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5 Tips on How to Make Every Day a Good Day
Make every day a good day

5 Tips on How to Make Every Day a Good Day

Do you ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed and get that feeling that you’re going to have one of your worst days? If your answer is a big yes then you’ve come to the right place. This article will do everything in its power to help you make every day count, by showing you how to kick off every morning for the rest of this year with a positive attitude.

But before we jump into the tips and tricks, it’s important that you understand that waking up in a not-so-good mood is very common. In fact, if you were to conduct a little survey, you’d find out that almost everyone in this world experiences some sort of morning moodiness at one point in their lives. The important thing here is to acknowledge it and do something about it.

Make every day a good day

5 Tips on How to Make Every Day a Good Day

Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.

- Groucho Marx

Exercise first thing in the morning

I know a lot of people dislike exercising, especially early in the morning. But the fact is this is the best thing you can do for your well-being. Let me explain. When you engage in some sort of physical activity, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins are responsible for reducing your stress levels and making you feel happy. Aren’t these two reasons enough for you to wake up a little earlier than usual and get that body of yours moving?

Eat well

Right after you finish exercising, it’s important that you fuel your body with healthy food. Research has shown that eating a healthy diet can influence brain chemistry, meaning that food can actually make you happy. So always make sure you eat a meal that’s loaded with protein, good carbs and fats.

eat well make it a good day

Put on a killer outfit

Have you ever heard of the saying "when you feel good on the outside, you feel good on the inside?" Well, it’s true, so don’t take this point lightly. It’s important to wear clothes that make us feel confident, attractive, and comfortable.

Avoid situations that stress you out

Now this is probably one of the most important points, so pay attention. Did you know that only you have the power to decide to be happy or angry at any given moment? All you need is to know yourself, and to know what stresses you out and what relaxes and soothes you. So, for example, if slow walkers angry you, then make sure you find a way to avoid them. Sometimes all you need to do is cross the street to where there are fewer people.

Do something nice for yourself

Every day, most people think about how they could please someone around them. What they don’t often think about, however, is how they could do something to please themselves for once. It’s extremely important to do something nice for yourself daily. So go eat lunch at that place you’ve wanted to for so long, or go taste that Americano from the new coffee shop next to your work. But remember, it doesn’t always have to mean spending money. Doing something nice for yourself can also mean allowing yourself to watch your favorite TV show, or to read a book – whatever it is that makes you happy.

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