in to Help a Homeless ManAs the wheels turned and the hill was conquered, they discovered Wayne's heartbreaking reality — he was homeless, relying on the kindness of someone who had paid for his motel room for a brief respite from the bitter cold."I was on my second night at a motel which was going to be my last night," Wayne revealed.Amy, hearing more of Wayne's story, felt the pull of empathy. Their decision was spontaneous yet profound — they paid for his room for an additional week. But the chain of generosity didn't end there.Compelled to share this story of compassion, Amy took to Facebook, seeking support to extend Wayne's stay during the winter. The response was overwhelming. Friends and family rallied together, contributing over $6,300 — enough to ensure Wayne's shelter and warmth until mid-April. They didn't stop at monetary assistance; the outpouring of goodwill provided food, a new wheelchair, and essential items.How One Act of Kindness Changed a Homeless Man’s LifeOn her Facebook page, Amy joyfully shared, "Because of the love and generosity of ALL OF YOU.. we raised $6,350 for Wayne!! THANK YOU For giving and helping someone in need!"Wayne, deeply moved, expressed, "I wasn't expecting the blessing." His prayers for help, uttered just two days before encountering Amy, were seemingly answered.With gratitude in his heart, Wayne dreams of transitioning from the motel to an apartment, his hopes kindled by the unexpected angels, Amy and Erik.In a reflection of her faith, Amy shared Wayne's sentiment, "I'm a man of faith. God brought Amy into my life." Her words resonated with a profound truth, "God is real, He is here, He is at work!" It's a testament to the belief that small acts of kindness, like helping someone up an icy hill, can have a ripple effect, changing the world for one person.More from Goalcast:Rude Men Told Woman Who Uses a Wheelchair She ‘Wasn’t Worth Loving’ – Then This Man Got Down on One KneeWoman Needs $5,000 to Fix Her Broken Wheelchair – But Strangers Take Her by Surprise and Raise $22,000 InsteadJennifer Lawrence Sees a Fan in a Wheelchair Crying – So She Rushes off the Red Carpet to Give Her a Hug She’ll Never Forget

People Back Away From Homeless Man When He Asks for a Warm Meal at Chick-fil-A - The Manager Shows Up With One Condition
Uplifting News

People Back Away From Homeless Man When He Asks for a Warm Meal at Chick-fil-A - The Manager Shows Up With One Condition

We don’t always know when we’re going to witness something incredible happen — in fact, that’s partially why unexpected events can be so incredible in the first place. But when Joey Mustain took his daughter Stella to a fast food restaurant one day for some daddy-daughter bonding time, he had no idea that he and his daughter would be privy to a teachable moment of compassion and kindness.Grabbing a Bite to EatFacebook/Joey MustainOne random Monday, Mustain and Stella went to their local Chick-fil-A in Tennessee for a bite to eat. “It’s our normal daddy/daughter spot,” Mustain wrote in a Facebook post. They had finished their meals and were enjoying some ice cream for dessert when a homeless man walked into the restaurant.“He asked if they had any extra food,” Mustain wrote. “Mud was wet and caked on his well-traveled shoes. His hair was matted, and his beard wasn't a statement as much as it was a necessity and a sign that he doesn't get to shave as often as most of us do.”Mustain explained how many people kept their distance and seemed unsure of the man, even though he smiled at everyone and seemed friendly and chatty. Then the store manager approached the stranger and said that he would, of course, give him a warm meal. But he had one condition: he wanted to let him pray with him.Stopping Everything for a PrayerAccording to Mustain, the homeless man agreed. Then, the manager stopped everything that he was doing in order to attend to the man and share a prayer.“There was no waiting for things to die down; there was no scooting anyone to the side,” the father explained. “As busy as they were, the manager stopped then and there, laid his hand on the man, and proceeded to pray. I heard love in that prayer. The homeless man wasn't some untouchable stain on business. He was the reason that store opened its doors this morning (or any morning).”It was a teachable moment, and Mustain asked Stella to pay close attention. When she realized what was going on, she bowed her head and prayed too.“In a time when companies are trying to win in the market by neutralizing any possibility of offense, [this restaurant] is thriving because they unwaveringly cling to their principles and purpose,” Mustain continued.“I love teaching my daughter life lessons, and I also love being there to watch other Christians teach her life lessons. Thank you, Chick-fil-A, for taking care of the latter today.”Finding Time to ConnectAfter Mustain posted this story it went viral, with many news outlets picking it up and thousands sharing it on social media. Although some focused on the religious connotations in the story, many others were quick to point out just how heartwarming it was that someone took the time to share good thoughts with this man while feeding him.We all get busy with life and our daily grinds, but it is also important to slow down every once in a while and make time for one another. This manager did that on a very busy day at the restaurant, and it has inspired others to do the same.It’s a nice reminder to make time to reach out to loved ones but also to appreciate those around us. Why not chat for a few minutes with fellow parents at the school drop-off, or with co-workers in the lunchroom, for example? Or perhaps you could schedule a walk with a neighbor or reach out to a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Maybe the next time you see a homeless person, this story will inspire you to stop and learn a bit about who they are.At the end of the day, connection and human contact matters. Remembering to make time for that isn’t just beneficial to others — it’s something that we need in our lives, too.More from Goalcast:Man Who Bought His Homeless Friend a Coffee Every Week Gets a Surprise From Him – But Then He Finds Out the TruthMan Accidentally “Drops” $100 in Front of Homeless Man – What He Does With It Blows Everyone AwayStranger Notices Homeless Man Is Wearing Torn Shoes in the Cold – Immediately Removes His Own Shoes and Gives It to Him

Struggling Employee Reveals the Bitter Truth About His Job to Undercover Boss - He Responds by Giving Him a $250,000 House
Uplifting News

Struggling Employee Reveals the Bitter Truth About His Job to Undercover Boss - He Responds by Giving Him a $250,000 House

We spend a good chunk of our lives working. On average? At 40 hours a week, 49 weeks a year (assuming vacation time) multiplied by 45 years...I don't even want to do the math.It's A LOT. So, it would be great if, during that time, we felt appreciated and valued for the job we're doing. Unfortunately, however, oftentimes it feels like the opposite. And yet, despite this, one employee still managed to maintain such an inspiring positive attitude that he ended up changing an entire company's culture, impacted his community for good, AND got a new house. What One CEO Discovered While Going UndercoverPhoto by energepic.comIn an episode of Undercover Boss, Rick Forman, Founder and CEO of Forman Mills Inc., a quarter billion dollar A YEAR discount clothing outlet, decided to go undercover as "Brad" to see what needed to be changed before embarking on a huge expansion.Donning a mullet and mustache and giving off serious '70s vibes, Forman pretended to be a new Forman Mills management trainee.While training under maintenance supervisor, Kurtis, at his flagship store in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he really got the dirt on what working at the company was like. Literally and figuratively.From scrubbing toilets to removing urine from, well, everywhere, Kurtis's job was about as far from Forman's plushy corner office as he could get. At one point, while breaking down cardboard boxes, Forman asked, "Is morale good in this store?"Kurtis didn't hold back."This company, I feel like, don't care about their employees. There ain't a whole lot of future in a type of company like this," he said. "It would be nice if the company had some type of incentive or some type of recognition for people that does a good job. There's no incentive besides just having to feed your family."And yet, despite a lack of recognition and incentive, despite being unfairly overlooked for a promotion, despite all of it, somehow Kurtis still had the motivation to go the extra mile.When the lesser among us would have become bitter and masters of sub-par performance — after all, you give what you get — Kurtis wasn't deterred."A lot of the stuff that I do is not under my title. I treat this job like the job that I always wanted because when I do get the job I always want, I want to be ready for it...I gotta put myself in a position to achieve better."KurtisHow Being Homeless Changed One Employee’s LifePhoto by MART PRODUCTIONKurtis confided in Forman that for a period of his life, he struggled with alcoholism and bounced around from job to job. At one point, he was homeless.Eventually, he stopped drinking and surrounded himself with "good people." His life changed. But he never forgot what it was like to be at rock bottom. And he never forgot the difference one person can make.He lives by the motto, "The more I give, the better I am." And part of giving means giving back to the homeless shelter that once helped him. During his lunch break, he asked Forman to accompany him to the shelter (where he regularly volunteers as a mentor) to hand out Forman Mills gift cards, cards which he had purchased with his own meager earnings. It really hit a nerve with the CEO. Kurtis's selfless actions reminded him of why he started his business in the first place — to serve the people in inner-city communities. The effect was so profound, in fact, that it ended up sparking an entire company-wide movement.An Employee Receives a Life-Changing OfferPhoto by PhotoMIX CompanyForman was so moved and inspired by Kurtis and his attitude of giving back that he decided to implement a new community outreach program. And he appointed Kurtis to head it up, doubling his salary."When Forman Mills started, we were all about the community," Forman said. "And now I realize we've been concentrating on growing and profiting and making our stores bigger...we really need to get back to our grassroots." He then revealed that he didn't want Kurtis, or any employee of Forman Mills, to ever be homeless so he was buying him a house for up to $250,000."Five years ago man, I was just out, just roaming the streets, this is beyond my wildest dreams. My life just changed," a shocked Kurtis told the CEO, crying and hugging him.When he broke the news to his fiancée, Chinesa, she had the best response, telling him, "I told you you were worth it, I told you."Good things really do come to the people who deserve it. A Company CEO Learns a Valuable Lesson: “It’s About the People”Not only did Kurtis inspire Forman to invest a million dollars a year back into the community, but he also inspired him to give back to the people who made his company what it is today.In a town hall meeting with employees, Forman, struggling to hold back tears, announced that he was implementing a profit-sharing program. "I realized we're not going to go anyplace unless you guys have a stake in the outcome," he shared. The journey he took going undercover was a transformative one, not just for himself, but for Kurtis and his entire company as a whole.Thanks to the actions of one employee, Forman realized the ultimate truth: True success isn't measured in financial growth but in the positive impact one person can make in the lives of others.More from Goalcast:Undercover Boss Observes Struggling Employee at Work – Little Did He Know What Was Coming NextBoss Goes Undercover at Work — And a Shocking Truth About His Employee Is RevealedHardworking Employee Captivates His Undercover Boss – What Happens Next Changes His Son’s Life

Photographer Who Used to Roll Her Eyes at Homeless People Now Takes Their Pictures and Changes Their Life
Uplifting News

Photographer Who Used to Roll Her Eyes at Homeless People Now Takes Their Pictures and Changes Their Life

“Why do they do that? Why don't they just go to a shelter?" she said, rolling her eyes. That’s the reaction photographer Virginia Becker had every time she’d see a blue tarp on the side of the road, signaling 'homeless people ahead.' And living in California, the bluest of blue tarp states, she was rolling her eyes often. So when she came across one homeless woman who wasn't very photogenic, fireworks were about to go off.A Homeless Woman With a Tough StoryPhoto by PixabayWith how her life was going, the last thing Sophia Ortiz wanted was her picture taken. "I didn't want to look in the mirror to put on makeup," she told CBS News. "I really didn't feel like I mattered anymore." Losing her home when her mother died, Ortiz was forced back into an abusive relationship to keep a roof over her head. With time, she slept on the street and took shelter in transit stations.It was during that time that her paths crossed with a camera-toting Becker. Only this time instead of turning her cheek, Becker opened her arms to Ortiz.That's because Becker was a new woman with a new mission. She'd joined the Downtown Streets Team, a nonprofit that provides homeless people with resources to get them off the streets. It was through volunteering that she saw the homeless through a whole different lens. While lending a hand, she'd take pictures to humanize them.She didn't know it at the time, but when Becker snapped Ortiz's picture, she was capturing history. A Photographer’s Life-Changing PicturePhoto by Ahmed ツWhen Becker not only stopped but offered to take Ortiz's picture, it was a life-changing success. "That's what happens with pictures. I didn't see, I didn't have self-worth until I started getting these pictures," she said. And now?"I see pride, when I see that picture I see pride."With renewed motivation, Ortiz landed a job and an apartment within months of connecting with Becker and the Downtown Streets Team. By doing so, she is one of their fastest graduates to this day.Once hidden, she now readily smiles for the camera. How a Photographer Reminds Us That Each Life Is a Unique PicturePhoto by Kyle GlennNow looking back on her life's negatives, Ortiz sees only blessings now."The worst time in my life ended up being the best time of my life because I got my self-worth through me," she said. Meanwhile, Becker said that her experiences have forever changed her point of view. "I wonder how many people can be really honest with themselves and say, 'I see everybody exactly the same," Becker said. "I couldn't have said that before, but I can now."She’s since taken over 5,000 pictures of the homeless through her Blue Tarp Project. Her work has been featured at the MLK Library in San Jose. Who knows how many more life she'll change? It's really easy to get tunnel vision in life, in fact, it's built into our brains. Per TIME, a study showed that our brains make judgments about people before we even know what they look like. Sometimes, like Becker, you have to stop and adjust your focus to really appreciate the human in front of you. More from Goalcast:Homeless Woman Begs For Scraps In Restaurant — Customer Gives Her Leftovers Then Does Even MoreMom and Her 2 Kids Are Trapped in an Apartment Fire – One Local Homeless Man Tells Them All to Drop Out of the Window

Beyonc and Kelly Rowland Are Backing an $8.4M Permanent Housing Project for Houstons Homeless
Uplifting News

Beyonc and Kelly Rowland Are Backing an $8.4M Permanent Housing Project for Houstons Homeless

*Featured image contains photo by MART PRODUCTIONBeyoncé is arguably the biggest superstar on the planet. Amassing a staggering 88 Grammy nominations with a record 32 wins, she has sold over 200 million records and is one of the world's best-selling artists of all time. And she's not slowing down. She is currently taking her 'Beyhive' by storm on her Renaissance World Tour, wowing sold-out crowds across Europe and North America. But now she's turning her sights closer to home.Say My Name: How Beyoncé Is Using Her Name to Make a Difference in Her HometownQueen Bey is teaming up with her former Destiny's Child bandmate Kelly Rowland, to use their names and influence to address the pressing issue of homelessness in their hometown of Houston.The duo has joined forces with Harris County and the nonprofit organization, Bread of Life, to convert a gym into affordable housing in Midtown, an area famous for its rampant homelessness problem.The Knowles-Rowland Project will provide 31 permanent housing units for those in need. Additionally, the community will provide residents with case managers, peer specialists, service specialists, and support services, like transportation, mental health, and physical and behavioral health support.The project will break ground in October. It is estimated to cost $8.4 million. Out of the total cost, $7.2 million will come from the American Rescue Plan; an economic stimulus package aimed at providing relief from the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.The rest of the money needed will come from other financial backers.During a press conference announcing the project, Judge Lina Hidalgo teased plans for a “bigger launch” event when Beyoncé is in town for her tour in September.Houston's Homelessness CrisisHouston, like many other major cities, faces a significant homelessness crisis. A population boom coupled with skyrocketing housing costs has created the perfect storm.According to recent reports, the number of individuals experiencing homelessness in Harris County is approximately 3200. While adding 31 housing units obviously won't fix the problem, at least it's a start.Rudy Rasmus, a local pastor and the executive director of Bread of Life, is grateful for the initiative."This will be our fifth housing development in downtown in Precinct 1 over these last 17 years, and we're just really grateful to continue to help end homelessness in our county," he told the Houston Chronicle.Rasmus also recognized the significant contributions Beyoncé, Rowland, and their fellow Destiny's Child member Michelle Williams have made over the years, including funding a youth center in 2002 with the proceeds from their hit single, "No, No, No." Beyoncé Is Known for Consistently Giving BackBeyoncé has never forgotten her roots. Over the years she has poured millions of dollars into the city she still affectionately calls "home."In 2013, she established the BeyGOOD Foundation to support various charitable initiatives in her quest to "change the world for GOOD." After Hurricane Harvey devasted the city in 2017, the foundation provided food, water, supplies, and financial support. And Queen Bey herself visited Houston and met with affected individuals, volunteering her time and resources to help rebuild communities and support evacuees.Additionally, through the Beyoncé Scholars Program, she has helped students from Houston and other parts of the country achieve their academic goals.She has also made significant donations to various local organizations, including schools, community centers, and charities focused on youth development, health, and empowerment.Not to mention this is the second housing project her name has been associated with. In 2017, Rudy Rasmus, the pastor of her childhood church, St.John's Downtown, used part of her $7 million donation to launch the Knowles-Temenos Place Apartments. The housing complex provides meals, job-prep training, and other services to the homeless.So yes, QUEEN.By publicly supporting initiatives like the Knowles-Rowland Project, Beyoncé shines a spotlight on the issue of homelessness and the importance of addressing social inequalities.And her commitment to making a positive impact within her own community inspires others to do the same. By leveraging her fame and resources for social good, the megastar continues to prove why she truly is the Queen Bey. More from Goalcast:Here’s How Beyonce and Jay-Z’s Over-The-Top $200 Million Home Purchase Generates $11 Million For The HomelessWhat Beyoncé’s Heartful Message to ‘Masterful Genius’ Madonna Teaches Us About Working TogetherWho Is Rumi and Why Did Beyoncé and Jay-Z Name Their Daughter After Him?

Man Lives on Street for 3 Years Waiting for His Mother - Then a Stranger Who Kept Passing By Him, Took Him In
Uplifting News

Man Lives on Street for 3 Years Waiting for His Mother - Then a Stranger Who Kept Passing By Him, Took Him In

Roughly 582,000 Americans experienced homelessness last year. There are many reasons people lose their homes or are forced onto the streets, including the economy, bad luck, and mental health. Yet there are still stigmas attached to those without a home to call their own, and it can be really tough getting back on your feet.That’s why this story about a woman who decided to do something about the man she saw roaming the streets has garnered so much attention.A Man Living Along the StreetsFor three years, a man named Victor Hubbard lived along a busy street in Webster, Texas. People drove and walked by him all the time, but no one bothered to stop and learn his story. No one, that is, except a woman named Ginger Sprouse.The mother and entrepreneur had noticed Victor several times and finally decided to stop and have a conversation with him. She learned he was 32 years old and had mental health problems. His mother had left him on the street, and he was waiting for her to return.Sprouse knew she had to do something, so she continued chatting with him and getting to know him. She washed his clothes and took him to appointments so he could get the medical help he needed. When winter approached, she was scared he would freeze outside, so she invited him to stay with her and her family. He accepted, and that’s when his life began to really change.“I had the perfect family, the perfect house, husband, and all of those things and walked away from it and left a trail of broken lives and broken hearts behind me and felt like I would never be able to be forgiven or to even hold my head up again,” Sprouse explained to KHOU11, saying she wanted to make up for her past life by doing good in the present.A New BeginningAs Victor felt the love of Sprouse and her family, he also began to gain weight. His confidence grew, and he began working at her company, the Art of Meal, as a skilled worker in the kitchen. Throughout it all, Sprouse shared updates on a since-deleted Facebook page called This Is Victor. His story inspired others to help by sending in donations and needed items.These days, Victor lives in his own house just 11 steps from Sprouse. They’re part of each other’s families. Together, they now try to help others who need it. In 2019 Sprouse wrote a book about their experiences, and all proceeds went toward helping someone in need purchase a house.“We’re going to always be together unless he chooses to go someplace else,” Sprouse said.“A lot of great people built their careers just on loving other folks and just showing emotion for the next person,” Victor added.Love Is the Fuel People NeedThis heartwarming story is proof that sometimes people just need a little love in their lives. It was love that kept Victor on the streets for three years, waiting for his mother. But it was also the love and kindness of a stranger that inspired and helped him to change his life for the better.It’s a great reminder that we should all work to treat others with kindness and respect, no matter what their life circumstances. After all, we never really know someone else’s story, nor how they got to the position they’re in.Leading with love can never steer you wrong, whether that’s striking up a conversation, donating food or clothes, or offering your services where possible. And above all, remember that just because someone is dealing with bad luck or crappy life circumstances doesn’t mean they’re any less deserving of love in this world.More from Goalcast:Restaurant Receives One-Star Review Due to Homeless Man in Front – Instead of Making Him Leave, Owner Defends HimHomeless Dad Living in His Car With 2 Kids Is Fired From His Job – Then, Strangers Step in When They Hear His RequestOwner Asks Homeless Man to Leave the Premises but He Keeps Coming Back – Finally, He Decides to Take a Different Approach