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Lonely Elderly Woman Calls Police to Complain - One Officer Steps in with the Best Response
British Columbia police officer has tea with lonely elderly woman who had called the police department
Uplifting News

Lonely Elderly Woman Calls Police to Complain - One Officer Steps in with the Best Response

When an elderly woman in B.C. called the police, she was frustrated with her children. One officer, however, proved that no job is too small.

*Featured image contains image used in a Delta Police Department Facebook post and Jacky Lam on Unsplash

This police department in British Columbia proved that no job is too small.

Sometimes loneliness can make us do strange things or act out in erratic ways. After all, we all need to feel wanted and loved. Well, that seemed to be the case with one elderly woman in Delta, B.C., when Emergency Health Services were forced to call the police.

Why a Police Department Received an Unusual Call from an Elderly Woman

two police cars parked on the side of the road
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Back in 2019, the Delta Police Department received a call about a woman in her 90s who was agitated and acting uncooperatively. Narcity reports that when police arrived, the unnamed woman was upset because her family was unable to visit her that day. As a result, she was inconsolable and acting out.

RELATED: Neighbor Calls Police After Hearing Elderly Couple’s Cries of Loneliness – Officers Step In With Best Response

When the unnamed responding officer arrived, he realized all this woman needed was a little bit of company. So the officer sat down for some tea and conversation with the woman. Later, the officer reported she had been a delight to deal with and was very pleasant.

Our officers never know what type of call might come in, but this had a lovely ending that we had to share.

Cris Leykauf

“I wanted to flag [the report] because our officers never know what type of call might come in, but this had a lovely ending that we had to share,” Cris Leykauf, the department’s public affairs manager, told the publication.

How One Police Officer Proved No Job Is Too Small

2 white cups of tea, kettle pouring tea into the cups
Photo by Harry Cunningham on Unsplash

The Delta Police Department also shared the story on its official Facebook page, reminding everyone that to them, no call is too small.

“In his file notes, our officer described her as ‘very pleasant to deal with’ and noted she was merely frustrated by the situation. Then he joined her for a lovely cup of tea,” the department explained.

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In an interview with CityNews, Leykauf further drove home that point. “I think our officers are often looking for those little moments where they get to connect with the community, [like] giving kids high-fives on the playground,” she said.

Our officers are often looking for those little moments where they get to connect with the community.

Cris Leykauf

“Honestly, our officers never know what’s going to happen sometimes when they drive up, so in this case, finishing with a cup of tea was a really nice way to end this call.”

Why Spreading Love to Strangers Can Spark Inner Joy

an elderly woman hugging a girl
Photo by Ekaterina Shakharova on Unsplash

This is the kind of story that inspires us to pick up the phone and call our parents, or even volunteer time at a retirement centre, long-term living facility, or hospital. There are lots of lonely people out there in the world, but as we age it’s sometimes easy to feel forgotten or of less use than we used to be. We could probably all use a reminder about that once in a while, especially through stories like these where people just give up an hour of their time to visit and listen.

RELATED: Lonely Elderly Woman Ignored by Teens Asks to Eat McDonald's with a Stranger - His Response Is Priceless

In that vein, maybe it’s time to plan that visit you’ve been putting off, or to set up an inspired tea date of your own. After all, everyone deserves to feel needed and loved, and even a small act of kindness truly does go a long way.

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