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Denzel Washington: Get on Your Knees in the Morning
Goalcast Originals

Denzel Washington: Get on Your Knees in the Morning

Denzel Washington - Share Your Gift

Denzel Washington gives a motivational speech to inspiring young actors and reminds them to be thankful for the gift of life, suggesting that goals can be achieved through discipline and consistency.


We have a little boy in our show, we're doing Raisin in the Sun, and we have a circle. We pray every day. His prayer, this boy is prayed up. He just prays that we go out and touch someone tonight. As he says, "God, somebody out there needs us tonight." We all have that unique gift to go out and touch people, to affect people. Understand that gift, protect that gift, appreciate that gift, utilize that gift. Don't abuse that gift. Treasure it.

You have it. You already have it. True desire in the heart for anything good is God's proof to you, sent beforehand, to indicate that it's yours already. Dreams without goals ... Yearly goals, life goals, daily goals, monthly goals, hourly goals, minute by minute goals. Dreams without goals are just dreams. They ultimately fuel disappointment. Goals on the road to achievement cannot be achieved without discipline and consistency. You understand?

Speaker 2: Preach it good!

Denzel W.: Between goals and achievement are discipline and consistency. I pray that you all put your shoes way under the bed at night so that you got to get on your knees in the morning to find them, right? While you're down there, thank God for grace and mercy and understanding. We all fall short of the glory. We all got plenty ... If you just start thinking of all the things you've got to say thank you for, that's a day. You'll never seen a U-Haul behind a hearse. I've been to make hundreds of millions of dollars in my life. I can't take it with me, and neither can you. It's not how much you have, it's what you do with what you have. We all have different gifts. Some money, some love, some patience, some the ability to touch people, but we all have it. Use it. Share it.

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