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leonardo dicaprio

Kate Winslet Leonardo DiCaprio posing in front of TItanic and Revolutionary Road

The Best Moments: Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio's 30 Years of Friendship

From declarations of love to laughter on the red carpet, we've rounded up our favorite moments between Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet that have kept our hearts aflutter for over two decades.

The Moment Kate Knew She Was Going To Be Leo's Friend For Life

The Moment Kate Knew She Was Going To Be Leo's Friend For Life

When friends are very close, they can sometimes anticipate what the other one is thinking or feeling before anyone says anything – think knowing their lunch order without the need for them to say a word. That’s exactly how Kate Winslet realized Leonardo DiCaprio was that kind of friend while they were on set filming Titanic.A telltale sign of closenessSometimes days go very long on movie sets, and at the end of a long day of filming, the cast and crew are pretty exhausted. Winslet recalls one of those moments, when she and DiCaprio were resting on the deck during a break and an assistant approached them asking them for their food order.“Leo was so tired,” Winslet shared in a Rolling Stone interview. He had just asked for a sandwich. When the assistant asked what he wanted on it, he let Kate take care of it and fell asleep. And Kate did instinctively know he wanted a specific cheese and no tomato or pickle. “I absolutely knew!” That’s when she realized just how well they knew each other. A friendship more powerful than romanceDespite fan speculation, that’s also why they never dated. Kate and Leo knew each other so well and were such close friends it almost felt like being siblings rather than having romantic attraction. “Kate and I have really grown up in this industry together,” says DiCaprio said in a Popsugar interview. “We’ve been there for each other and helped guide each other.”And they’ve always been there for each other because they didn’t let romance get in the way. “That friendship works is because there was never any romantic thing,” said Winslet, allowing that fans are disappointed because they really wanted a Kate and Leo love story. “We needed each other to lean on because we were very young and working all kinds of crazy bloody hours and it was a shock to the system.”When all else fails, you'll always have your friends While it’s easy for two people with lots in common to fall for each other, sometimes it’s good to keep things platonic – and really appreciate each other for what you have – a beautiful friendship that stands the test of time. More inspiring celebrities:Why We Need To Talk About Keanu Reeves’ Girlfriend Alexandra GrantWhat Finally Convinced Jennifer Lopez That She Needed A Divorce From Marc AnthonyWhy Shakira and Gerard Piqué Are Proud To Be An Unconventional CoupleHow Hailey Baldwin Dealt With Being In A Love Triangle Involving Selena Gomez

5 Life-Changing Books That Inspired Leonardo DiCaprio's Passion

5 Life-Changing Books That Inspired Leonardo DiCaprio's Passion

You know him from his performances on the big screen for the past few decades — but there’s more to this suave actor than his career. Academy Award-winning actor, producer and philanthropist Leonardo DiCaprio has built a legacy through his impressive character work and his investment within the Hollywood community. He’s also a passionate activist for the environment and often speaks out vocally about global warming. Though he’s never married or had children, his big abode is full of… books! Before beginning any on-screen gig, he always reads the text that inspired the scenes first. Of course, he also reads just for fun and inspiration, depending on the season. Here are a few books you can steal from DiCaprio’s bookshelf:The Garden of Eden by Ernest Hemingway When it came out in the mid-80s, The Garden of Eden was a best-seller, and happens to be the last book the iconic author Ernest Hemingway ever penned. According to an interview with America Reads Spanish, DiCaprio raved about this masterpiece — alongside a few other Hemingway novels, including The Old Man and the Sea and A Farewell to Arms. He likes them so much he would page through them in his second language. “One of my favorite authors is Ernest Hemingway… he is not Spanish but he was in love with the Spanish culture. Many things I learn from your country [Spain] are through his eyes,” he shared.The Great Gatsby by F. Scott FitzgeraldUnless you’re a megafan of F. Scott Fitzegerald (like me!), you probably haven’t read this legendary tale since high school. Maybe DiCaprio’s fascination with it could persuade you to give The Great Gatsby another go as an adult. Especially since he had a starring role in the film, it makes sense that he would have added it to his own library. In discussing the experience with Time, he shared he was attracted to the role of Gatsby because he liked “the idea of a man who came from absolutely nothing, who created himself solely from his own imagination. Gatsby’s one of those iconic characters because he can be interpreted in so many ways: a hopeless romantic, a completely obsessed wacko, or a dangerous gangster, clinging to wealth.” Revolutionary Road by Richard YatesThis provocative book rings a little too true to home for some American households. So does the movie, which DiCaprio starred in alongside talented actress (and his good friend) Kate Winslet. In an interview with GQ, he said Revolutionary Road was a classic for a reason: “The conversations that each character has in his or her head… While I’m sitting here kissing my wife and telling her how much I love her, and how everything is gonna be okay, there’s this inner voice that just detests her and detests my life and knows I’m lying about everything. That inner dialogue in the book was fabulous for all of us.”This Changes Everything by Naomi KleinDiCaprio had a conversation with Naomi Klein after reading her take on how climate change impacts everything — including our financial picture. In an effort to argue that the more we invest in the planet, the more we build our stability, many people say This Changes Everything one of those books you can’t put down and that keeps you thinking for long after you turn the last page. In an interview with Wired, DiCaprio revealed what he thought: “I once was talking to Naomi Klein, who to me is one of the most powerful voices in the climate movement. She wrote a book called This Changes Everything, and it’s about capitalism versus the environment. And look, everyone loves money, I love money — we live in the United States. This is a capitalist country. But ultimately we’ve locked ourselves, through capitalism, into an addiction to oil that’s incredibly hard to reverse.”The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight by Thom HartmannDiCaprio produced The Eleventh Hour and the HBO special, Ice on Fire, Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight — both of which discuss environmental issues. With the hope of provoking urgency and inspiring others to do the same, he developed these programs after reading this comprehensive book that doesn’t just talk about the bad stuff, but gives solutions on what to do. More inspiring book recommendations:4 Life-Changing Books That Inspire George Clooney to Challenge Himself5 Life-Changing Books That Inspired LeBron James to Keep Winning6 Life-Changing Books That Inspired J.K. Rowling to Write4 Life-Changing Books That Inspired Madonna to be Fearlessly Different

5 Daily Habits to Steal from Leonardo DiCaprio, Including His 'Intellectual Restlessness'

5 Daily Habits to Steal from Leonardo DiCaprio, Including His 'Intellectual Restlessness'

As a digital nomad and journalist, I travel the world while logging around 70 articles a month. To effectively manage a country-hopping lifestyle while also building my bylines and clients, I turn to the advice of seasoned movers-and-shakers who have developed habits and strategies for success. Each week, I’ll highlight the daily routine of influential professionals, making for the right kind of fodder while you down your coffee.Your heart still hasn’t gone on from falling in love with Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic. Though that ship tragically and romantically sunk—his career has sailed over the past several details, creating a Hollywood star.While his starring role as Jack skyrocketed him toward fame, DiCaprio has been acting since he was a child, appearing in television commercials and eventually in the sitcom, Growing Pains. Before James Cameron cast him in one of the most successful movies of all time, DiCaprio had already earned an Oscar nomination for his supporting role in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, portraying a mentally handicapped pre-teen.Since then, his performances have been celebrated—from Blood Diamond and Catch Me If You Can to Revolutionary Road, The Great Gatsby, The Wolf on Wall Street and countless others. Though he was nominated time-and-time again, it wasn’t until 2013 when he took home a Golden Globe and until 2016, when he won an Academy Award. Today, he continues to act and owns his own production company, Appian Way Productions. With an estimated net worth of $245 million, his success only continues to build. Here, a few of this hard-working actor and philanthropist's daily habits.He’s in touch with nature.Though some people prescribe to the urban lifestyle instead of retreating into the depths of the great outdoors, DiCaprio prioritizes time to escape. Especially with a hectic and demanding schedule, reconnecting with Mother Nature can be a beneficial way to detox and unwind.For DiCaprio, it’s soul-nurturing, too. In an interview with Time Out, he explained his affection: “I love being immersed in nature, going to places in the world that are pristine and untouched by man. It’s almost a religious experience when you go to a place like the Amazon and there’s no civilisation for thousands of miles.”The next time you are feeling under pressure with what feels like endless deadlines and responsibilities, go for a walk and breathe in the oxygen from the sky—it might just do wonders for your creativity and productivity. He takes time off when he needs to.Believe it or not, DiCaprio was only 22-years-old when he portrayed Jack alongside 21-year-old Kate Winslet as Rose. For the next 20-something years, he took on film after film, expanding his talent to adapt to many characters and personalities. When asked what his plan was at the age of 41 (he’s now 43), he told Time Out the only item on his to-do list is to take time off.RELATED: How the World’s Most Successful People Eliminate Self-DoubtUnderstanding your limits and knowing when you are in need of a sabbatical is a healthy way to remain self-aware. Many trendy technological companies—like Facebook—even offer sabbaticals to their employees after several years, hoping the months away from office will invigorate their dedication and inspiration. He accepts his fame for what it is.It might be difficult to explain when you aren’t constantly in the spotlight, but many celebrities struggle with the attention that comes with fame. To maintain a healthy mental perspective toward his career, DiCaprio exercises a ‘take it as it is’ approach. He told Wired being famous is surreal and it isn’t something you get used to. “It kind of feels like a video game at times, especially with paparazzi and people following you and things of that nature,” he explained in the interview. “But it’s part of who I am now. It’s part of my life as long as I choose to do what I do as a profession, and I love what I do. I think I survive because I don’t limit myself. If there’s some experience I want to have or a place I want to go, I do it. I think that’s how I bring some semblance of normality to my life.”Sure, you may never be asked for your autograph, but consider a part of your life that is limiting. Maybe it’s a career you are unhappy in or a relationship that should have ended years ago. Whatever you feel is keeping you from being your best, happiest self, take a page out of DiCaprio’s playbook and strive to never limit yourself. Or more to the point: let anything or anyone hold you back.He’s always learning.From Fortune 500 executives to entrepreneurs and influencers in every industry, they all share one quality: they’re lifelong learners. Many actors consider themselves scholars of the world, its people and its offerings. To transform from one person to another on repeat, curiosity is an innate quality that must be nurtured. According to an interview with Martin Scorsese in Rolling Stone, DiCaprio has a ‘intellectual restlessness,’ prompting him to read anything and everything he can get his hands on. Being a bookworm is a positive habit, especially since it keeps your brain robust and fresh, prompts creativity and makes you an excellent conversationalist. He has a close relationship with his parents.Having a loving and loyal support system is essential for any child, allowing them to pursue their passions without fear. DiCaprio is lucky to have a close relationship with both his parents, and is frequently open about how much they mean to him. Most notably, he often discusses his father’s impact on his development and career. “My dad always told me, ‘Go out there, son, and whatever you do, I don’t care if you’re successful or not, just have an interesting life. Just be happy to put your pants on in the morning.’ I believe I’m doing that,” he told PARADE. And another interview, he shared his father was his best teacher. “Look I came from humble beginnings—I came from public school. I always had loving parents, both of my parents were unbelievable and I was very fortunate in that regard. My father is one of the wisest men I’ve ever met and he has steered the course of my life in so many different directions in a positive way, whether it be my environmental activism and as an actor is influenced by him.” While not everyone is born into a helpful and stable household, seeking a mentor and nurturing a relationship with them will progress every facet of your life.

The 5 Most Inspiring Leonardo DiCaprio Movies of All Time

The 5 Most Inspiring Leonardo DiCaprio Movies of All Time

Since dropping onto the scene over thirty years ago in the 80’s sitcom Growing Pains, Leonardo DiCaprio has had a wild and incredibly diverse acting career. Since then, he’s built up quite the resume, from Romeo in the cult hit Romeo+Juliet, Howard Hughes in The Aviator, Calvin Candie in Django Unchained, and Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby to name a few. Sometimes, DiCaprio’s work is vicious and unforgiving, such as when he played Hugh Glass in The Revenant or Billy in The Departed (the latter of which probably has one of the best endings in cinematic history). But other times, it’s inspiring and eye-opening. Sometimes, it’s the kind of film and a role that reminds you of the power of some aspect of humanity. Other times, it opens your eyes to the possibilities, however fictional, that make you believe in a weird way that more is possible in your own life. If you can do what you do best and be happy, you're further along in life than most people. – Leonardo DiCaprio These are five of the most inspiring Leonardo DiCaprio movies of all times. Titanic (1997) James Cameron’sTitanic was DiCaprio’s first mega-hit. It was the movie that made him a household name and what essentially launched him to the A-list in Hollywood– where he’s since stayed. It was also where he first met Kate Winslet, whose chemistry in Titanic helped make the movie what it was. It’s their love story, Leo as Jack and Winslet as Rose, that makes the film so memorable. The film serves as one of the most powerful love stories ever told. It’s a reminder of how love pierces through all facades and breaks through barriers to the heart of things. The Aviator (2004) The first of two Martin Scorsese films on this list (they like each other, clearly– see: The Departed), The Aviator tells the life of the eccentric tycoon Howard Hughes. The film has glamour, conflict, tension, and about everything you’d expect from a Hollywood magnate. However, it also tells the painfully personal story of Hughes’ wrestle with OCD and legal troubles. It’s not your classic “happy ending”, however, the film has more than its fair share of motivating themes that leave you both energized and reflective. Inception (2010) Christopher Nolan’s Inception was a big budget film that had huge expectations placed on it from the very beginning. Somehow, amidst the incredibly layered plot and mind-bending special effects, Leo stood out as a memorable part of Inception’s complex story. It’s not the kind of film that’s generally considered inspiring in the typical way. However, Inception makes you rethink the possibilities inherent in reality itself. The things that are capable in the movie make you believe that anything might be possible through the mind in this life. And, in an odd way, every time I’ve watched the film that thought has left me feeling excited and inspired to do my own work. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) Martin Scorcese’s The Wolf of Wall Street isn’t all good and inspiring. I was careful to include it on the list because it involves a story about crime and ultimately losing control of one’s power. However, the story also tells of someone– Jordan Belfort (DiCaprio)– coming up from nothing and building an empire in an incredible fashion, even if things eventually go awry. Ultimately, it’s a cautionary tale but also a damn inspiring one that everyone should watch. The Basketball Diaries (1995) Probably the most purely inspirational movie on this list (and the one you’re most likely to never have heard of), The Basketball Diaries was one of several movies DiCaprio starred in before his break in Titanic. It tells the story of a young Jim Carroll (DiCaprio) who goes from neighborhood basketball star to heroin drug addict. After hitting rock bottom he finds help– and redemption– through friends and strangers alike.

How Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio Miraculously Saved a Young Mom

How Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio Miraculously Saved a Young Mom

Jack and Rose had us crying our eyes out in Titanic, and now they’ve got us balling again. This time, for an incredible act of kindness that helped save a young woman’s life — and may also help save many other lives in the future.Gemma Nuttall, a 28-year-old dental nurse from England, was in the first few months of her pregnancy when she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She wasn’t willing to terminate the life of her unborn baby, so she refused treatment.After her daughter Penelope was born, doctors gave Nuttall just 6 to 12 months to live.Months of chemotherapy later, Nuttall was able to defeat the ovarian cancer, only to be diagnosed with multiple brain tumors soon after.Nuttall told the British TV show This Morning that this is when she found a “wonder clinic” in Germany that might be able to help her. However, the treatment would cost her up to $98,000 per session, which is something she couldn’t afford. So she turned to crowdfunding and set up a GoFundMe page.“Kate Winslet saved my life”Meanwhile, actress Kate Winslet was researching the same clinics in Germany after her mother Sally died of ovarian cancer. By chance, she happened upon Nuttall’s GoFundMe page and saw that it was way off its goal.“I just thought, ‘I can’t have this happen,’” Winslet said on This Morning (via People). “My own mother was very, very unwell, and I just thought my mum would be incredibly proud if I could do this for somebody else, for another young mum.”Winslet’s help boosted the crowdfunding campaign, but it wasn’t enough. She needed Jack.Leonardo DiCaprio gets involved “It was just amazing,” Winslet said. “We got close to £200,000 ($280,000) and at that point I thought, ‘Right, it’s time to call my friend Leo’."She called up Leonardo DiCaprio and suggested co-hosting a charity dinner. He had an even better idea: auctioning off a dinner with Jack and Rose at a fundraiser for the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation in St. Tropez. The auction brought in a total of $1.35 million, which was split between the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, a wildlife protection fund, and Nuttall’s campaign.The treatments worked and Nuttall beat the brain cancer. “I just want to say thank you so much for all your hard work and for me being able to have my treatment that I really did need," Nuttall said on the TV show.Winslet told This Morning that she felt incredibly blessed she was able to help and called Nuttall's recovery a miracle:“So, so much good has come out of this remarkable moment. I mean look at Gemma. Look at her. She is so beautiful. She is alive. She is cancer-free. It is utterly incredible. I feel so blessed that I could help."Winslet teams up with a new partner to help cancer patients Due to the successful fundraiser, Winslet raised more money than was needed for Nuttall’s treatments. So, she decided to open up a fund to treat other people suffering from cancer. However, instead of working with her friend DiCaprio, she found herself a new teammate: Nuttall herself, who will be running the new foundation to help other women in her situation.

Leonardo DiCaprio: Let Us Not Take Our Planet for Granted

Leonardo DiCaprio: Let Us Not Take Our Planet for Granted

Leonardo DiCaprio - For Humanity Actor and climate change activist Leonardo DiCaprio calls on us to stand up and fight for the future of our planet. Transcript: "Climate change is real. It is happening right now. It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating. We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters or the big corporations, but who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of underprivileged people who will be most affected by this, for our children's children, and for those people out there whose voices have been drowned out by the politics of greed. I thank you all for this amazing award tonight. Let us not take this planet for granted. I do not take tonight for granted. Thank you so very much."

Top 12 Most Inspiring Leonardo DiCaprio Quotes

Top 12 Most Inspiring Leonardo DiCaprio Quotes

Unlike many former child actors who tend to crash and burn (or fade into oblivion) in their teen years and beyond, 42-year-old Academy Award winner Leonardo DiCaprio has boasted a steady resume of film hits for nearly two decades, from his heartbreaking turn in 1993's What's Eating Gilbert Grape? to a starring role in box-office bombshell Titanic. In addition to his impressive film career, Leo has used his Hollywood capital on a number of philanthropic ventures. He's become one of the world's top climate change champions and advocates for more stringent restrictions on carbon emissions every chance he gets.In fact, he gave specific mention to the environment in his Oscar acceptance speech for his work in The Revenant, imploring the audience to "work collectively together and stop procrastinating" when dealing with climate change. These values are mirrored in his daily life; he drives only battery-powered vehicles and lives in a solar-powered home.Below are 12 of the most inspiring Leonardo DiCaprio that should encourage you to work on what makes you happy.Top 12 Most Inspiring Leonardo DiCaprio Quotes"Be thankful for the hard times, for they have made you" – Leonardo DiCaprio"It's easy to fall into the trap of believing all the hype that's written about you... Who knows? In a couple of years, you might find me in the loony bin!" – Leonardo DiCaprio"If you can do what you do best and be happy, you're further along in life than most people." – Leonardo DiCaprio"Pay close attention to people who don’t clap when you win." – Leonardo DiCaprio"To believe in love, to be ready to give up anything for it, to be willing to risk your life for it, is the ultimate tragedy." – Leonardo DiCaprio"A wrong connection will give you shock throughout your life, but the right one will light up your life." – Leonardo DiCaprio"Everybody has gone through something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were." – Leonardo DiCaprio"I just really love doing what I do. I know every career is fleeting and there will be time periods when I don't get the opportunities that I'm getting right now, so I am taking advantage of them." – Leonardo DiCaprio"Only you and you alone can change your situation. Don’t blame it on anything or anyone." – Leonardo DiCaprio"My mom, Irmelin, taught me the value of life. Her own life was saved by my grandmother during World War II." – Leonardo DiCaprio"I really am motivated by being able to work with great people and create a body of work that I can look back and be proud of." – Leonardo DiCaprio"I really don't know what I'm doing... I don't. It's terrible. I go in there and I learn how to be like the character and do the best I can, and that's all I really do." – Leonardo DiCaprioWatch: Leonardo DiCaprio's Moving Speech on Climate Change:

Leonardo DiCaprio - Now Is The Time

Leonardo DiCaprio - Now Is The Time

An impassioned speech by Leonardo DiCaprio about climate change at the United Nations Transcript: "President Abraham Lincoln was also thinking of bold action 150 years ago when he said:"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. As our case is new so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves and then we shall save our country.” He was speaking before the US Congress to confront the defining issue of his time – slavery. Everyone knew it had to end but no one had the political will to stop it. Remarkably, his words ring as true today when applied to the defining crisis of our time – Climate Change. As a UN Messenger of Peace, I have traveled all over the world for the last two years documenting how this crisis is changing the natural balance of our planet. I have seen cities like Beijing choked by industrial pollution. Ancient Boreal forests in Canada that have been clear cut and rainforests in Indonesia that have been incinerated. In India, I met farmers whose crops have literally been washed away by historic flooding. In America, I have witnessed unprecedented droughts in California and sea level rise flooding the streets of Miami. In Greenland and in the Arctic I was astonished to see that ancient glaciers are rapidly disappearing well ahead of scientific predictions. All that I have seen and learned on this journey has absolutely terrified me. There is no doubt in the world’s scientific community that this a direct result of human activity and that the effects of climate change will become astronomically worse in the future. You know that climate change is happening faster than even the most pessimistic of scientists warned us decades ago. It has become a runaway freight train bringing with it an impending disaster for all living things. Now think about the shame that each of us will carry when our children and grandchildren look back and realize that we had the means of stopping this devastation, but simply lacked the political will to do so. Our planet cannot be saved unless we leave fossil fuels in the ground where they belong. Massive change is required, now. One that leads to a new collective consciousness. A new collective evolution of the human race, inspired and enabled by a sense of urgency from all of you. We all know that reversing the course of climate change will not be easy, but the tools are in our hands – if we apply them before it is too late. Now is the time for bold unprecedented action. It is time to ask each other – which side of history will you be on? As a citizen of our planet, it is time to declare no more talk. No more excuses. No more ten-year studies. No more allowing the fossil fuel companies to manipulate and dictate the science and policies that affect our future. Lincoln’s words still resonate to all of us here today:“We will be remembered in spite of ourselves. The fiery trial through which we pass will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the last generation… We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth.” That is our charge now – you are the last best hope of Earth. We ask you to protect it. Or we – and all living things we cherish – are history." - Leonardo DiCaprio Don't forget to share this video to spread the inspiration!

Do Whatever It Takes (Motivational Video)

Do Whatever It Takes (Motivational Video)

Epic motivational video with a speech from Eric Thomas that will motivate you to do whatever it takes. Transcript: There was a young man who, you know, he wanted to make a lot of money, and so he went to this guru, right? He told the guru, you know, "I want to be on the same level you on." And so the guru said, "If you want to be on the same level I'm on, "I'll meet you tomorrow at the beach at 4am." He like, "The beach? "I said I wanna make money. "I don't want to swim." Guru said, "If you want to make money, "I'll meet you tomorrow, 4am." So the young man got there, 4am. He all ready to rock and roll, got on a suit. The old man grabs his hand, said, "How bad you want to be successful?" He said, "Real bad." He said, "Walk on out in the water." When he walks out to the water, it goes waist-deep. So he like, "This guy crazy. "I want to make money, "he got me out here swimming." But the old man said, "I thought you said you wanted to be successful." He said, "I do." He came, dropped his head in, held him down, hold him down. Just before my man was about to pass out, he raised him up. He said, "I got a question for you." He said, "When you were underwater, "what did you want to do?" He said, "I wanted to breathe." He told the guy, he said, "When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, "then you'll be successful." And I'm here to tell you, number one, that most of you say you want to be successful, but you don't want it bad. You just kinda want it. You don't want it badder than you want to party. You don't want it as much as you want to be cool. It's only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. Are you hearin' me? You don't count the cost on this one. You don't count the cost on this one. You, you just do what you gotta do on this one, and then you look back when it's all over and you see the reward. You look back and you see the account, but you don't count it. You just look back and you see that you succeeded. So what I'm telling you is, you can't count the cost, because if you count the cost and you see how much it costs, you might quit, you might give up. So you gotta go in knowing that I don't count the cost. Listen to me. You don't count how many breaths you take. You don't count it. You get to a point where you don't count it. You just do whatever it takes to get whatever you want.