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5 Genius Business Ideas to Inspire You to Become Your Own Boss
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5 Genius Business Ideas to Inspire You to Become Your Own Boss

Every year, innovative businesses that blow everyone away are born.

Disruptive business concepts generally trigger reactions such as “Why didn’t I think of that?!” “I NEED that!” or “That’s the greatest invention since sliced bread!”


Okay, maybe not the last one, but definitely the first two.

If you have ideas, you have the main asset you need, and there isn't any limit to what you can do with your business and your life.

– Harvey S. Firestone

If you’re looking for your first (or next) entrepreneurial pursuit, the five genius business ideas below are sure to spark your creativity. From recycled fashion to Tinder for pets, these are five of the smartest and most surprising businesses from the past few years.

1. Alchemy GoodsBrooklyn backpack collection 900x

Alchemy Goods is not only built on a great business model, but it's also a positive idea for the environment.

Combining profit and environmentally conscious practices can be difficult, but founder Eli Reich has managed to turn a tough break into an opportunity for entrepreneurial gold.

When Reigh’s messenger bag was stolen, instead of just buying a new bag as most people would do, he decided to make one himself -- from some spare bicycle tubes he had lying around.

With the bag drawing so much positive attention from his colleagues at work, he decided to turn the idea into a business: Alchemy Goods. Reich’s ingenious idea has now blossomed into several product lines including belts, wallets, purses, and, of course, the classic messenger bag.

2. I Do Now I Don’t


I Do Now I Don’t is the kind of thing you hope you don’t ever have to use, but if the occasion comes’ll be so glad you knew about it!

What happens to all those poor, lost engagement rings when an engagement is broken off? Surely, someone will take them in? Now, with I Do Now I Don’t, you’ve got just the place to trash, ahem, sell that useless engagement ring and turn a negative situation into a, well...a negative situation that didn’t cost you quite as much money.

An online marketplace for used engagement rings, I Do Now I Don’t helps customers find rings at very competitive prices. In fact, business has been doing so well that the brand has evolved into an all-encompassing platform for selling and buying second-hand jewelry.

3. BarkBuddy


Following in the footsteps of popular dating apps such as Tinder, BarkBuddy helps prospective pet seekers find the perfect dog for them.

Tell BarkBuddy what kind of dog you're looking to bring into your home, and it will match you up with relevant listings. You'll even be able to swipe yes or no on the various profiles to narrow down your choice.

Found your perfect match? BarkBuddy will help you set up a meet-and-greet to get to know the canine.

4. Thankster


Ever had to hand-write thank you notes after a big event such as a wedding? Ever wish there was a service that would just do it all for you? Well, that’s Thankster.

Thankster allows you to create personalized thank-you cards that appear to be 100% authentic and handwritten. And the best part is that it will pack, stamp, and ship your letters off for you. Done and done.

5. The Game Crafter

If you grew up playing Monopoly, you’re going to love this.

The Game Crafter is the world’s first service that will allow you to design your very own board or card game.

Founded in 2009 by JT Smith, Jamir Vrbsky, and Tavis Parker, The Game Crafter brings the concept of a game-night family tradition to the next level. The service even includes resources to help you make your game more fun.

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