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Woman wearing a black dress sitting on a couch and identical twins pose for a picture.
Uplifting News

Teen Finds Someone Who Looks Exactly Like Her Online - Realizes They're Identical Twins

There are eight billion people on the planet. And chances are that somewhere out there, another person is walking around with your face, or at least one that is eerily similar to yours.Doppelgängers do exist. So when teenager, Elene Deisadze, was randomly scrolling through TikTok and came across a profile of someone who looked just like her, she was shocked but initially chalked it up to finding her doppelgänger.But in a crazy twist, it turns out the teen she found wasn't her doppelgänger, she was her identical twin sister. A sister she had no idea even existed.

Homeless Man Readily Gives His Last 27 Cents to a Stranger When He Asks for Help - Little Did He Know What Was Coming Next
Uplifting News

Homeless Man Readily Gives His Last 27 Cents to a Stranger When He Asks for Help - Little Did He Know What Was Coming Next

69-year-old Roy Jurina knows what it's like to struggle. He is just one of the 38,000 veterans experiencing homelessness in the United States.And yet, despite the fact that he can barely rub two pennies together, he was willing to give everything he had to help a fellow human in need. And now? Thanks to one man and the power of social media, his tiny handful of change has just multiplied three thousand-fold.One Homeless Veteran’s Simple Act of Kindness Proves That’s All It Takes to Change a LifeIn a TikTok video that has gone viral, Roy is approached by a stranger asking him for a dollar so he can buy a donut or some bread. Roy knows he doesn't have a dollar to spare but it doesn't stop him from digging into his pocket and handing over the little he does have — 27 cents."Sometimes I wind up giving every dime and then I find more money," Roy tells the stranger.Turns out that stranger is actually social media star, Jimmy Kellogg, known as Jimmy Darts to his 14 million followers. And Roy? He is about to find a whole lot of money. On any given day, Darts, a 26-year-old Minnesota native, films himself asking a stranger for a small favor. Sometimes it's to ask for money to buy a meal or sometimes it borders on the ridiculous, like asking someone to wash his toy car or hold his fake toucan and feed it Froot Loops in Walmart.While most people refuse his request, every once in a while he meets a good samaritan willing to lend a helping hand. When he does, he rewards the unsuspecting person for their good deed with $500 cash. Or more.On this particular day, that good samaritan is Roy.Darts is so moved by Roy's selflessness that he immediately hands over $500 in cash. At first, Roy is skeptical, asking if Darts is going to report him for stealing the money. Eventually, he accepts the money, saying he'll use some of it to stay in a hotel and take a bath — but not before he makes certain that Darts is taken care of as well. "You have a place to stay too?" he asks Darts. (This man is seriously a national treasure.)Stranger Raises $68,000 for Homeless VeteranNot only does Darts give Roy $500, but he decides to go one step further. Unbeknownst to Roy, he starts a GoFundMe campaign called "Help Roy A Homeless Veteran Off The Streets!" He sets the goal to $20,000."Let’s change his life forever and raise enough funds for Roy to get a vehicle and a place to stay! No veteran should have to be homeless on the streets!" Darts writes on the page.The masses agree.Less than 12 hours later, the goal is smashed. And today, the fund is sitting at $68,000 and still climbing.One Good Turn Deserves AnotherIn a follow-up TikTok, Darts meets up with Roy 12 hours after they first met. Before sharing the life-changing news, Roy heartbreakingly tells the TikToker, "If I was to swim out there and drown, nobody would even care. I thought, well, you know, eventually my son would find out. He'd care a bit. But that's about it.""That's the biggest lie on the planet," Darts tells him before revealing that his followers are gifting him over $35,000. Shocked and fighting back tears, Roy can't believe it. "Wow...I'm glad I didn't drown, I would have missed out on a blessing I wouldn't have even realized." Roy JurinaAnd that's the thing about life, isn't it? We never know what it has in store for us. But if we just keep going...if we help each other and don't lose touch with our humanity, despite whatever it is that life throws our way...we have the power to truly make a difference, in others' lives as well as our own — one simple act of kindness at a time.More from Goalcast:8-Year-Old Passes by Homeless Woman Sleeping on the Street Every Day – This Encounter Inspires HerHomeless Couple Couldn’t Afford to Get Married for 24 Years – Then a Stranger Throws Them a Surprise Wedding

Miss New York Has Gone TikTok Viral by Helping People Cope With Loss As "Heaven's Receptionist" and It's Beautiful (and Funny)
Uplifting News

Miss New York Has Gone TikTok Viral by Helping People Cope With Loss As "Heaven's Receptionist" and It's Beautiful (and Funny)

Humor is often a powerful way to navigate difficult truths. One popular beauty pageant winner has taken a unique approach to social media to help people cope with one of the most difficult parts of the human experience -- death. In 2022, Taryn Delanie Smith was crowned Miss New York. But these days she is recognized around her native city for a different reason. Since then, she began posting sketches on TikTok where she plays a receptionist for heaven, whimsical videos such as the one below in which the character asks people what they would like their 'ghost outfit' to be."Heaven's Receptionist": The Genuine Videos That Are Taking Over TikTok The videos were a massive hit, and people immediately wanted more. She used these comments to continue posting the receptionist character, playing off people's thoughts. Soon, however, the comments took a different turn. One user left the note: " I don't know what made me bust out crying but your videos are perfect. I wish I could see you do one greeting my mom." This random comment prompted a new direction for Taryn's character, much to the joy of many of her TikTok fans. In the first of these videos (shared above), Taryn still nails the subtle mannerisms of a classic New York receptionist, only this time welcomes the commenter's mother-- "Gerry"-- to heaven. The genius of these short videos lies in Taryn's ability to mix believable observational comedy with empathy. While in character as a gum-chewing receptionist, she adds lines such as "you are so loved, I am already getting prayer mail for you"-- referring to the fan's deceased mother. She knows precisely who her audience is, and produces her content with subtlety, and high emotional intelligence. Unsurprisingly, her fan base is incredibly moved by these personalized videos, and rapidly growing as a result. She now takes requests for deceased loved ones, tailoring "heaven greetings" for them by adding unique details such as nicknames.For example, in a more recent clip shared below, Taryn received email correspondence from a fan about the deceased loved one in question, admitting that "it took me a while to record this one without getting teary." In the video, Taryn deftly navigates her fan's grief with wit and genuine compassion. Keenly aware of the gravity of her content, she brings viewers into the fantasy of her character, acknowledging the whimsy while weaving moments of genuine, and emotionally intense, consolation. Not everyone could make such impactful content. On an app where new stars seem to be minted every day, Taryn is carving out a space few could. She strikes an impressive balance between playfulness and seriousness, knowing just when to switch gears while remaining thoughtful. For viewers, the clips offer some serious healing. Imagination is a powerful tool, often used for therapeutic work, and in this case as an avenue for closure. The humor Taryn employs is also crucial in creating the space for imagination, creating a comfortable space to deal with such an overwhelming, and abstract, concept as death. Humans have long used tools such as myth, and storytelling to process the unknown, and in this way, Taryn's content is part of a serious lineage. While many might dismiss content on social media as 'empty calories' or a problem for younger generations, her videos make the case for these platforms' capacity to bring us closer together. Look no further than the comment section to see how her videos resonate. “This just made me cry sitting in my car in a drive-thru. That was so sweet of you to make this video,” one person commented.“This is a moment of genuine humanity. The love you’ve shown to someone I assume you have never known and take the time to help a soul heal. Beautiful,” added another.Hopefully, Taryn continues to find innovative ways to offer emotional support, as she clearly has a gift for it!Be sure to check out more of "heaven's receptionist" on her TikTok, right here.

Instacart Delivery Person Drops Groceries at Customer’s House - Follows Her Strange Gut Feeling and Saves a Life
Uplifting News

Instacart Delivery Person Drops Groceries at Customer’s House - Follows Her Strange Gut Feeling and Saves a Life

"Trust your gut." We have all heard this expression at some point in our lives. Though science hasn't been able to explain this supernatural sensation, for one delivery driver, it happened to save a life. The Strange Gut Feeling One Instacart Employee HadJessica Higgs, a mother of two, works part time as an Instacart delivery driver, a service that provides grocery delivery. Typically the relationship between driver and customer ends when the package is dropped at their home, but Higgs' intuition told her to stick around one fateful day. Higgs documents parts of her job on her TikTok account, and her recent story went wildly viral on the app. In an emotional video, she shared the story of one her deliveries that had an unlikely turn of events. Earlier that week, Higgs had made a delivery on behalf of a daughter ordering groceries for her bedridden father. So when an order for the same address came in, Higgs did not think much of it, and expected to leave the groceries on the front porch the same way she had done previously. RELATED: Cristiano Ronaldo Reveals He Begged for Food When He Was 12 – But One McDonald’s Employee Saved Him Each NightHowever, Higgs describes feeling the need to go a step further that day. In the video she shared above, she describes a gut feeling telling her to do more than simply leave the groceries on the porch and leave. She overlaid the video with text reading, "If you see something say something" to remind viewers how important our intuition really is. Luckily, she followed hers, and describes feeling the urge to help the older gentleman move some of the groceries into his home. Although this technically goes against the policy of Instacart, she entered the home, and helped set some of the items down on the counter. What happened next might have saved more than one life. How an Instacart Employee Saved a Man’s LifeHiggs describes feeling unable to leave the man's home, noticing an overwhelming sensation that something was not right. Despite knowing that intervening in this way was unprofessional, Higgs felt she had to reach out to the man's daughter, sharing in her TikTok video that a voice in her head said, "You gotta say something. You gotta say something, Jess." Instead of just marking the order complete, she sent a message to the man's daughter. She told her that it was unprofessional to do something like this, but really felt that the woman's father was sick and in danger. "There's a propane tank in there," she told the woman. "I was in there maybe five feet and I got dizzy. There's got to be a leak. He might not be doing good because of this leak." RELATED: Teen Calls 911 After Burglars Enter Her House – The Woman Who Answered May Have Saved Her LifeThe woman responded gratefully, and said she would send over her son to check on the situation. She increased the tip, but it wasn't until the next morning that Higgs knew just how much of a difference she really made. "Thank you so much, once my son went to check on my dad it turned out it was definitely leaking," the customer wrote. "You definitely saved my dad and my younger son's life!!!"Higgs told the story through tears, overwhelmed by her intervention in a stranger's life. The TikTok video posted above has been viewed over 15 million times, and sparked celebration from many. Even some huge celebrities like Bella Hadid have stepped in to recognize Higgs' efforts. "You are not 'just an insta cart worker'!!!!!! U R helping people every single day in ways u probably don't even know ❤️????Thank U for being U!!!!!!❤️," commented Hadid.How One Woman Proved the Importance of Following InstinctsRoyal Caribbean Cruises shared a TikTok video of its own praising Higgs for her heroic act and offering her and her family a seven-day cruise anywhere in the world. "Cause even heroes need a vacation," the company wrote.Jessica Higgs' story should be a reminder to follow your gut instinct, and to never underestimate the effect one can have on the lives of others. Had Higgs simply followed instructions and delivered groceries without a second thought, things may have likely played out differently that day. Higgs is a hero, and many of her viewers have reminded her of this. Throughout her video, she describes herself as "just a delivery driver," and many of the comments encourage her not to downplay her role, and recognize her for the hero she is.

7-Year-Old’s Dad Passes Away in an Accident - Calls a Family Meeting to Talk to Him in Heaven
Uplifting News

7-Year-Old’s Dad Passes Away in an Accident - Calls a Family Meeting to Talk to Him in Heaven

On January 22, 2022, 7-year-old Nicco and his 20-year-old sister Jayda tragically lost their father in a devastating motorcycle accident. Jeffrey Lipary Jr. was only 42. Their hearts, and lives, were shattered.Dealing with the death of a loved one is overwhelming and difficult for anyone, but it can be especially difficult for kids who are still trying to grasp the concept of death. However, sometimes it's the children who can teach us the most about coping with loss and finding hope in the midst of tragedy.Nicco Calls a Family Meeting to Talk to His Dad in HeavenTwo weeks after his dad's death, Nicco decided to call a family meeting with his sister, step-brother, and friend. He had something really important he wanted to do: talk to his dad in heaven.To prepare for the meeting, Nicco instructed everyone to write down what they loved about his dad. He also had them draw pictures of him looking down on them from heaven.Jayda shared the meeting in a heartwarming video that has gone insanely viral on TikTok with over 16M views.Grab the tissues, you're going to need them.The Touching Video That Went Viral on Social MediaJayda captioned the clip with, "these days have not been easy for me, but my little brother keeps me going." And once you watch the video, you can see exactly what she means.Nicco opened the meeting by telling everyone to "look up" and "talk to dad."He started by getting straight to the point. "Hey Dad, how is heaven? Is it good? Is it bad? Please don't tell me it's bad 'cause I bet it's really good." He added, "I hope you're best friends with God. Please protect us. We love you, Dad. You would give anything to a homeless person. We love you. You would do anything for us."He then turned it over to Jayda. "We love you dad, and like Nicco said you were the best person to everybody."Everyone shared all the things they hoped Jeff was getting to do in heaven — from "riding his motorcycles in the skies," to shooting off fireworks, spending time with all the people he loves, and "drinking as much Modelos as you want."Nicco ended the meeting as only a 7-year-old can. With a parade of stuffed animals.The Conversation With His Dad in Heaven Touched the Hearts of MillionsThe two and a half minute video struck a chord with people all over the world. In addition to over 16M views, it also garnered 3.5M reactions and nearly 35K comments.Not only were people touched by Nicco's sweet conversation with his dad, they were also impressed by his therapist skills."Little does he know that he’s helping his older siblings process their grief in a healthy, constructive way ❤️ what a strong family," one person commented.Another wrote, "Thank you for letting him have control of his grieving process. I think we could all stand to learn a few things from this little guy. Sending love."RELATED: Little Boy Asks Mailman To Deliver A Letter To His Dad In “Heaven” – Then, He Receives A ReplyGrief is a complex and individual process that looks different for everyone, but it's also something that is universal. At some point, we all experience it. It is, after all, the price we pay for love.Nicco's idea to hold a family meeting to talk to his dad in heaven is a beautiful example of how children can help us to find comfort and healing in times of grief. And his courage and maturity in the face of such a devastating loss are a testament to the strength and resilience of children, even in the darkest of times.But more than that, the actions of one little boy are a powerful reminder that love and connection can transcend anything — even death.

Addison Rae's 'Holy Trinity Bikini' Pic Was Controversial - Was She Right to Remove It?

Addison Rae's 'Holy Trinity Bikini' Pic Was Controversial - Was She Right to Remove It?

TikTok queen Addison Rae is no stranger to risqué bikini pics, and yet one of her more recent ones has stirred up a rather notable controversy. The 21-year-old actress and TikTok celeb—who, by the way, is the fourth most-followed individual on the platform—has over 88 million followers, so maybe that has something to do with the diversity of reactions to her fashion forward freedom. RELATED: The Tragic Tale of Nikocado and the Dangerous Effect Tik Tok Fame Has on Mental HealthBrass tacks: Rae shared a photo of herself wearing one of Praying's "Holy Trinity" bikinis—a now famous collaboration with Adidas. The $100 string bikini displayed in Addison Rae’s Instagram post is all white (pure, one might say), and has the words "Father" and "Son" written across each side of the bra, and the words "Holy Spirit" typed neatly across the front of the panties. For the uninitiated, the suit references the Christian Holy Trinity, AKA the father (God), the son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit.Unsurprisingly—or surprisingly, depending who you talk to—this scanty bathing suit has caused quite an uproar.Who Is Addison Rae?Before moving to LA to pursue her social media career, Rae briefly attended Louisiana State University but dropped out when she started gaining popularity on TikTok. It all started in 2019 when she actively began to post her dance videos, which quickly drew attention (she started dancing competitively at the age of six).RELATED: These Celebrities Have a ‘Weird’ Approach to Social Media – And It Might Save Your LifeIn addition to being an impressively high profile social media personality, in August 2020, Forbes named Rae the highest-earning TikTok personality. And in 2021, she made the Forbes "30 Under 30" list for social media influencers.The Addison Rae Bikini ControversyWhile some of her fans loved the now-deleted Instagram photo, many others accused her of "blasphemy." One person shared a screenshot of Addison’s photo on Twitter, writing, “i wonder what christians think about addison rae’s post. the underwear says 'holy spirit'. is this not blasphemy?”“Nah this disrespectful to Jesus. Sad what y’all do for money,” another posted.Still another asked, “Is nobody going to talk about this disrespecting religions?”“The brand @praying___ is blatantly mocking and disrespecting Christianity. This is unacceptable!!” yet another offended fan tweeted.Instagram influencer Brittany Dawn Davis even posted a video on Instagram in response to Rae's photo, saying, "To Addison Rae, if you see this, I'm not here to cancel you. As a Christian, I am here to pray for you, to intercede for you, to believe that the Lord is pursuing your heart just like he pursued mine three years ago.”In spite of the seemingly endless torrent of people decrying the disrespect of religion, with some even hoping to save Rae’s soul, however, a number of Twitter users defended her post, with one fan saying, “…I’m a Christian and not offended by it at all ... others seem to be scared of a woman's body.”RELATED: TikTok Star Has The Best Response To Bullies Who Think Her Relationship With Her Husband “Doesn’t Make Sense”And then there are those who are downright appalled that Rae has gotten so much flak. "Why are we all acting like Addison Rae is the first person to wear that bikini?” Notably, in April, Victoria De Angelis, a member of Italian rock band Måneskin, posted a photo of herself wearing a black version of the bikini along with a crucifix, and Christina Aguilera posted a photo of herself wearing a French version of the suit in July. Neither received the same direct criticism that Rae has.Praying has amassed an uber Gen Z following with a taste for 2000s nostalgia. It’s a popular brand, worn by A-listers like Olivia Rodrigo, Halsey, and Madison Beer, who have all been spotted wearing various pieces.Seemingly No Remorse From the Company PrayingAlthough Rae ultimately chose to delete her post, her photo has since been reposted on Twitter by Addison Rae fan accounts, where the backlash continued to unfurl. As of yet, neither Addison Rae, Praying, nor Adidas have commented, but less than a week after the whole debacle, Rae was donning a ‘GOD'S FAVORITE' bag, another hot ticket item by Praying. And in spite of being flooded with DMs asking them to remove the bathing suit, the bikini is still available for purchase on the brand's site. RELATED: TikTok Star Gives $20K of OnlyFans Money to His Sister for the Sweetest Reason – And in the Weirdest WaySince the outcry, Praying has also shared another image of a model wearing the Holy Trinity Bikini with her head and hands in a pillory, captioning it with The Smiths' lyric: "Now I know how Joan of Arc felt.” Freedom of Expression Versus Cancel Culture Versus God?Let’s stick with the image of Joan of Arc for a moment, shall we? Joan is a patron saint, honored as a defender and savior of France for her role as a military leader who transcended gender roles. In 1431, she was put on trial for heresy and accused of having blasphemed by wearing men's clothes, acting upon demonic visions, and refusing to submit her words and deeds to the church—because she insisted that only God could judge her. She was executed by fire at the tender age of 19. RELATED: The Toxic Relationship That Made Millie Bobby Brown Quit TikTok – And How She Rose Above ItNow, while there’s hardly a comparison to be drawn between Praying’s bikini models living as they do in a context of social media cancel culture, and Joan of Arc, society does still love telling women what they should and shouldn’t use to cover their bodies. That much has stayed the same. And religious authorities, be they Christian or otherwise, have often had more to say about what women should and shouldn’t do with their bodies than anyone else. Whether one is religious or not, a Christian or not, and offended by the Holy Trinity bikini or not, it’s worth giving a thought to why this particular subversion of religious terminology feels problematic to so many, and, indeed, why so many feel it’s within their rights to play judge. Some would say that’s God’s job.“All I’m praying for right now,” posted one fan, “is that this controversy blows over soon so Addison can get back to the important stuff—teaching us how to "Woah" on TikTok.”KEEP READING: What Gabbie Hanna’s TikToks Show Us About Compassion and Accountability

What Gabbie Hanna’s TikToks Show Us About Compassion and Accountability

What Gabbie Hanna’s TikToks Show Us About Compassion and Accountability

Social media influencer Gabbie Hanna has accomplished a lot. A singer, comedian, and author, the 31-year-old earned millions of followers in a few short years. However, Hanna has known her fair share of controversies. In late August 2022, Hanna posted well over one hundred TikTok videos in a single day. In these videos, she is seen dancing, singing, and rambling about religion, aliens, race, and more. Her activity led to a wellness check by the LAPD, an alleged break-in, and growing online discourse on accountability.RELATED: How Elon Musk’s Dark Past with Mental Health and Neglect Created a Controversial IconHanna’s comments about the trans community and Black women are unequivocally harmful. And regardless what caused her erratic behaviour, the star must own up to these offenses. But how can we approach Gabbie Hanna’s actions with kindness and hold her accountable? Is this even possible?Gabbie Hanna’s Tumultuous Rise to Fame(Image by: Vanity Fair)Gabbie Hanna’s journey as an influencer started in the days of Vine, the short form video app which paved the way for TikTok. There, she posted six second skits until the app shut down in 2016. But “The Gabbie Show” went on, shifting to YouTube and eventually, TikTok.Currently, Hanna has over 7 million followers on TikTok. In 2017, she published Adultolescence, an illustrated poetry collection, followed by Dandelion in 2020. To boot, she is also a singer-songwriter whose album Trauma Queen dropped in July 2022. Yet, despite these accomplishments, for many, Gabbie Hanna is a name attached to words like “drama” or “controversy.”RELATED: Why We Need To Talk About Eminem Getting “Canceled” on TikTokIn the Youtube community alone, Hanna has been involved with multiple feuds. Some of these feuds are with Jessi Smiles, Trisha Paytas, and Joey Graceffa, to name a few. More than anything, though, the star has a reputation for being problematic.With this in mind, it’s important to reflect on Hanna’s mental health and its impact on her actions.What to Know About Gabbie Hanna’s Bipolar Disorder(Image by: Gabbie Hanna/YouTube)(Please note bipolar disorder is complex in its nature, much less as a topic. No one experiences mental illness in the exact same way. The author is also not an expert by any means but has lived experience with mental illness.)Over the years, Gabbie Hanna has been fairly open about her struggles with mental illness, namely with anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. The latter is often stigmatized in the media. Those with bipolar disorder are ridiculed, underestimated, and labelled “too crazy.”Generally, fans see Hanna’s monologues as the result of a “manic episode.” The American Psychological Association defines mania as “state of excitement, overactivity, … often accompanied by over optimism, grandiosity, or impaired judgment.” This definition may align with fans’ perception of Hanna’s TikToks. (In some, Hanna claimed to be the second coming of Christ.)RELATED: TikTok’s Most Dangerous Trick May Be Killing Your Happiness – But There Is A CureContrary to pop culture’s portrayal, bipolar disorder is not an emotional seesaw. It does come with both manic and depressive episodes. Everyone experiences these episodes uniquely in terms of length, frequency, or intensity. And difficult as it may be to live with, it is highly reductive to think bipolar disorder is untreatable.Truthfully, only trained mental health professionals working directly with Gabbie Hanna can speak to her state in terms of specifics. Only they can diagnose her and provide clinical support. Still, as an influencer whose behaviour has both concerned and harmed others, it’s inevitable the public will scrutinize Hanna.Mental Illness, Privilege, and AccountabilitySo, let’s talk about Hanna’s bigotry. Bottom line: her statements directly hurt marginalized communities and perpetuate wrong and harmful ideas. At first glance, it might seem there are two main opposing responses: Hanna needs to be held accountable versus Gabbie Hanna needs help and support.But what if we can hold these two truths?As a wealthy white celebrity, Hanna is afforded privilege. Some believe blaming her monologues on mental illness only undermines their negative impact, allowing those who are white and mentally ill to escape accountability. Others are calling for kinder commentary in light of her suffering.These are both crucial ideas which bring up the question of what accountability looks like for someone going through a manic episode in the moment. Rather than move past someone’s harmful behaviour on account of their mental health, we can call them out intentionally.RELATED: The Toxic Relationship That Made Millie Bobby Brown Quit TikTok – And How She Rose Above ItYouTube commentator Vangelina Skov, who is not a Gabbie Hanna fan by any means, recently called for a more compassionate lens. “If we are to assume [she’s] not attention-seeking, and it is a mental health crisis, I think having a million tea videos made about [her] saying that she’s acting horribly and she’s being a horrible person … is gonna make it worse. I think collectively, maybe we should try and right some of the wrongs and just try and be kind,” the Youtuber says.Skov’s response does not minimize the fact Hanna has done wrong, but accentuates the effect of high volume hate. Support does not mean breaking into someone’s house on account of a parasocial relationship. It also doesn’t look like turning a blind eye. Instead, it could mean encouraging Hanna to take a step back as she recovers before having her address her actions.At the end of the day, even after this episode passes, Hanna may not rescind her comments. Her self-reflection and growth is not our responsibility. But we all might benefit from approaching media figures as humans — with intentionality and compassion.KEEP READING: The Tragic Tale of Nikocado and the Dangerous Effect Tik Tok Fame Has on Mental Health

The Toxic Relationship That Made Millie Bobby Brown Quit TikTok - And How She Rose Above It

The Toxic Relationship That Made Millie Bobby Brown Quit TikTok - And How She Rose Above It

Millie Bobby Brown is one of the most famous teenagers around. Not only is she the star of Netflix’s hit show Stranger Things but she has her own skincare and make-up brand called Florence By Mills. She awas nominated for and has won multiple awards including Primetime Emmy Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards, People’s Choice Awards, MTV Movie + TV Awards, and Kid’s Choice Awards. We expect a lot from such an influential young person. But the truth is, no matter how many achievements we have, we still make mistakes – especially at a young age. For Brown, one of her mistakes was getting involved with TikTok personality Hunter Ecimovic, also known as Hunter Echo.RELATED: Stranger Things Is Breaking One Dangerous (And Deadly) Hollywood PatternBeing a self-made millionaire is a huge feat on its own, but the most impressive thing about Brown is how she handles herself both on and off-screen. When she took some time off social media, many wondered if she was alright and questioned what was happening behind the scenes.What Happened Between Millie Bobby Brown and Hunter Ecimovic?In 2020, Brown was in an “unhealthy situation”, as she referred to it, with TikTok personality Hunter Ecimovic. At the time, she was a minor and he wasn’t. In the first photos of them together, Brown was 16 and Ecimovic was 20. RELATED: Stranger Things Addresses Depression and Mental Health in the Most Crucial WayThis toxic situation took a toll on Brown. “I felt very vulnerable,” she said to Allure, “Also, no one on the set knew I was going through this. So it was kind of nice to be able to just deal with that myself and no one else knew. Then it was harder when the whole world knew.” Considering her close-knit friendship with Noah Schnapp (Will Buyers), many were shocked to know that even he wasn’t aware of the situation.In the same interview with Allure, she goes on to graciously call the relationship a “blip.” Although, Ecimovic has come out with harmful and dangerous statements about Brown. Ecimovic went on to host an Instagram live where he was graphic in his depictions of their alleged sexual relationship. Was Millie Bobby Brown Being Groomed?Hunter Echo claims to have been manipulated and “groomed," but Brown's team adamantly deny these claims. Part of the message read that “Mr. Ecimovic’s remarks on social media are not only dishonest but also irresponsible, offensive and hateful.”RELATED: 11 Stranger Things Quotes to Turn Your Life Upside DownThere’s a lot of speculation on the details of the relationship. It’s not hard to believe there was a level of manipulation considering the age gap between the two, but it’s also very possible that Ecimovic’s claims were simply to use Brown’s name in the media to bring attention to himself and his brand. Meanwhile, Brown felt humiliated by the whole ordeal. The humiliation didn’t stop her from making the choice she needed to pick herself up out of a situation she no longer wanted to be in.“It was a year of healing,” She said, “When you get publicly humiliated this way, I felt so out of control and powerless. Walking away and knowing that I’m worth everything and this person didn’t take anything from me, it felt very empowering. It felt like my life had finally turned a page.”How Millie Bobby Brown Reclaimed Her Life After A Toxic RelationshipBrown did not let this situation define her. Since 2020, she’s gone on to film and release Stranger Things 4 and solidify her role in Enola Holmes 2. Her career isn’t the only thing that Brown is focusing on. She’s an online student at Purdue University studying Human Services, learning how to help young people, something that we can see Brown is passionate about.RELATED: Stranger Things’ Millie Bobby Brown Has Powerful Words Against Sexualizing Her – And Hollywood Needs to ListenRather than letting this situation tear down her self-esteem and self-worth and stop her from achieving her dreams, she took it as an opportunity to grow and learn. She took a social media break and recuperated, coming back stronger. She tells her story in a way of triumph rather than defeat. She didn’t let Ecimovic and their toxic relationship limit her in her future endeavors, but rather as a motivator to complete the milestones that she was already aiming for.Brown is a university student, an accomplished and acclaimed actress, and an advocate for young women. In fact, she is also continuing her work as a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF with a focus on menstrual health and education. At only 18 years old, Brown is setting a great example for young women everywhere that there is no limit to what you can achieve.KEEP READING: Stranger Things: There’s a Reason You Love Eddie Munson – And It Isn’t That Guitar Solo

TikTok's Most Dangerous Trick May Be Killing Your Happiness - But There Is A Cure
Pop Culture

TikTok's Most Dangerous Trick May Be Killing Your Happiness - But There Is A Cure

TikTok is one of the more recent social media platforms to have entered the public consciousness. It is also one of the most successful in history, boasting a massive one billion monthly active users as of April 2022. Despite being founded significantly later than its contemporaries, it already has more users than Snapchat, Pinterest, or Twitter. It is also only four million users away from eclipsing Instagram. The platform’s success is likely driven by the amount of content users can consume in such a short time. TikTok videos are designed to be brief, and the algorithm is designed to cater to your viewing history as meticulously as possible, which would theoretically further contribute to the joy of users.RELATED: This TikTok and Twitter Move Can Actually Help Your Mind – But Not Everyone Can Do ItHowever, despite TikTok’s massive success, it has also encountered numerous controversies, even for the standards of a social media platform. More specifically, TikTok has been under increased scrutiny for the way it formats its content, the disturbingly intimate methods of its algorithm, the censorship policies implicit in the app, what actually appears on the platform itself, and the potential mental health issues that might arise in both content creators and users. In all of this, it can be said that TikTok trivializes the pursuit of happiness that people naturally embrace.How TikTok’s Algorithm Aims For Maximum PleasureAccording to the platform, TikTok’s algorithm “recommends content by ranking videos based on a combination of factors – starting from interests you express as a new user and adjusting for things you indicate you’re not interested in, too.” So far, this seems like the average social media platform in terms of how it offers posts to its users. The algorithm also operates under the following factors: user activity, subject matter, location and language, audio, and what the user reports as uninteresting.Theoretically, this contributes to user’s satisfaction with the platform. Thanks to this algorithm, TikTok can pretty much create a selection of videos that are perfectly compatible with the user’s interests, cultural background, and region of origin. It panders to the users’ wants and makes sure to provide a feed that will interest the user as much as possible. TikTok’s algorithm puts happiness and pleasure at the forefront, and it employs this strategy by narrowing down the content to what the user is nearly guaranteed to enjoy.However, the overindulgent consumption of any kind of content, regardless of one’s opinion on the content itself, only seems like a heavenly endeavor in theory. The stimulation provided by the enjoyment of watching a good video is intensely amplified on TikTok. The videos are short, and there is always another one to replace it. The TikTok experience is fast paced, and it is easy to spend hours exploring the platform to provide entertainment for oneself. The Problem With TikTokTikTok has become exceptionally popular over the past couple of years, and it inevitably attracted polarizing people and decisions. Aside from the inevitable problems with cyberbullying that come with the Internet, TikTok has been the source of concern for many people, even for social media standards. It has often been compared to an addiction, and has been accused of contributing to the reduction of its users’ attention span.These criticisms are natural and expected. Over the past few decades, society has been developing a dependence on the Internet, which was only been amplified with the emergence of social media and the increasing ubiquity of the web. Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram all get similar flack. What separates TikTok from its predecessors is the very nature of the content. The other platforms require some form of communication, whereas TikTok is essentially a newer version of YouTube that provides more offerings at a quicker pace.RELATED: TikTok Addiction Is Real – Here Are the SignsUnlike other forms of social media, what little required reading that was already present in those platforms is next to nonexistent in TikTok, specifically because its selling point is videos. However, it treats the distribution of videos as if they were Tweets, “snaps” or Instagram stories. TikTok has assimilated a form of entertainment into the social media pipeline. What was formerly a subset of filmmaking has been reduced to content as disposable, but also as gratifying, as social media posts.The Relevance Of TikTok’s Relationship With The Pursuit Of HappinessObviously, the vast majority of people on TikTok are not the creators that can potentially profit from the way the platform is designed. While the effects of TikTok’s catering strategy affects its entire userbase, the people who are exclusively part of the audience are the ones whose joy is susceptible to becoming single-minded. Successful TikTokers usually have plenty of material comfort to be as genuinely happy as possible. The same cannot be said about the ones that join the fun to admire the spectacle.Admittedly, TikTok has plenty of interesting subjects that are covered by some of its users, hence why the algorithm is so effective. There are countless videos of artists showing how their craft is constructed, compilations of nostalgic pop culture, depictions of nature, and other topics. However, it might be unproductive in the long run to experience this communal feeling by hopping from one thing to the next.RELATED: Why We Need To Talk About Eminem Getting “Canceled” on TikTokTikTok is at this point too popular to actually ban without the guilty party being met with overwhelming backlash. It will remain a dominant social media force for a while, but that does not mean that its users should abandon their interests if that were to end. What matters is the shift in cultural attitudes. People who depend on TikTok for the daily pleasures of life, whether they are oblivious to it or not, should be encouraged to pursue what they see on the platform in other contexts.By turning our culture’s relationship with TikTok into one of more moderate consumption and providing opportunities for people to engage with these interests in real life, several issues people have with TikTok will become increasingly irrelevant. It might be challenging, but in the long run of this hypothetical scenario, TikTok will still keep its users, who will in turn gain more fulfillment from their hobbies.KEEP READING:TikTok Influencer Says Coffee Dates Are Unacceptable, Sparks Debate About Standards