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Mark Cuban's Daughter, Alexis Sofia Cuban Is Nothing Like Him - and He Doesn't Want Her to Become Entitled

Mark Cuban's Daughter, Alexis Sofia Cuban Is Nothing Like Him - and He Doesn't Want Her to Become Entitled

Mark Cuban became a billionaire by investing in tech. But despite all of his experience, his three children -- daughters Alexis Sofia Cuban and Alyssa Cuban, and son Jake Cuban -- are the ones keeping him up to date with the pros and cons of the latest apps.RELATED: 15 Motivational Mark Cuban Quotes on Hard Work and SuccessMark Cuban is worth $5.2 billion, according to Forbes, due largely to selling to Yahoo in 1999. Owner of the Dallas Mavericks, Cuban has also become a TV personality and business guru through his role as an investor on the reality show Shark Tank. However, despite all of his know-how in the tech world, Cuban is still learning, thanks to his children.Who Are Mark Cuban's Children?The Shark Tank billionaire may have raised his 3 children in a mansion but that didn't mean Cuban didn't see the value in doing things for yourself!“I like the privacy,” Cuban said. “I’ve been around people who hire somebody to do everything for them, and that’s just, like, no privacy.”Cuban has three kids with his wife Tiffany Stewart – Alexis Sofia Cuban, 20, Alyssa Cuban, 16, and Jake Cuban, 13. The couple wanted to make sure they instilled specific values in their kids, like understanding the importance of money, despite Cuban’s current US$5.2 billion net worth, per Forbes.“I just try to be the same person, I mean, as I was when I was poor, middle and rich,” Cuban, 65, told The Really Good Podcast, “The whole idea of like, get a yacht ... it’s just not what I would do.”Alexis Sofia Cuban Is a Rising TikTok StarMark Cuban and eldest daughter Alexis Sofia Cuban (Image: Instagram)Mark Cuban's oldest daughter is Alexis Cuban, 20, is one of Cuba's billionaire kids with her own success . Born in 2003, like many her age, she loves TikTok. She has more than 380,100 followers who watch videos of her dancing to popular songs. But Alexis' most popular videos include father Mark Cuban, who has a good time participating in the next generation's technology by dancing along to the songs. He and Alexis even recorded themselves in 2019 rocking out to the Boston metal band Unearth. ("Long stop lights gone wrong," the billionaire wrote.)Cuban has also learned how "intellectually stimulating" the video game Minecraft can be from his 12-year-old son Jake, according to CNBC.Mark Cuban Knows the Dangers of Modern Tech(Image: Mark Cuban Companies)But one of the biggest things Mark Cuban has learned from his kids is how dangerous modern technology can be.RELATED: Rose Byrne and Bobby Cannavale Reveal Why They Never Married After Two ChildrenCuban said that, when Alexis was younger, he made her turn off her phone at 10 p.m. during the week, and 11 p.m. on weekends. He also figured out a clever workaround to make sure Alexis and her two younger siblings, Alyssa and Jake, were not wasting away on apps into the night.Cuban Limited His Kids' Screen Time, from Phones to Netflix“I have installed Cisco routers ... I have management software," Cuban told CNBC in 2017. "So, it says what apps they’re using so I can shut off their phone activity. I’m sneaky as can be. And she hates it. That’s the downside of having a geeky dad, you know. I can figure all this stuff out.”He also uses the router to restrict the children's Netflix time.“So, I try to stay one step ahead, and it’s good for me, too, because it keeps me abreast of all the new apps and all the new technology.”Mark Cuban“The more you know about technology, the more experiences you’ve had, and the more exposures you’ve had to the pluses and minuses,” Cuban told Arianna Huffington on The Thrive Global Podcast. “Obviously, once you see the downside, you try to protect your children from it.”Mark Cuban Bribed His Kids to Stop Using TechMark Cuban and son Jake Cuban in the Cayman Islands in 2019 (Image: Instagram)Mark Cuban said in a 2015 interview that his "biggest fear" is that his kids will grow up to be "entitled jerks" because of their father's net worth. He wants them instead to make their own money rather than grow up rich off his fortune. But the billionaire has shared a bit of his money by bribing his three children to stop spending too many hours in front of a screen.“I’m not going to lie, I paid my son $150 to not watch [Minecraft] videos for two months,” Cuban told CNBC. “But he could earn if he watched math videos, or did math problems for me, he could earn time to watch Minecraft videos.”Cuban Thinks Snapchat Is No Substitute for a NewspaperAlexis Sofia Cuban (Image: Instagram)Cuban grew up watching his parents read the newspaper, which inspired him to do the same thing. But Alexis Sofia Cuban doesn't have the same drive to read ink on paper. Instead, she gets her news from discovery on Snapchat, which her father doesn't think is enough.“I’m on Snapchat, I get to see the discover right? It’s not the same,” he said.“It’s [an] OK way to keep up, but trying to get them to engage and learn more outside of school is a challenge," Cuban added. "Now it’s that way for every 13-year-old regardless of what decade you live in or were born in, but trying to push them in that direction — there’s no easy solution."Learning from the Next Generation?Parents get so caught up in teaching their kids that they often forget that sometimes the best teachers are the next generation. Take this as a great reminder to listen to what your kids have to say and to learn from the things they love — but at the same time, it's important to share your wisdom, especially when it comes to the dangers of modern technology.KEEP READING: Mark Cuban's Daily Routine Includes Waking Up at 6:30 to Tackle This Surprising Task

According to Mark Cuban, If You Use a Credit Card, You Don't Want to Be Rich

According to Mark Cuban, If You Use a Credit Card, You Don't Want to Be Rich

We’re all guilty: We want to go out to dinner, buy those boots, or book that trip. We have no cash, so we throw it on a credit card. That’s what it’s there for, right? Well, yes, but you are doing yourself no favors in the long term says self-made billionaire Mark Cuban. "Cut up your credit cards. If you use a credit card, you don't want to be rich," the "Shark Tank" star wrote on his blog in 2008. "The first step to getting rich requires discipline." This is advice even Cuban didn’t always follow. As he told Business Insider in 2014, "credit cards are the worst investment that you can make. That the money I save on interest by not having debt is better than any return I could possibly get by investing that money in the stock market. "I thought I would be a stock market genius. Until I wasn't. I should have paid off my cards every 30 days." RELATED: Mark Cuban Reveals What He Thinks is the Meaning of Life – In 4 Words Credit cards are very dangerous for those of us on a budget because they make it very easy for us to spend money we don't actually have. And as you only have to pay back a small portion of your balance each month that leads to tons of interest costs. Cuban's solution is to ditch the plastic, in a way. "Get the credit card because it's great to help you build your credit score early," the bestselling author and self-made millionaire tells CNBC Make It. But use it responsibly: "You don't have to use a credit card a lot to build your credit score -- you just have to pay your credit card bills on time and pay those cards off in full every month." So it's not so dire. You can use those cards, but make sure you never carry a balance and only buy what you can afford.

Mark Cuban Spends '4 or 5 Hours a Day' Reading These 3 Things

Mark Cuban Spends '4 or 5 Hours a Day' Reading These 3 Things

The beautiful thing about being human and evolving is that we never stop learning, and for billionaire Mark Cuban, that includes an intense amount of daily reading.Cuban wants to start each day learning something new, and for that reason, he spends the half of every day reading.And, in fact, he credits this habit for his success!"I read everything I can. I don't care what the source is," Cuban tells CNBC Make It. In total, he says his reading routine takes up "four to five hours a day."This of course includes various forms of reading, including as the news.Cuban subscribes to a mix of local and national news outlets, both for the digital and print editions."I start my days with the newspapers," he tells CNBC Make It. He subscribes to the Dallas Morning News, The Economist, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and six magazines, Cuban tweeted in August.Of course, a chunk of that reading time involves a necessary evil all of us deal with: Email! In fact, Cuban manages as much of his business as he can over email and tries to avoid meetings, which he finds time-consuming. "No meetings or phone calls unless I'm picking up a check. Everything is email, Cuban told Thrive Global in 2016. "Saves me hours and hours every day. No meetings. No phone calls. All because of email."More reading time is taken up by newsletters and whatever he’s focused on “educating myself about tech-wise," Cuban tells CNBC Make It. Right now, he's studying up on, "all things AI, quantum and nano technology that I can."This learning and reading is important to stay competitive since tech is ever-changing, Cuban says."Particularly in the tech industry, the only constant is change," Cuban explained on "The Jamie Weinstein Show" podcast. "So you've got to stay up, because otherwise, there is some 12- or 18-year-old kid that is coming in with a better idea to kick your a--."This habit isn’t a new one: When Cuban got started selling computer software in Dallas in his 20s, when he would take home programming manuals and read them at night!This message is clear. Even if you are done with school and feel pretty confident in your job skills, never stop reading up on research and learning. That keeps you competitive, confident, and on top of your game!

5 Daily Habits to Steal from Mark Cuban, Including Watching "Law & Order" to Unwind

5 Daily Habits to Steal from Mark Cuban, Including Watching "Law & Order" to Unwind

As a digital nomad and journalist, I travel the world while logging around 70 articles a month. To effectively manage a country-hopping lifestyle while also building my bylines and clients, I turn to the advice of seasoned movers-and-shakers who have developed habits and strategies for success. Each month, I’ll highlight the daily routine of influential professionals, making for the right kind of fodder while you down your coffee. You know him from his snarky attitude and quick wit on ABC’s infamous Shark Tank. But long before he made great television, Mark Cuban was building an empire. Since the age of 12, he was fascinated with business and finances, applying his ambitious and tenacious attitude toward everything he touched. From selling garbage bags to pay for a pricey pair of basketball shoes he wanted as a pre-teen to running newspapers from Cleveland to Pittsburgh for extra funds at 16 years old -- he’s always had an eye for opportunity. Today, in addition to his starring role, he’s also the owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, co-owner of 2929 Entertainment and the chairman of AXS TV. Among countless other investments, this American businessman has carved a successful -- and incredibly lucrative career. Just how much? Forbes estimates his net worth around $3.3 billion, making him among the top 250 wealthiest people in the country. Though you might have some major catching up to do, you can still take a few cues from his playbook on how to start each with with the intention to -- well -- hustle. He starts every single day with confidence There are plenty of reasons you wake up with a crick in your spirit: pets or kiddos who kept you up, a ticker of your to-do list spiraling through your head or an unpredictable thunderstorm. But if part of success is faking it until you make it for most people, Cuban says, tired or not, attitude is everything. Or more to the point: confidence. In an interview with CNBC, Cuban explained his morning ritual is to wake up and know he’s going to ‘kick everyone’s a**.’ It might be a bold statement, but one that’s carried him through his humble beginnings, growing up in a working-class family in Pittsburgh. This sense of self is paramount to succeeding, according to a study conducted at Ohio State University. They connected a person’s self-confidence to the mobility of their career. In other words: if you envision yourself leading a board meeting, running a company or crossing that six-figure mark, you’re more likely to do it. And hey, chances are slim Cuban ever doubted himself. For long, anyway. He prioritizes the value of time Of all the gifts you can give yourself as a professional, being strategic and thoughtful with your time is among the most precious. Or, as Cuba described this asset during an interview with Huffington Post founder, Arianna Huffington, “You can't buy it. You can't find it. You can't store it. You can't trade it.” Though a more modern approach to business, Cuban chooses to conduct much of his interactions with investors, owners and any other client over email. How come? It’s a time-saving measure. He begins his day going through any pending emails, and stays super-connected to ensure all transactions, dealings and conversations are managed. "No meetings or phone calls unless I'm picking up a check. Everything is email.... [this] saves me hours and hours every day. No meetings. No phone calls. All because of email. I set my schedule,” he continued with Huffington. There’s science behind Cuban’s opinion of the cost of time, considering research indicates it’s priceless. In fact, those who prioritize how they use each and every single hour of their day over how much money they make are inherently happier than those who focus on the dolla-dolla bills. He puts his family first Though little is known about this shark’s first mate, Tiffany Stewart, he has shared a bit about his family life. During the same podcast interview with Huffington, Cuban explained how fortunate he was to create a thriving business before he met and fell in love with Stewart. Because his business was in a solid -- and soaring -- place when it came time to say ‘I do’, he felt he didn’t have to struggle with work/life balance as much as other entrepreneurs. “I managed to be successful beyond my wildest dreams, which let me put family first once I got married and had kids. So now I schedule around my kids as much as possible,” he explains. It’s estimated more and more men are taking the family-first approach -- and it’s paying off. According to a small survey, professionals who place their spouses and children ahead of their jobs earned nearly $10K more than those who did not. While the verdict is out on what contributes to this difference, it might be tied to feeling more content and supported, instead of overstretched to the max. He exercises frequently He might run a little hot-headed on Shark Tank (though not as heated as Kevin O’Leary) --but Cuban makes an effort to destress via exercise. According to an interview with The Dallas Morning News, he tries to maintain an hour-long cardio routine six days a week. His go-to’s include working up his heart rate on an elliptical or a stair gauntlets machine, paying basketball or taking kickball or Latin-fusion aerobic classes. It might be tough to sandwich in a sweat sesh when you’re taking calls, meeting deadlines, all while trying to squeeze in time with your partner and family -- but it’s essential for prosperity. As one study from the University of Georgia concluded, healthy fitness levels provide professionals with more confidence, a stronger ability to focus and to follow through on assignments. Another survey quizzed more than 1,000 executives who make more than $100K a year, and 75 percent named fitness as one of the main components of their success. So if you can’t decide to sign on a dotted line, ask for a raise or if you need to quit your gig? Go for a run -- and then think about it. He watches TV to decompress Sure, he might limit his children’s screen time -- but he does manage to give himself an hour break each night. During an interview, he shared his bedtime routine: turning his phone off and watching a few episodes of Law & Order to wind down. To ensure he’s not causing a ruckus in his household, he added he uses headphones and sets a timer so he doesn’t spend too much time burning the midnight oil. Though it could be considered a negative approach to finding zen, relaxing your mind by watching a mindless television show is helpful. Plenty of psychologists recommend against the tube, but others explain, depending on what you’re watching, it can be a way to simmer your thoughts and help you ease into sleep. Or, at least, stop worrying about work -- and immerse yourself into a more mentally stationary activity. In other words: whatever you need to release tension from the day -- whether a meditation app or the banter of Stabler and Benson -- you do you.

The Most Overrated College Degree, According to Mark Cuban

The Most Overrated College Degree, According to Mark Cuban

As the outspoken owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks and star of ABC’s Shark Tank, over the past 10 years, billionaire tech entrepreneur Mark Cuban has become a household name.After starting his life in an average neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and later attending Indiana University for his MBA before growing one of the country’s largest tech empires, Cuban has become another in a long line of great American success stories.But as much as Cuban says he values college and the opportunity to learn, there’s one degree that he isn’t a fan of: an MBA.Most MBA graduates are hungry for intellectual glamour.– Ravi SubramanianThe most overrated college degreeAt a recent youth leadership summit for Turning Point USA, Cuban spoke on success and the journey one walks to get there."I am not a fan of getting MBAs at all. I am a fan of going to college but not a fan of getting an MBA," said Cuban to an audience of youth leaders.Although Cuban says he nearly completed his MBA before his junior year of college, he chose not to remain at Indiana University to complete it.Why exactly isn’t Cuban a fan of MBAs? In an interview with Turning Point USA’s founder Charlie Kirk, he identified two main reasons.1. You can get the same education with way less money“There are so many online MBA equivalents that if you are disciplined enough, you can do it for a lot less money and still get a quality education," says Cuban.He was quick to clarify that he values a college education, he just doesn’t hold much weight to an MBA.In a 2012 Reddit AMA, Cuban said, "I think an MBA is an absolute waste of money. If you have a hole in your knowledge base, there are a ton of online courses you can take."Cuban’s absolutely right. A quick search through online course platform Udemy pulls up countless highly-rated courses from qualified instructors, including the best-selling business course on Udemy by Chris Haroun, An Entire MBA in 1 Course.2. Experience is more valuableHowever, more than just the cost, Cuban believes that experience in the workforce is far more valuable."There are so many online ways to learn and I think you can get far more experience in the workforce and learn more and be in a better position to succeed,” he told Kirk.This is a sentiment echoed by many successful entrepreneurs, not only reflecting their own personal experience as they rose to success but also in how they decide who they hire.In the same interview, Cuban said, “I don't give any advantage to someone in hiring because they have an MBA.”

Mark Cuban and Elon Musk Agree This Is The One Skill AI Will Never Replace

Mark Cuban and Elon Musk Agree This Is The One Skill AI Will Never Replace

Automation is a big part of the work force right now, and it’s just going to become more of an issue – and lead to more job elimination – in the next decade. But are workers in the U.S. ready for this impending shift? Maybe not, says billionaire investor and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban. In an interview with Bloomberg TV, Cuban said he worries that many jobs people consider to be safe simply won’t exist in a few years due to automation, and being able to think creatively will be key to survival. Why AI will never replace creative and free-thinking “I personally think there’s going to be a greater demand in 10 years for liberal arts majors than there were for programming,” Cuban tells Bloomberg. That’s because while automation will be great at data, it can’t do creative or free thinking, and that’s where creativity will come in. SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk agrees that being innovative and creative is essential, in fact Musk asks that his employees use the first principles method to foster problem-solving and innovation. Musk mentioned this strategy in a 2012 interview with the tech-focused video series Foundation, as well as at a 2013 TED conference. "When you want to do something new, you have to apply the physics approach," the billionaire explained. "Physics is really figuring out how to discover new things that are counter intuitive." Creativity and innovation have been at the forefront of inventions, discoveries, and breakthroughs in all industries forever, it makes sense this will be how people, and their careers continue to prosper and times and trends change.

Mark Cuban Reveals What He Thinks is the Meaning of Life - In 4 Words

Mark Cuban Reveals What He Thinks is the Meaning of Life - In 4 Words

Technology entrepreneur Mark Cuban has been very fortunate during his lifetime. In a podcast interview, Cuban admitted, "Being a billionaire requires a lot of luck, a lot of great timing." Cuban reasserted this stance on Twitter when a follower asked him, "What is the meaning of life in 4 words or less?" In response, he typed back: life is half random. While this may not seem like the most insightful of responses at first, let's dig a little deeper into what Cuban really meant by it. Luck, timing, and effort To give you a bit more background, Cuban became a billionaire after selling his company to Yahoo in 1999 for an impressive $5.7 billion at just the right time. It was the peak of the dot-com bubble when investors were excessively pumping money into internet-based startups. But to reach that fateful point, he went through an arduous learning process so he could launch his very first company. Cuban explains in a blog post how he devoured manuals, books, magazines, and any resource on technology he could get his hands on. At the same time, he worked small-time jobs and slept on the couch or the floor of a rundown apartment. The little money he had was spent on learning. Ohe day, he spotted an ad in the newspaper and put on his only suit to interview for the role of a software salesperson. This was the turning point that started Cuban's career in the software industry. "I tell people all the time, the one thing in life you can control is your effort," Cuban says on the podcast. Get it right once After Cuban was fired from his job as a software salesman, he opened his own company called MicroSolutions. In 1990, he sold it for $6 million. Of course, everyone around him said it was merely "luck" and "good timing." Just as they would tell him again years later when he sold No one wanted to talk about all the hard work and dedication it took for Cuban to reach that point in his life. "All that matters in business is that you get it right once." He says, "then everyone can tell you how lucky you are." But to get it right you need to be prepared. Cuban adds, "You have to work hard and try to put yourself in a position where if luck strikes, you can see the opportunity and take advantage of it." What about you? An interesting fact you may not know about Cuban is that, just like you're doing right now, he would read countless stories about successful people. He would also drive by mansions and dream about the day he could live like them. Dreaming was a large part of his day-to-day, and it's likely a key ingredient of yours too. But if dreaming was all Cuban did, he would never be the famed serial entrepreneur he is today. Luck may play a part in everyone's lives, but don't make the mistake of depending on it entirely. Make a list of your goals, break those goals into plans, then turn those plans into action steps. It's time to make your move. Never follow your dreams. Follow your effort. It's not about what you can dream of. That's easy. It's about whether or not it's important enough to you to do the work to be ready to be successful. -- Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban's First Big Purchase Shows the Kind of Mindset that Leads to Happiness

Mark Cuban's First Big Purchase Shows the Kind of Mindset that Leads to Happiness

When Mark Cuban first became a millionaire, his friends all wanted to know what he was going to spend his hard-earned money on. "I told them I wanted a lifetime pass on [American Airlines] so I could go anywhere anytime," Cuban told CNBC Make It. This was in 1990, right after the sale of Cuban's first business, MicroSolutions. It was the business move that turned Cuban into a millionaire, and it came after seven years of hard work and no vacations, according to CNBC. How much did an American Airlines lifetime pass cost back then? $600,000 including a companion ticket -- quite a steep price tag! According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' CPI Inflation Calculator, this would be the equivalent of $1,175,293.56 today. (And just in case you were wondering, American Airlines stopped selling these passes in 1994.) "I guessed/calculated that my predicted cost per mile would be 12 cents," he says. "That was a good deal to me. So I bought it," said Cuban. Invest in experiences, not things So besides the fact that the famous entrepreneur showed his business-savvy approach to life by calculating whether the splurge would be a cost-effective solution in the long run, the purchase was also representative of another kind of mindset: invest in experiences, not things. Cuban used the pass to go on countless trips, taking advantage of his wealth to experience some of the best things that life has to offer: the ability to step out of our comfort zone and witness different cultures, landscapes, cities, as well as connect with people across the world in a way that opens our minds and broadens our horizons. Forget instant gratification Research has shown that spending money on experiences instead of material things results in greater feelings of well-being. It makes sense: We often acquire superfluous things because we think they will make us happier even though we don't actually need them, but the instant gratification is fleeting. On the other hand, we can reap the rewards of life experiences forever. Having the instinct to use that first chance to really splurge on an experience shows that Cuban has a mindset geared towards the things that truly matter in life. So take a cue from him and think twice before you splurge! Oh, and keep in mind that a splurge is, by definition, an act of spending money freely or extravagantly. It's not about spending money you don't have or prioritizing dumb purchases over saving and investing. (Cuban also knows a thing or two about these concepts.)

20 Inspiring Mark Cuban Quotes To Motivate You In Business & In Life

20 Inspiring Mark Cuban Quotes To Motivate You In Business & In Life

Mark Cuban is a self-made billionaire, professional basketball team owner, TV star, author, and even a blogger. He made it big by co-founding back in the 90s and selling it Yahoo for around $6 billion a year after bringing the company public in 1998.His lifelong dream of owning an NBA team, the Dallas Mavericks, came true in the year 2000 when he bought it from the existing owner. His inspiration is crossing so many minds ever since he has become a star on the highly popular show Shark Tank. Here he shows off his wisdom, experience, and inspiration on what he did himself to get to where he is today.His blog even allows you to enter into his thoughts, understand how a billionaire's thinks, and divulge yourself into extremely interesting and thought provoking topics. Everything from technology and IPO’s to cyber security and privacy are all topics Mark himself openly discusses over on his official blog.And with his book How to Win at the Sport of Business out and readily available, he is now also known as an author along all of his other titles. His book is just another great addition to his blog in which he discusses his thoughts on business, but this time exactly how you can truly win in the sport of business.With that, all of these quotes by Mark Cuban below will explain everything about his mindset towards business and life. He proves to be a role model for many, and his quotes will surely inspire you to take action in your life and start working 24/7 on your dreams and aspirations.“It doesn’t matter how many times you have failed. You only have to be right once.”– Mark Cuban“Sweat equity is the most valuable equity there is. Know your business and industry better than anyone else in the world. Love what you do or don’t do it.” – Mark Cuban“What I've learned in these 11 years is you just got to stay focused and believe in yourself and trust your own ability and judgment.” – Mark Cuban“Doesn’t matter if the glass is half-empty or half-full. All that matters is that you are the one pouring the water.” – Mark Cuban“Every no gets me closer to a yes.” – Mark Cuban"Don’t get caught up in how many hours you work. Judge success based on having goals and measuring your results. Hard work, and lots of it, is certainly needed, but focus on what you get done.” – Mark Cuban“Always wake up with a smile knowing that today you are going to have fun accomplishing what others are too afraid to do.” – Mark Cuban“If you’re prepared and you know what it takes, it’s not a risk. You just have to figure out how to get there. There is always a way to get there.” – Mark Cuban“Don’t start a company unless it’s an obsession and something you love. If you have an exit strategy, it’s not an obsession.” – Mark Cuban"One thing we can all control is effort. Put in the time to become an expert in whatever you’re doing. It will give you an advantage because most people don’t do this.” – Mark Cuban“It's not in the dreaming, it's in the doing.” – Mark Cuban"What I’ve learned is that if you really want to be successful at something, you’ll find that you put the time in. You won’t just ask somebody if it’s a good idea, you’ll go figure out if it’s a good idea.” – Mark Cuban“Work like there is someone working 24 hours a day to take it all away from you.” – Mark CubanTreat your customers like they own you. Because they do.” – Mark CubanIn the past, people used to tell me to shut up a bit. But what I believe is to put out your opinion and let everyone else react. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong.” – Mark Cuban“Don’t let fear be a roadblock.” – Mark Cuban“Creating opportunities means looking where others are not.” – Mark Cuban"Most people think it’s all about the idea. It’s not. EVERYONE has ideas. The hard part is doing the homework to know if the idea could work in an industry, then doing the preparation to be able to execute on the idea.” – Mark Cuban"I love to compete. To me, business is the ultimate sport. It's always on. There is always someone trying to beat me.” – Mark Cuban“Everyone is passionate about something. Usually more than one thing. We are born with it.” – Mark Cuban