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What Is Success And How Do We Become Successful?

What Is Success And How Do We Become Successful?

Do you often find yourself chasing after commodities? Do you see a person driving a lavish car and tick him off as a successful person? Is the synonym for success in your dictionary money? If you think that success is measured by the amount of zeros you can add to the figure on your check, then you are extremely wrong! Success is not a number it is an attitude that comes only when you find your true calling.

Success Is Not A Number

Success is defined as 'the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.' It has nothing to do with money. Money may or may not result after success. Many writers who are celebrated as not only successful but even legendary had lived a life of poverty. Similarly, the kingdoms of many kings despised them and yet they were buried in gold caskets. Would you call them successful? Of course not!

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What Is Success And How Do We Become Successful?

“It is the quality of one's convictions that determines success, not the number of followers”― J.K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

As the Queen of fiction has rightly pointed out, success is more about our passions and convictions then how much those passions are earning for us. True success brings us happiness that illuminates our being. Although we can never deny the importance of money in our lives but we must also not forget about what makes us happy, which is not always money .

How To Achieve Success

Find Your True Calling

The first step in achieving success is to find what makes you really happy. Find the work that make you forget about the concept of time. Your passions consume you and make you oblivious to your surroundings. When you are spending time in following your dreams, you are creating magic!

If you have found your true calling, then you are right on track. Success is not far away now.

Work On It

Now that you know the purpose for which you were created, you need to work on it and polish it. Work hard and relentlessly to be the best at it. If you love to paint then keep painting until every stroke of your brush exudes nothing but excellence. This is essential for your success, otherwise, it will be impossible for you to stand out from the crowd. Always remember that while talent is a blessing, it still needs constant polishing.

Sell It!

Now that you have achieved excellence, there is no harm in selling it to the world. In fact, if you are capable of doing magic, you have no right to keep it to yourself! At this stage, always keep in mind that not everybody will buy what you are selling but it must never deter you! You must keep doing what makes you happy.

Stay Hopeful

Now that you are on the road to success, never stop believing in yourself. The money you are making is not important, it may be huge or meager but what counts is how content your soul is and as long as you feel a sense of accomplishment after completing every project, you are successful!

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