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How Harry and Meghan Set Boundaries with Family - And Why It’s a Perfect Resolution This Year

How Harry and Meghan Set Boundaries with Family - And Why It’s a Perfect Resolution This Year

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had been slowly separating themselves from the royal family over the last few years. The rumored animosity between the couple and their royal relatives has put a damper on their relationship and also on the way that the public views the monarchy as a whole as themes of racism have also been in question. The bombshell of the couple leaving their roles in the royal family shocked the world and sparked controversy. RELATED: The Truth Behind Meghan Markle’s Relationship With Her ParentsThe death of Queen Elizabeth II brought up the gossip once again. Between Markle’s “Archetypes” podcast, and the plethora of “anonymous sources” that have commented about what’s gone down, it’s hard to decipher what’s true or not. Well, Markle and Prince Harry’s new Netflix docu-series spilled some piping hot, British tea. Here's what Markle and Prince Harry have done to set healthy boundaries for themselves.Netflix Docu-series “Harry & Meghan” Addresses Rumours of RacismThe docu-series holds the crown for highest Netflix documentary debut. Prince Harry jumped into the Harry & Meghan docu-series headfirst, quickly addressing his decision to give up his royal title. When this happened in real-time, the world nearly stood still. It’s been almost unheard of for royal blood to deny their lineage. But, Harry had some pretty good reasons for doing this.“My job is to keep my family safe,” he said in the docuseries, “But the nature of being born into this position amid everything that comes with it and the level of hate that is being stirred up in the last three years, especially against my wife and my son, I’m generally concerned for the safety of my family.”RELATED: How Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Navigated The Grief Of A MiscarriageThere had been gossip circulating about the royal family showing racist tendencies and ideals toward Markle and her son. The media itself perpetuated some of these narratives but from what Harry had to say, it seems as though there might be some truth to that.While Markle also made comments in her interview with Oprah Winfrey about racism in the royal family, Harry has also confirmed the presence of discrimination. Harry calls out an “unconscious [racist] bias” in the Windsor family which ultimately prevented the royal family from understanding why Markle and her son would need more protection as they were mixed race and being targeted heavily in the media. That being said, Harry stated that he is “really proud” about his children being of mixed race.Meghan Markle’s Struggle with Mental Health and Lack of SupportMarkle opened up about her suicidal ideation in the docuseries, shedding light on how her mental state was deteriorating during this time. She had previously opened up to Winfrey about her mental health struggles as well, but this particular comment felt more shocking than the last. “It was like, ‘All of this will stop if I’m not here,’ and that was the scariest thing about it,” Meghan had explained in the docuseries, “That it was such clear thinking.”She expressed this to her husband who claimed he was “devastated” once he really understood how dark it had gotten for Markle. “We were both struggling,” he said, “But I never thought that it would get to that stage and the fact that it got to that stage, I felt angry and ashamed.” Princess Diana, Harry's mother, had gone through some similar media scrutiny that left her vulnerable. Harry has seen people he loves fight this battle before. RELATED: How Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Love Defied All BordersBut, he also talked about his mishandling of this situation the first time around and his lack of support – as well as how much he now regrets it. “I didn’t deal with it particularly well. I dealt with it as institutional Harry as opposed to husband Harry. I had been trained to worry more about what are people going to think if we don’t go to this event, we are going to be late.” He said, “Looking back on it now, I hate myself for it. What she needed from me was so much. More than I was able to give.”Harry wasn’t the only person that failed her at this time in terms of support. Markle explains that she wanted to seek help while still a part of the royal family but “she wasn’t allowed to” because “they were concerned about how that would look for the institution”. The couple also says that the royal family didn’t understand why she couldn’t deal with it when everyone else had previously, but what they didn’t understand was how different it was for Markle. Not solely because of her internal conflicts but because of the harrowing media coverage that was going on at the time. She was ultimately left to fend for herself.“I realized that I wasn’t just being thrown to the wolves,” She said, “I was being fed to the wolves.”How Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Boundaries Shifted their Situation Harry and Markle needed things to change, and when they were denied help from their royal relatives, they decided to do it themselves. They decided to leave. This decision was hard for many reasons, including the fact that it was going to distance him from his family. But we always talk about leaving toxic relationships and family relationships also count in this.A relationship goes two ways, and all the things that bond people together such as support, love, and trust, were ultimately non-existent between Harry and his family at that point. His child and his wife had their general security in question and Harry needed to protect them since no one else had the courage to do it. Markle was in a toxic relationship with the royal family, and in many ways, so was Harry.RELATED: Meghan Markle Shares Cake With Waiting Children in New Zealand, Reminds Us That Kind Gestures Don’t Have to Be GrandEven when this is the case, and even when the solution seems crystal clear, it’s never hard to set a boundary that shouldn’t have had to exist in the first place. It’s not in our nature to abandon the life we knew and the people in it, but if it’s harming someone you love, or yourself, then we have to put limits in place to protect ourselves.Harry and Meghan made some difficult decisions and placed some drastic boundaries in place to protect their peace, their lives, and their marriage. While this couldn’t have been easy, sometimes in the long run, setting boundaries with family and friends is the only thing to do. READ MORE: Here’s The Best Thing We Can Do For Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle Is Worth Admiring -- but Not Because of Royalty

Meghan Markle Is Worth Admiring -- but Not Because of Royalty

The birth of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's first child has come and gone, as has the first anniversary of the royal wedding, and the announcement that Meghan and Harry are moving away from royal life. Consequentially, the world’s interest in the former actress known as Meghan Markle is at a fever pitch. We all can’t get enough of the American actress turned British royal, but what is it about Meghan that has us all so obsessed? Are we just all fantasizing about escaping the doldrums of our lives by falling in love and joining the royal family? At some level, this is what psychologists call projective fantasy. "If she could become a 'princess' then so could I."“People project their own unconscious (and conscious, though less so) fantasies onto those in the public eye (celebrities and certainly royals),” says Neil Schierholz, PsyD, a licensed psychologist. To many, Meghan Markle is the modern-day Grace Kelly: an American-born actress whisked away to a foreign land by a prince to become his bride. Many little girls are taught to fantasize about exactly that.We may covet this version of reality in our dreams, but they are just that: dreams. We don't actually know these people, though we can interact with them in our fantasies as if we do. Dr. Schierholz says we "manipulate them in our minds according to our own wishes, dreams, and desires without fear of retribution (after all, they don't know what we are thinking, right?).” Royals allow us a safe place to put our fantasies and to live them out, experiencing the good feelings that we may not otherwise get in reality. “In essence this allows us to ‘play with our dolls’ as adults, in our minds, without appearing childish and subject to ridicule, especially if others are engaged in the same,” says Dr. Schierholz.But Meghan Markle is so much more than a royal princess for so many of us. At the surface level, yes, many people follow Meghan and the royals as a form of escapism and indulgence in the princess fantasy, but at a deeper level:"It's more about the ideas this bi-racial woman represents and how she's bringing them to the forefront of a very old institution and helping to modernize it,” says Erika Martinez, Psy.D., CDWF, a licensed psychologist and founder of Miami Shrinks. Meghan Markle is a woman of mixed race, divorced, and an actress - all factors that 50 years ago would have kept her out of the British royal family, and yet, today, she’s using her to status to change the game.She’s also showed us how her grace extends to her personal trials in the public eye. “Personally, I very much admire her grace and fortitude as she's coped with her father and paternal half-siblings' behavior in the press,” says Dr. Martinez.Meghan Markle has been an amazing woman who did incredible things for the world for years now. As an accomplished actress, she had a starring role in a hit TV for seven years. She was making waves with her humanitarian efforts through charity, women’s rights and equality, and animal rescue before she even met Prince Harry. All of that is much more worthy of admiration than the way her life changed because of who she married. Still, many of us also still want to be a princess in gowns and tiaras who gets married to a prince. We admit it. Is it escapism, then? Yes, but so are so many, many activities in life. “Ritual and fantasy, the great spiritual teachers and indigenous peoples knew and know, are pathways to altered states, other realms, and healing,” says Dr. Schierholz.If we can channel our fascination with the Duchess of Sussex into a focus on Meghan Markle's successful career and humanitarian efforts, then it's fantasy time well-spent.

The Story of Meghan Markle’s Rescue Beagle Is a Reminder That Even at Our Lowest Point, We Can Still Live Beyond Our Wildest Dreams

The Story of Meghan Markle’s Rescue Beagle Is a Reminder That Even at Our Lowest Point, We Can Still Live Beyond Our Wildest Dreams

It wasn’t so long ago that beagle pup Guy Markle was on death row at a high-kill Kentucky shelter, just on the verge of being euthanized.Everything seemed hopeless (this was only three years ago) and so far no adoption prospects were working out. He was already three years old, and that meant he wasn’t a puppy -- and most people didn’t want to adopt him.But then everything changed one beautiful day when a littleknown actress named Meghan Markleadopted Guy 2015 after meeting him at an adoption event at a pet store inOntario, Canada.RELATED: 15 Meghan Markle Quotes on Being Real and KindThen in 2015, according to Get Leashed, a team of volunteers started an effort that ultimately got Guy to Canada. Each volunteer participated in one or two hour segment of the trip, where Guy from car to car and stranger to stranger until he arrived at A Dog’s Dream Rescue.It was just a confluence of perfect timing: A Dog’s Dream Rescue removed him from the high-kill shelter that week, and he arrived in time for the event, where he met his new mom. “He was just sitting there with those bigbeagle sad eyes, looking sodepressed,” Dolores Doherty, founder of the rescue, told TheGuardian. “He was irresistible.”Meghan Markle took Guy home, where he soonbecame the star of her (no longer active) Instagram account. Guy’s life hadchanged in a big way. But little did he know, it was about to get EVEN BETTER.The next year, Guy’s mom meta prince, and one day, the prince proposed. Then, Guy’s mom took him with herwhen she moved to England to marry the prince. Since then, things have only gotten better and Guy made all sorts of new friends. In fact, he was photographed riding to his mom and new dad’s wedding at Windsor castle with the Queen of England.RELATED: How Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Make a Strong Case for Blind DatesNot too shabby! In just a few short years, Guy went from death row to the home of a prince, car pooling with the Queen! Let that be a message to us all. No matter how low things seem, tomorrow could be brighter than we ever imagined.

15 Meghan Markle Quotes on Being Real and Kind

15 Meghan Markle Quotes on Being Real and Kind

Sinceshe was named the most Googled actress of 2016, Meghan Markle doesn’t reallyneed any further introduction, but we’ll go on by saying that she is a formerAmerican actress and currently the Duchess of Sussex. MeghanMarkle was born to a Caucasian father of Irish origin and an African-Americanmother. Growing up in a mixed-race family made it hard for Markle to book ajob, as the movie industry is known to be label-driven. Apparently, she was notblack enough for a black role and neither was she white enough for a white one.However,she eventually made a name for herself in 2011 when she landed the main role ofRachel Zane, on the USA network series Suits.And, yes, upon her marriage to Prince Harry she realized the biggest dream ofmost girls on the planet. Whilemany of you might think that this is her biggest accomplishment, you shouldknow that Markle has always been vocal about standing up for women’s rights,long before becoming a Duchess, she’s a global ambassador for World Vision andcontinues to empower people around the world.Hereare 15 Meghan Markle quotes on being real and kind, regardless of your socialstatus.I think the biggest part of being a girl boss in the office, at home, or anywhere you go is just knowing your value.We just need to be kinder to ourselves. If we treated ourselves the way we treated our best friend, can you imagine how much better off we would be? Be able to delegate, because there are some things that you just can’t do by yourself.It’s really important that young women be reminded that their involvement matters and that their voice is heard. Even if it feels like it’s small, it really can make an impact.Reflecting on where I came from helps me to appreciate and balance what I have now.You draw your own box. You introduce yourself as who you are … You create the identity you want for yourself.I think you have to make time for yourself so that work doesn’t become the end-all be-all.That five pounds lost won’t make you happier, that more makeup won’t make you prettier, that the now iconic saying from Jerry Maguire — ‘You complete me’ — frankly, isn’t true. You are complete with or without a partner. You are enough just as you are.Make a choice: continue living your life feeling muddled in this abyss of self-misunderstanding, or you find your identity independent of it.Who you are as a person will only be amplified once you are ‘famous,’ so if you had a good heart, then I would imagine you’ll have the same good heart but the means to do even more with it.With fame comes opportunity, but it also includes responsibility–to advocate and share, to focus less on glass slippers and more on pushing through glass ceilings.You have to take care of yourself so you can manage the workload of a very, very full plate.Make sure you are safe, and never ever put yourself in a compromising situation.You can be a woman who wants to look good and still stand up for the equality of women.I’ve never wanted to be a lady who lunches — I’ve always wanted to be a woman who works. And this type of work is what feeds my soul and fuels my purpose.

Relationship Goals: How Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Make a Strong Case for Blind Dates
Love Stories

Relationship Goals: How Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Make a Strong Case for Blind Dates

Welcome to #RelationshipGoals, where we’re giving the stage to the power couples we admire. From admirable long-term relationships to inspirational newlyweds, these are the couples we love and hope to take cues from in our own relationships.Unbeknownst to the rest of the world, in a quiet bar in early 2016 two people would meet whose relationship would soon turn the world ablaze."We were introduced actually by a mutual friend," Prince Harry said in a 2017 interview the pair did with the BBC.Meghan Markle, having grown up in the U.S., didn’t know much about Harry or the royal family before their date. "Because I’m from the States, you don’t grow up with the same understanding of the royal family," said Markle. "I didn’t know much about him, so the only thing that I had asked [our mutual friend] when she said that she wanted to set us up, was, 'Well is he nice?' Cause if he wasn't kind, it just didn’t seem like it would make sense."However, despite coming from two different worlds, a spark was ignited between the two immediately."We met for a drink and then I think very quickly into that we said, 'Well what are we doing tomorrow? We should meet again.'" said Markle.Why Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are a true power coupleAfter nearly six months of dating in near-privacy, news finally broke that Prince Harry was dating Meghan Markle, an American actress, in October of 2016.“[He’s] happier than he’s been for many years,” a source told the Sunday Express.One month later, all eyes were on Meghan as she and Harry visited his father, Prince Charles.“So, my cup runneth over and I’m the luckiest girl in the world!” she said around the same time in an interview with the Vancouver Sun while discussing her collaboration with retailer Reitmans.But while their romance was blooming, not everyone was positive about the pairing. Prince Harry worked extensively to cull the wave of criticism fired at Meghan, with everything from her being an actress, American, a divorcee, and even half-black being topics of ridicule among tabloids and other outlets.However, as difficult as the attacks were for the two to come to terms with, Meghan wasn’t a stranger to the paparazzi or dealing with invasive tabloid stories, so she not only dealt with the criticism gracefully but, reportedly, charmed the royal family with her poise.In fact, according to Us Weekly, even the Queen took a liking to Markle right away, reporting that the Queen was glad to see Harry in a loving relationship."It's incredible to be able to meet her through his lens, not just with his honor and respect for her as the monarch, but the love that he has for her as his grandmother. She's an incredible woman," said Markle on meeting the Queen.Harry also took Meghan to meet Duchess Kate, Prince William, and their daughter Charlotte. "She's been wonderful," Markle said of meeting Duchess Kate. "As has William as well, you know, fantastic support," Harry chimed in.According to a Daily Mail interview with Meghan’s half-brother Thomas Markle Jr., they also received support from Meghan’s mother and father, with Thomas saying their father was, “pretty happy about Harry and he’s extremely proud of her," with Meghan’s mother Doria Ragland even coming to visit the couple during the 2017 Invictus Games.Despite having to maintain a long-distance relationship, with Markle in Toronto, Canada much of the time shooting for the USA Network series Suits and Prince Harry in the U.K., they always managed to make time for one another, being spotted at West London’s Soho House, Harry visiting Meghan in Toronto, and the pair taking a trip together to Jamaica to attend the wedding of Prince Harry’s longtime friend Skippy.Speaking on the difficulty of managing the spotlight always on her and Harry’s relationship, Markle told Vanity Fair, "We’re a couple. We’re in love. I’m sure there will be a time when we will have to come forward and present ourselves and have stories to tell, but I hope what people will understand is that this is our time.”And after months tabloid speculation, it was finally confirmed in November of 2017 that the two were officially engaged. The couple marked the occasion with their first official interview with the BBC.Six months later, in May of 2018 Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were married at Windsor Castle among the likes of Oprah, the Beckhams, Sir Elton John, George and Amal Clooney, and the royal family.All the times they inspired us with their loveAt first glance, the unlikely story of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s fated romance may seem like something out of a story book.However, when you dig deeper it becomes clear that it’s been anything but the perfect fairy tale for reasons outside their control.In an official statement released November of 2016, Prince Harry announced his relationship with Markle and requested press and those on social media to cease the “wave of abuse and harassment” that was being pointed at Markle due to her involvement with Harry.Harry had even been tied up in several legal battles trying to stop media outlets from publishing defamatory stories about Meghan and their relationship at the time, Harry wishing to stop the unfair criticism being launched at Markle."I think both of us were totally surprised by the reaction," Harry told the BBC regarding the media reaction to their relationship."I think we were just hit so hard at the beginning with a lot of mistruths that I made the choice to not read anything, positive or negative. It just didn't make sense and instead we focused all of our energies just on nurturing our relationship," Markle said.Despite the incredible level of criticism directed at them, Meghan and Harry have stood by one another and have had full support from the royal family, Harry’s father Prince Charles and the Queen herself included, all the while.And on October 15th of 2018, Kensington Palace released an official statement that the new Duke and Duchess of Sussex would be expecting their first child, capping off a whirlwind romance, and announcing their first royal tour around the world.Their biggest relationship takeawayDespite what others thought of Prince Harry’s choice of dating an American actress or divorcee or of Markle herself, they supported one another and had the support of Harry’s family throughout it all.It was the power of love for one another and the love of those around them that allowed them to weather a storm of unimaginable ridicule and harassment to create something amazing.Perhaps the reason we’re so fascinated with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s romance then isn’t just because of who they are but also because their dedication to one another proves that love truly does win over all.I know that at the end of the day, she chooses me. I choose her. Whatever we have to tackle will be us together as a team.– Prince HarryOther inspiring love stories: How Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively Prove Friendship Is the Strongest Base for LoveWhy John Legend and Chrissy Teigen’s Relationship Offers An Incredible Lesson in Trust and SupportWhy Will and Jada Will Never Divorce – And What Their Commitment Can Teach Us

Meghan Markle Shares Cake With Waiting Children in New Zealand, Reminds Us That Kind Gestures Don't Have to Be Grand

Meghan Markle Shares Cake With Waiting Children in New Zealand, Reminds Us That Kind Gestures Don't Have to Be Grand

We’ve been watching the royal tour of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, as they make appearances throughout Australia and New Zealand with Meghan Markle’s growing bump along for the ride -- but we can’t get over the constant reminders of what simply awesome human beings they are, aside from being glamorous royals.Meghan and Harry had just been lunching at a cute café in the Lyall Bay neighbourhood, and as would be expected when royals come to visit, there was a spread of cakes laid out for the royal couple.Despite eating for two, Meghan made sure to gather a bunch of the cake with her when they left and she handed out the treats to a group of children that had gathered outside to greet the twosome.Café owner Bronwyn Kelly told Newstalk ZB that before the royals had visited, she and the restaurant’s chef were going to serve morning tea with “some really delicious yummy little baking treats, which will offer some good local New Zealand products.”There was seemingly a lot more to enjoy than they could finish, and when Meghan left the café and saw the kids waiting outside, she ran back inside and asked for the cakes that were not eaten to share with the children, according to the Daily Mail. The kids from nearby Houghton Valley School had gathered just outside in hopes of seeing the famous pair, and were delighted to get some cake.Because they are the sweetest, the duke and duchess also stopped to chat with the children. “They asked us what our names were and also they were really nice and just talked normally to us,” one of the students told TV NZ.“My legs were shaking so much,” another added.According to Stuff NZ., one boy was so overwhelmed that he began crying and Meghan came over personally to comfort him.They are going to be the best parents ever, but they also just seem like really good people to spend time with!

5 Daily Habits to Steal from Meghan Markle Including Her Sacred Morning Ritual

5 Daily Habits to Steal from Meghan Markle Including Her Sacred Morning Ritual

As a digital nomad and journalist, I travel the world while logging around 70 articles a month. To effectively manage a country-hopping lifestyle while also building my bylines and clients, I turn to the advice of seasoned movers-and-shakers who have developed habits and strategies for success. Each week, I’ll highlight the daily routine of influential professionals, making for the right kind of fodder while you down your coffee.Most everyone wishes they could trade their commoner digs for a royal address. Meghan Markle, or now officially recognized as Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, did just that when she became the wife to the last eligible royal bachelor, Prince Harry, earlier this year. She wasn’t merely waiting around in an ivory tower to be rescued though -- Markle had a thriving acting career with a starring role in the hit legal drama series, Suits. Throughout her fame, she’s made a point to bring awareness to issues she cares about, especially as an outspoken, bold feminist. She’s discussed everything from gender inequality to women’s rights globally on her former lifestyle website, The Tig, which is no longer active.Giving back to communities has been a lifelong priority for Markle too, who has worked as a humanitarian for the past decade, benefiting international organizations nationwide. Little is confirmed regarding her net worth since moving to Kensington Palace, but most recent sources estimate her pre-marriage value around $5 million, mostly credited from her acting career. If you want to empower your inner superwoman, consider these daily rituals from the Duchess of Sussex.She enjoys running.Considering it is one of the most popular -- and location-independent -- ways to stay active, it is probably not surprise that Markle is a dedicated runner. No matter how many miles she logs per day or week, Markle says she appreciates the time to clear her thoughts and refocus her energy in a position direction.Though, sure, there are numerous mind and body benefits of working up a sweat during a quick jog, Markle’s best advice for anyone is to find your own spirit exercise. As she explained in one interview, "I love running but I think you have to find a workout routine that really speaks to you beyond trying to get gals for your body.” She works out with others.When you’re trying to maintain a fitness routine, strength -- and ahem, accountability -- is found in numbers. Markle knows this firsthand and not only brings along her dog for her runs, but friends, too. Before she moved across the pond, she used to log a six-mile run with her personal trainer and close friend in Los Angeles. Today, we’re sure she finds someone in the royal realm to join her -- who knows, maybe even Kate Middleton?She loves yoga.Though there has been plenty of scandal surrounding her father, Markle remains very close to her mother Doria Ragland. Not only was she a supportive figure in her life and her acting ambitions, but Ragland taught Markle about the many benefits of yoga from the time she was a child.After all, as an instructor, she had to pass down her passion to her daughter! Markle fell in love with the practice and continues to flow her way through life regularly, even saying “most things can be cured with either yoga, the beach, or a few avocados.” We’d have to say, we agree. She exercises her creativity bone.Fun fact you might not know about Markle: she’s a talented calligrapher. In fact, before she was famous, she was the hand behind the invitations for Robin Thicke and Paula Patton’s wedding, as well as numerous holiday cards for big brands, like Dolce & Gabbana.Utilizing art not only ignites your creativity, but studies have found it can treat depression and be an undeniable happiness instigator. “I would sit there with a little white tube sock on my hand so no hand oils got on the card, trying to pay my bills while auditioning,” she shared. Perhaps all of that hard work encouraged a positive mental state, and thus, her career flourished. She prioritizes her mornings.Before her lifestyle blog was discontinued, Markle wrote regularly on The Tig. One of her former posts detailed how much effort she puts into mornings. She said they set the tone for the day, and even has a set playlist to wake her up, featuring jams from Ingrid Michaelson and others.In addition to dancing into the day, she also makes sure to choose healthy first bites, from avocado toast to gluten-free pancakes. In fact, plenty of sources say she’s rubbed off on her husband, encouraging him to eat healthier and give up smoking.

Why Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Wedding Delivers a Powerful Message of Authenticity

Why Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Wedding Delivers a Powerful Message of Authenticity

With only hours left until the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, we are devouring every little detail regarding the social event of the year.But instead of the drama and frenzied tabloid insanity, we’re taking a look at Meghan and Harry’s refreshingly authentic relationship and nuptials, especially when it comes to Markle’s trailblazing position.Flipping tradition on its headOne of the most obvious differences between this royal wedding and that of William and Kate is the lack of politics, both foreign and domestic. Although the 600 people are expected to attend the service at St. George’s Chapel, that number is still a far cry from Kate and William’s nearly 2,000 church guests. In fact, Saturday won’t be a national holiday in the U.K., as the couple has chosen to define their nuptials as a family affair.Not only will there be far fewer guests, they will overwhelmingly include personal friends and close family members. Few foreign royals or members of Britain’s political class are expected to attend. Those who have scored an invite have done so only because they have a personal relationship with the couple, such as Prince Seeiso and Princess Mabereng of Lesotho, who have worked alongside Prince Harry through his Sentebale charity since 2006, The Sun reported.Royal expert Tina Brown, who’s covered three royal wedding so far, has touted the nuptials as the “most joyous” global audiences have yet to witness, drawing similarities between Meghan and Harrys’ wedding and that of Diana and Charles.Meghan and Harry’s union brings an opportunity for unfettered celebration and happiness to deeply divided post-Brexit Britain and a world dominated by strife and resentment.Markle is choosing to remain true to her authentic self, and it's inspiring othersHowever, global audiences are most excited to see Markle, a bi-racial divorcee, enter the British Royal Family, marking two firsts for what is one the most conservative establishments in the world. The former actress is also brining a fun and young flair to the event, with celebrities such as Elton John, Serena Williams and all of the Spice Girls attending the nuptials.Markle, a self-made woman, is seen is a major inspiration to younger generations, who feel less of a connection to the British monarchy, often viewing it as a stuffy, old-fashioned institution. Outspoken about her beliefs, such as the importance of feminism and humanitarian outreach, Markle is seen as a true role model for women and girls.18-year-old Sabrina Nagy, a student of Markle’s L.A alma mater Immaculate Heart High School, told ABC News: “It gives us a role model to follow. To go out into the world and do the best you can to help others, just like Meghan Markle is doing, and find romance along the way.”A student at the same school, 14-year-old Megan Sabocor spoke to the same source about Markle’s importance as a feminist icon that goes against traditional portrayals of princesses, and women in general: “Disney Princesses you see being saved by men, but personally I felt the prince chose [Markle] not because of her beauty, but because of her intelligence, her independence, everything in general,” with classmate Catherine Alejo echoing the sentiment “She doesn’t need to be saved.”

Meghan Markle: Stand Up for Equality

Meghan Markle: Stand Up for Equality

Meghan Markle - Your Voice Matters Suits star Meghan Markle talks about the moment in her life when she realized the power of individual actions to affect change. At age 11, she stood up for gender equality -- and won. Transcript: "Yeah, that's where women belong, in the kitchen. See, I had been in school watching a TV show in elementary school and this commercial came on with the tagline for this dish washing liquid and the tagline said, 'Women all over America are fighting greasy pots and pans.' "I remember feeling shocked and angry. So I went home and I told my dad what had happened. He encouraged me to write letters, so I did, to the most powerful people I could think of. A few weeks went by and to my surprise, I received letters of encouragement from Hillary Clinton, from Linda Ellerbee, and from Gloria Allred, and it was roughly a month later when the soap manufacturer, Proctor and Gamble, changed the commercial for their Ivory Clear Dish Washing Liquid. "It was at that moment that I realized the magnitude of my actions. At the age of 11, I had created my small level of impact by standing up for equality. In doing this, we remind girls that their small voices are in fact not small at all and that they can affect change. It means that a wife is equal to her husband, a sister to her brother. Not better, not worse, they are equal."