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Jennifer Lopez: People Told Me to Quit
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Jennifer Lopez: People Told Me to Quit

Jennifer Lopez - Make Anything Happen

Jennifer Lopez reminds us that people will attempt to interfere in the pursuit of our dreams and to not listen to the naysayers and follow your heart.


If I tell you all the people who told me I wasn't going to act or sing or dance or I wasn't good at it or I should stop or I should quit or even after I became famous for doing these things, I would be locked in a house somewhere doing nothing. The truth is nobody knows what's inside of you. Only you know what's inside of you. only you know what you can accomplish and what you're capable of and what your gut and your dreams and your desires and your wants and your ability, you only know. Nobody else knows. Whatever you feel in your heart and in your gut, you should follow that. Follow that. Then if that changes one day, that's fine too. Then you follow that. You're the only one who knows. Nobody else.

You only learn really in this world from the mistakes you make, from hard times, from going through difficult periods. That's when you grow. We should look at these moments as opportunities for growth as almost blessings, because if everything went smoothly all the time, we'd be very complacent, and we'd stay in one place. We'd never, ever stretch ourselves or question ourselves or want to be better people in a certain way. These moments, they force us to do these things.

Nobody likes to work out. Nobody likes to eat all the right foods all the time. But those simple things are really the secret to it. It's about things like your portion control or being consistent. Honestly, these are the things that have to do with success as well not just looking physically fit. All of it is a mindset. All of it is about being consistent and doing the right things. Staying healthy and staying fit is no different than that.

You have to follow your dreams and work hard. That's what you have to do. You will create your own beautiful path and existence in life. When they ask me, "What would you want to be up there?" And they gave me a choice of all these words, and I said, "Be extraordinary," because I feel like we're all extraordinary. Nobody's the same. There's no two people that are alike. Honestly, we all have the capacity. We all have it in us the ability to do whatever it is that we want to do. All we have to do is just put our minds to it and just work hard. You can make anything happen.

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