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following instincts

Group of girls laughing and a text message from a young woman's mother.
Uplifting News

Her Mom Had a Nightmare and Sent Her a Text Message - It Saved Her Life

We all have an inner voice. Call it a sixth sense, or intuition, or your conscience, or gut instinct. Something that nudges us to do something or say something we wouldn’t normally do.For one mom, this inner voice manifested as a sudden and overwhelming sense of dread for her daughter's safety. And her maternal intuition? Ended up saving her daughter's life.

22-Year-Old Maintenance Worker Hears a Mothers Scream - Uses His Army Instincts to Save Her Babys Life
Uplifting News

22-Year-Old Maintenance Worker Hears a Mothers Scream - Uses His Army Instincts to Save Her Babys Life

*Featured image contains photo by Anna Shvets“I’ll never be able to thank Jack enough for what he did — he’s a hero."The woman who spoke these words asked that she not be identified due to the 'trauma' of the event. Chances are you'd do the same if you experienced what she did. And chances are once you meet Jack, you'll also agree that he's a hero.A Mother’s Cry for HelpPhoto by Andrea PiacquadioIt was another day of lifting and lugging for maintenance worker Jack Gale and his colleague Wayne Stevens. They were doing work in a Churchyard when all of a sudden a woman's cries for help pierced their ears.Looking in the direction of the cries, they saw a woman rush out of her home carrying a little boy. Rushing over, Gale saw that the lifeless 8-month-old had stopped breathing and was changing color. With seconds ticking away, Stevens ran to call an ambulance, leaving Gale with the frantic mother and her choking baby. Seconds turned into minutes, with no ambulance in sight.That's the exact moment when this maintenance worker put on his cape. How a Maintenance Worker Saved a Choking BabyPhoto by Gustavo FringThough only 22 years old, Gale's experience in the army kicked in. Using his emergency training, he held the boy over his knee and massaged his back in a bid to clear his airways.While Gale said that "it didn’t seem more than 30 seconds," it was actually eight long minutes before the boy miraculously coughed up mucus and started breathing. Gale said that within five minutes, the baby was laughing as if nothing happened. The boy, meanwhile, was taken to the hospital and given a clean bill of health by doctors. You can mark this maintenance job a success. Afterward, the boy's mother recounted to the frightening moments leading up to bolting outside and screaming for help. "We were at home when all of a sudden my son started struggling for breath, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he went blue."Who knows what would have happened without Gale's quick-thinking heroics?One mother would rather not think about it.“It was very scary but Jack was so calm and did a brilliant job. I’m just so grateful they were there as I dread to think what could have happened.”A Baby Is Saved and a Hero Is Born Gale's employer, Thames Water, was also singing his praises. "Jack’s quick thinking saved this baby’s life. We’re just so pleased he was in the right place at the right time here to help. He’s a hero," said a company spokesman.Two things stand out to me in this story. First, this is either a case of Gale being at the right place at the right time or timed to be at the right place (divine intervention, anyone?)The second is the importance for us all to know basic, life-saving techniques like Gale drew on. Along with their beautiful baby, all parents should be sent home with that. Luckily in this case, a man with the right instincts and the motivation to act saved the day.More from Goalcast:Former Nurse on Her Way Home From Vacation Does THIS to Save a Man Whose Hart Stopped — While on an AirplaneYoung Boy Uses Slingshot To Save His 8-Year-Old Sister From Being Abducted From Backyard

Police Officer Pulls Over Speeding Mom and Her 10-Year-Old Son - Immediately Realizes Something Wasnt Right
Uplifting News

Police Officer Pulls Over Speeding Mom and Her 10-Year-Old Son - Immediately Realizes Something Wasnt Right

No one ever wants to be pulled over by the police. Stopping at the side of the road for speeding, running a red light, or some other infraction can be scary, not to mention costly if the officer decides to give you a ticket.For one mother in Rockwood, Michigan, however, getting pulled over by the police one day was absolutely terrifying for a whole other reason.A Dire SituationWhen Officer Nicholas Mitchell pulled over Rhonda McArthur for running a red light on a Monday morning, McArthur was petrified. Not because she would get a ticket or have to pay a hefty fine, but because her 10-year-old son, Nick, was in the backseat and he was in trouble.That morning, Nick had a serious asthma attack while he was getting ready for school. Unable to help her son, McArthur put him in the car and sped towards the hospital. When Mitchell pulled her over, Nick was almost out of breath.“He's telling me that he can't breathe. I'm like, 'Oh my god,' and so then I start panicking,” she recalled to Click on Detroit.“It felt like someone was holding my throat and choking me,” Nick explained to the publication. “I thought this was going to take forever.”Recognizing a Bad SituationOfficer Mitchell immediately realized something was wrong. “I could hear somebody in the car with very labored breathing; couldn't breathe at all,” he explained. So instead of asking McArthur for her registration and ID, he called for an ambulance. When one wasn’t available, he knew he had to save the child.With help from firefighters, who gave Nick an oxygen mask, Mitchell put the boy in the backseat of his cruiser.“Officer Mitchell just said, 'Let's go, get in the car,' and he drove us all the way to the hospital, lights, and sirens, as fast as he could,” McArthur recalled.They arrived at the hospital just in time, doctors later said, and Nick was saved. Now, Mitchell is being hailed as a hero.“It makes me feel good, and that's why I do this job, to help people,” he said.Putting People FirstMitchell may not see himself as a hero, but he absolutely became the McArthur family’s hero the day he pulled them over. Not because he was doing his job but because he was able to look at the situation and realize it wasn’t black and white.Yes, this mom broke the law by running that red light. But it was also a matter of life and death. By recognizing the situation and reacting quickly, Mitchell proved that sometimes, you have to have flexibility and forgo the rules in order to put people first.While we hope to never be in this kind of situation with a child’s life at stake, there are smaller ways to put that into practice with others. Not docking someone’s pay for being late, for example. Or perhaps it’s not giving them grief when they have to reschedule your appointment.The thing is, we don’t always know what someone else is going through, and they could have really great reasons for not showing up on time or having to reschedule with you. Unless you ask questions and show empathy and compassion, you’ll never know.We all deserve a little leeway in life, so why not start by giving it to others?More from Goalcast:Police Officer Pulls Struggling Father Over – Has The Best Response When He Hears His Touching StoryDistraught 79-Year-Old Is Pulled Over for Speeding – He Did Not Expect the Treatment He Received From the CopPolice Officer Passes by Struggling Homeless Woman on the Street – The Message on Her Shirt Makes Him Pull Over

Bus Driver Spots Two Little Kids Wandering in the Bitter Cold Without Coats - Takes Immediate Action
Uplifting News

Bus Driver Spots Two Little Kids Wandering in the Bitter Cold Without Coats - Takes Immediate Action

It can be easy to fall into a routine and fail to notice things happening around you — especially when you’re at work or in a rush to get somewhere on time. We’re often too busy running our to-do lists through our brains or, if it’s the morning, working on breaking through the fog to notice much else.So it’s understandable that no one really noticed a six-year-old girl and her two-year-old brother roaming the snowy streets one Monday morning. No one, that is, except a heroic bus driver.A Snow-Cold MorningOne Monday morning, just before 8 a.m. in Waukesha, Wisconsin, a bus driver named Nicole Chamberlain was driving her regular route. The temperature was roughly 18 degrees at the time, and people were getting ready for their busy days ahead. But as Chamberlain pulled up to a stop, she noticed the children roaming the streets."Neither one of them had a coat on, and they were headed towards a busy intersection, and I knew there was no school bus stop down there or a school,” Chamberlain told WISN. “I knew right away I had to pull over and help them.”Chamberlain asked the kids what was going on. According to them, they were looking for their grandmother. She had been watching them, and when she disappeared into the basement for a moment, the children ventured outside to look for her.“I picked them up and put them on my bus and called the police,” Chamberlain explained.A Search to Find GrandmaChamberlain waited where she was and wrapped her coat around the little girl. A few minutes later, she was glad she’d waited because their grandmother appeared and explained what had happened. In the end, Chamberlain was glad she was there. What would have happened to the kids had no one stopped?“If that were to happen to my children, I would hope that there would be somebody, a decent human being, that would stop and help my kids,” she explained.In the end, the bus driver knew she was in the right place at the right time. In her head, it was fate, especially since she left five minutes earlier that morning and wouldn’t have seen the kids if she’d departed at her normal time.No charges were laid, and everyone went about their days. Still, the grandmother was thankful for Chamberlain’s quick thinking, and Chamberlain was thankful she had listened to her intuition.Following Your GutSo often in life, we don’t know what to do next. We’re unsure of how to proceed, where to go, or what we want to pursue. And while every situation is certainly different, this story reminds us that it’s always important to follow your gut.That’s exactly what Chamberlain did that day when she saw two kids roaming the streets alone, not dressed for the cold morning. By stopping the bus and ensuring everything was okay, she became a hero: those kids could have gotten lost, they could have wandered into the intersection, or something else bad could have happened had Chamberlain not stepped in.So, if you see something out of place or a situation that doesn’t quite look right, trust your gut. Ask questions, don’t be afraid to step in, and if you really think it’s necessary, call someone for help.Our gut instincts are a result of our collective experiences, and that makes it important to listen to them. Studies have shown that pairing those instinctual feelings with analytic thought leads to better, faster, and more accurate decisions. So trust that gut and do what you think is right — more often than not, it will be the right move.More from Goalcast:Alert Stranger’s Gut Instinct Helped Bring One Abducted 3-Year-Old Back HomeBus Driver Always Gives Extra Attention to 4-Year-Old – Then One Day, She Sees the Little Girl Waving From a Broken WindowBus Driver Yanks Boy’s Backpack as He Is Getting off the Bus – Now She’s Hailed as a Hero

Delivery Man Sees a High-Speed Chase and Runs to Stop It - All Without Dropping His Pizza
Uplifting News

Delivery Man Sees a High-Speed Chase and Runs to Stop It - All Without Dropping His Pizza

Food delivery drivers deserve a lot more credit. Sometimes they drive out an hour while dodging the rain, hail, and other inconvenient forms of weather to deliver hot and fresh meals.But dropping off the food isn't the only heroic thing a courier can do, as evidenced by a Pennsylvania pizza delivery driver who stopped a high-speed chase from persisting.The Day a Delivery Shift Driver Stopped a CriminalPhoto by Norma MortensonTyler Morrell, the delivery driver in question who was delivering with Cocco's Pizza in Aston, used his eagle-eyed vision and sharp senses to help police put a stop to a high-speed chase.In a now-viral video, Morrell can be seen on the front porch of a customer's home, ready to deliver food.But as the customer began to open the door, he noticed a car going really fast. "A car just came up doing like 75; he beached on the side of this person's lawn and almost took out a couple of cars," Morrell told ABC11.It's safe to say this would be the moment he found himself in the middle of a police investigation.The Time the Incident Took PlaceThe Brookhaven police in Philadelphia were in the midst of chasing after a stolen Kia a little before 4 p.m.The stolen car eventually crashed, and the suspect hopped out to vacate the scene as fast as possible.And this is exactly when Morrell put his foot down, quite literally, helping the police during the process.He revealed that he started walking towards the road where he saw the chase unfold but couldn't do much with his hands because he had a pizza in his hands."So I just stuck my leg out," Morrell said.That's right.The brave man managed to stick his leg out and successfully trip the criminal, causing him to fall to the ground. This made it easier for the police to arrest him.Police praised Morrell's swift instincts. They said that because of Morrell's quick thinking they were able to make the arrest."He gave us the help we needed; by tripping him, it gave us the time to catch up with the gentleman," said Michael Vice, the Brookhaven Police Chief, in conversation with ABC11.Morrell further told the outlet that he was tired of the amount of crime happening and the area and was more than willing to assist the cops in any way.The Second Suspect in the High-Speed ChaseElsewhere, the incident caused the police to locate a second suspect in the stolen car debacle. They had been sitting in the stolen vehicle while the action went down.The identities are not mentioned, but police said the suspect in the passenger seat was 19 years old.The criminal Morrell tripped was a juvenile.After the commotion had settled, the pizza was delivered safely to the customer. And now, Morrell is being recognized as the champion he was in the situation, fighting crime AND providing delicious pizza.The two suspects have been confronted with numerous charges, such as resisting arrest and fleeing and eluding, to name a couple.More from Goalcast:25-Year-Old Pizza Delivery Driver Spots a Burning Home – Immediately Runs to Save the 5 Children Stuck InsideDeaf Domino’s Employee Delivers Pizzas on Foot After His Car Breaks Down – In Return, He Gets a “Tip” of $12,000

Police Officer Finds Out 3-Year-Old Is Trapped in Apartment Fire - Doesnt Hesitate to Face Danger Head-on
Uplifting News

Police Officer Finds Out 3-Year-Old Is Trapped in Apartment Fire - Doesnt Hesitate to Face Danger Head-on

*Featured image contains photo by Simon BergerWhen you have no other options, sometimes you have to face your fears head-on. Recently, one young police officer put himself in a dangerous situation to save a 3-year-old boy.How One Police Officer’s Quick-Thinking Saved a ChildPhoto by PixabayTyler Dison, a 24-year-old police officer in Rogersville was wrapping up his shift early Sunday morning. He received word that there was an apartment fire nearby with "possible entrapment of a child”. Tyler rushed to the scene as quickly as he could. When he arrived at the scene he met a woman outside who was screaming, “My baby’s inside!” The young police officer had no time to think, just act. With no protective equipment, he rushed into the building to try and save the toddler."On this far side flames were shooting out of this window," Tyler said. "Heavy smoke was rolling through the rest of the windows and when I got upstairs heavy smoke was showing.” Within minutes, Tyler re-appeared but he wasn’t alone. In his arms was the 3-year-old boy. "If I hadn't done something, that baby would surely have died," Tyler mentioned. "His breathing was very shallow, he was very lethargic. He was groaning, he wasn't really responding.” Tyler knew upon arriving at the scene that he had no time to call for back-up. His instincts kicked in and he ran into the fire to do all he can to help the boy. Had he waited any longer, the outcome would’ve been much different.The boy was rushed to hospital where he was treated for burn related injuries. Tyler also sustained minor injuries. His police uniform was singed by the flames but a situation of this magnitude, Tyler’s last worry was himself. "I'm just blessed that, that baby is doing OK," Tyler said.How a Cop Proved the Importance of Following Instincts Tyler began his professional career as a firefighter. He made the shift to becoming a police officer because he wanted to do more to help the community that raised him. "I grew up in this town, I want to protect it always," he said. Tyler’s biggest inspiration is his older brother, who is also a Rogersville police officer. He always looked up to his brother’s heroics. "He always inspired me to do things and I just wanted to be just like him," Tyler said. Although Tyler had never responded to a call with this level of urgency, his training held up. He spent the last few years preparing for a situation like this to come and he acted with intent.Rogersville Police Chief Brian Hudson said Tyler will be honored for his heroic actions during that dangerous situation. "He did what were out here to do, protect lives, saves lives," said Hudson. When Tyler started his shift, he didn’t know that he would be facing danger head-on at the end of the night. He put his fears aside and prioritized saving a young boy’s life. Because of his heroism, the boy was helped to safety and Tyler brought glory to the police force he loves so much.