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The Rock Walks His Cousin Into a House With Her Eyes Closed - What Happens Next Brings Her to Tears
dwayne 'the rock' johnson gifts his cousin a new house
Uplifting News

The Rock Walks His Cousin Into a House With Her Eyes Closed - What Happens Next Brings Her to Tears

Dwayne Johnson continues to prove hes one of the most generous guys in Hollywood with his latest surprise.

It’s no secret that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has had a lot of success in life and now he loves being able to give back — especially to his family members. In the past, he’s bought his mother, Ata Johnson, several houses, including one earlier this month that he filled with ancestral Samoan artifacts and lost family photos. But his fans were extra teary-eyed following his latest lavish gift, which he bestowed upon his cousin.

The Generous Surprise Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Gave His Cousin

Obed hernandez mh7swqkwozy unsplash edited scaled
Photo by Obed Hernández on Unsplash

The Rock and his cousin Sarona Snuka have a lot in common. Like her former WWE superstar cousin, Snuka is a WWE fighter named Tamina who has also made a name for herself in the sport. This strong woman and Johnson grew up together and over the years, they developed a solid bond. But even she was taken aback by her cousin’s latest act of generosity.

In a video posted to Instagram on June 16, Johnson shared his cousin’s teary reaction after he surprised her with a brand new house. “Hard to explain these emotions for all of us as I led @saronasnukawwe through her new door,” he wrote. “This one felt good.”

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In the video, Johnson walks his younger cousin through the front door with his hands over her eyes. “We love you so much cuz, we’re so proud of you. Welcome to your new home,” he says. In response, the 44-year-old covers her mouth, and the tears start pouring down her face.

According to Johnson, he wanted to help his younger family member out after seeing the inspiring way she’s pushed through life. “This girl’s gone through some tough times, but regardless of what life’s thrown her way she was always determined to break the cycle and become a strong and inspiring single mom [and] example to her two greatest inspirations — her daughters, Milaneta and Maleata,” he wrote.

Why Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Bought His Cousin a House

It’s hard to watch the video and not get choked up at Snuka’s genuine and surprised reaction. Seeing it, it’s clear how much this gift means to her and what it will mean for her family going forward. According to The Rock, it’s still not enough.

“She deserves a lot more,” he retweeted a WWE analyst who shared the video online. “Been a single mom, raising two kids all while living the hard life as a pro wrestler — on the road, wrestling nightly for YEARS.”

She deserves a lot more... I wanted to bring a little stability in my cousin’s life for her and her kids.

The Rock

Mothers everywhere who are trying to balance their own dreams while raising kids and dealing with life curveballs can probably relate, as can the 1.6 million people who have since liked The Rock’s original post and commented on how inspiring Snuka’s story is.

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“It’s so damn hard to make it as a pro wrestler,” The Rock continued in that caption. “And it’s even way harder to make it if you’re a woman. Sarona (like many amazing women in pro wrestling) made her mind up long ago that she was gonna walk the walk and earn her respect in pro wrestling and make sure that the hard times she’s experienced were always her REASON to WORK HARDER and never let it become the EXCUSE to GIVE UP.”

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Proves the Importance of Appreciating People

white house with a swimming pool
Photo by John Fornander on Unsplash

Some may question why Johnson continues to share these types of posts every time he gives a gift or spreads kindness. Many would argue he does it to inspire others to give back. Not only does it feel good to help someone in need when you yourself have the resources to do so, but it’s also nice to think that if you were ever down someone would be there for you, too.

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Of course, not all of us are as fortunate as The Rock, and sometimes it can be a struggle to balance our own finances. However, you don’t need to buy someone a house in order to show your love and gratitude. Simple flowers, a thoughtful drop-by, baked goods or any other small token can always help to turn someone’s day around when they’re going through a tough time.

Even more importantly, simple acts of kindness can make us feel seen. And as anyone who is ever struggling knows all too well, sometimes feeling like you’re not alone is what can make a giant difference in your small corner of the world.

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“Not only do I think being nice and kind is easy, but being kind, in my opinion is important.” – Dwayne Johnson

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