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Father Gregory Boyle's Boundless Compassion Turns Gangsters Into Heroes
Goalcast Originals

Father Gregory Boyle's Boundless Compassion Turns Gangsters Into Heroes

Father Gregory Boyle doesn't play by the rules. It is said that every society needs a set of laws in order to function. As humans we can be as kind or as bad as we can imagine -- it’s a choice we make depending on circumstances, environment and personal judgement. So we might say that the law is a means of either protectingus or refrain us from harming others. We learn to respect it due to our ownsense of morality or simply because we fear the consequences. Whatever thesituation might be, some people are raised in communities where breaking thelaw seems like the only way to live.But what happens to those willing to change? Father Gregory's work with ex-cons is the answerUsually, once people get out of prison, they face an environment that actively deters them from becoming productive members of society. Friends and even families might reject them, they are unable to find a job because most employers are at least skeptical about hiring them, and they are one of the most stigmatized groups in societyIn a world where an ex-prisoner has always struggled to successfully reintegrate into society, Father Gregory Boyle (known to those he helps as "Pops") has chosen to show kindness and help those who are looking for a new beginning.He takes a new approachFather Gregory is a priest who has devoted 30 years of his life understanding and helping gang members to realize that there is always a better way of living their lives. It's a service that benefits both public safety and those left behind without hopeHere is what we seek: a compassion that can stand in awe at what the poor have to carry rather than stand in judgment at how they carry it.In the late 1980s, Boyle saw with his own eyes the damage that gang violence can produce. He was serving as the pastor of Dolores Mission in Los Angeles during the so-called “decade of death."Instead of becoming terrified or look the other way, he decided that these individuals need a second chance, a different approach to help them live normal lives; they need to not be thrown away by society, otherwise they are set up to fail once they are released.What is Homeboy Industries?Since 1988, Father Boyle began to have a contribution in improving the lives of former gang members in East Los Angeles, and in 1992, he founded Homeboy Industries. It is now the largest gang intervention, rehabilitation, and re-entry program in the world. Homeboy Industries is a place where former gang members and ex-prisoners can find a job and a new purpose in life. Here, they learn how to leave behind past mistakes, learn from them, start fresh and look forward to a crime-free future.Boyle’s approach proved itself to be quite successful -- thousands of men and women that joined Homeboy Industries have overcome addiction and turned their lives around. Due to Boyle's work, only 30% return to prison, compared to 70% nationwide, just three years after they’re released.Restoring faith in humanityHomeboy Industries is Father Greg’s church. People go tochurch in need of help, healing and redemption, and that’s exactly what beneficiariesseek when joining this non-profit organization. The group includes everyone,“and no one is left outside.”Ever since it was founded, the word spread fast and more and more former gang members were looking to clean up their lives, but Boyle couldn’t find enough jobs for everyone. The organization gets only 2% of its funding from the government so things weren’t easy at all.They began by opening their own Homeboy Bakery, then HomeboyTortillas, then Homeboy Diner (where you can get food for less), Homegirl CafĂ©and implemented a solar panels installation training program. All of these meantmore work places for those with criminal records.But the institution is not limited to only offering jobs. Italso provides services that help individuals in their rehabilitation process: anger management, parenting, mental health programs,case management, and even tattoo removal. Why does Boyle do it?Boyle was often accused of protecting criminals, but according to him, the wrong idea has taken root in the world. When others think some lives matter most than others, Father Boyle believes in boundless compassion and second chances. Compassion isn't just about feeling the pain of others; it's about bringing them in toward yourself.Damage prevention instead of damage controlSure, there is no doubt the impact gangs have on society is real and their members don’t really care about consequences, whether it’s death or prison. They’ve been taught no other way. Boyle is convinced that we can reduce the problem by helping those who join gangs, rather than stamping out the damage they produce.The outcomes of Boyle's work are there for everyone to see, and for his efforts he has received numerous honorary degrees, awards and recognitions including the Civic Medal of Honor, the California Peace Prize, Humanitarian of the Year from Bon Appetit Magazine, and in 2011 was inducted into the California Hall of Fame.They have so many stories to tellFirst of all, Father Boyle insists on the fact that no personis less than another, no matter what they might have done at a certain point intheir lives.Since Homeboy Industries welcomes thousands of people every year, Pops is always proud to tell stories about those who managed to transform their lives forever. It's now wonder. His program did more than society was able to, reducing recidivism, substance abuse, and reconnecting individuals with the community.Father Boyle tells stories that can shake our notion of who we are, or who the other guys are. His voice is tender, and his message powerful:If there is a fundamental challenge within these stories, it is simply to change our lurking suspicion that some lives matter less than other lives.From misdemeanors to individuals who committed serious crimes, Boyle says that he has never seen someone who is pure evil. He strongly believes that there is good in the hearts of everyone, and if you show kindness, people will eventually respond the same way.Every story he tells is filled with comedic and emotionalanecdotes about former gang members that have reached his doorstep. Not all ofthem have a happy ending, but they sure are something worth listening to.His ability to captivate attention with both funny and tragic stories experienced by the “homies," was rewarded when his two books Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion and Barking to the Choir: The Power of Radical Kinship became best-sellers.He will always be there for his “homies”Boyle works with those who have been left behind without hope, and sometimes their healing and re-entry can take years. There might be detours in the process, but the priest will not give up on anyone who wants to clean up their lives. He believes in second chances and that people are capable of change once they’re well equipped.You stand with the least likely to succeed until success is succeeded by something more valuable: kinship. You stand with the belligerent, the surly, and the badly behaved until bad behavior is recognized for the language it is: the vocabulary of the deeply wounded and of those whose burdens are more than they can bearEvery life transformation Boyle has witnessed has deeply impacted communities, not only in the city of Los Angeles, but all over the world. Father Boyle’s words and actions teach us that showing compassion, reveals compassion in others, while punishment and stigma might do the opposite.

Alvin Law Was Born Without Arms -- Here's How He Became a Rock Star
Goalcast Originals

Alvin Law Was Born Without Arms -- Here's How He Became a Rock Star

In the 1960s, there were thousands of babies born deformedbecause their moms had used a morning sickness drug, Thalidomide. The moms hadno idea that this drugs had dangerous side effects but by the time theydiscovered it, 13,000 babies had been born with deformities.Alvin Law was one of those babies, born without arms. His birth parents were told to give him up to the system-- they weren't equipped to care for him. It seems like a tragedy, but it was only the beginning of Alvin's amazing story. The three pivotal moments in Alvin's journey:The family that chose himAlvin’s birth family gave him up for adoption thinking they could not care for his "special needs." He was adopted by Hilda Law, a fifty-five year old foster mother, who, along with her husband, Jack, took in neglected and abused children."My mom taught me to sew buttons on rags with my toes, including threading the needles, tying the knots when I was three years old. Who does that?" he said in a later interview. His father taught him to skate, too, and gave him a lesson when he fell. "Instead of dad scooping me in his arms and taking me for an ice cream, it was like, 'Get off your butt. You're making a mess!'"Ultimately, his family helped him learn to use his feet for hands. And those feet have become rather famous over the years! Alvin even went on to star in the music video We are the Superhumans, which featured musicians and athletes from around the world, some of whom are in wheelchairs, some who wear prosthetics and some who don't, all making great music together. Alvin played the drums with his feet."Theyare not embarrassed about their stumps," Law told CBC's The Homestretch later."We're veryproud of what we can do."The guidance counsellor's adviceThanks to his mother's unstoppable determination, Alvin was able to attend public school, where he nurtured his musical ability and joined the band. It wasn't easy, growing up with such an obvious difference from his classmates. "I remember what it felt like to be looked at all the time, to be stared at all the time, to be given these looks of, 'Oh my God, you're disgusting,'" Alvin said in an interview.Though Alvin's guidance counsellor underestimated him and tried to discourage from following his biggest dreams, Alvin's dream was deterred but never killed.His passion led him to become an award-winning musician and graduate from high school with honors. He went on to university, from which he graduated with honors, and then embarked on a career in radio broadcasting.Today, the mostcommon thing he hears when he's out interacting with people is, "Wow,that's cool man," he said.When I was 16, I wasn't feeling real cool. Now I am.His mission became clear Early on, Law worked DJing in FM Radio, but in the mid-80s he took a break to start conducting awareness seminars in hundreds of schools across the province of Alberta, Canada. This is how he started to work in motivational speaking. He also did a bunch of work in civil service and was often seen donating his time at telethons like Telemiracle. Over the years he raised hundreds of millions for charities, mostly those that support disabled kids. In 1988, Alvin created AJL Communications Ltd, and dedicated his life to becoming a full-time professional speaker. He also founded the Thalidomide Victims Association in the late 1980s, but never forgets "‘If you are trying to get sympathy from Canadians for the plight of Thalidomide survivors, why are you using my story? I don’t exactly have a sad story,’" says Law, in an interview. They called us the victims, but that's not how I see it in my own personal life.Alvin's message is one about perseverance and bringing good out of what could have been tragedy, and that the kindness and bravery of one person -- like his mother Hilda -- can give another the strength to break past the limits set by other.

The Days That Made Ian Humphrey Glad to Be Alive
Goalcast Originals

The Days That Made Ian Humphrey Glad to Be Alive

I don’t care if it’s a pinky promise, or you crossed your heart, children only know you made a promise. Words have power.Such was the underlying message in a powerful Goalcast True Stories video with motivational speakers Mohammed Qahtani and Ian Humphrey, which tells the story of a dad who gets a wake-up call after he breaks a promise to his son and dismisses his call to prioritize a business meeting.What is your priority? It’s something many of us experience in our own lives: parents or partners or friends who always are too busy with other things to make time for us, and often think so little of their commitment to us that they make promises they have no intention to keep – oh, we’ll absolutely do dinner next week! Or next month! Except those plans never happen, and there are always excuses, and your feelings never matter.This can have devastating results. We may find ourselves, like a story told in this video, trying so hard to make our friend or partner or dad proud that we gave up. Always take the time to listen, always keep your promises, and always make time for those it matters most to.What we can learn from Ian Humphrey Ian Humphrey is a motivational speaker who has tried throughout his life to empower others to see life's struggles as opportunities rather than roadblocks. He has shared some powerful life lessons, often showing how people in his life -- like his grandmother and a teacher -- empowered him to live a different life than his parents. Ian has had an amazing life, but it has been a difficult one, that included stints through illness, injury, foster homes, and even prison. And throughout the course of his life, he’s learned some incredibly valuable lessons.Start your day with gratitudeHumphrey shared that growing up, his grandmother would wake up precisely at 4:15, and would wake him up shortly after. This was to not delay, not procrastinate, but start the day and get what needed to get done done. “My grandmother would say, 'Now, son, you knew when you laid down there last night that you had to get up this morning. I don’t know why every single morning you lay there and act surprised. You oughts to be thankful that the Lord saw fit to wake you up.'"Despite the tragic loss of his mother and father and the abuse he suffered in the foster system, Ian's grandmother had a powerful lesson to teach him.What my grandmother was encouraging me to do was simply to be grateful for the opportunity in spite of all that I had been through in my life. She just wanted to make sure that I understood the opportunity that I’d been are waking up and have an opportunity to start a new day. Never waste it.It’s always good to be aliveAs Ian said in his powerful speech: “I know that when you’ve had a rough life, when you feel unwanted, I know that when you have hopes and dreams and when you have things that you can look forward to and when you have people in place that support you and push you, I know that that gives you a reason to live.As someone who survived physical and sexual abuse and abandonment, Ian learned to be grateful for every day this universe continues to give him.Always show people respect, and they will showit backIan shared the story of an eductor he met in prison: "His name was Charles Lyles. He was six foot three, ex-Marine.""He’d smile and he’d say, “Hey, Mr. Humphrey, how are you doing?” He always called me Mr. Humphrey, he gave me that respect." Ian recalled how Charles went out of his way to make him feel like a person even in the system. “Prison doesn’t have to be your life. You can get out of here and you can do great things.” The faith and encouragement Ian received from his teacher made him feel capable of learning and prepared him for believing in himself.Sometimes those who have the roughest lives are left with the most important of lessons and experiences. It's always so important to learn from our trials and tribulations, and teach others what those harrowing times have taught us.We can all do better.

Everyday Heroes

Deaf Comedian Kathy Buckley Uses Her Pain to Spread Love and Laughter

We all have excuses we can use for why we feel sorry for ourselves or hide from the world -- pain in our lives that we feel is holding us back. Kathy Buckley certainly had more than most.The comedian, who has been deaf since she was a baby, has shared that actually it was growing up being hearing impaired (and her recovery from a near-fatal accident), along with fighting (and beating) cancer that helped her find the humor in life. She turned the darkness into laughter.Buckley has been through a lot in her life and from a young age, she was misdiagnosed as “slow” and placed in a special education classroom. In fact it wasn’t until she was 8 years old that the school figured out she was hearing impaired and finally connected her with someone who could teach her how to communicate! That’s how Buckley eventually transitioned into public school, where she still struggled and went through some very dark times. Her classmates weren't especially kind and she struggled academically, experiencing depression. It was during the darkest time of all -- when she was hit by a truck at age 20 and pronounced dead at the scene –- that she decided to live fully, and do her very best to enjoy it while she was living.Comedy helped Buckley get through a battle with cervical cancer -- and emerge victorious. During this recovery phase, Buckley learned the strength of the healing power of laughter-- and discovered she was good at making people laugh. She had found her path and her purpose as a comedian. She got on stage to stand-up at a charity event and her life changed.I look at the audience and think, 'I know what it's like to not have a job, to be on welfare, to have no self-esteem because society has placed labels on me.'Today, Buckley is a five-time American Comedy Awards Best Stand-Up Female Comedienne nominee as well as an author, actress, and public speaker.She uses her comedy as a platform to amplify the struggles of others, often bearing lessons about love, honor, respect, and withholding judgment. Her message comes through clear as day:"There's is only one power no one can take from you. That is the power to forgive -- and you use that power to love, respect, and honor yourself. You are the gift that has been in this universe."

How the Incredible Story of One Ex-Gang Member Has Inspired Thousands
Goalcast Originals

How the Incredible Story of One Ex-Gang Member Has Inspired Thousands

As the founder of Homeboy Industries, Father Gregory Boyle has helped thousands of ex-gang members and those formerly incarcerated turn their lives around by offering training, support, and hope.But, as Boyle puts it, he’s learned as much from them as they have from him.“It's been the privilege of my life for 30 years to have been taught everything of value by gang members,” says Boyle.Having served ex-gang members for more than three decades, Boyle has some remarkable stories of hope, transformation, and compassion. However, few are as touching as the story of Mario. The homie with a heart of gold“Gonzaga University called me and said they were gonna have a big talk on a Tuesday night with a thousand people,” said Boyle on receiving a call from his alma mater. “I said sure and they said, “Can you bring two homies with you?’”Boyle, who is asked to speak frequently, often brings members of his center with him to speeches, which he lovingly refers to as “homies”. “I always pick homies who have never flown before just for the thrill of seeing gang members panicked in the sky,” jokes Boyle.Among the pair Boyle chose to bring Mario, a longtime member of his organization, to speak with him. But Boyle had never flown with anyone as scared of flying as Mario was. Before even stepping on the plane, Mario was hyperventilating outside the tunnel entrance.An imposing sight, Mario is covered in tattoos from head to toe. “Mario, in our 30-year history at Homeboy, is the most tattooed individual who's ever worked there. His arms are all sleeved out, neck blackened with the name of his gang, heads shaved covered in tattoos, forehead, cheeks, chin, eyelids that say the end so that when he's lying in his coffin there's no doubt.”As they walked to their seat, the sight of Mario caused the other passengers they passed to clutch themselves and their loved ones in fear. “And I'm thinking, wow isn't that interesting, because if you were to go to homeboy on Monday and ask anybody there who's the kindest, most gentle soul who works there, they won't say me, they'll say, Mario,” says Boyle.“[Mario] sells baked goods at the counter at our cafe. He's proof that only the soul that ventilates the world with tenderness has any chance of changing the world.”Standing togetherThe day of the big talk arrived and so the time for Mario and his comrade both to give their speeches in front of the large audience.After Boyle invited both men up to tell their stories, it was time for a Q&A where the audience would be able to ask the men questions.“I said ‘Yes, ma'am?’ and a woman stands and she says yeah, ‘I got a question, it's for Mario.’” Boyle recalls. “First question out the gate Mario steps up to the microphone. He's a tall drink of water, skinny and clutching the microphone. He's terrified.”‘Well, you say you're a father and you have a son and a daughter who are about to enter their teenage years. What advice do you give them? What wisdom do you impart to them?’Mario clutches his microphone, trembling violently, unsure of what to say.Finally, he manages to blurt out, ‘I just
” then stops and retreats.‘I just don't want my kids to turn out to be like me.’“And there's silence until the woman who asked the question stands and now it's her turn to cry and she says, ‘Why wouldn't you want your kids to turn out to be like you? You are loving, you are kind, you are gentle, you are wise. I hope your kids turn out to be like you.’”With that, one-thousand total strangers jumped to their feet and began clapping for Mario without reprieve.You go from here to stand with the demonized so that the demonizing will stop.And you stand with the disposable so that the day will come when we stop throwing people away.And you stand with those whose dignity has been denied.And you stand with those whose burdens are more than they can bear.And you stand with the poor and the powerless and the voiceless to make those voices heard.

Who is Demarjay Smith? Here's Everything You Need to Know About the Youngest Motivational Speaker in the World
Goalcast Originals

Who is Demarjay Smith? Here's Everything You Need to Know About the Youngest Motivational Speaker in the World

“Strength -- No weakness,” he says in a distinct Jamaican accent, shirtless and standing in a basketball court, with a ball stowed under his arm.Demarjay Smith caught the world’s attention in 2015, after his father posted a video of him that went viral.Also known as “the young Jamaican trainer,” Smith is now a social media sensation, a fitness expert, a personal trainer and a motivational speaker. And, he’s only 11 years old.The impressive mindset that made him famous In the infamous video that put him in the spotlight, the young boy delivers a powerful motivational speech, reminding viewers of the value of hard work:“‘Either you work hard for it, or you don’t work hard for it,” he says."Me and my brother work hard for our stuff. It don’t come easy, in life you have to work. You have to be the shark of the ocean, or the fish of the ocean.”Demarjay's enthusiasm seeps through the camera and his inspirational message proves that he’s wise beyond his years.“All right, now we have to be the shark – take over everything, strength, no weakness, power, muscle,” he continues.“You have to have that mindset so you got to come in here and dominate. When you say, ‘oh, there’s something wrong’, no, no, no! Don’t put yourself down, motivate yourself, keep yourself up, pumped and ready for any challenge.”After witnessing his cousin being bullied, Smith became motivated to conquer his own fear of being picked on, and turned to exercise to build physical strength.What is Dermajay up to now?Since then, he’s become a YouTube celebrity, been featured on The Ellen Degeneres Show, where he’s become a regular correspondent, and has even challenged Olympic Gold Medalist Usain Bolt to a race (which he won).Smith left quite the impression on Degeneres, which led the the talk-show host to send him to an NBA All-star game, where he interviewed some of the biggest names in the sport and mingled with celebrities.With thousands of followers across social media channels, Demarjay is force to be reckoned with and something says we’ll be hearing about him in the future.Smith offers private, in-person training sessions as well as online training as a way to share his passion for fitness and motivate children his age to incorporate exercise into their lives.His long term goals are to become a track star and a personal trainer.

Your Stories

Meet 11 People Who Pressed RESET after Watching Lisa Nichols' Powerful Story

Lisa Nichols is a world-renowned motivational speaker and bestselling author of Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today.As a life coach, she has been featured on popular TV shows such as Oprah and The Steve Harvey Show. She also shares writing credits for the widely popular self-help book, The Secret.Today, she is the CEO of a multi-million dollar training and development company, Motivating the Masses; the only publicly-traded motivational company in the US.As a young girl raised in South Central, LA, Lisa was always wary of surrounding gangs and had great difficulty adjusting to a school that was predominantly white. Later in life, as a single mother living on public assistance, she found herself struggling to make ends meet. At the time, she was scraping by with only $12 to her name.Lisa has publically said that it took her a long time to stop wallowing in self-pity and start investing in herself. Whether this meant saving a fraction of her income each month or placing affirmations around her house, she was determined to escape her troubled circumstances.Over the years, Lisa has overcome unfathomable odds as a victim of sexual abuse, and actively rejected her ‘victim’ narrative from defining who she is and what she is capable of.In a powerful Goalcast Original Interview, Lisa shares her struggles with abuse and depression, imparting the best actionable advice on how to make it through even the most troubling times. “I didn’t see that level of sad coming. I think once sad comes you don’t know it’s coming. One little circumstance, another circumstance, another missed moment where you don’t speak your mind, another moment when you don’t say what’s on your heart, another moment when you say “Yes,” and you really wanted to say “No.” Another moment when you just put everyone else in front of you. And here I was in the doctor’s office, clinically depressed.”Throughout her career, Lisa has been honored with countless awards including the Emotional Literacy Award, the Ambassador of Good Will Award, and the Humanitarian Award from South Africa, to name a few. “Here’s what I’ve realized, words are power. Words speak life, word your life as a physical manifestation of the conversation going on in your head and that’s a physical manifestation of the words that are falling across your lips. If you want to create a better life, design a better conversation...If you can feel right now, something stirring in your soul, just that little something, you can’t even describe it, then you’re still in the game. It ain’t over yet, it’s never too late. At 20, at 40, at 55, at 75, at 88, it ain’t ever too late to press reset.”Feeling inspired, and ready to press RESET? You can download Lisa's Checklist: 24 Proven Strategies to Create the Life You Want for FREE.Lisa's story is a remarkable one; one that continues to inspire and empower millions around the world. To date, she has impacted over 2,116,500 teens and supported over 2,500 school dropouts through her foundation, Motivating the Teen Spirit.And now...11 reactions that got people hitting RESET and reinvesting in themselves:Comment in full: "Lisa you just saved my life. You just changed my life. Today I committed to find a way out of my 30 years of marriage. A verbally & financially abusive marriage . Thankyou for this video. You just opened the door for me. Sending you love from Southern California 🙏"Comment in full: "Whew girl I'm glad I stumbled upon you today... cause I'm sitting here in my 30's, loving my family but feeling more alone than any stage in my life thus far. I never thought 30's would be harder than my teens, but friendships & relationship building is harder! I've got more acquaintances than I know what to do with but could I call on them when in need? Doubtful. It's time to hit reset & get back to basics"Comment in full: "I needed to hear this today. I’ve hit rock bottom with a narsacissitic husband who is verbally and emotionally abusive. How did I get here? More importantly how am I going to get out of here? I’m a two time combat war veteran with an autoimmune disease. I’m struggling alone with two kids. I’m going to do the 30 days"Comment in full: "Lisa Nichols....thank you for this. I'm an educated woman who just got out of a severely physically and emotionally abusive relationship one year ago. Your words, about never thinking you would fit that profile or that abuse would happen to you really resonated with me. This is so inspiring and meaningful. Thank you again."Comment in full: "This is BY FAR THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD !! I have been reading- searching - listening to people/ things for a long time because I have been so miserable for so very long - but THIS STRUCK MY SOUL ALL OF THE WAY THROUGH ! I will listen to this over and over and over!"Comment in full: "in tears because I can relate, I am in tears because you found your way back, In tears because there is a light at the end of the tunnel and i found it too... I am in tears because this post gives hope to others who are in that situation. thank you Lisa Nichols"Comment in full: "Wow Lisa Nichols I just listened to you and I have been trying to leave an abusive marriage for almost 26 years. Currently I have been taking baby steps to get there, but you have given me confirmation that yes I can beat this. I don’t have to become and author, or make millions but just given “PEACE” and I love you dearly for giving me the strength to carry on with my mission#godbless"Comment in full: "Lisa Nichols you will never know how much you just changed my life and it's course it could have taken tonight! I'm going to try for 30 days to do what you did! Thank you for inspiring me... I will hold off on my prescriptions that were just given to me...I believe now I'm strong enough to find me again and make the choices I need to and accept my badges as things that make me, me but don't define me, they are just part of my story and made me stronger!!! Thanks for empowering women! Can't love this enough!! ❀"Comment in full: "This woman actively committed herself to change, She took actions, she adopted rituals to enhance a new self that she wanted to project and create. Change is so difficult and painful but the pain of staying where you are, is far greater. Bless her"Comment in full: "I am in tears right now. Was in an abusive marriage, two in fact, that left me questioning everything about me. I was feeling unattrative and lost inside. The Law of Attraction brought me here to give me a message that I needed. Lisa just reset my life in a profound way. Thank you for sharing and thank you for commiting to uplifting spirits."Comment in full: "After an emotionally abusive relationship that I left over a year and a half ago, I needed this so much. As I still struggle to feel good enough for anyone. Thank you for the reminder that it doesn't matter, as long as I am good enough for ME and love myself. Thank you for showing how easy it can be as well to fall for one small thing after another until you open your eyes and wonder how you go there."

10 TED Talks That Will Transform How You Think and Inspire Your Life

10 TED Talks That Will Transform How You Think and Inspire Your Life

TED talks include some of the most powerful and revolutionary ideas of the 21st century.It’s the kind of information that can absolutely shatter preconceived notions and transform how you think. And I mean that literally, this isn’t hype-time.It was nearly a decade ago today when I watched my first TED talk. It’s hard to remember who the speaker was, though, because I then proceeded to binge-watch TED talks for the next two days, consuming some twenty to thirty talks on various subjects (with necessary breaks in between on some of them that required me to put my brain back together afterward).I still live by many of the ideas I’ve initially learned from the TED talks I’ve listened to over the years today. I hope these ten TED talks, some of my personal favorites and those I consider the most inspirational and transformative, can serve you in your life as well as they’ve served me.10 TED Talks That Will Transform How You Think and Inspire Your Life1. Guy Winch: Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First AidThe idea of taking care of our mind like we do our body sounds simple enough, and yet few of us do it. In fact, few of us ever even consider it or realize the importance of doing so. This talk from Guy Winch will open your mind to the importance of taking care of your mind like you do your body. (And if you like what you hear, you can read an exclusive excerpt of Guy Winch's book right here on Goalcast.)2. Matthieu Ricard: How to Let Altruism Be Your GuideOne of my favorite TED talks of all time, in this talk you’ll learn one of the most powerful lessons of all: good exists within us (all of us). In this talk, Matthieu compels us to use this inner good within each of us to create the change we want to see in the world.3. Andrew Solomon: How the Worst Moments in Our Lives Make Us Who We AreForewarning: Andrew Solomon gives some of the most intense speeches (of any kind, anywhere) you’ll ever listen to. However, each holds within it an immense value. In this talk, you’ll learn why you shouldn’t hide from your challenges, why they aren’t things to hide or regret, but instead are things which define our identity and give us strength.4. BrenĂ© Brown: The Power of VulnerabilityBrenĂ© Brown has become wildly popular solely as a result of her first TED talk. We’re talking New York Times bestsellers, Oprah, the whole deal. This alone should give an idea of the value that this talk holds within it. In this talk, you’ll learn about what really holds us back and how we can find peace.5. Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better WorkThis is one of the talks that got me interested in positive psychology and what makes us happy. There’s been a lot of great research published over the past several decades that has transformed how we understand the way the mind works and this talk from Shawn Achor really helps simplify some of that research and gives you some really actionable advice as to how you can apply it.6. Krista Tippett: Reconnecting with CompassionThis is a great talk from Krista Tippett on the power and importance of compassion. Compassion is a quality valued highly in some spiritual traditions, but which, despite recent research, doesn’t get enough attention. In this talk, you’ll learn why compassion is important and the reason it’s the real answer to peace between people as opposed to simple tolerance.7. Ken Robinson: Schools Kill CreativityKen Robinson is one of a few select speakers who literally became famous solely from his TED talk. And he deserves it– because he’s awesome. This is the first of what would become several TED talks from Ken due to his popularity, this one on creativity and the education system. This one may hit you pretty hard. You’ve been warned.8. Tony Robbins: Why We Do What We DoTony Robbins is known for a whole lot, but I’m surprised when I hear that a lot of people aren’t aware he gave a TED talk. Why does this matter? When asked to give one, he spoke on what he felt was the one most important fundamental topic and distilled down what he knew into just twenty minutes (which is really short, considering how long he speaks at his live events). It’s a rare condensed view into the knowledge and wisdom of Tony Robbins I don’t think you can find anywhere else.9. Elizabeth Gilbert: Your Elusive Creative GeniusAnother one of my favorite TED talks of all time, in this talk, you’ll learn that creativity doesn’t necessarily come from the individual but from a place much more universal which we can all tap into (and how this can help us do better creative work).10. Kelly McGonigal: How to Make Stress Your FriendThis is one of those talks that turns what you think you know about a subject on its head and makes you rethink everything. This talk from Kelly McGonigal will make you look at stress in a whole different (and healthier, more productive) light.

"Busy" Is Not a Badge of Honor, It's What's Killing Your Dreams

"Busy" Is Not a Badge of Honor, It's What's Killing Your Dreams

Want to know the #1 thing people that have no idea what they are doing say when people ask them how they are doing?“Oh, you know, I’m just so busy right now.”Besides making money, newbies to the game of entrepreneurship usually have one goal: Don’t get exposed. Do all that you can to make sure no one finds out you have no idea what you’re doing. That is why newbies spend a ton of time watching videos, reading, and trying to absorb as much about the game as they can. It’s why they spend a ton of time talking about what they’ll do and not actually doing. It's the "fake it till you make it" mentality, and while it’s not the work that’s going to build their business, it can give you the confidence you need to then step it up.But if you actually want to make it, at some point, you’ll need to update the scripts you’re reading off of. Some will go bold with their strategy to not get exposed. But some people keep it simple. They assume little things about succeeding entrepreneurs -- like that being successful means you are always busy.So when anyone asks them how they are doing, their default answer becomes, “I’m busy”.Being "Busy" Is Not a Badge of Honor, It's What's Killing Your DreamsWe are so busy that the truth about our lives can't catch up.- BrenĂ© BrownStop wearing being ‘busy’ like a badge of honorWorking a 10-hour day is not the same as being “busy.” If you’re truly putting in 10-hour days, it should be because the work you’re currently doing requires you to be there for exactly ten hours."Busy" does not guarantee that you are making strides and growing your business."Busy" means you are probably doing a lot of work you shouldn’t be doing in the first place."Busy" means you secretly want recognition for your efforts, or for someone to commend you for your “hustle.”“Busy” means there is a good chance you’ve let things get out of control.The reality is this: succeeding entrepreneurs are rarely "busy." Sure, there are seasons of their business where "busy" describes their current circumstances. But there’s a 0% chance they are sitting next to you telling you about it during those periods of time. Chances are they are some place off the grid getting things done.Here are 4 examples of what being “busy” probably looks like in a day-to-day setting. 1. You're spending too much time talking about what you're doingI’d bet the house that if you’re the person telling people that you’re "busy," you’re also the one telling anyone that will listen about your business.Talking wastes time you could spend working on a cornerstone of your business. Don’t be that guy seeking out opportunities to tell anyone within a mile radius how they’re creating “basically” the Uber of protein shakes for every gym in America. Let people come to you. When people ask what you do, have an appropriate answer.If you spent four hours updating your LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram bios and cover photos last week, you aren’t "busy" -- you’re irresponsible. Stop talking and start doing. Let your efforts speak for themselves.2. You're probably never engaged fully in one thingYour phone is an arm’s length away at all times. When it goes off, you check it without thinking. You interrupt important business development sessions by checking Facebook and your daily blog stats on WordPress every 20 minutes. What’s the harm? It only takes one minute to check, so it can’t be that big of a deal. Right?Wrong.Succeeding entrepreneurs protect their most important work blocks with their life. They know that getting into a rhythm and crushing important tasks can be taken away by any number of stimuli at any given moment if they let it.Your daily input to grow your business is one of the only things you have 100% control over. Pay homage to your most important work and don’t let distractions creep in.3. You're forgetting to take your time developing old and new relationshipsYou’re so focused on packing your schedule with menial tasks. You’re only thinking about your own image when you martyr yourself to 'busyness.’When you do this, chances are high that you’re neglecting the golden rule of entrepreneurship: It’s all about who you know.Quality time with the right people nearly always gets placed on the back-burner when you’re "busy." Why? Because interactions with other humans won’t always perfectly fit into your planner. It doesn’t immediately reflect you and your own desires. How in the world can you account for such an uncalculated, selfless block of time when you have 12 other things on your to-do list?The ugly truth: eliminate the 9-10 things from that list that don’t matter. Remember that business doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Then go out and meet the right people, engage with old contacts, and become a person they can count on. 4. You don’t want to hear this, but eventually, you're going to hit a breaking pointThink back to the first time you fell in love. You spent every moment you could with that person. When you weren’t together, you thought only of him or her. There’s probably only been a handful of times in your life where you’ve felt so strongly about one thing.What did people tell you when you told them you were in love?“Oh, it’s just puppy love. The effects will wear off.”You probably didn’t listen when you heard it, but eventually their insights proved true. You hit a point where things changed. The once overbearing, almost gluttonous feelings you experienced turned into something a little less charged over time.That’s what happens in a long-lasting relationship. How you express love on day one is not how you’ll express love in year five.Your business is a long-lasting relationship. Treat it like one. Love it, but know when to shut off for the day. Yes, there is work to be done. You might get it done faster if you sleep three hours a night for the next eight months. But if it costs you your health, it won’t be worth it.A time will come with your business where it’s no longer your first love -- it simply becomes a part of who you are and what you do.Be better than "busy"'Busyness' is killing your dreams. Be intentional with your time, stop telling so many people what you’re doing, and find the right people to help you grow your business into something worth talking about.When you stop trying to be "busy" all the time, you liberate yourself to become something much better -- an effective human capable of succeeding in the game of entrepreneurship.