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7 Everyday Excuses We Make to Avoid the Truth of Addiction
excuses to deny addiction
Physical Health

7 Everyday Excuses We Make to Avoid the Truth of Addiction

Alcoholics and dependent drug users often make excuses for their behavior. In fact, this is one of the signs of addiction. When you have to make excuses for your choices, then your choices are beginning to take over your life.

I’m guilty of this behavior. I would often make excuses and try to pass the blame instead of facing the truth. The following list includes excuses that I would often make. Pay attention to these reasons. If you or a loved one is always using these, then there could be a problem.

7 Everyday Excuses We Make to Avoid the Truth of Addiction

7 Everyday Excuses We Make to Avoid the Truth of Addiction

I used to think a drug addict was someone who lived on the far edges of society. Wild-eyed, shaven-headed and living in a filthy squat. That was until I became one…”

-- Cathryn Kemp

1. She’s driving me to drink

Passing the blame is fairly typical addict behavior. It is much easier to try and turn the blame around than to admit that you have a problem. 

2. I could stop if I wanted to

Saying “I could stop if I want to” is probably the most commonly used excuse. Denial is a sign of addiction. Many people continue to tell themselves this lie for as long as possible.

3. I don’t drink as often as everyone else

Some addicts will compare themselves to other people to show that their addiction is not as severe. Just because other people drink or use drugs more frequently does not mean that you do not have a problem.

4. I need to drink in order to be social

Social drinking and drug use can quickly turn into an addiction. The addict is likely to tell themselves that they are only using drugs or drinking alcohol to be social. Over time, heavy drinking and drug use can lead to everyday use.

5. I’m not hurting anyone else

Another excuse that nearly every addict makes is that they are not hurting anyone else. I’m not hurting anyone, so it’s no one else’s business. Anyone that has loved ones, family, friends and close relations is hurting these people through their addiction. When you have an addiction, you hurt everyone around you.

6. I’m not drinking that much

Some addicts will rationalize their addiction by stating that they are not drinking or using drugs often enough to be addicted. People that have problems with binge drinking will often use this excuse. Because they are not drinking every day of the week, they do not think they have a problem. If you need to use drugs or drink alcohol for several days in a row every week, then you have an addiction.

7. I need it to deal with pain

Stating that you need to use a drug or drink alcohol to deal with mental or physical pain is also a sign of addiction. If you truly need a substance to deal with pain, then you should seek the help of a medical professional. Attempting to medicate yourself almost always leads to addiction.

The first step is to own the truth

It had taken a while before I was able to face the truth. I continued to make excuses for a very long time. By sharing these with you, hopefully, you or a loved one might be able to recognize these signs of addiction. Acknowledging that there is a problem is the first step towards recovery. At Alpine Recovery Lodge in Utah, we recommend looking into all the different treatment options and then determining which one is most suitable for you or your loved one.

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